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The Going Away / AFK Thread

Started by Kulgar, November 21, 2010, 08:12:31 PM

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Not gonna be online most of the weekend. Might turn up half an hour or so for Kosh'harg. Will be on again Monday afternoon or evening. :)
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Ahoy hoy!
Good news and bad news. I finally got some decent human hours. No more double and triple shifts, with loads of of days off in between. After 3 months of that. i finally got reguar-ish 9 to 9 shifts mon to fri. So bad news is, i'll most likely only be active Saturday and Sunday from now on :( Wont be around this weekend though, due to irl stuff. So i shall see you all next weekend. Keep the campfire going for me  :-*


Will be AFK for about a week or so. Last of the auditions comming up as well as a weekend together with the band. I will still be on skype, for those who want to get a hold of me there, but no WoW until next week. Have fun at the trailer-filming!
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


Someone may have noticed already, but I've been away for a while so I figured I should say something xD Just wanted to say that I'm having a break, and that I'll be back in a few weeks or so I think. :3
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


Will be sort of semi-AFK for the next few weeks, since I am in the process of finishing my bachelor's dissertation as well as preparing for my senior recitial. Things should start to calm down in the middle of May somewhere. I'll still be around, just not as much as I have been previously. :)
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


Think, assess, act.


"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


Apologies for being so inactive lately. Semi-bored of wow and focusing more on my feral Druid atm in pvp. (got some big dreams there, aiming glad next season if everything goes good :P) So just act like Rashka is busy with the cub or something. (Which she most likely is since it's still so young)
Mucho luff meee.<3
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Got some big exams coming up, so for the next few weeks I'll only be on during the weekends.


Just gonna write it here too even tho I wrote it online; I'll be gone from 13'th-28'th or so.
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


I'll be away this weekend, some friends are in town from abroad, so many shenanigans will be had. might even be recording some tunes yey. see ya'll soons  :-*


My inactivity continues. Just showing the spark of life here.

Hope it ends soon :)

Kogra Windwatcher

As some might have known I have been away for about a month. I want to apologise for that as I did not have the time to actually play thanks to college projects and a general disinterest in WoW at the time.

Now, however, I'll have to bid you all farewell. As the guild moves to Argent Dawn, I shall not. Yesterday evening was my last time rp for a while. The time I spent with you lot was great and I've met a lot of awesome people along the road.

From the first day I rped with the tribe, you all have been acceptant of me as a newcomer and I would like to thank you all for that.

Perhaps in time I shall migrate to AD, but until then; Game on.

Blood and Honour, tribe.

Te altero latere videbo,
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been online this week and that is because this has been a crazy busy week for me. I graduate on friday and I've been having exams and stuff all week, and during the weekend I'll be going to Stockholm for my best friend's bachelorette party. But I should be back to business as usual on sunday evening/monday again. :) Just wanted to give you guys a heads up. ^^
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


Crazy college semester has ended, finally got sometime for WoW
Sorry for not being in-game for months (and thanks not kicking me out  :-*)

I am coming back when the tribe move to AD
However I need to go back to my country (with timezone diff)
so my online time within this summer will be a bit 'abnormal'