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Topics - Thrash'Nak

Off Topic / Defiance!
April 26, 2013, 02:40:08 AM

Me and Revax have been playing Defiance for a few days and i know i'm -really- enjoying playing it on the side with Wow! So join up! :b
My in-game name is: Jack psycho!

Basicly, though you can read what the game is up on there site, i'll tell you briefly what it is. Its basicly a Mmorpg shooter, yes.. a mmorpg-shooter. I was abit skeptical about an mmorpg shooter but they've implentmented the skill system really well, you can pve, fighting against -huge- bosses, dungeons and probably soon raids. Theres loooads of quests, and the best part is that they are dynamical and in stages. Say you've completed one stage of a quest, another guy joins and he doesn't have to start all over, him and you can just continue working together to complete it and it even increases the chances of getting better loot. Its abit confusing at first but theres plenty of videos and clans that is more than happy to help out! :)

All in all, i really enjoy it. Just to clear any wonders up, i'll not stop playing wow because of this, but it really is fun, could be more so with you guys!
Game Related / What is the red blades future?
April 14, 2013, 02:37:30 AM
I'm gonna go ahead and say what i think, and i'd like to keep this as peaceful as possible.
Lately, we've been going down a steep hill, loosing memebers, loosing activity, and the overall mood in the tribe is really bad compared to our previouse state before mop. What is happening? What can we do it turn this into the right direction again?. I've been in the guild for three years soon, and i've not seen it so bad until today, i'm just a very concerned member trying to find out whats going on, and i know others are as well, i won't go ahead and mention names so they themselves can say what they wanna say from their perspective.

What i have in mind to increase activity:
Make 1 or 2 more officers, (Just to clear up, i'm not making this thread to try and rank myself up, thats not the point of this)
Reason: With more officers, comes events. With more officers more time to help out the lower ranks with their goals, aka making more activity and hopefully more events.
Make more ranks, i know when i roleplay i like to have a general idea of where i want to make my orc go, gives you a sense of progression.
Gives you a sense of progression, which will give orcs a reason to roleplay.
I'd like to see the old tutoring back, currently theres simply not enough events going to make the marks going out.
Gives tutors something to do, and could increase the overall creativity and therefor more events. Thats at least from my experince.

Any other ideas, i'd welcome whole heartly. Lets get this guild back to its former glory. Many thanks, from Grogona.
Game Related / Rated battlegrounds
December 12, 2012, 06:04:53 PM
Moved thread here to allow people outside our guild to see this thread.

So mist of pandaria is here, and we still have a ton of orcs without a sexy wolf to ride, so lets get them going!

I have a few requirements for you to fulfill to be able to join.

1: Full honour gear, preferably a few CP pieces.
2: Be able to do at least 2-5 games a nights
3: Have ventrilo installed. Having a microphone is very much encouraged.
5: Have the addon called battlegroundtargets -

If you have signed up, but didn't get invited one of the nights please contact me and we'll sort it out. I have alot of things to keep track of when doings rbgs, so i might forget a few things.

We've had a few problems with temple and silvershard mines, here are my bets of what we should do in thesse two bgs, be free to come with suggestions.
Game Related / Mist of Pandaria Rated battleground team
October 26, 2012, 03:36:40 PM
So mist of pandaria is here, and we still have a ton of orcs without a sexy wolf to ride, so lets get them going!

Do your homework!: I encourage everyone to read up on rated battlegrounds, find guides, watch some videos. Basic just make yourself familar with the variouse tacticts out there, fx: Cc cap, half and half, a spit cap, and a cuttoff. Tactics like this are used by the highest rated teams, and if we learn them probberly they will do alot for us. All this will be said next week as well. I'd especially like people to read up on AB, as it seems from the two last AB's we've been it, its quite clear that we suck at thosse.

What we need at the moment is:
2 healers, preferably a paladin and a resto shaman. Excluding myself.
1 tank, with a dps off-spec.
1 dps with a tank off-spec (in case we get into the temple, in which they are quite good to have)
6 dps varried, could use one more stealth for optimal use of SoC and ninja capping, but is not a priority.

I have a few requirements for you to fulfill to be able to join.

1: Full honour gear, preferably a few CP pieces as well, but this is not a requirement.
2: Be able to do at least 2-5 games at the chossen day of the week.
3: Be able to take orders, and be happy to. Being able to take orders is great, but if your displeased with being ordered around, you might want to work on it, because you will be ordered around.
4: Have a decent working microphone and ventrilo installed. (This is no longer a requirement, but extremely encouraged as it -will- affect our teamwork.)
5: Have the addon called battlegroundtargets -

A few tips to take in mind:

When your doing RBG's, its important you stay with your group, -unless- given order to do otherwise.
When fighting the other team, often called wiping. Focus targets will be called out all the time, get to them fast, and kill them fast. But after such, if no order is given, don't just stand there and look, attack whatever is near you.

Other than that, i hope you all will enjoy this, and of course hope we'll get a few wins a night. And if you don't get a spot will try and work it out, if we get to many perhaps we'll make another team, but we will of course try to switch everyone out so everyone can have a go at glory.

List of people signed up, or attended: If your name is not on the list, you -won't- get invited. If you want to go, you will have to tell me, arranging rbgs is one thing, gathering people is another, so for heavens sake, -sign up-.

If you have either signed up or attended please notify me.

DPS: Vashnarz, Sadok, Mozrogg, Bloodneus, Ractid, Trogasho, Chryso, Morgeth, Kozgugore, Krogon, Therak, Keishara.
Healers: Fisur, Grogona, Marzek(Sadok), Trogasho and Mokthra.
Tanks:Aclass, Kiro, Dabina and Revax.
Game Related / I need advice!
October 19, 2012, 01:17:04 PM
As some of you may know, i've gotten the amazing idea of making Grogona a monk, and i know as well many thinks i've made her quite.. mary sueish.. which is something i intend to make up for.. Heres the short version of it.
Right now Grogona is a blademaster, sworn to do her duty and obey any commands from the chieftain, is trained to kill, uses -blades-... and isn't really a monk kind of orc.

So now that we know that i wanna tell you about the idea i first had of Grogona when i made her. If anyone has watched naruto, you'll remember rock lee and his drunken fist.. That was in a really short version a male version of Grogona. Never give up, always train, a kind of silly personality and a secret up his sleeve, the drunken fist.. basicly a martial arts master. That was the basic idea.

when i then thought how i'd put this into Wow i noticed that we don't have such a class, i thought the closest might be either shaman or rogue.. but since i didn't like shamans gameplay wise i choose a rogue.. went fine for a while, but it didn't really feel right.. so i made up a whole new character, Grogona. I then joined up with ORB and to keep her intresting i decieded i'd give myself a challenge and ask Krogon to train me as a blademaster, great fun, i still enjoy it. When the news about monks, pandarens and so forth hit.. i was kinda bumped because i didn't wait for it.. But now that i can actually be one.. i'd really like to do so.. as this was the first idea.

So why don't i just do that? The thing is monks strive for balance, peace and likes to avoid conflict, where as blademasters cares little for his personal gain, if at all, all he/her cares about is his duty to his people, cleansing the world of demons, ect, ect. So i can't be a blademaster-monk.
Then i was given the idea of just putting some kung fu into the mix. The thing is, that blademasters uses.. blades.. obviousely and i wouldn't see it fit to use that combat style, -while- jumping around going all kung fu crazy on everyone.

So what do i do? I can't really say "Hey.. er.. i don't wanna be a blademaster anymore. *Shrug*" Grogona would never do such, as she is now.

So basicly i'm looking for advice how to continue this, what valid reasons do i have to quit being a blademaster?

One thing i've thought of as of know would be that she has a cub in about 6-7 months. Any suggestions? Anything is appreciated, thanks.
Post your battlefield 3 game tags here, and lets go show em bitches what being an orc means! Lok'tar ogar! \o/
The Campfire / Tell a story -together-!
August 13, 2012, 07:44:30 PM
I've recently heard about this, basicly its much like the "Three words, story game" for example:
Bob was running down the dusty road, sweat dripping from him like rain. Worn out by determinded he continued towards the ice cream shop, cause surely they had not run out of ben and jerrys, but what was that up on the road it was..:

And then someone else continues the story, of course perhaps in a more serious manner.. You could put your own characters into your stories or completely new orcs.. But do make sure it fits within well roleplay borders. No lollygagging.. :D
That being said, i think the rules are quite obviouse, theres only one requirement too the story you write and that is it needs too be able too lead up too someone else. And i suggest non of this should be in-game in character. So this is merely for the creative and bored, i mean if you feel like you want too write something, well here it is. ^^

I'll start:
It was quiet, too quiet. No dogs barking, no playing cubs, no voices, nothing. Grogona shudder and pulled her cape closer to her, hidding within the warm and safe furs. The wind waved over the deserted village and gathered a cloud of thick dust. The gate in front of her house was slamming warningly against the rotten fence, and the corn swayed on the fields, no orcs, no animals.

The fear gathered around her like a thick dark shroud, covering her entire being. What in the gods have happened here? The house wasn't big, barely 18 feet long, it was build the old way, with mud from the river and hard work, and the dried hay from the fields used as a roof. She knew she had to go inside, she would know what had happened here if she did, but her legs were as stone chaining her to the dusty dirt, she took a deep breath before forcing her way in.

In front of the broken door, broken vases and darkred rye bread, covered in a thick layer of stained blood, the dust swayed of the steps of the door and unto her bared feet, she gulped and took a step further. She pulled up the door with a loud grunt and threw it behind her, as she opened it a black gray cloud of smoke flew right out towards her, she coughed roughly and held a hand too her mouth, it ripped in her lungs as she stepped even further into the house. The tears poured down her face, she knew what had happened but she had to see it with her own eyes. Suddenly an overwhelming noise made her go to her noise, covering her ears, it felt as if the earth has ripped open and its fires spewed out, yet the sky lit up, lightning. She looked into the gray dark. A thin orc layed there, covered in nothing but a ripped loincloth, its head bashed it leaving but a smashed pool of gore.

She took a few more steps inside, she cryed quietly as she forced herself to look up, seeing dead orcs everywhere, woman, young males and even new born cubs lay spread all over the small house, covering the floor in blood. She gasped, taking a step back and knocked down a torch, the torch soon lit the house on fire, licking the dead bodies of the orcs, she howled out in pain and sadness as she ran outside turning around and stared with wet eyes into the fires. Her stomache turned outside out, and she puked. She looked up into the flames, cursing every god she knew, curse them for forsakening them, curse them! Soon the flames shock out, burning her red hair. But it didn't hurt, no. All she felt was the sadness and horror she had witness, family, friends and mate all killed by some unknown enemy, she howled out in sorrow falling on her knees and soon the fire spread from her, burning everything, nothing. But destruction.

Grogona sat up, panicked, hitting and kicking everything near her. She gasped for air trying too calm herself. "It was just a dream.. But why was she having thesse dreams? She didn't know the orcs, or the hut, non of it" She peered around her, orcs everywhere sleeping soundly, seems her scream didn't wake them, typically.. A cough over from a corner looked up, starring straight into her eyes. Grogona narrowed her eyes and she could see it was:

That is my story, please do continue on the story. But remember, please do post a small heads up before posting your part that you claim the next turn too prevent someone posting a part before someone elses. Enjoy. ^^
The Campfire / Self-punishment.
August 01, 2012, 11:31:42 PM

The tree shocked through its root as Grogona's bloodied knuckles slamming upon its already crushed and ruined bark, the blood flew down joining with the dirt which soon consumed it, soaking the earth. She kepts slamming the tree as she hissed for air, keeping up the barrage up of wreckingly painful hits, cursing at herself. "Your not weak, keep it up! Keep it up, don't let a fucking lung get the better of you, keep going! If you give up you will run a hundred miles and if you as much as fall just once you will run another hundred! WEAKLING!" The yelling's got consumed by words of tears, but never ceasing too slam the tree, she kept it up, determinded, she was not gonna let a lung get the best of her. She bend down in knees and bound the air around her, she leaped towards the tree as she normally would when stepping through the wind. She met nothing but the bloodied failure of the tree and everything went black.

When she woke it had gotten dark, and the howls of the night emitted all around her. She snarled, cursing and slammed the earth with all her might. She held her palm infront of her eyes, bloodied and broken, she felt the burned scar in her palm, a tear appeared in her eye corner followed by another snarl of anger, she tightented her fist and slammed it into the blood soaked earth and pulled herself too her feet, hissing from the pain. "Run weakling, your not worthy of the tribe, run! RUN!" She kept running hissing and grunting for air, snarling as she felt her body bend under her unbroken will. "No, not now! You still have 50 miles left! Now run! RUN!" Her words were in vein, her legs stopped refusing too move one more step, her whole body was shaking in pain and she felt it, she felt it greatly.

She roared out, slamming her chest and forced her legs one more step before collapsing into the sand, the air filled her lungs, feeling like she was breathing hot steam. The pain was immense, it waved through her, feeling her every being. She was stuck there for what would seem like an eternity, snarling and cursing at herself, punishing herself for being weak, but the pain never stopped.. She was gonna be crippled.. helpless, but no. Not her, she would never give up and with one final push too pushed herself too the absolute last limit, she could feel her calories burning up, ripping at her being. She snarled and kept going, ignoring the agony her body put her in through, her lung roared for her too stop, but she kept going, and going. The camp was in sight, She snarled, she could feel her heel's skin being peeled off, her arms felt like two stone towers, clamping too her body, her legs were bloodied from the countless falls and her throat sour from the curses she yelled.

She stood infront of the small camp, in fornt of the market town, Mar'at where the tribe was stationed and collapsed into her furs. She looked her at her hands, she grapped a small bag from her sacks, containing salt, she sighed before dipping her fresh wounded knuckles into the salt, it pinched but nothing compared too what she had been through. she tied them up in bandages. The pain was nothing compared too the trials Devilstep had put her through. She had starred into the very eyes of death, but beaten by her lung? Pathetic, she thought too herself, she cryed and tried too wipe them off stopping herself, but they kept going, she groweld and kept swearing at herself. "Weak, weak. And you call yourself an orc? A Nag'ogar of the tribe?!" She snapped too herself, her eyes flickered, her body gave up. Her will still wanting too keep herself awake but it was too no end, the warm furs comforting her broken body was too much, her breath calmed and she stopped cursing, never ceasing too snarl at herself. It was almost morning as she finaly closed her eyes.

Her will too stay strong, haunted her dreams, she turned and turned never seeming too find anywhere comfortable, she thought of the tribe, how would she continue too serve her chieftain like this? She thought of her mate, Therak. Would she ever be able too face him after her failure? She thought of the promise she made too her loved sister Rhonya, and her mate Grek'thar, and too her brother Lom'rak, which she had made an oath with. Would she even be fitted too take care of her cub if she were too pass? The thoughts overthrew her, she rushed up panting, snarling and tears couldn't stop, she howled quietly curling together dragging the sheets over her head, hidding from sight.
She snarled at herself, and held her hand pressed against the bandaged area, causing herself more pain, punishing herself, she snarled again. The tears stopped, perhaps because her body simply didn't allow her too cry more, or because she was too determinded too keep on going. She grapped her sacks, filled with metal, no way fucking way she was gonna bend over for some lung too have its way, fuck no! She's an orc of the warsong clan, battleborn in the heat of war! Blademaster of the horde, Nag'ogar of the red blades! She swore an oath too stay with the tribe, she swore an oath too her beloved within the tribe, if she would fail at such things she did not deserve too live. The thought flew through her head, like sand over the desert being moved by the rough wind.

She didn't mind the pain waving through her body or the soaring pain that flew through her body each stroke she blew upon the anvil. She snarled, bending the metal too her will, heating it, and hammering again, she kept on and cryed out in pain with every hit. The metal slowly took shape, she took the finished plates and strapped them on her body, snarling at the new weight, but she didn't care. She wouldn't let her lung take the course of her life, she kept hammering more steel forging more armor, and strapping new pieces on.

Finaly she strapped on the last piece of armor, she felt the large axe in her hands, she felt in sweeping through the air. It was a new sensation, a new feeling. She could go on, she could keep on fighting. She kept swining it, it felt like a jump in time, as she suddenly was swinging her axe against a training dummy. She kept swinging it, felt the power surging through her body, she started smirking, her confidence returned, she was once again worthy of the tribe.

(( Just a note, this was before the scouting event and i hope my spelling wasn't too bad. ))
Game Related / Orcish culture!
July 23, 2012, 09:02:31 PM
I'd really like too try and push the tribe into more orcish culture, such as getting blessings for your new born cubs, propper funeral rites, rites of war, duels, hunts or really anything that comes too mind. Anything thats in the direction of indian culture is probably very well suited.

I'd also like some songs, perhaps songs sung before war or during sorrow. Think orcish culture and post it here, i'd really appreciate it and i will personaly from now on, start pushing Grogona in a more spiritual belief, thanking her ansectors after killing her prey or victory and so forth, i enourage everyone too do the same. :) Or well i'd like too see it!

I'll update this list as it goes along and add some of my own ideas too it, and perhaps either Koz, Sadok or any of the high blades will take them too heart and make something of it. We claim too wanna remember the old traditions, i'd say we should try and do something more about it. :)

And now that i'm reading through this, i can see that it may, or may not offend someone. I mean no ill intent, i'm very satisfied with what the tribe already offers but i feel that there could be much more. :)

War rituals:
Drums of war, before heading out into combat, the orcs are rallied and an orc of high ritual stands is playing a rite of war on said, drums of war. War crys should be shouted and asking our ansectors for aid should also take place.
Game Related / Pet battles in mist of pandaria..
July 18, 2012, 01:23:11 AM
I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To catch them is my real test To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land Searching far and wide Each Pokemon to understand The power that's inside
Pokemon, its you and me I know it’s my destiny Pokemon, oh, you're my best friend In a world we must defend Pokemon, a heart so true Our courage will pull us through
You teach me and I'll teach you Pokemon, gotta catch 'em all
Every challenge along the way With courage I will face I will battle every day To claim my rightful place
Come with me, the time is right There's no better team Arm in arm we'll win the fight It's always been our dream

..........i love it.. bloody.. love it.. Screw pvp, pve, roleplay, leveling, gold, everything wow related.. From now on.. when i play wow.. its because i'm catching the rarest of the rarest pokemon pet in mist of pandaria..

Just a heads up. :>
Event Planning / Events!
May 22, 2012, 10:28:19 AM
As some may have noticed i've planed out quite a few events, and i'll keep doing it, however.. I  don't wanna raise a finger and be all fak u and shit but -please- if you sign up, please bloody attend.. If your not sure you can't come please save me the trouble and don't sign up, i'd gladly make events and i put alot of work into each of them, so the gesture is much appreciated. Thank you, and thank you for understanding.

- peace, grogona.
As the title says! ^
I miss RBGs even though i only attened to 5-6 games, and i loooooved it.
Morg had been holding the RBGs until now, but its time to walk on our own legs and let the awesome Morg get some rest.. :)
I've -no- experince leading RBGs but i sure as hell wouldn't mind arranging it, so please put your name, class and spec below and we may be able to get a team rolling. For the blood of the tribe!

The RBGs "Days" will be decied when we have an actual team, but i'll set the walls this way, it will not be in the weekend, i personally like to use my weekends for real life so anything between monday and friday.

I did state i suck at team building so if anyone feels like they could build a decent team, knows some healers and so forth.

The team so far, of course it may change depending on healers, tanks, cc, dps, burst and whatnot so don't get your hopes up yet:
Grogona sub rogue
Krezurgesh arms warrior
Orok Fc/arms warrior
Vashnarz - Hunter/rogue ninjacapper.
Grekthar - Elemental shaman.
Kaigron - Sub rogue
Sadok - Frost mage
Groshnakk - Blood death knight, tank.
Sonitus - Resto/balance druid