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October 24, 2024, 08:22:43 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Om'riggor Transcripts

Started by Karak Stormsong, October 07, 2010, 10:05:50 PM

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Karak Stormsong

Seeing as Rargnasha 'arsked' me to transcript the Om'riggor stories I hear from now on. I shall document them here for your perusal. If yeh can't read my writing... tough.

[Written on Parchment]

1. Tirnak Lynxclaw

I already knew what I wanted to bring you.
I went to the den south of the Barrens.
I managed to go past the grunts patrolling the area, and found a hut on a hill
I went up to investigate, as it was a decorated hut I thought there would be something worth killing in it.
And indeed, my instincts didn't fail me.
One of their captains was stationed there, feasting on the flesh of one of our orc brothers.
So with the element of surprise on my side I charged into the hut.
Granted, melee combat is not my thing...
But I obtained a few blows to the legs but I managed to down him and slit his throat. I let him bleed dry.
I brought his tusk and his blood on my face.

Given Name: Bloodsworn
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I first thought to try and penetrate the tower’s ward, but whoever conjured the shell did so flawlessly. I moved to the West and camp across a massive Blackrock encampment, I move across the lake to bypass it and I saw it; a gargantuan shark, as out of place in temperate mounts as Garrosh in a druidic hand holding circle.

Yet my heart faltered, and my mind quivered, for I knew my strength was neither in swimming nor the slaying of beasts. Yet a great and wise warrior gave me sage advice on the truth of the orcish condition, and I knew then, that as large a challenge it represented, I would do it.

I knew I could not fight it evenly, so I slayed a boar and took its carcass to the lake. The whiff of blood drew the shark. It swam furiously towards me. I sent the elemental in first, the shark cut through it releasing its bindings and returning it to the maw. It drew closer, and so I used a duplication spell. And watched as the shark tore my very images apart, decapitating and disembowelling each. My own image’s blood ran thick in the water.
Quite a thing to see yourself murdered again and again. It came for me, catching my trousers in its teeth. I struggled, barely releasing myself from the rags of my clothing. I drew my staff close and jammed it into its gills.  A fain red mist filled the water as I fled to the shore a few minutes later I struggled back to the shore. I got two trophies and had a jolly nice walk home. "

Given name: Sharptongue
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


Well I came across this opponent upon the burning steppes, and I was thinking of my chances in succeeding in slaying it, it spotted my and attacked. Got me a tad as you may see, but I came out victorious and cut one half of its front leg.

Given Name: Bearmane
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

I rode south first, looking for something to kill. I eventually made it to the blasted lands and considered one of the demons there. I saw the dark portal and decided to go through. I saw one of those things, fen striders, and though I could kill one on the road but I saw none. I eventually made it to Nagrand, where I’d heard tales of the Elekk that lived there, primarily around Oshu’gun.
I found a heard of the beasts, and though about how I could separate one from the pack and bring it down,. That’s when I saw the gronn: i thought I had a â€"slight- chance of taking it on. I thought a long time about how I was going to kill the beast and decided upon surprising it from afar and bringing it down before it reached me. I found a small cliff and walked to the top. The gronn kept a constant path around Oshu’gun so all I had to do was wait in ambush. I hurled everything I had at him, but he merely picked up a tree and hurled at my direction. That was when I broke my left arm. I sprinted away, and he gave chase. I hurled bolts of lightning behind me, hoping it would hit him. He was nearly upon me, so I thought of something that probably won’t work, but I was out of options. I concentrated on the earth between myself and the gronn. I heard an almighty crashing sound â€" The Gronn had managed to trip over the earth. I turned around and sprinted to its body. I climbed onto him and pierced its neck with my stave; he seemed quite pissed at that. I expected that to koill him, but as he tried to get up I blasted him with lightning and it killed him. I took his eye when he fell back to the ground.

Given name: Earthbreaker
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I travelled to the Blade's Edge mountains, where on an earlier trip there I'd caught the scent and sight of Black Dragons.  Along the way there, my wyvern from Azeroth bumped into me and travelled alongside me. Took a few head beatings to get it through to him that I wasn't going to ride him. We reached a region that was covered in crystals. In the sky I could see the Black Dragons.

