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June 16, 2024, 02:59:15 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
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Om'riggor Transcripts

Started by Karak Stormsong, October 07, 2010, 10:05:50 PM

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Right! These are my kills. Though I only count it as one. Since its rider and its mount. Haa. But as how they died... I went out to look for quilboars, hatefull buggers and allways annoying. So I kept scouting them camps to find a worthy one, not some poor little pig- And after crossing the river and running up a hill, I came to a view of some thorns and huts. There I saw it! Ha, never before have I seen a quilboar on a raptor. So I sent to stalk it. I followed it as it strode all proud and buffed up. Skulking through the tall grass, I made my way toward it. Haa, then when I came close enough, I pounced! Yelling loud and then laughing louder I came at it like the fury of a stampede. Its raptor mount had no change as I crushed it's neck with one blow! But then came the fight! A full armored, armed to the teeth quillboar. No idiot either! We fought, we cursed at one another. But eventually I disarmed him and then buried my hammer to its gut! And now! Here I am! With his head, his mount's head and..ha, some intestines. Tied up nicely with his own rope!

Name given: Redskull
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



Well, I saw thi' magnificen' beast in seh waters, a big one infact.. A Toothgnash' yes. I thought abou' to attack it head on,but nah.. I decided to be sneak sneak.. Unfortunaly, I splashed into de' waters like a big fa' Elek! Uh-hadada. Des pesky beast charged at meh.. Bit on meh pants! Uh- If Ilost meh pants.. Hah-hah.. Anywah! I then attempte' to jam my axe on it's hea'! Sadly.. I slipped in di waters.. Hea' first!.. It bit me again! On me rumpa! Ouch.. It hur'. Good thin' is, I then hacked at it, hittin' the poor beasts lef' leg. Heh.And by the spirits! It then snapped at me again, I payed back my kicken' at it's jaw.. It jus' lied dere.. More dea' tha' alive! I finis' it by a solid hack on it's skull! Easy!.. Weh. I pulle' it onto the land, cut it's jaw uff. Keepihn' e' as trophy! I ran my fingeh's through it's blood, paintin' it on me forehead an' shoulders. We' That's that'.

Name given: Manglejaw
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



Now, as I set out on this hunt, a number of thoughts went through my head. Mainly the fact that I am no hunter, no stalker, or anything of the like. I wandered through the barrens, but the only thing I could hear of any plainstrider, or zhevra, was The beasts fleeing thuds. So I thought for myself, that I would not hunt for a kill in such fashion. I, Mazthar, hunted for an honorable battle. And that I found, as I approached a large, black boar in the open plains. I had never expected it. We saw eachother at the same moment, I stared into its eyes, and it into mine. We charged at eachother. He knocked me off my feet, but I pounced atop the beast. It rolled its muscly form atop me, but even at that point, I impaled it's skull upon my fist-weapon. And then, as it laid dead before me, I claimed my trophy of the dead beast. That is my tale, my tale of a hunt, for a fine battle.

Name given:  Bravetusk
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



So, my hunt. At first I was clueless on what to hunt since, I was looking for something honorable. So in my deep thought I went to an Oasis in the Barrens to clear my head.  Then on arrival there, I saw it.... Something I havn't fought before. Something honorable. A raptor, not just an ordinary raptor, a big raptor, big raptor with huge claws you know? It was just there minding its own business next to the Oasis. And becuase its something I havn't fought before, I decided to do what I usually do to things I havn't fought before. Engage it all guns blazing! I ran at it, throwing fireballs like a Pyromaniac high on troll herbs. It lunged at me clawing at me with those big claws. We then begin to trade blows, it scratches me, I burn it. However note to self, throwing fireballs at point blank range also causes burns to yourself. You don't notice it though, especially when you're in that state of wanting to burn everything around you. Anyways, after the fight, it was there dead on the ground, burnt to a crisp. I then procceeded to rip out its ribcage as trophy and cover my face in its blood. Probably could have taken its head but the heart is more important, so I took the ribs since it leaves the heart exposed. There, that is my hunt.

