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October 28, 2024, 07:32:21 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Om'riggor Transcripts

Started by Karak Stormsong, October 07, 2010, 10:05:50 PM

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From the time I decided to do this, I spent a long time trying to figure out what I should hunt, and how.
That was when I heard slight rumors, of a large black beast hunting in ashenvale, it would apparently strike at anything that crossed its path, and barely left survivors.
Looking into these rumors, I found the area it were mostly being seen at.
On my way there, I found signs of a slaugther, blood and broken spears, aswell as a gnawed off arm of an orc. and amidst this carnage, I found a set of tracks.
Following these tracks, I came into an area of the forest, I had never been before, and it was unnaturally silent.
It was also there I lost the tracks, and at that point, I felt I had screwed up, a cold shiver went down my spine, as I realised, that at none of the other attacks there had been any tracks.
As if to confirm my suspicions, a chilling howl spread out from the darkness between the trees, and after alittle while, the beast appeared.
It was a large black worg, It's fur bore the scars of a lot of battles, but none of them were fresh, and the worg were well fed.
It only took a second, from the worg places it's eyes on me, and for it to attack. it leapt from the ground, and right onto me, as if it tried to finish the fight in its first attack, it tried to bite my neck, but I managed to move slightly out of the way
And instead it bit into my shoulder.
Using the force it's own force, I let it push me down, while I placed my feet to it's stomach and kicked it over my head, the kick, must have hit home, for it forced the worg to let go of my shoulder as it went over my head, and crashed onto the ground.
As we both got to our feet, we started to circle, never letting the other out of our sight. The worg were probably the the same size of shrewd if not a little larger.
After having circled eachother for alittle while, we both rushed eachother, the worg attacking me with teeth and paw, I with my bare hands, as I had promised myself to fight on equal ground with my prey even before I set out.
It went back and forth between a brawl, and a wrestling match. And it felt like it went on for hours. Then I managed to get my arms around its neck, while at the same time out of reach its powerful maw, and I started to squish, trying to bring the worg down. But it had other plans, and clawed my across my leg, trying to break free. We both fought back and forth for a while, neither of us giving in.
Realising I couldn't strangle the powerful beast, I changed my tactics, and tried to get a better hold around its neck, and when I finally got it, I digged my feet into the ground, summoned all my strenght, and with a powerfull jerk to the right.
I broke it's neck, It gave a last shiver, before it finally fell to the ground defeated, and I fell down beside it, exhausted.
I took a few minutes to get my breath, before I drew my knife, and skinned the worg, and put it's blood on my, and then I went here.

Name given: Bane of the Night Wolf
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade



I hunted a snake, or rather...it hunted me, for a moment, do not think it intended to eat me, but it was set on attacking me, very rude, unprovoked even! I was wandering down the path when i decided to cut through some bushes, can't often find prey on the road after all...

And just as i had left camp not far from here...i felt a sting, ow, that hurt something bit my arm, again very rude. Perhaps i had entered its home? I know not, i do not care, it bit me, and now it needed to die. As it hanged from my arm i grabbed it, pulled it, slammed it, bit it back, choked, it stopped moving, I had won.

Name given: Adderfall.



I went north, swam through the river and ran a bit. Then I spotted a Raptor, the prey I was looking for! I hid behind the bush, thinking of a plan. That Raptor was eating something. Grom knows what it was. A meat certainly.

I decided to grab a stone from under my feet and throw to the Raptor's side, to distract it.
He indeed got distracted. AND THEN! I CHARGED! I was near my prey in a moment, so I KICKED IT IN THE SIDE, IN A MOMENT WHEN IT TURNED IT'S HEAD TOWARDS ME!
THE RAPTOR FELL! I JUMPED ON IT WITH MY DAGGER READY! I attempted to thrust my dagger in Raptor's stomach, but I failed. The beast shook me off of itself. I fell and it stood up. Second after, I got clawed! I knew I can take it into my advantage. Our position I mean!
I quickly grabbed my dagger from the ground and BAH BAH BAH! I made quick cut across beast's stomach! On the lower part, not the side!

The beast whimpered and moved to the side! Then I stood up! Completely ignoring my wound!
I jumped on the beast, not trying to mount it, but make it fall on the ground! I succeeded! The beast was on the ground, when I quickly kicked it in the head! Raptor was stunned for a moment but I also injured my foot against it's fangs... It didn't matter! I had to kill it! Beast was stunned when I once again attempted to thrust my dagger!



Then I grabbed my dagger once again. I cut the beast's head, as one of the proofs. Then I partly entered it's stomach, covering myself in blood entirely, also smearing it all over my body.
And here I am. I present you the blood on my skin, the head of my prey and the intestines I used to kill it. BLOOD AND THUNDER!!!!

Name given: Goresong.

Nakobu's note: “Goresong was quite fond of yelling parts of his tale. This has been shown through the use of captial orcish runes.”



As I stalked the fetid and humid swamp lands, I headed far from camp to a far corner inhabited by many great beasts, damp soil beneath my claws as I stuck to the shadows. After some time, I reached a great lake over shadowed by a huge double water fall that reached the skies. As it fell, it cast a great mist across the waters.

Many Beasts of tremendous size rested around the murky misty waters edge, flew in its misty skies and lurked beneath the dark waters. It was quite a sight and difficult to decide which I should challenge as my prey. But before I could have a chance to consider, a ghostly shriek came from high above as I saw a great silvery white pterrordax swoop down and pluck an adult riverbeast from the shallows and fly off with it. I then knew what my hunt was as I followed the sounds of the heavy wing beats and the squealing riverbeast to the great waterfall.

Scaling its rocky paths, I found my prey with in a large cave hidden behind the great waters. A great pterrordax of immense size but ghostly white and with eerie icy blue eyes. At first, the beast did not notice me as it gorged itself on the riverbeast.

I began stalking up behind it when suddenly it turned, spotting me and lashing out with its tail and causing me to duck and roll as it began to flail around before heading for the cave entrance. I knew if I did not get a hold of it then and there it would fly away and I would fail.

So with an angry howl, I pounced onto the beasts back, digging my claws in as it tried shake me off and began diving head first out the cave and through the waterfall. Water beat down on my back and face as I clung on claws in for all I had.

The great ghostly looking pterrordax bucked, swerved and weaved, trying to throw me off as we swooped through the skies. Wings whipped my face as I clung on while trying to make my way up the beasts back towards it's neck. The beast got more and more desperate and reckless as it tried throw me off, finally after what seemed liked hours I clawed my way to the beasts neck, leaving deep long gashes along its back before I took my chance and dove in, letting out a loud howl before I dug my claws and fangs into the beasts neck.

The beast dove down into the vines and canopies hopping to scrape me off but I held tight tearing more and more into its neck as vines thorns, branches and more whipped and cut across my skin. Finally, the exhausted beast and I crashed landed into the swamps thick mud, throwing me from it's neck as it struggled to try take off. I was battered and covered in thick mud yet I did not relent. I charged at the beast once more, it snapping its fanged beak at me as I circled it swiping at its eyes and beak.

It almost managed to take flight once more as it tried grab me in its immense talons, slicing me across my back as I dove under the talons before leaping up to clutch onto its softer underbelly with my claws and began tearing into the beast as it flailed, trying with all it's might to get me off.

It managed to take off one last time before I brought it crashing down to the ground for one last time. Loud cracks echoed from the beasts neck as it crashed and from my side as we collapsed in the mud. I lay their panting, hip in agony as the beast lay there still. But I could not rest. I limped over to the beast, tearing off its great wings before I limped back here with them as proof.

Name given: Wildwing.



Anyway. So as many know I have been watching and studding a large silver raptor near here for weeks now. So here it goes.

I knew exactly the creature I wished to challenge from the moment I left the camp. Part of me felt bad for choosing it, but I knew he knew I would be back to more then watch him one of these days. As I walked across to the part of the swamp he called home, he stood waiting for me like he knew I was coming. I bowed to the great silver raptor as I pulled out my fists weapon and we charged at one another.
The battle went on for what felt like a lifetime as we traded blows, speed and agility matching, before I managed to get onto the raptors back, clinging on with all I had as he tried buck me off as I waited for him to tire.

That was my moment as I steeled myself then clamped the jaw like fist weapon down on the back of his neck. I wrenched it sideways and with a crack he fell limp.

He lay there looking up at me as his last breaths faded. I thanked him for waiting for me, I then paid my respects to the raptor, burying him after collecting his jewel like feathers and silvery hide. Then I began heading back.

And that is my tale.

Name given: Silverfeather.



Well, I have been scouting this region for a few weeks now before this day and I came across the giant crocolisk called 'Deadfang' by the locals. Now, at first I was unsure on how I was going to attack such a beast without the use of my magics. But then I looked into myself... and let my inner rage boil to the top.

I rushed into the water straight for the beast, it saw me coming and charged for me. As it lunged for me I drove my dagger into it belly but its teeth sank into my leg!
We rolled around and around - it tried to drown me! But as it tried to drag me down I pulled my blade up its belly right to its mouth splitting it open!

I slowly dragged myself to the bank, it was still in my leg so it pulled it out. Then I stood which was painful and held it over my head and let its blood cover me. I dragged myself and this strong beast with me here.

Name given: Riverscale.



Just thought of the thing I most wanted to beat. For us... me and Chuckles, I mean, that's lions. So I went into the Barrens, as deep as I had to. Easier than I thought, in the end.

Except I found... five. Wasn't going to beat them all. So, I tried to think of something Chuckles taught me. And I started laughing at them. And whooping. And screaming. They didn't like it.

Four ran. One didn't. Her mistake. I'm not good with a blade, but I didn't want to pack the bow and make it easy, you know? ... Went alright, until this piece of garbage broke. Lost my grip on the pieces too. She slammed my hand into the rock and it just... ogres don't make good weapons, I guess.

Didn't know what to do, so... I tried to think what some other people would do. Not a lot worked out. The last one did, though. "Throatrender", yeah?  ... Diiiiidn't quite rip it out but I think I hit something important with my tusks. Just started bleeding like crazy. Managed to find the hilt, slice her throat properly and cut off the head. Dumped the body close to the hyena's territory. Seemed fitting. A group of lions is called a pride for a reason. Felt good taking them down a peg.

Name given: Beastgrin.



I am nea in any fit state t' be wanderin' aroun' fightin' shite on land. Both coz I'm a one-legged man who 'asn' learned 'ow t' walk properly again yet, an' coz I don' know shite about t' beasts o' t' land or sky.

I ain' nae hunter. But I do know t' water, an' t' slimey gits that live in it. More than once I've seen sailors fall over t' side an' be knobbled somethin' nasty by sharks out in t' open ocean. An' more than once I've nearly been knobbled meself.

An' this bloody missin' leg doesn' stop me from swimmin'. So I decided t' go catch me somethin' I understand. I hobbled me crippled backside out t' t' shoreline, after 'avin' done some research ahead o' time t' confirm there be sharks in the area.

I wandered out into t' sea, throwin' me crutch t' wait for me back on land o' course...which forced me t' crawl t' last while till t' water woz deep enough f' me t' swim in. I swam me way out, occasionally ducking below t' water t' 'ave a look about t' see if there were any sharks there. When I got far enough out, I spotted one. Big 'orrible bugger 'e woz, but 'e wasn' comin' anywhere near me.

Sharks are dumb pissin' brutes, but they know wot their prey is an' isn't, an' Orcs don' generally LOOK like shark prey. Wrong shape. So I 'ad t' entice t' bugger t' come 'ave a go. So I cut me hand open, let me blood out into t' water. Beady eyed shites can smell blood f' miles beneath t' tide. Once 'ed picked up me scent, bastard rushed me like a mad thing. Sharks a' big buggers but they can move at great speeds.

Now, me plan 'ad been t' wrap t' chain around it's neck s' I could stab it in t' 'ead. I uh...underestimated it's speed. S' it got ahold o' me arm, an' damn near took a chunk out o' me. Luckily, that wasn' t' 'and holdin' t' knife part, That woz holdin' t' chain. I 'ad t' wrestle t' bugger f' a while as he tried t' drag me under t' waves, but I woz eventually able t' get t' chain wrapped around 'is gullet, an' managed t' jam t' knife in t' bastards beady little eyes. Bugger still fought me f' a good while though, an' managed t' break out an' rake me chest an' face wi' his teeth before 'e finally died.

Then it woz jus' a matter o' draggin' t' buggers blubbery carcass through t' water an' onto land. I woz GONNA bring t' whole shark but...he started t' weigh a hell of a lot more once out o' t' water. So I cut t' buggers 'ead off wi' me knife, splattered t' blood from t' neck stump on me head, an' impaled me knife in his mouth t' bring jus' t' head here.

Seagulls'll eat 'is body I reckon.

Name given: Tideraider.

Nakobu's note: I have attempted to convey Tideraider's rather unique accent in writing for this entry.



Right. Many of you know me, or have known me for several years. Om'riggor have been held and passed me by... It was about time to change this. I went into the Barrens, and I'll be honest with you all. I had no idea who or what I was looking for.

The area around those snake infested caves seemed as good a place as any, but who the fel knows what is going on in there with the bloody druids. Eventually, I made my way up the nearby mountain, scaling along the easy paths long used by tauren.

And there it was. Resting, coiled around one of the rocks, probably still resting after sitting in the sun all day. Windserpents they call them, I am sure you all know. I mostly saw them in Thousand Needles...

... But this one seemed to have made the trips into the Barrens, for one reason or another. It doesn't matter... I knew at once that his was to be my prey, it was.... Just right.

I made my presence known as I crossed onto the plateau, kicking up some loose gravel... Although I believe it knew full well I was there. I drew my dagger, crouched... And just... Ran straight at it.

Obviously those wings are not for show, it dodged deftly... I won't bore you too much with the details but just imagine me running around trying to stap at this flying thing. Eventually it must have lost its patience and came in a dive...

... Took me by the shoulder, and dragged me down into the dirt. I was flailing. I think at least. Bloody fangs. Eventually I must've gotten one of its wings torn because it slithered away, making it self look big like some sort of cobra.

We clashed several times... Eventually it came down to me choking it while it was trying to wrap around myself... Thankfully I still had my weapon and just...

Got it in the neck. Don't look at the head, that was just for me to carry it around... I cut off its head and took a disgusting shower in his blood - which reeks, I'll have you know. And... That's it. I killed a wind serpent.

Name given: Valorwind.



I walked up north. I had seen some tracks earlier, and I decided to follow, until I eventually.. stumbled.. upon an abandoned Troll settlement. I do not know the history of these lands, but it seemed out of place here. As I roamed around, I found the tracks again and saw the bear in the distance. Old parts of armour where still hanging on to its body and got caught on bushes every once in a while.

I knew I could not take it by myself if I had to face it head on, so putting my skills to the test. I stalked the creature, bow and arrow ready.. and waiting for a chance. And after a while it came, when I saw that one of the straps got caught on a rock.

Staying as.. silent.. as I could. I aimed and.. took the shot.. Landing the arrow in its side. I knew.. It wouldn’t be enough to.. take him down and would.. give away my cover. And I was right.. the bear turned around.. and came right at me.

I was.. lucky.. to have a rock close by I could climb. Getting above the bear on a safer distance. As I sat there and the bear.. circling underneath me, I waited for the next chance and fired again. This time the arrow landed in its shoulder.

The bear seemed dazed for a moment and I took this chance to get away, running to the other side and hiding again. I knew that I wouldn’t get the kill from the top of that place, so I needed a new chance.

I found some bushes and hid myself there keeping a close eye on the bear. It took a while but it found me again before I saw it.

It charged and as fast as I could I fired another arrow landing it in its eye. This did not stop the bear and it trampled me sending my bow flying.

Next thing I knew it was standing over me I tried to get away but noticed I had lost movement in my left arm. As a last resort in protection I swung it over my body leaving it on my chest.

The bear came down one paw swinging towards me, its claws digging in my arm.
I knew I had one last chance as the bear stood up again. I grabbed my last arrow and waited.

Our eyes locked for a moment the bear and I both roaring as it came down and I sank the arrow in its neck the spray of blood blinding me as the lifeless body sank down on top of me.

Struggling my way from.. underneath its body with one.. limp.. arm. I eventually managed to.. shove the bear aside and catch my breath thanking the ancestors I was still breathing.

Name given: the Unbroken.

Recorded by: Vraxxar Wildmark.



Very well....  So, I went to the mountain side to look for my prey, had spotted a few prowlers around last time I was there working on something, so I thought I would make one my prey.

I tried to sneak around with my axe in hand as I search for the beast but.... It was the beast who sneaked up on me, I dropped my axe as I was wrestling with the prowler, the beast clawing at my arms and chest.

After a while, I managed to gain the upper hand and push the beast back and gone for my axe to even the odds. The beast leaped at me one more time but I blocked the strike with my axe and push it back as I leaped myself and tried to strike the skull and finish the fight right there but missed and only stroke a small slash on it's leg.

After that the beast's movement had become slow and sloppy, I used that to my advantage and charged at it once again, scoring another blow on the creature but it also managed to slash my leg, hindering my own movement.

The beast looked me in the eyes then leaped for another strike but I rolled below it and swang my axe at his throat, ending the fight at last. And that concludes my story.

Name given: Kinguard.

Recorded by: Vraxxar Wildmark.



There was something-.. pulling on me, I don’t really know how else to explain… From when Kulgha took me hunting yesterday to our trip today, but before that as well, actually. Something weird. Unnatural.

I’d seen many animals while we travelled here, and d-during my lessons, but… Every time I asked someone about the Om’riggor , you all said it had to call to me. A special thing. Even the Chieftain said it. Nothing really s-spoke to me… So I followed that feeling instead.

No idea what I’d find. I went south and I came across ruins. I only saw when I stepped inside that it was filled with… statues. Like the ones we saw in the big building we arrived in. The Mogu.
I can still feel it. Nauseating. Wrong… The statues were not moving, but it was eerie..They were so large. I found a c-cave nearby. It came from there.

I’m n-not a good hunter.. nor a good killer. E-especially without my magic. But this place-.. I knew this was my prey. This being who emitted such wrongness.

There were jars inside. Broken, some n-not broken. I f-found a corpse.. one first and more later. There was a light at the end, and a larger room. Something was inside, chanting, making everything feel even more wrong.

It was one of those mogu. Not a statue, but a moving one. He was.. doing something. To one of the animals inside.. There was an energy floating, angry. Then I realized. Souls. He was using the souls. And putting them in the jars..

And that’s when he noticed me. I-.. Don’t even really remember how I managed to kill it. It’s all a bit of a blur, but I remember my own anger. This was evil. He was evil. I remember smashing the jars. Releasing the souls.. It seemed to weaken him, because he couldn’t draw on the power of them. He looked.. malnourished, actually. Desperate, I suppose. He hit me good a few times, but I was smaller. And faster. He tried to use magic, casting, but for some reason he didn’t manage.

Eventually I remembered my spear and I held it up to the height of his neck while he swung at me, remembering Tagrok's words, and I guess his own weight impaled him while he moved forwards to try and reach me. A very, very lucky blow. I couldn’t get the spear out either but I want to go back for it later.

Name given: Soulwalker.

Recorded by: Vraxxar Wildmark.



Zelyr of the Bleeding Hollow. I hunted an Ogre, singled it out. It was the... *coughs*.. Only foe tough enough to survive the first hit. I hid until I was just out of sight, then struck at him right in his home. Went right for the stomach, started bleeding him early.

He hit me, hard, as I went for the leg. But it didn't stop me, one armed I danced around him and struck again and again. He got me good a few times, hit me against the wall of his little clay hut.

But eventually he fell as more of his kind were quick on the heels. I ripped out his horn and put my face into his... *cough* Stomach. Before more came.

That's my story. I outwitted and outran an ogre, and survived.

Name given: 'The Bloodied'.



My name is Draz'hul. I aimed to hunt a beast, but didn't know where to begin.
I just kept walking until I came to the ruins of a small village. It looked Orcish, It was on the other side of the lake. I'll be honest. I didn't mean to engage whomever I'd see.
But I came across a looter and got attacked myself. I defended myself the best I could.. Which wasn't great as you can see.
He had the upper hand but I managed to trip him, I got a good hit in with my staff and that was that.. I know we aren't to use magic, so I didn't. But I did give him a proper burial, to the best of my abilities.
I will return later to bury the.. proof.

Name given: Dusklight.



My prey was a Talbuk. I went to the ancestral grounds for guidance, when I spotted her. But when I stalked her, and leapt, she ran. But not from me.

There was a w-worg, standing on the high ground, on the rocks above. Black in fur. Matted, one eye scarred over. Growling and snarling. I scared away his prey, and I became his.

Many of my clan know, I am.. terrified of wolves. And I believed this Worg was going to be my end. Truly.

It pounced, tearing open my stomach. I was ready to succumb when I felt the Ancestor's guidance at my back.

He bit me in the shoulder, piercing my neck with his fang. I bled, and he enjoyed the taste. I used my dagger to strike at him, and I blinded his other eye. Leaving him without sight.

I climbed onto his back, and he bucked, throwing me off against a tree, where I landed, to feel my body bruised but not yet broken.

I wanted to flee. But instead, I leapt down with my blade forward, to plunge it down, to fatally wound it.

As his last resort, he rolled himself over. Crushing me underneath him. I felt how my body s..splintered.

I could barely move.. and for a while, that felt like hours, I crawled from underneath him. Seeing him, hearing him whine, to bring him to the spirits.

I said a prayer to him, to guide him to the Ancestors.

"Rest now, for you will now meet your Ancestors. May you roam freely among the eternal planes. Beyond the mortal vision, on the evergreen fields of the realm beyond. Where your eyes will regain their vision. Your lungs regain the air. Where fire burns in your heart, and water and meat fills your belly. With earth under your strong paws. May the Spirits guide you home, and may you rest in eternal peace.”

And I plunged my dagger into its heart, and took h..his tail, as my trophy. Smearing my eyes with his blood. To mark myself.

Name given: Starsong.