Brutus...following my gaze, immediately took off.

Damned fool.

The bugger....he tried to fight the dragon closest to us. All he managed to do was make a tear in its wing and get himself killed.

Roasted and eaten before my eyes, I swung my axe in rage at the beast as it mocked me....my axe broke against its hide. It then knocked me back with its claws, then breathed a stream of fire at me.  I couldn't move...if it hadn't been for Earth taking his Elemental Form in front of me...I wouldn't be standing here. As the fire streamed around me, Fire decided to join in the fight, by taking the fire from the dragon's maw into herself. As the Elementals enraged the dragon, I recalled something that Krogon mentioned once. That a dragons weakest point was its eyes. Taking what remained of my blade, I waited for the right moment...and threw it into the beasts left eye. Time seemed to hold still as the blade flew...I was sure my aim was off, or that it would blink.  But my blade landed in the eye. Then the dragon got really pissed off. It smashed Earth into pebbles, extinguished Fire with its wings. I saw the smoking carcass that remained of Brutus, the pebbles of Earth, the smoldering embers of Fire......and let loose my own fury. I called upon the Wind and Storms....and channeled them towards the dragon.  The dragon laughed, stating that a mere bolt of lightning couldn't break through its hide.

Unfortunately for it, I wasn't aiming for its scales. I aimed for my blade's hilt that was still in its eye. The lightning charged through my blade, and straight into the dragon's brain. I watched as the lightning arced through its body, electrifying it from the inside out.

With the dragon now dead, I pulled out my hilt from its eye, with a satisfying pop, and stabbed into its scales over and over, until I pried one loose. Then did the same for some of its fangs.

I then covered the flowing blood onto my body......and feck did that hurt! Note to any other orcs here...wait for the blood to cool down. Otherwise it burns like nothing on Azeroth. "

Given name: Earthbrother
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I went to shadowmoon Valley, due to tales i had heard about great beasts corrupted by fel energies from the legion. Unfortunately my pray didn't end up with such a beast.

I had hardly crossed the border, when the first pack of fel orcs ambushed me, though they were weak, and wore no armor on of the six blades manage to scar my skin, before my axe cut through them like a nice through butter Being this weak, I didn't see them as a worthy prey an continued further in. As i was near a place with crystals or something like it on the ground, the second pack attacked me from now where, probably warned since the first group hadn't returned form what ever they were doing. This pack consisted of six well armed orcs, again. But they fought with a rage, that made it easy for me to cut them down, and leave them be.

Atlast i came to my destination, a mountain infront of the black temple. But my attention wasn't turned towards this, but towards the sound of dreanei and their mount screaming in pain. As I turned around I could see a little large pack of Fel orcs, good armed, and seemingly well around the ways of combat, these orcs cut down the dreanei and although i had hoped they hadn't seen me, they turned towards me. Seeing as I had no choice, I grabbed my axe and charge in, the strength from my charge alone with the curved bow my axe made, made it cut through the first orcs armor and into his shoulder and further into his chest. As I fought to get my axe free, another orc attacked me, and I could do nothing, but let go of my axe, and move out of the way from his swing.

I then jumbed at him, apparently taking him by surprise and broke his neck, taking his sword as my own. Although swords not is my best weapon, I turned around to meet the next orc. This battle lasted longer, and he managed to cut me several times before he fell to the blade I had taken from his fellow fel orc.

I was then attacked from behind, being cut in the back, and though it not was a serious wound, it hurted like fell. I kicked the orc away from me, and went to grab my axe, and only just got it up before the orc i had kicked along with another charged at me, i swung my axe and killed the first in the first strike, and the second in the second strike. leavin only three Fel orcs left, including the one I would later find out was the leader.

The last two, went slowly towards me, after having looked at their fellow orcs slain. And because of i was grewing more and more tired, and the wounds got in the way, the battle took it's time, and i got cut yet another time, though they didn't seem to be able to get close enough to make any deep wounds with their blades. As the last two orcs fell, i turned towards the last one. He was slightly bigger than me, aswell as the other fel orcs. And he was carrying two blades, those two i took with me. I was at this point gasping for air, due to the long battle, but nevertheless I knew I couldn't give up, so I standed straight waiting for his attack.