Name given: Flamefury
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Raider Thrork

For my hunt! i set out to claim the skull and hide of one of this lands great apes! a silver back!
Running through grass, and leaping from tree to tree! i eventually came to a clearing...
within it was a harem of female apes, there young... and the biggest, knuckle dragging ape ya ever saw!
So i set into the grass, and prowled...
...i got close, when suddenly the apes starting getting agitated and a cry wen't out!
then a hiss!
two big raptors leapt from the bushes at either side, running towards the females!
The females ran up a small hill, with a narrow slopw, the big silver back blocking the way!
So the big silverback was fighting one raptor, hims big fists a shield and a weapon, hammering it down...
but the second got on hims back!
...so i leapt in and tackled it off him!
it clawed me, i stabbed it, slash! snarl! bite!
*Thrork pats his waist, is been clawed.*
i stabbed its throat out eventually,
...then turned to see the silver back fling the other, squeeling into the bushes!
Him looked at me, i looked at him...
we approached... quiet in the air,
Orc to beast!
...then the big bastard sucker punched me so hard i flew!
*Thrork points at his black eye!*
When i woke up! him was gone, and only my raptor kill remained.
So i dragged it back. Claiming its skull, and claws as trophy!

Given name: Snarlfang
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


Well, after we started, I went south-east of Booty Bay.

Heard lots of rumors about the so-called "sea giants" roaming there.

As I got near the beach, I heard something big moving trought the water. There was this big humanoid with scales instead of skin.

I knew I couldn't charge it head-first, so I looked around. Luckly for me, there was this tree going from a cliff right above the water. So I carefully climbed there, and waited.

I waited for the giant to come underneath me and I jumped on him, my axe splitting his skull.

I took his ear as my trophy and smeared his blood on my face.

Given name: Giantstalker
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"



Hrmh. My blood rushed faster than ever before. The thrill of the hunt! I moved north-east, through the jungle and over the hills, constantly watching my surroundings with my one eye. I caught a glimpse of the big panther lurking in a few bushes, about five feet away.

The beast pounced at me, but I was ready. I rolled out of the way and aimed a strike at the pnathers head with my blade. But the beast was quick, too. It dodged the blow and tried clawing at my shoulder, and it succeeded. I slammed it with my fist, and   it ran off into the jungle. I followed it for long, through bushes and trees. Until it finally took a stop. It simply had to rest, and this was my chance.

I got a better look at my prey. It was at least double the size of a regular panther, with scars all over its body. I came to a conclusion that the panther was a female, and had seen many fights. I charged at it with a roar, and i managed to cut one of its paws off. Despite that, she continued fighting like Grommash himself. It attacked once more, and clawed my left side. Blood was gushing out, but the fight was still on.

It jumped at me once more, and we had a big brawl. I was about to lose the upper hand when suddenly, I felt the steady hilt of my blade and I sliced in blind rage, cutting its head off. I kept the paw I had cut off, as a reminder that true warriors fight until the end.

*Marnosh lifts the paw up high with a loud snarl.*

"Let this be a lesson for you younglings who have never seen real battle. No matter how desperate the battle is, always fight until the end."

Given name: Ragescar
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


When we be in Booty Bay, and I tried my best to drink it dry, I heard tales of this croc. It was told often there. Almost as big as an ogre it was, and as vicious as the best o' wolves in war.

Heard it like to be 'round here, Grom'gol. And take any-orc careless enough to go into water for dinner. But cunning it was, 'cause no hunting party ever catch it. Ha. So, knowing it only prey on orcs who be alone, I came here, waded into the water just  far enough to wet my ankles, 'n' waited.

Sure enough, the beast come, maybe hungry, maybe think I be dumb. Maybe both. But it be strong, refused to die even if I swinged my axe at it twice, wounding it. So I ran from the water before it caught me, to get out of the rivers comfort.

But it be quick, too. Managed to bite me, almost tore my arm off and tackled me down, trying to drag me back. I know then, that if I don' kill it, I be making friends with the spirit of Water soon enough. So with my other arm free still, axe in hand, I hack at it, every hit striking true, and the thing let out a vicious grunt.

It decided enough be enough, let go, and make a run for the water. I can't come back without a kill, so I leapt at it with the last o' my strength, and sank my axe into it's neck, finally killing it. Brought back the head as a trophy, to make a necklace of the teeth or bones. Seen a lot of battle, that croc, a lot of scars. Only has one eye, and it's jaw almost hacked off.

