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November 07, 2024, 09:22:26 PM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Om'riggor Transcripts

Started by Karak Stormsong, October 07, 2010, 10:05:50 PM

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Karak Stormsong

Orok again.

I started to travel to un'goro crater.......Where I....Found footprints of something I didn't know what was. so i....followed them and came to the area of silithid. But after I came there.....I Soon realised the Hunter had become the Hunted. Just as I passed a small hill.....I heard a sound behind me...It sounded like A bug....But one huge one not one of them small ones. As I turned around...And what I saw....was one huge bug..as soon as I had turned around.. it jumped at me.. piercing it mandibles into my left shoulder and stomach, nailing me to the hill behind me. As time passed....And it didn't move, but seemingly waited....for me to die out from pure bloodloss...I could...slowly feel how death came closer. sounds...started to get harder to hear....and everything slowly got blackish.
Then It was....I started seeing the faces of the orcs ...Who have helped me with in the tribe, and those I wouldn't fail by dying As I saw those Faces.....I some how got back from the brink of death...placing my legs by its stomach or what it be having on the buttom. grabbing its mandibles. and started to...Push it away.
With a cracking sound......The mandibles got thorn off the bug and it fell a few feet down the hill. As it lay wounded, I started to pull out the mandibles, and get onto my feet to face it, as it still wasn't death....Although it was dying. It grabbed my axe, and knew I wouldn't have time to fight it for long....So I used the hill and pushed me off it, leaping towards the bug...and placing my axe in its skull killing it. I use some of my bandages I always....carry with me to do what little I could to stop the bleedings...then took the blue goo from the bug, smeared it on my face and....took the Mandibles and started making my way back.

Given Name: Stonehide

Angst Wah Wah Wah
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I rode north. I wanted the cold to be beneath my feet. When I reached the white plains past that tainted woodland, I started to hunt.
I found footprints, large enough to be a bears and followed the tracks silently.
I sludged through the cold and found my prey in an opening, surrounded by cliff faces.
The bear had white, bristley furr and was a powerful beast. It felt threatened at my approach. *smirks and nods, remembering* so I raised my blade..
Then suddenly behind it, the mountain formed eyes!
A large foot slammed down on my prey, a heavy crunch echoed on the air.. blood splattered the snowy plain..
The mountain came alive! Thirty, no fifty feet tall, I'd say!
I roared, angered by the thief! I charged forward and swung my blade against its leg. Barely did a thing!
It picked me up like a cub and began to squeeze me in its grip.
So I grabbed hold of one of its fingers and pried myself loose. Pried it so hard I snapped ir right off!
Like.. *tries to think of something similar* like.. a branch!
But when I dropped, the rock beast was hardly weakened. So I began to step back.
As I thought about how I was going to take it down, I felt myself almost slip.
I noticed I had stepped onto ice. Eyeing my surroundings, I was at a lake, frozen over.
So I lured it.. it followed, seeing me as easy prey..
then as it stepped further onto the ice, I saw it crack. The mountain plummetted into the ice!
Only its head and arm was visible. It tried to dislodge itself but could not.
So I ran and leapt onto its lodged arm and climbed my way up.
I hacked once at the head..
And on my third one, I tore through its neck and kept hacking!
Then at last, it tumbled behind the mountain and lie still.
I tried to lift its head but it was too large. As large as..
A.. A tree.
So I brought the first thing I pried off back with me instead.

Given Name: ColdBlood
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I 'eaded south, an' finally came ter what was once The Thousand Needles... 'ad ter swim fer what seemed like days but finally came ter the desert sands o' Tanaris.
Wanderin' the desert wastes my eyes beset on the kill. A trophy worthy o' any orc, it appeared ter be, like Felbane a Silithid.
Bu' it 'ad various subordinates following in 'er wake, a lesser queen per'aps?
Anyway, this beast was bulky n horrific in appearance.. She 'adn't seen me i assumed cause she went lazily about 'er business, so i used this ter me advantage.
I charged the creature bu' as i soon discovered she be well prepared fer a frontal assault, she parried me blow an' sent me sprawlin' across the desert sands.
With lightnin' quick speed, surprising fer 'er size she was barin' down upon me, rollin' out o' the way ter dodge one mandible
Only fer anot'er ter come down on me left arm, causin' this 'ere wound.
Severely 'ampered i knew another strategy was needed, regained me composure allowing me ter roll out o' range of anot'er assault, in t' process slicing deep inter 'er front leg, crippling the slimey beast.
A' guess we'z both even on the crippled scale at this point
The Silithid clearly enraged, an' i didn' wan' it ter call it's minions i tried ter lure it inter the desert sands, an' i succeeded.
Laboured as she was, she'd slowed 'er attacks, i weaved through a large skeleton of a beast long dead.
An' just 'as i thought, her gargantuan mass 'ad become.. Trapped.
'er body impaled on the bones o' this dead animal, gave me the perfect chance ter strike.. I weaved through the skeleton, as she reared up in anger, a' seazed this opportunity an' threw me axe inter 'er fleshy abdomen, spewing 'er filthy blood everywhere.
Clearly distressed the beast was barely fightin' back, i rolled under a clumsy attack and dislodged me axe from 'er body, climbed on 'er back 'n drove me axe right down inter 'er 'ead!
The beast moved no more.. I broke away this chunk o' carapace fer inspection, doubt Sharptongue would wan' ter lick me sweaty body clean o' it's blood
But 'e can if 'e so wishes
An' thats me 'unt.