When it came, it was powerfull, and almost send me to my knees when I blocked it with my axe. And as the second attack came, I really fell to my knees. He then stopped, and laughed calling me a weak pup, and by then I lost it. He had insulted my honor.  I stood up, pushed him away from me, filled with rage. And then the real battle started. He swung at me I dodge, and I swung at him and he dodge.  We seems like equals in the battle, until he hit me in my leg, not enough to stop me figthing, but enough to make it hurt every time i moved.

It seemed like he wanted me to give up due to the pain.

But atlast he didn't get that joy, as a testement to my strenght of will, I ignored the pain. Running towards the Orc, and swung my axe. This he hadn't seen comming and it cut through his neck, decapitating him.

As his corpse did fall to the ground, I smeared his black blood on my face, knowning he would be the strongest I would be able to hunt for this day, I also took his weapons, as a testement to that no fel orc will ever get the better of me, no matter how  weak he would see me, and now here I stand."

Given name: Felbane
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I ran from t'Hold as fast as my achin' legs could carry me, sightin' dozens o' worthy wolves an' bears but none took m'appeal. Nay, in time, I sat upon a large rock and rested, closin' m'eyes an' ears te tha' world around me as I entered a meditative state. I begged te Spirits te guide me an' in time, m'prayers were answered.

Wise High Blade Thur'ruk, ye remember te Wolf tha' I slew fer yer last task?  Te one tha' blessed yer Pup wit' et's teeth as a gift, an' t'Tribe wit' et's meat, blood an' skin. Well He be called Jorak.  He came te me in te 'oer Realm an' took me, led me. Before I knew it I was standin' at te peak o' t'old World Tree.

Below me I beheld a dreadful sigh', Furbolg, White an' Red, at War.  decided te investigate alas et were too high te jump so I traveled back down on m'own two feet te find a crude encampment strewn wit' t'bodies o' these beasts.Within this encampment lay a feeble campfire, nearly dead, so I sat an' spoke wit'et. After te Flames 'ad life in them again, an' te Fire blazed into te form o' an Elemental, I was told t'story o' tha' warrin' Tribes an' t'history o' te dead Tree, gifted wit' visions from te Fire etself o' times long past.

Much like ourselves, Orcs, these once noble Furbolg were corrupted by a force beyond themselves. Tis t'corruption tha' fuels their lust fer War, even amongst each other, Redfang an' Frostpaw, when previously they 'ad been in peace.  I thanked te Spirit o' t'Fire, askin' et te bless my axe before I moved on. Thankfully et did.   So I ventured forth, before I saw one o' te Frostpaw Tribe bestin' three o' more Redfang on et's own whilst more cowered from 'im.  Seein' te strength in 'is eyes, I yelled, “Fer te Blood o' te Tribe!” an' sprung forth wit' blazin' axe raised like in m'youth. Te strike was true, te Fire caught on 'is fur an' as I swung again, sprayed in blood, as I saw te Fire on 'is body cackle alongside me.

Before long, although et seemed like long, I rose victor wit' te cuts an' bruises ye see on me. Yet as I cried out, an' drank my fill o' te beasts blood...Coverin' m'face wit' it, as tradition, te other survivin' Redpaw gathered around me... eerin' at te Blood, sniffin', tastin' et themselves before they too cheered an' allowed me free exit.

So I cut off t'beasts Paws which I plan te fashion inte m'own Claws an' returned sniffin' out t'Tribe on my way back, walkin' te way."

Given Name: Fireaxe
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

Groshnakk [Deceased, mostly]

"In my previous life i took on a bat. This, was suiting in that time.

Now, i decided to go -bigger-.

I ventured, as hard to imagine as  it might be, all the way to the egde of Icecrown. Here, i found what i had already chosen in my mind. A newly spawned Frostwyrm. I knew the mature Wyrms would rip me apart, so i found one of their... Birthplaces. So, as soon as one of  them rose from the dead, i waited until it stood on it's four legs. Then i charged forward, before it could take flight, catching it off guard. The precise details of the fight, is a tale for another time. But it ended, after me dogding claw after claw, with me being able to drive my axe into it's ribcage, breaking it's very essence. As i hit what was keeping it alive, it became hard as stone, and this is what remains..