Given name:  Goretooth
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


Well, after walking a bit through the jungle, I came by a small path which I decided to head up. It brought me to a small waterfall, and a nice view of the sea! Sadly, there was no beasts in the area, so I decided to head back down the path...

At that point, I was taken off guard as something wrapped its body around my neck. When I turned and looked up, I knew I met my match.

*Kessiel holds up the body of a black wind serpent. With large wings and a long body. This serpent also has long horns coming from its head.*

Compared to other serpents, I have never seen one like this one. But at that moment in time, I had to think fast. I attempted to claw the beast's tail from my neck, but everytime I tried, its grasp tightened!

So instead, I grabbed the beasts' body and dropped to the ground, taking it with me beast with me and smacking it against the floor!

It hissed and stuggled, I thought it dazed. I took the oppertunity to remove its tail from my neck. I got the time to catch my breath and get to my feet, only to turn around and see it flying again, and lunging itself at me.

Thankfully I catched it with both palms, and dragged it back to the ground. I pinned it and it stuggled, hissing and spitting. Its tail lashing against my side as it struggled.

I had to keep it in place for as long as I could. I asked for the aid, the elements of water which aided me, I casted a spell as the energy's ran from my palms, I began to drown the beast, filling it's body with water.

It's struggles began to face, until it didn't move at all. I stood up, and to finish it off, I smashed my mace into is neck, sending it's blood splashing.
Then I dragged it back here and claimed it's skull.

Given name: Skysurge
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


It appears the ogres have learned to tame the apes of these lands. I swam to the islands west of this shore, where from a distance there appeared to be a small encampment - possibly Naga, or so I expected.

When I slogged my way onto the beaches, the stench was what hit me first. The islands are host to only death and despair, with the ogres as their masters.

I couldn't count how many, but for about a league down the beach, there was nothing but Naga corpses, some had chunks ripped out from them, so was laying in positions that I've never seen a man in.

Through the red puddles I went, towards the sound of brutish laughter and screeches coming from inland... I eventually found my way into a brush overlooking their hovel. About fifty ogres in all, lead by a sea giant that had taken refuge in the caves and homes that the Naga once owned.

The screeching was only getting louder as I approached - it was too high pitched to be an ogre, but soon enough I saw the source. They must have chained up a tribes worth of apes - they were being yelled at, beaten... Broken.

I spied their taskmaster, a brute of an orc uglier than a kodo's behind. He had two red apes on metal leeshes, and he was letting them tear at another ape. They looked starved, depraved. It is no way to treat an animal.

I waited for a while, until he split off with one of the apes. He took it with him on what seemed to be a patrol around the camp, and when he took a moment to gather himself near the beach, I striked.
I came at him from behind, and with the spirit of the wolf behind me, took out the back of his knee before he heard me coming.

With a roar a stumbled forwards, grunting out slurs as he reached for his trident. The ape lunged at me, somethign I wasn't expecting at all. He clamped his teeth down around the hilt of my axe, and shook me until the ogre found his target.

I managed to wrestle the ape in front of me as a shield, as the trident speared through its chest. The ogre let out anohter shout of rage and annoyance. He pushed the ape towards me and pressed me to the ground as itls limb body shielded me from the sharp tip of the trident, I stumbled and lost my axe.

I rolled the ape off of me and called upon the power I have trained to use - I brought the powers of the spirits to my hands and with it I guided a flurry of blows to the ogres stomach. He let out a winded gasp and fell flat on his back. It was long  enough for me to be able to grab his trident, shake the ape off, and claim his head as my prize.
I drove the trident through him, and ended his life.

Given name: Knuckleheart
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


As I was stalking through the jungle, I stumbled upon an abandoned cart. The rider's mauled body laying in front of it. The blood was still warm. There was a trail of blood, leading away from the cart, I followed it. Through the thick foilage of the jungle.

I came upon a tiger, sleeping on a fallen tree. A half-eaten body laying not far from her. I grabbed my sword and charged towards the beast, but she was already aware of my presence.

She pouncd at me, knocking me to the ground, her claws digged into my flesh, and her jaw tried to lock itself around my throat, in order to kill me off in one bite. However, I managed to struggle her off.

We engaged in a wrestle of sword and claw, both parties getting wounded. She walked back, and started circling me. Growling loudly as she awaited her moment to strike.

But, the moment she pounced me again, I was prepared. Instead of keeping my hands ready to fight off her vicious maw once again, I let myself fall back, holding my sword out! The jungle cat impaled herself on my weapon!

Her blood rained down upon my chest. I pushed her off, and finished her suffering with one final blow.

I collected her fur as a trophy.
Given name: Bloodstrike
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"



Aye. I had found my prey earlier today, on my way back from Terokkar. I thought it would be a perfect kill for tonight. So, tonight I remembered where I had found the nest of the giant, black and scarred Windroc. I climbed over the hills above the nest, carefully waiting for my opportunity. When the bird awoke, I jumped down on it, attempting to slash it. It dodged my blade, and clawed at me. I got furious, and it ended up with a bloody fight with claw and teeth.. And beak. So, I covered my face in its blood, and I crafted a pike out of a small tree. I made this thing as a trophy. I should add that I slit the birds chest open as the finishing blow. That's... Pretty much all. I'm not good at stories.

Given name: Ironclaw
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



I went far and wide to the west without seeing anything, but as i went near the water to get a drink, i felt the earth rumble beneath my body. I looked around and suddenly a large clefthoof bull came trampling down towards me. I was not fast enough at first as it swung its mighty head, i flew through the air before landing in the mud, the fight was on as the clefthoof snorted angry. Within seconds we met in a long hard battle, i took many hits as i brawled with the large creature, it took many hits before the beast fell before me with the help of a large rock.

Given name: Stonefist
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



I've never been much of a hunter of beasts. No clan or tribe that I've travelled with has ever offered me Om'riggor or given me any name other than the moniker I carry now, so before I begin I would like to thank you all for giving me this chance. It means a great deal.  As I say, I have never been much of a hunter of beasts, so I journeyed east in search of something that deserved to die. Squatting in the ruins of an orcish village in the mountains' shadows I found ogres, their skin red and their torches glowing with green light. Mag'hari and Felblood orcs alike were nailed to banners outside hovels and caves as the ogres wandered around. They laughed at the dead, defaced them. In the centre of it all stood one of their leaders, carrying some burning staff and boasting to his fellows even as they dragged more captives to the stakes. Once he had finished his preening and celebrating he returned to his cave, which is where he found me. I crippled his legs with my knife before he saw me, then took the eye of one head and cut the throat of the other as he fell. The rest of him now hangs from one of his own meat hooks in his hovel, waiting for his comrades to find him. This is my kill. I hope that it brings the Tribe some measure of honour.

Name given: Ogrebane
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."



Grm. Every orc here .. Knows m'situation .. I am no great warrior. I can barely swing .. M'axe and shield .. I cannot use magics, .. I have no innate ability t' .. Be stealthy .. And I have no knowledge 'buildin' traps. So withou' armou' an a shield .. M'options be limited .. I chose deception'. I spotted a .. Raptor earlier this day. A lone beast .. Seemed t'not have a pack. Raptors be intelligent .. Cunnin' and full o' guile. Y'wondered abou' coverin' mself in blood? I figured th'only way i'd defeat th'beast was to deceive it. I figured i'd have one chance .. T'kill the beast. I knew where its den were .. And as I approached it emerged, lockin' gaze on me. I feigned weakness. Injury. Collapsed t'me back in a heap. The blood made it think .. I be an' easy wounded kill. I knew i'd have one chance t'make m'axe .. Land true. Th'beast approached. Sniffin' mself. I could sense it were unsure' .. It bit down on m'leg, seemin' t'test if I were truly dead .. I didn' move a muscle or make a soun'. It moved aroun' .. Growlin' an' snarlin', dug its claws int' m'torse .. I still didn' move, nor make a sound. It were only when I could feel its breath on m'face .. I struck. Graspin' m'axe I swing hard. M'blade dug into th'beasts neck as I leapt up, wrappin' m'arm around the beasts neck. It didn' die instantly. We scrabbled' an scrapped for some moments .. It's claws dug in everywhere .. But I kept firm, keepin' th'axe firmly in its neck. Finally, I felt it's life leave it .. I took it's talons as m'prize.

Name given: Bloodaxe
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."