Fiven Name: Steelheart
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


Me's cross 'da forest and make into 'da BAD Forest
Fel Forest.
There.. Me's crush a big bear. Me's crush a big bear. 'Dat is sting. 'Dat is sting. Borammus crush 'dat bear. Then.. Me's walk back into 'da Elf Forest. Me's walk back into 'da Elf Forest. Me's walk back into 'da Elf Forest. Me's walk back into 'da Elf Forest. It big.. like tower. But statue. An'.. Borammus look at 'da statue. Suddenly.. Three wolfs is come out of cave! And big wolf-man jump from trees. 'Em make attack to Borammus! But.. Borammus swing Bloodreaver 'round. But.. 'Da wolfman jump on Borammus. Borammus on floor like 'dis! Borammus on floor like 'dis! 'Im try bite Borammus in neck. But.. Borammus put Bloodreaver in front. Me's knock 'im off.. An' 'im grab 'da Bloodreaver and take from Borammus!
Then.. Me's go angry. Grr! While 'im hold 'da Bloodreaver, Borammus grab 'ead. Borammus tear off 'ead. 'Im fellow wolfs flee. An' Borammus check for wounds. Wolf bite Borammus in behind!
After make out 'da forest. Angry elf try kill Borammus. Angry elf try kill Borammus.

Oh gods I can't keep writing this. [Small drawing of a giant stick-orc kicking a worgen in the face, yelling "ME MAKE SMASH"

Given Name: The Slayer
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

Given Name: Bearmane

I started off on my wolf and went straight for the cliffs. When I got there, I left my wolf by the ground as I started the climb up, and down again on the other side, getting me into silithus.
As I got me feet safely on the ground. I started moving towards feralas, thinking I would have done my last climb now, but as i got closer I noticed another cliff sealing my way, which was why i said bloody cliffs. Walking a bit back and forth I found a somewhat safe place with a lot of places to put my feet and hands, and so I climbed again getting into feralas.
As I got there, took a short break since it aint easy just climbing, and as I had gotten my breath i went out looking for my prey..I didn't have to look for long before I saw this big black bear..i belive their are named Ironfur bears..and as sneaked in behind it, and threw myself at its back with my knife in the hand, it barely went through the bears fur and draw blood, only angering it. It stood up on its back-legs and as it did so it threw me off.
I landed on my back, as it turned around and with an angry roar charge at me, trying to pin me down with its weight, and biding my throat to kill me, but instead of my throat i placed my arm between its jaws. trying to hold it off me.
As we were struggling I got myself closer to its ear and since I was about to lose the struggle I snarled and took a bite of it, making the bear letting go
It backed away, as the pain hit its ear, giving me the chance to get up on my feet. I slowly moved around it, waiting for it to attack me.. as it did, i threw myself to the side, but not fast enough getting hit across the chest by its claw, sending me to the ground.
I slowly got on me feet again...with a brief pain at my chest...from which I think I got from a broken rib or two...this time I almost didn't have the time to get away as it ran towards me again..this time I threw myself at it. and as it stopped in surprise I Got onto its back again, this time placing my arms around its neck clinging to it with my life
After a few minutes of struggle, it start getting tired, and here I saw my chance..I used all the strength I had in my arms..and twisted it's neck. it took several tries until it at least broke with a snap and the bear feel down, dead.
As it was dead,I grabbed the knife and started skinning the bear...and while doing so a wolf sneaked in on me..as it attacked me i managed to stab the knife into it, and killing that as well...and then I started my trip back here.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


Given name: Bloodstrike

Already before I set off, I felt something pulling me North.
So that's where I set off, until I reached the cliffs. Still feeling the tug, I had no choice but to descend.
It was a hard climb, slippery surface, and few handholds. I still had some way to go, when I slipped.
I slid along the cliffs, trying to break my fall. But to no avail. I pushed myself out from the cliff, aiming for a large, lizard-bird creature. I've heard them called "Pterror-dax"
I landed hard, and the creature twisted, falling with me, during the fall. Getting on top of me, tearing at me with beak and claws.
The landing knocked the air out of me more then it. Tearing into me, before I managed to get my knife, stabbing it repeatedly.
Eventually, it stopped moving. I painted my face with its blood, and as I was taking its head for a trophy, a deamon tore out from the bushes, pouncing at me.
A felhunter.
I killed it, took my trophy, and made my way back.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