As i hit it, the bones fell to the ground, as were they never alive.  And, seeing as the beast has.. Had, no blood to smear over my face, i brought back it's very "heart""

Given Name: Wyrmbreaker
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I was moving over the grass of the plains when I heard a large screech from ter air. I looked up and saw a large Windroc soaring the skies, I looked at the large beast and knew that it was the perfect prey.  I looked fer a way ter reach the beast,
I followed it as it flew around the skies before circling around. I noticed right away what it was looking fer. I seen a large Clefhood lying dead with a flock of other windroc’s pecking away at its flesh,
The large windroc flew down and the others fled from it. The large windroc landed on the ground and began pecking at the Clefhood eating its fill. I snuck around it and lunged at it grabbing it by its gripping onter it.
It shook me off and turned ter face me and lifted of inter the sky before swooping down grabbing me in its massive talons and flew inter the sky. I did not struggle against its grip. I waited fer my time.
The windroc took me ter its neck and dropped me. I scrambled ter my feet grabbing my knife from my belt and readied myself for it. The beast kept ter the sky and stabbed down at me with its talons and moves swiftly over the nest avoiding the sharp claws.
I looked the beast in the eyes and it made another swipe with its talons I moved out the way and grabbed onter its leg. The beast began ter fly inter the sky and I moved my way up the beasts body pulling myself up using its feathers.
I gripped my knife in and cut at one of the wings of the beast and it went crashing ter the ground it despriatly tried ter keep itself up but with its wing clipped it could do little but slow itself down.
I held on tight as it hit the ground and pulled myself up my arm bleeding from the fall. I stumbled terwards it and picked my knife up from the ground. I move ter the head of the Windroc as it lied there squawking in pain.
I lowered my head and sunk my knife inter the beasts neck killing it.

I then went to the local village and jumped up and down at the local children shouting "You're new!. The schoolmaster didn't approve of that so I kicked him in his happy-sack. Then I got bored and walked back to camp. I also killed Karak's wolf. Because I'm a horrible, irresponsible buffoon"

Given name: Talonslayer
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


"I already had a prey in mind the moment i set my foot out of this fortress. I had seen them the night when i arrived here and met some of the tribe members. But ofcourse i didnt have any reason to kill them at that point.

anyway...i set my pace towards the howling fjord...

I was watching the sky to be able to spot them before they spotted me;  after what seemed like a long trek i saw a silhouette flying in the distant. I ventured closer, avoiding all the vrykuls and other lesser predators.  And saw a fiery hatchery of some reddish proto-drakes

I stood there behind the tree waiting... Then i saw my target....a fully grown broodmother had landed to tend to its whelps.  Sneaked closer...and jumped onto its wing and before it noticed i was slashing at its back. The moment i hit her, she took off...

i almost fell off but managed to drove my sword into her....all the way the hilt! I was holding on the my dear life while she flew....i had no idea where... then she started rolling....to her unfortunate action i managed to pull myself ontop of her back again. While i was trying to get my sword out of its hide...i got a  peak at how high we  had flown...

So i took a hold of whatever i could. I finally got my sword out... and while holding on i slashed at its wings and back, trying to make her descent but not die instantly! But that only enraged her...

Soon enough, she was clawing at me with her front paws. Caught me in the leg...and i drove my sword into her once again; then she let out a huge roar.... we were heading towards a mountain peak, eventually crashing upon it....

I took my chance to let a killing blow while she was dazed of the crash,  I slashed a huge wound at her neck....which spilled blood everywhere t that point she roared again and attempted to bite me...but due to her loss of blood and wearyness...i dodged it and dove under her. I drove my sword up through her jaw and through the top... her head fell upon me, with great effort i managed to get out of there. Only thing i could of gotten and manage back here was her claw..."

Given Name: Bloodclaw
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I killed a big snake and made a purse out of its face.

And that's all you're getting. I could've written a three volume epic that questions the very nature of the universe and our place within. But no, you didn't bloody listen to me did you? It was probably the most sensible out o' all the screed yer forcin' me to transcribe, but oh no, my life and death struggles aren't interesting enough for the chieftian to even acknowledge! So I'll just take my tried and tested huntin' skills elsewhere and yeh can all marvel at me resplendence when I rescue from whatever demon possesion, schism, valkyr raid or what-have-you y'all get yourselves entwined with every damn week.

It's not as if I'm bitter or anything.

Given Name: Dirgesong. I don't know if I should be offended or not.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I went out hunting, and my target got found out by an ogre. So I hunted ogre. Was planning on Talbuk, but eh, planning never worked out for me anyhow. The ogre seemed sorta fitting, ...smarter. And y’know it just sorted wanted to kill me whereas the Talbuk just most likely wanted to run.

Well it got me on the shoulder, but I managed to slice its stomach open. So I needed to crawl out. I grabbed its head but it seemed too much so I hacked off its horn and threw it in the river.
Given Name: Bloodhorn. Or Meadhorn
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


It’s a marsh ray. My master warned me about these creature,s sayin’ they were subtle. Creatures that attack when you least expect it, therefore thought it was a fittying challenege. An opponent I cannot read or prevent from attacking me.
I heard that up north, Dragons would fly. I first set out for those. Before that of course, this beast showed up out of nowhere, looking like a normal mushroom in Zangarmarsh. I couldn’t prevent me from overthrowing me which got me bit.
However, nothing can survive a sliced throat. At least that’s what I thought. I needed to turn to a different tactic. I t had gotten my arm so I played dead. The beast fell for it and I tore out its guts.

Given name: Marshfang.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong



I ventured south east, along the coast, on my bare feet alone. Moving past Northwatch and its fighting like a shadow...
Into dustwallow I plunged, lurking through mire, pool, mood and stream. Into dustwallow I plunged, lurking through mire, pool, mood and stream. As I lurked along, i spy'd a Raptor drinking from a pool. So i lowered myself to crawling, and pulled myself close... ready to strike. Just as i came near face to the side of its... I looked over to the other side of its head, and doing just as i ... Was A giant set of fangs, And dark yellow eyes.
And that moment it struck, and I leapt backward... The raptor had its head ripped off and body flung aside with the furious ripping and throwing of the Lizards head and body.
n that moment it struck, and I leapt backward... The raptor had its head ripped off and body flung aside with the furious ripping and throwing of the Lizards head and body.
Struggling to keep my balance and speed in the water i leapt atop a fallen tree's stump.
But I simply leapt to the next stump, or rock, or boulder
Its Neck Cut, it oozed blood and thrashed to death.
So I took The fangs of the Ancient lizard, and its Tail meat for the tribes dinner.

Given name: Bloodedge.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I know not how to hunt to make stories or paint my own honour with better colours. But I know how to kill demons; it has always been my calling. So that is where I first began. I set off towards Ashenvale in search of the place where Grom fell.
There I hoped to find the twisted shapes of the enemies that corrupted our kin, but alas. They had been slain by a force unknown to me. They will surely return, but I had not the time. So I ventured further north, towards Felwood.
There I found a..
Hold, in lack of better words. They've built themselves a stronghold there. Demons patrol the area. I singled out a felguard on the outer edges, knowing full well that alerting the entire hold would result in a brief fight, and my death.
I preyed on its stupidity, and unability to work in packs; drawing the felguard from its kin. They are formidable foes, but my form is perfect. I have trained for this throughout my life.
But I confess, I have grown used to my shield. It showed in the fight.
It cut me, being too fast for me to evade. But I was faster, and stronger. It died, as all demons will, to an orc axe.
Her youth showed in her stupidity. She must've felt the demon fall, and came to see what had happened to it. I rushed towards her.
Swung my axe against her chest. It melted upon its blade with a loud crunch, and she died before any demonic curse could be heard. Perhaps the demon's name will now be forgotten, and its shape never resummoned into our world again.
I brought its head back as proof. The summoner, our fallen kin; I took her body with me. I burned it, away from the settlement. Her spirit is gone, dissolved or in search of any ancestors that will take her. I care not. She was orc once.
And deserved a last show of honour.
Ghrm. That is the story.

Given name: The Unbroken
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws