Boot to the Head - Duel rules
So, what are ‘Boot to the head’ rules? Simply put, boot to the head is a roll based system used by two players fighting a duel, be it in friendly terms or if you’re inclined to a much more lethal conclusion.
The system is in essence the standard system used by many under the so called ‘brawl tree’ in the valley of honor. That going by the following:
1 - Both players do a /roll, the player with the highest roll gets the ‘initiative’ and attacks first.
2 - the attacking player emotes an ‘attempted’ attack, then does a /roll.
3 - The defending player then also does a /roll, if this is lower than the attacking players roll they are hit, if it’s higher they are not and can then emote how they dodge, parry or such.
4 - It then becomes the defending players turn to attack, repeat the process.
5 - This occurs and repeats until one of the two players run out hp (usually 3 or 5hp). First player to remove all of their opponents' hp, wins!
But there is more to it than that, in ‘boot to the head’ rules, you also get a once per brawl ‘bonus’. This bonus is a +50 to an attack or defensive roll (of your choice). This can either help a lot if you roll a 1, or be completely useless if you roll a 100. While it can be a wild card life saver or ender, it can also be rendered completely useless by pure chance also. So use it wisely!
As a standard, if you intend to use your Bonus, Always state so before you make an attack or defensive roll. This is best done in a party or raid chat. for example…
/emote uses his sword to make several swift cutting strikes
/p I’m going to use my bonus now for this attack
(gets a 26) (Add a +50, end up with 76)
The defending player is on 1HP, and desperate to stay in the fight, so they use their bonus too in this fashion…
/p i’m using my bonus as well
(gets a 55) (Add a +50, end up with 105)
/emote expertly defends themselves, parrying the sword strokes with his axe and blocking with his shield.
Hopefully that all makes sense!
On top of that, there are also some other side rules… namely the following!
1 - Emotes should be no larger than one chat box. Duels by rolls and emotes take long enough as is without people writing war and peace across four chat boxes of text.
2 - Trying to force an outcome or trap the enemy player with impossible to stop or block emotes, is not allowed. The rolls decide the outcome. If at any point someone complains their emote cannot be stopped or they can block anything regardless of the rolls, I will disqualify you instantly, no exceptions.
3 - Emoting attempts to kill the other player during an honorable duel or spar using these rules, will result in instant disqualification. If you’ve planned a kill, inform the referee first… it helps.
4 - Healing and mending in tournaments: during a tournament, you may need to fight several times, and being brutally crippled in the first fight then saying you can’t go on isn’t helpful. Potions and immediate magic healing can, should and will be available. If you want to be hurt and have the results carry on after the tournament for further rp, do it after your last fight. Tournaments will not be stopped, paused or held up because “I need a few weeks to recoverâ€. Drink the damn potion.
And that’s about the long and short of it! Hope you enjoy using this system! Any questions, poke me in game or discord!