Givename: Steelskull

I too, went to the Un'goro crater.
But whilst Oathbound Therak went via the cliffs, I rode in.
I spent much time in that crater whilst we were in Tanaris, and I learnt a few things about the wild-life. There is a creature there that all other dear. And that is why I chose it for my OIm'riggor.
The locals at Marshall's Stand simply call it a 'Devil'saur.
It is, for all its size, an elusive beast, preferring to stay deep in the thick foliage of that primeval place.
So I found a good, tall tree, slanted to make life a little easier, and I climbed it, using the creepers that hang from all plants in that place.
These beasts have easily mapable patterns.
I leapt, and landed upon its head. Keeping myself there, however, was another matter.
I thrust my hand into the thing's ear, and held on as best I could.
I then proceeded to smash my forehead into the top of the 'Devil's' skull, for there is a place there that is soft and more brittle than the rest of its head.
Once the skull cracked, I let go and took a piece, before stabbing my arm down into the thing's brain.
I took its tooth, and I made my way back out of the crater.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


Given Name: Wildeye

I had already decided what I wanted to kill before I set out. When scouting the other day, there were Scorpid in the desert. Cunning and deadly creatures, a normal sized one proves a worthy match for any Orc.
There were, however larger ones in the Desert, almost twice the size of the usual breed. These, were me target. A worthy opponent. I had me bow, I had me eyes, I had me wits. This beast was going down.
The open deserts provide good view, and I was able to find a good vantage point upon these beast. I made my way silently, knocked an arrow. I took the shot, piercing the Scorpids armour just above the head. Problem was, this did nothing but enrage it.
The Scorpid scuttled towards me, at frightening speed and was on me before I had taken three steps. It knocked me down, and with its claws the size of my body, cut open this gash on my left arm. I realised, time was not my friend.
Too close to knock an arrow, and with the monster right on top of me and no close-combat weapon, I did the only thing I knew I could do well. I headbutted it as hard as I could. Apart from giving me a insane headache, it stunned the beast and bought me time
Using this time, I managed to crawl backwards, knock an arrow, and let loose. By the luck of the spirits, it pierced the beast through the eye, and into its brain. It writhed around in its death throes, and I had ter dodge its huge stinger several times-
But finally, it died.
Ah broke the stinger off, as proof of my kill.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


I made my way east, running until I reached the flooded area.
Once I got into the water, I used stealth, in order to avoid the crokolisks, all the way up to the river.
I swam south, until I found lions tracks along the edge of the river, there I hid, and waited.
I didn't have to wait long until a big bastard of a lion came to drink, scars, and a missing eye spoke of battles of the past, and his size and muscular frame, of his vigour.
I jumped him as he was about to drink, at first he fought back, clawing at my chest, I couldn't get a clean strike. Not until he bit down hard, missing my neck, and finding my shoulder, did I get a clean
The blood of my prey paints my face, and I brought his fangs as a trophy.

Granted name: Duskstalker
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

Right... I went to a cave known for it's demonic..problems. I found it fitting to prove once and for all that I'm over my past and what happened there, by hunting one down.
I entered the cave, though it was very quiet.. In my opinion a bit too quiet, until something jumped at me from around a corner.
It was the very thing I was searching for, one of the felhunters. It managed to surprise me though, actually throwing me off my feet and it managed to bite me several times, also clawing my stomach slightly.
I managed to get it off though, and cut off one of the tendrils, those big ones. It snapped at my legs, but I kicked it in the jaw, actually breaking it, to my own surprise.

I managed to get my axe in it's neck right as it clawed at my legs again, bringing it down.. I thought it saver to just bring the whole thing back instead of covering myself in it's blood more then was neccesary.

Granted name: The Steelhearted
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

I went up, along th' Southfury River t' hunt th' bear o' Ashenvale. Not far from th' Lumbercamp, I saw a giant monster o' a bear, without a doubt, soon t' become my prey.
I didn' hesitate t' let out a challengin' roar, an' soon found th' bear strin' me right in th' eyes, then chargin' a' me.
Before I coul' even react, i' came t' close, an' mauled me t' th' side, leavin' me dizzy an' confused on th' ground, an' moments after, finding it on to of me. As I was layin' there, i' continues t' pummel an' claw me, 'till finally managed t' land a punch on ts snout.
As soon asi i' was off, I picked up a large branch, an' as i' ran towards me again, I hit it, straight t' th' head, an' after a few times i' i' gettin up, continue fightin', an' finally puttin' i' to rest, I found a sharp rock, an' go' its paw off.
This be no doubt a beast o' pure strength. A beast any Orc shoul' look up to.

Granted name: Bearclaw
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

I was mounting my worg and i drove to the Barrens to find a suitable prey.
I was watching over the valley when i spotted a Hyena in the distance, it was feasting on a Kodo corpse. I was suprised that he killed that Kodo alone.
I looked around to build up some tactics.
Sneaking is not my best skill, so i sprinted towards my target with a vicious roar!
He quickly noticed me, turned around and leaped towards me. While he was reducing distance he appeared to be massive! Bigger then i expacted.
I tried to deliver a few strikes on him, but the Hyena was fast and furious! I got a chance to hit his jaw. He was weakened.
The Hyena enraged! The beast knocked me back and roared a furious howl! More Hyena's were approaching from the distance, but i still had my axe. It was a pack of Hyena's!
The whole pack was circling around me, i got the oppertunity to cleave a few Hyena's but they worked as a pack so i got bit in my left arm and right shoulder.
One of the Hyena's jumped at me and stole my axe!
The whole pack was circling around me, i got the oppertunity to cleave a few Hyena's but they worked as a pack so i got bit in my left arm and right shoulder. One of the Hyena's jumped at me and stole my axe!
Only a two of them left, and me without a weapon. I performed my Doomshout to scare the other one away so i could get my axe back, but the hyena with ma axe ran away!
The last Hyena was the Alpha, i could notice that by his scars. He leaped at me! I grabbed his jaws and kicked him! After a few punches i brought him down to the ground, took a good grib on his jaws and ripped them apart!
The corpse on the ground i kneeled before him, ripped his paw off. I brought it with me.

Granted name: Ironcharge
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

Here is my tale: upon embarking on my hunt, I headed up into the foothills of the mountain. As Frostwolf, I hunt best in such lands - I am in my natural element.
I saw many beasts and foes, but they proved too mighty for one such as myself - great abominable snow-men, fierce tiger matriarchs and various... tauren-type beasts.
I found prey that was... more suitable for my status.
A wizened, greyed elderly goat, grazing the meagre grasses hidden beneath snow.
It... acted strangely as I approached it. Shaky, erratic in its thought - per-haps mad. I thought it best to put it out of its misery.
Yet as I approached, the strangeness turned to -ferocity-.
The goat lunged at me in a manic charge, seeming almost unthinkable in a beast so old!
At once, it had me upon the ground, knocking me back with its horns. As it advanced upon me, the end was near for one of us.
It bleated in -fury-, and lunged to finish me off!
Yet as it seized upon me, I thrust my crooked longknife towards the beast, penetrating its ribcage and causing it to collapse at once in shock!
As it lay there upon the ground, trembling and bleeding, I finished it off by cutting its throat.
I took a horn from the beast, and this nearby burlap sack, filled with... foul beans. I suspect these beans may have driven the goat to madness.
As is customary, the blood of the beast is also painted upon my face.

Given Name: Iron-Willed
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong

I got this lizard man from a cave not to far from this camp.
To start with he wandered off away from his group... I followed him and tried to burn him... However this lizard man wanted to gut me.
This saurok did put up a worthy fight that is why i brought his body back so i can hang his skeleton up in my hut...
With the use of fire i kept distance from me and his spear before being able to disarm him and drive the spear through his stomach.
It seems they don't wish to be burnt.
Then i brought his body back to the camp here.

Given Name: Bloodletter
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws

Karak Stormsong


The large horned beasts  in the mountains recently had their young.  The mothers stay close to the dens unless they hunt.
It was a matter of grabbin' one of the whelps while the mother was out of sight, that allowed me to kill the beast.
I made sure my scent was spread on the trees nearby, so she could track me down.  Krenta carried the whelp in her maw while we scaled the mountain.
Little bastard screamed up a storm, but that was what I was hoping for.
Few minutes pass and it comes up, red in the eyes lookin' for it.
The matriarch charges, thumping the ground with her fists.
I edge closer to the cliffside with the youngling in hand, and toss it over the edge.
Now, the beast didn't quite know what to do, come after me, or try to save the youngling.
Turns out she bolted to the cliffside and tried to grasp the baby, she slipped and fell upon the hard valley, as I planned.
I made my way down and delivered an arrow to the eye, as a way to make sure she was dead., also-- many Bleeding Hollow Orcs would remove an eye from their kill.
But the whelp--.
Seems to have survived in her grasp.

Given name: Orphanmaker. You sick bastard.

Honestly, I know certain predators do this but we’re an honourable species. If you’re actually capable of reading this Raxxok, I hope yer eyes are pecked out by Eagles. And don’t go blatherin’ about this survival of the fittest barridin, it’s naught next to empathy and intelligence.
Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws