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Character Self View and View of Others, Part 2!

Started by Rhonya, May 12, 2018, 05:25:10 PM

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Seeing the former one is somewhat outdated, let's start anew with the recent people!

This thread is for fun, writing a character view. How would your character view themselves, and others of the clan that are close to them in one way or another? Of course you don't need to join in, no one will force you. ;)
But it's fun to see either way! Views can of course be both positive and negative, keep in mind this is an IC character view and nothing OOC!

As I did in the former topic too, I'll start off with my own character!

Rhonya Steelheart

Self view:

Rhonya has grown. Not only to others their eyes perhaps, but also to her own. Her oldest son is nearing seven years, a stark reminder of how long she's been with the clan as well, as he was born not too long after she started to travel with them.
She finds herself a little lost though between all the new faces in the clan now. So many treat her as if she's allknowing, which makes her proud to see but also very unsure. She, the oathbreaker, the rule breaker, almost taking up the same role of advicer as before. Rhonya isn't entirely sure she wants that.
Her bond with the elements keeps growing at least, something she likes. But it also makes her feel a little more distant from the others. A bit of a crossroads at this point, not sure whether she should step forwards again or is happy on the place she is right now, rankwise.

Rhonya's view on others:

Spoiler: "Kozgugore Feraleye" • show
A lot happened between Rhonya and Kozgugore through the years. Their bond, so strong, once broken but remade again. One of the things Rhonya is most happy about, looking back on the past year. Even though she doesn't get to talk to him much recently, with him distancing himself from the clan a lot, she values him greatly. Yet she worries about him too, as always. The weight of command on his shoulders for such a long time already, can't be easy.

Spoiler: "Gashuk Soulfury" • show
Bloodbrother once, then dead. Then Rhonya risked her entire life in the clan to get him back, to save his soul. And in doing that, she actually also partly saved her own. Gashuk was like a missing piece of a puzzle in her life, filling that spot perfectly and without effort now. She'd die for him, without any hesitation. Her mate for a while already now, he keeps her upright, grounded. Even though she's not too happy with his lust for magic sources still, it's a lot better than when he still used to be addicted to fel. 

Spoiler: "Kogra Windwatcher" • show
Her bloodsister. The one that stood by Rhonya through happy times and hardships, one of her biggest supports the past years. They're like two peas in a pod, almost always agree and disagree on the same things, work together without any effort. Even after being seperated for a while, they picked right up where they'd left as if no time had been in between. Rhonya loves her dearly and would do everything to see her remain happy and healthy. It's not even awkward to Rhonya that her once student is now above her, rankwise. It didn't change anything between them, the respect and unity is still there, stronger than ever. 

Spoiler: "Srelok Grimtide" • show
It took quite a while for Rhonya to warm up to Srelok, due to their past together. As her cousin, he kept reminding her a lot of his father, the one who raised Rhonya. However, through the years and times spent together, a deep bond of trust has grown between them both. He has the uncanny ability to always feel and know how she's feeling and how she's doing, though he doesn't do it on purpose, it annoys her at times. Nothing much that can be kept secret from Srelok. She's very proud of the effort and care he's shown to the others of the clan, though she also worries he might've given a bit too much of himself up for others. He keeps his distance now and that only adds to these worries. She misses him. Srelok is also somewhat like a father for Rhonya's cubs and those not hers that she cares for, watching over them a lot of times.

Spoiler: "Trakmar Beastbane" • show
An unlikely bloodbrother. She didn't expect this to happen, but it did, and now Rhonya is actually glad about it. Trakmar has always been a pillar for Rhonya in the clan. Albeit not always one she could lean on, but he was there through hard times and good times, a familiar face, someone with a hard outer shell but once she got to know him, she saw the softer side of him. A side he doesn't show much in public, but she's happy that he trusted her enough to show it to her in private. Also once a student, now Rhonya's tutor. What worries her now is his visible decline. He's started to mean even more to her, she does not want to lose him so soon after finally getting to know him better.

Spoiler: "Noshmarak Ironclaw" • show
Once an enemy and prisoner, now a Rrosh'tul and commander. He reminds Rhonya a little of Gridish, they both share a certain kind of humour when things are calm in camp, but can be utterly ruthless and serious when time calls for it. He's a good leader, the orcs follow him well. 

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show
Rhonya has seen a lot more of Vraxxar recently, though she still feels she doesn't really know him that well. Helping him with a piece left of his past recently made her glad. He looks on his place. Varog'gor suits him, though Rhonya thinks he'll need to harden his heart a bit more to fully be able to carry what will be asked of him in his current position. He is too nice to some orcs in her eyes, not firm enough. It may come to bite him in the ass eventually.

Spoiler: "Kyrazha Throatrender" • show
Rhonya doesn't like Kyrazha very much. She still thinks Kyra is angry at her for the choices she and Sadok made a few years ago. Plus the fact Rhonya is now taking care of Kyra's and Sadoks children, which Kyrazha doesn't want anything to do with. Kyrazha acts bitter to her, often simply outright ignoring her when they do happen to run into one another. Rhonya's afraid the female will become angry when pushed too hard about these matters though, so she doesn't discuss them. Instead she just tells Trakmar about it, he knows better how to handle his mate.

Spoiler: "Atarka" • show
A strong but silent personality, as far as Rhonya has seen at least. Atar'ka comes across as intelligent, though more one to watch a while first before giving her opinion on anything. Rhonya is curious about her, what drives her, what brought her to the clan and what happened to her before she joined them? She will not push the matter though, Rhonya is patient enough to wait and observe a bit more and slowly prod Atar'ka at times for some more details, if she's willing to share them.

Spoiler: "Karnna Blackfeather" • show
Rhonya lost her trust for this female after she brought the clan in danger in several ways, plus the effort Rhonya had gone through before to have her cleansed with Light. Her warnings about the Shadow were thrown into the wind and came back to bite the entire clan in the ass, so Rhonya is certainly keeping an eye on Karnna now, not trusting her shadow magics and affinity with humans.

Spoiler: "Okiba" • show
Someone who made his way quickly in the clan, and in Rhonya's eyes a good addition. His ways are somewhat strange, but that's always been such with those taught in the ways of the pandaren. He's not scared to take up tasks himself and teach others, which Rhonya is happy about. She feels a little guilty still though that he got hurt and she couldn't mend him properly, which meant he left for quite a long time to seek help with the pandaren menders instead. Rhonya is certainly somewhat intrigued by him though and appriciates his company and advice.

Spoiler: "Narthak Strongarm" • show
A good friend, is one of the first things Rhonya thinks when she's asked about Nar'thak. She doesn't know him very well, but would love to learn more of his past and present. He's her fellow mender and she's actually really proud of him and the way he made himself useful and needed in the clan from the first day onwards. She feels she can safely let him mend the others as well, that he won't mess up. They have a pretty good teamwork going on as well when working on something together, she can do things with her shamanism that he can't do with his chi, and visa versa. He's very well on his way in the clan in her eyes, making himself trusted more and more.

Spoiler: "Razaron" • show
The most unlikely Varog'gor she's ever seen. Rhonya isn't entirely sure she trusts him in that position. But she trusts Kozgugore in not picking his Varog'gor wrongly, so she's willing to see where this is going with him. Rhonya likes Razaron, he does make her laugh and brings some well needed lighter hearted moments in the clan as well. And who knows, he might surprise her, knowing how ruthless he can also be sometimes.

Spoiler: "Tahara" • show
Rhonya hasn't spoken to this one that much yet. Somewhat standing out a little though as not your typical orc, but that's something Rhonya can admire, actually. Especially as she chose the path of Wisdom while probably everyone expected the she-orc to choose Strength. 

Spoiler: "Urzoga" • show
A tragic story, this one. Rhonya really felt for the woman when she heard what happened and how she found herself with the clan all of a sudden. Yet Rhonya isn't entirely sure what kind of support she can be for Urzoga, because the she-orc doesn't seem entirely certain herself which direction she wants to go. This makes Rhonya a bit uncertain about approaching her as well, not wanting to chase her away or make things even more complicated for Urzoga. But should she ever come to Rhonya for advice or just for a talk, she's very willing to offer a listening ear or even a shoulder to cry on.

Spoiler: "Grarshak" • show
Someone Rhon thought of pretty highly at first. He came across as knowning what he wanted, certain of his ways, those of the blademaster. But after she helped him getinto contact with Krogon, he only appeared to have lost his way all of a sudden. She kind of avoids him now a bit, he's only gotten mad at her the past times they spoke, mainly because of his very close minded view on Nakobu and how the clan treats him and his inability to see past what happened in the past. She's lost a big chunk of respect for him.

Spoiler: "Kargnar" • show
Her cousins Bloodbrother. Rhonya can't say she really knows much about Kargnar. He doesn't really strike her as the kind of orc that wishes to tell a lot about himself. To her, he kind of blends into the background, which isn't a bad thing perse, but for a Rrosh'tul, he doesn't really come across to her as a leader figure. Especially because he nearly killed another clanmember in a simple spar not too long ago, going for lethal blows and then came asking Rhonya if she could mend the dying orc. This really hit a wrong note in her eyes, even more so when he insisted one of the she-orcs was his lifemate, broke up with her the week after and got bonded with an other one not even a few weeks after that. Her respect for him has gotten quite low after those recent events, but she's willing to keep an open mind and see where he goes from here, now having his rank back again.

Spoiler: "Gaarthok" • show
So far Gaar'thok strikes Rhonya as someone she can talk to and trust to a degree. He's very interested in learning about the clan and its ways, the spirits and everything, which is a good thing in her eyes!

Spoiler: "Nakobu" • show
Her newblood. Reminds her so much of herself years ago. Starting on the wrong foot in the clan, being looked at with disgust and mistrust. She's taken him under her wing and will be there for him when needed, he's eager to learn at least!

People outside the clan:

Spoiler: "Belthran" • show
A very unlikely friend that Rhonya didn't expect would be able to get so close to her. She doesn't see him as often as she'd like, but she's fond of him. Belthran has given her some advice and insights from a very unique perspective and point of view, seeing he's a Forsaken and not part of the clan. Often he's hit the mark a bit too well for her liking, striking true on some pretty sensitive topics. He is the only Forsaken in all those years she's learned to trust, which is even more a very rare feat because he's a shadow priest, the thing Rhonya used to fear and dislike a lot.

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Mal'garr's Opinion of Himself:

Mal'garr Firefist's view on himself is a rather contradictory one. He views himself alternatively as a victim and a villain, largely depending on what's been said to him that day or just, and otherwise based largely arbitrarily on what he's been thinking about around that time. This is in large part due to heavily fragmented memory, and due to his inherent nature as something of a fanatic who now lacks any kind of real ideology.

He believes himself to be highly intelligent and skilled in his craft, while also seeing himself to one degree or another as a traitor to his people. He isn't often willing to admit to this to others, however, due to his inherent sense of pride. It is this pride that has also allowed him to essentially talk himself into a victim complex.

He is, by and large, unsure as to what to do with himself, having gone over the years from a respected Shaman, to one of the servants of the secretive masters of the Orc race, to a hated fugitive, and more recently to an Orc with very little bit military service and his fel-magic to occupy his time and mind.  After his exile and subsequent return as Pariah, he still follows the clan, but even he doesn't entirely know why he bothers. He largely chalks it up to the fact that the few friends he has at his age are all, with the exception of a Dark Ranger, part of the clan.

Mal'garr's Opinion of Others:

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr's opinion of Thrash is a fairly simple one. While he's not entirely joking when he calls Thrash "The Idiot" or belittles his intelligence, that doesn't mean he holds him in any contempt. He considers Thrash to be, while a bit dim, his closest friend and ally within the Clan, viewing him almost as a mildly disappointing son. He remembers distinctly that Thrash promised to fight with Mal'garr should his life be in danger, and remembers also that when Trakmar threatened to remove his head Thrash placed himself between Beastbane and Mal'garr. Mal'garr similarly, though he isn't sure if he's said as much to the Idiot, would do his best to protect his life if needs be.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr doesn't entirely understand Karnna. Indeed she rather distinctly confuses him, given her often cold and threatening demeanor. All the same, he has concluded she is an entirely decent Orc. Smarter than most, and one with whom he feels some kinship as she too dabbles with "forbidden" magic from time to time. He considers her a friend.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr can't stand Kroat. He considers him something of an "anti-Thrash". Both are, to Mal'garr's mind, not exactly bright. Both are warriors who believe themselves more competent than they may actually be. Both think themselves funny when they aren't. While in Thrash he finds these traits endearing, due to Kroat's regular harrasment of Mal'garr, in Kroat Mal'garr finds them infuriating. Mal'garr is convinced that he will at some point end up fighting Kroat. He also fully believes he'll win.

Spoiler: show
Regnan upsets Mal'garr. For a brief while he believed that he and her got along...passably. She wasn't one of the Orcs he viewed as being an ignorant fool, hating him without cause. Recent events, however, seem to have led her to view him as a monster or abomination. He believes her views rash and misguided, but he doesn't hate her as he hates some, simply because her views are at least based on something HE did to one degree or another.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr hasn't interacted often enough with the Chieftain to have a solid grasp on his opinion of him. The few interactions he has had with him led Mal'garr to the opinion that the chieftain is a lot more open and understanding towards Orcs of his profession than his clan seems set up to be. This somewhat confuses Mal'garr, but he overall thinks the Chieftain is decent enough.

Spoiler: show
Rhonya is another Orc Mal'garr simply doesn't understand, to the point at which he views her as a hypocrite. He views her as judgmental, but only to those she does not already know. He sees her as looking down on him for his fel-magic, despite being very close to an Orc he understands was a Warlock until very recently. Her sanctimonious words and apparent judgment of him and his profession don't make sense in his mind when placed next to her closeness to Gashuk. He does not believe this to be a deliberate plot on her part. He views her as a strange kind of non-aggressive zealot who doesn't reflect on her own words and actions.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr's view of Trakmar is quite simple. Ignorant beast. He detests Trakmar, and makes no attempt to hide this. While he won't openly disobey an order or instruction given by Trakmar, he is very frank about his deep dislike of him. He often finds it confusing when people express concern of confusion as to why Mal'garr dislikes Trakmar as much as he does, given that the Orc openly threatened to cut his head off twice in as many days.

Spoiler: show
 Mal'garr used to hate Gashuk. He has since actually sat down and had a conversation with the orc and his view has changed somewhat. Mal'garr likes Gashuk. He does, however, still hate being compared to him.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr likes Vraxxar well enough though he doesn't fully understand him. Mal'garr is fairly certain that Vraxxar views Mal'garr's fel-magic with the same suspicion and distaste that much of the clan sees it with, but at the same time Vraxxar hasn't been unduly rude to Mal'garr and seems to recognize the usefulness of Mal'garr's powers to the clan. Vraxxar is polite to Mal'garr, and Mal'garr appreciates that.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr originally considered Razaron to be one of the Orcs who would oppose him and anything he did when he first approached the clan, but was rather surprised to find Razaron offering himself as Mal'garr's tutor when Mal'garr was eventually given the rank of Newblood. Mal'garr did warm to Razaron over time, but since his own exile he now finds himself unsure and wary around Razaron, not entirely certain where he stands with the one-eyed madman.

Spoiler: show
Mal'garr initially was unsure of how exactly he felt about this Orc, internally viewing the generally polite way he was treated by said Orc as being somewhat suspicious. Since then, however, Mal'garr has to his mind worked out that his behavior is not some peculiar trick, and that Okiba is indeed one of the "reasonable" Orcs in the clan. He knows full well that Okiba doesn't particularly care for his Fel-Magic, but he doesn't seem to have branded Mal'garr as a fool or a monster because of it.

Anyone left out I haven't gotten to yet or Mal'garr hasn't interacted with them enough to have a proper opinion of them. 


Kroat The Rallier

Kroats view of himself.

Kroat is a decent sized orc, not the biggest guy around, but certainly has some THUMP to him, in both fat and muscle. He is proud of this fact and thinks he has a lovely figure. Those close to him would know of his many many UGLY scars, he feels shame over them, not wearing them proudly like many battlehardened veterans. Considering them proof of defeats rather than proof of bravery and battle. Kroat considers himself the strongest in his bloodline, constantly reminding his brother of this fact. He is very proud of his background in the military as a field officer, aswell as his work in the Shatterskull, he values loyalty above all else, and hates traitors and deserters. He rarely thinks himself to be wrong. He thinks people who say he has a drinking problem are merely joking, or that they are infact the ones with a problem.

Spoiler: "Grog" • show
Grog is Kroats best friend, he loves Grog with all his heart, often drinking over a dozen mugs a day, he refuses to admit he has a problem with it, but after consulting Kyrazha and Regnan, he had decided to try and take a break from the stuff, to see if he was truly addicted afterall...

Spoiler: "Kyrazha Throatrender" • show
Fruitvendor? Kroatbender? Throatmender? Boatslender. No matter how many times he might forget her name or call her something wrong, Kroat thinks of Kyrazha as a close friend, having labeled her with his buddy stamp after quite a few talks, he takes her advice seriously even though he might hide this fact. To him, she is a BRO before anything else. She is one of the few she-wolves he can talk normally to without acting strange or not acting like himself at all, probably because he again, thinks of her as a BRO, a good friend who happends to have breasts. He believes she views him as a friend in return.

Spoiler: "Trakmar Beastbane" • show
Kroat looks up to Trakmar, thinking of him as an honored Elder. He will follow almost any order without question, and go out of his way to impress him if possible. Kroat fails to see any fault in Trakmars behavior, even after seeing the bruises on his mate. To him he is Trakmar CentaurCrusher, a hero of the clan.   

Spoiler: "Karnna Blackfeather" • show
Not a fan of her friendship with humans or her dark-magics, he thinks she is a danger to the clan, but he knows better than to go against the Elders decision to let her roam freely among the clan once more. He thinks of her as neither friend nor foe. Lately been making an effort to calm things between them as banter only brings them both harm.

Spoiler: "Mokthas The Beastmaster" • show
Kroat has always looked down on his brother, never speaking to him without insulting him in one way or another, he thinks of him as his weaker self, ashamed to have him as a brother. Though...they do have their moments, moments where Kroat shows that he cares, even if just a little, he did bring Mokthas with him to the Shatterskull to help him grow as an orc, must be some love between them, somewhere.

Spoiler: "Kargnar Bloodpaw" • show
Man, how do you spell Bro? With a B.R and a O. Kroat thinks of Kargnar as his bro, having bonded with him in Nagrand and in Durotar, he trusts Bloodpaw fully and takes hid advice seriously, one of the few orcs he truly likes spending time with. As his best friend, and his first in the clan, Kroat always seeks to spend time with Kargnar if his mate and their different positions within the clan allow it, even if Kargnar is his Rrosh'tul he thinks of him as a friend first, and Elder second.

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show
Tutor, bud, friend, Vraxxar is a dear friend to Kroat, he actually shows he cares for the orc, not something he does for many others, along with Bloodpaw, Wildmark is one of the few orcs Kroat has given the mental title, Bro. Even if no longer his tutor, Kroat would likely follow most advice / orders given to him by Wildmark.

Spoiler: "Razaron Madeye" • show
Interesting a word Kroat uses to describe Madeye, he is not yet sure if he trusts him or not, after learning of his Blood-magic, though, he feels comfortable around the orc after they shared a talk in the tower. He would not call him a friend as of now, as he does not know him well enough.

Spoiler: "Drakada" • show
He respects Drakada, very much so, an Elder who has offered him his friendship and his advice, he would not dare call him a friend as he thinks a war-torn Elder like Drakada to be above him.

Spoiler: "Narthak" • show
Kroat thinks he's alright, offered him a drink once afterall, also been helping the clan on many events. Kroat feels he is a valuable member of the clan, the fact that he's an Elder only makes Kroat like him more, though he would not call him a friend. A honored Clansorc is more fitting.

Spoiler: "Rhonya Steelheart" • show
He thinks of her highly, being thankful after she took the time to give him a lesson on the Varog'gors. He considers himself her friend though he knows she does not feel the same way, he brushes this off, keen on showing he apreciated what she did for him.

Spoiler: "Kozgugore Feraleye" • show
He has read the tales, heard them song by the voice of his Shatterskull scribe Skroll. Tales of valor, and honor. After having talked with the orc on a one on one basis one late night in the crossroads, he believes him to be a orcish champion, one he is keen on following to his death, aspiring to reach Varog'gor to serve him. He does not wish to befriend Kozgugore as he thinks of him as a Leader and not his fellow orc.

Spoiler: "Gashuk" • show
He has come to understand that Gashuk is an orc with a great deal of knowledge at his disposal, after he quizzed Kroat on clan matters, Kroat came to respect him.

Spoiler: "Kogra Windwatcher" • show
He respects her for her Om'riggor tale, and her position in the clan, though he would not call her a friend.

Spoiler: "Sorkrun Wintergaze" • show
Much like Vraxxar and Kargnar in Kroats early days in the clan, Sorkrun has become his new main focus, he follows him whenever he has nothing better to do, he bothers him with every little problem he has, he annoys him, makes fun of him, acts like a complete idiot (yes i did write -acts-) to confuse him, why he does this? Is unclear. It is clear however that Kroat likes Sorkrun, he considers him his favorite toy, for now at least. 

Spoiler: "Naroga Worgstride" • show
Despite being a she-wolf, Kroat has no interest in sleeping with Naroga, and that's saying something! Did i mention she was a she-wolf? No this she-wolf is not like the average Orgrimmar maiden, a one night fling, she is something else, a friend, he thinks of her much like he thinks of Kyrazha. As a "bro" a she-wolf he can talk normally to, relatively speaking. As with all his friends, he tries to annoy her to some extent, why he does this is not clear.

Spoiler: "Kran Twinaxe" • show
The first orc Kroat met upon returning to the clan after months away, "one of the good ones" Kroat would say, he offered him grog, and an ear, listening to his problmes if Kroat wished to talk of them. He does not fully trust him however, he remains firmly in the not too bad pile. Still not yet a friend. 

Spoiler: "Gaarthok Fireye" • show
As with all Elders, Kroat respects Fireye for his lengthy life, he would gladly ask him for advice, and follow it with little thought of his own.   

Spoiler: "Kulgha Wolfheart" • show
Bloodpaws mate, he says when thinking of his relationship to the she-wolf. He does not remember her first name, recalling only the name Wolfheart. She is acceptable, perhaps even more than that, he considers her a good influence on Bloodpaw though he frowns on her overprotectiveness of him. He considers her a friend to some extent, mostly due to her always being around Kargnar when he goes to bother him, which is often! 


Kai'gron Ripclaw

Self view:
With age came wisdom, earlier in his life he thought himself confident, always trying to impress those around him. Overreaching goals and never quite reaching them has humbled the Orc. Now he views himself as a failure which only gets heightened by the lack of mate and offspring, with that he has become more elusive and cut of from his now loved Clan, but the hunger to improve himself in body, spirit and mind has not abated and for that he is content.

Kai's view on others:

Spoiler: "Kozgugore Feraleye" • show
Although quiet, he views the Warsong as older brother figure, often looking upto him for inspiration. Kai would lay his life down for his Chieftain dutifully of course, but he would also lay his life down for Kozgugore Feraleye

Spoiler: "Regnan" • show
Ever since he saw this She-Orc his minds eye could not shake her, constantly in his thoughts. Is it infatuation, lust or just loneliness?

Spoiler: "Rhonya Steelheart" • show
With a spirit that calms Kai in a motherly way, he can't help feel drawn to her for comfort. Observing her with Orc pups is a pastime that indulges Kai's want to pass his knowledge to his own orc pups

Spoiler: "Kroat the Rallier" • show
Not knowing this Orc long he has battled alongside him many times, a fearless bastard with a skull as thick as his armour, plus his ever seeking female companionship is something to behold

Spoiler: "Razaron Madeye" • show
A fine shaman, and possible the finest warrior-dancer this Horde has ever seen, Kai is envious of such moves

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show
Brother from another mother, Wildmark is the very essence of ever self improvement, always learning, always watching. Kai knows that one day Wildmark will be one of the fiercest Orcs within the clan

Spoiler: "Okiba" • show
Sure that they've crossed paths before during his tour within Thralls Kor'Kron Kai sees much in Okiba, a loyal honorable Orc with a clear passion for discipline. Plus this Orc has access to the most delectable sausages known to Orc!

Spoiler: "Kogra Windwatcher" • show
Farseer..Kai does not see her blinded eyes as a weakness as he truly believes that if she could see fully, she would not see anything at all. Wise and stoic he hold her place in this life in high regard

Spoiler: "Shrewd" • show
The true Chieftain! One day Kai would like to see Shrewd father a litter, for that litter would become more powerful than he can possibly imagine

Spoiler: "Malgar Firefist" • show
This aged Orc impresses Kai, and Kai is hard to impress..never the words "Fear an old Orc in a job where Orcs die young" been more apt


Trakmar Beastbane

Self View: Being old, having been through many trials throughout his life and witnessed much strife, Trakmar has become a stubborn, very traditional and determined orc, but also one who is difficult to get to know and oftimes not looked upon favorably.

He sees himself as a tool for the spirits to use, in an almost fanatical sense and sees the spirits and elements as the only form of magic or force that is not corruptive in any way and therefore better than any other magic, regardless how much good everything else can do.

When it comes to the clan, Trakmar sees it as a way of old traditions coming back to life, dispite the clan's tolerance to warlocks, death knights and mages who he knows just tend to disappear anyway. While he does not agree with all of his Chieftain's decisions, he still follows loyally, and almost without questioning his chieftain.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Spoiler: show
Kozgugore, Trakmar's Chieftain and an orc he considers a good friend. Through the years, Trakmar has followed with orc loyally, rarely questioning his decisions. He sees the Chieftain also as a bit of a kindred spirit, one to reminisce about older and better times with. He worries about the Chieftain's apparent lenience to warlocks and death knights however, something Trakmar thinks is likely a result of Morgeth.

Rhonya Steelheart
Spoiler: show
Rhonya is a curious case to Trakmar. A turbulent past which he thinks he doesn't know even half of, a too trusting nature, bordering on gullible, and the many troubles of the past and somehow she is still alive. Either she is incredebly lucky, or the spirits have grand plans for her. Nevertheless, he has glad to have her around, dispite past hiccups, now even calling her a sister by blood which came as unexpectedly to the old orc, as it must've come to her. Young, but wise. Soft, but determined. All she needs now is to put on some muscle, train with a weapon and she will be a -proper- orc!

Revax Hellbrew
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Revax is Trakmar's longest-lasting sibling by bloodoath in the clan. Sure, the orc is a drunk, oftimes a buffoon with the mental capacity and attention span of a starved rat, but the two has been through hell and back, looking out for eachother. This is one Trakmar would not hesitate with giving his life to protect.

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Trakmar's mate, an orc that mirrors his own feral spirit. While times have challenged their bond, even violently severed it at one point, the two stand strong together again. He does worry for her young however, and the neglect she shows them. He tries to convince her that both of them should be raising them, but alas that is an issue when two equally stubborn mates are set in their ways.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw
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This orc has surprised Trakmar. A Shattered Hand halfwit that actually learned! For all the jokes and jabs Trakmar has thrown into this amputee's way, Ironclaw commands respect with good reason. He has a good head for strategy, a good head for leading.

Gashuk Felhand
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First, this warlock was bad news. Then, when Gashuk turned to shamanism he was a respected orc. Then when he left it behind again, a disappointment. And now, an abomination that should have stayed dead. Trakmar has nothing leftover for this orc. Plain and simple, if one is too cowardly to face death to the point of cheating it, one should be killed when found again.

Kroat the Rallier
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Trakmar sees that this orc only means well. He does his best, works hard and becomes a laughing stock when needed. Though the constant compliments gets tiring. Trakmar has little doubt at this point that Kroat would lick the ground Trakmar walks upon soon enough.

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Annoying, but an orc with potentional. We will see how it goes.

Mal'garr Firefist
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Whining, complaining, whinging, these words sum this warlock up. The only impressive thing about this Warlock is that he infuriates Trakmar even more than Gashuk ever did. A constant victim complex, useless dead wight leaves Trakmar wondering how the hell this orc survived to old age. At least age will soon claim him. If Trakmar doesn't first. As for a compliment, Mal'gar does work tremendously well on a one-way path out of the clan, so there's that.

Kogra Windwatcher
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A good Thur'ruk, loyal and smart, and a good fighter to boot. Largely a good orc, albeit too soft a lot of the time, but alas. That is common with Frostwolf blood. Hopefully, she will harden up with time. And lay off the horrible jokes about being blind.

Razaron the Primal
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An orc that shows much promise for the path of wisdom. He worked hard on the tasks, gets along well enough with the clan most of the time and dispite his oftimes strange antics, has a good head on his shoulders. Now, if he could only stay off the Bleeding Hollow traditions...

Zul'garr Tideraider
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Why in the world would the spirits curse Trakmar with a relative to Mal'garr, one argueably more annoying at that! Half the time he can't understand what the orc is saying and half the time he wonder how many times the orc's mother have dropped him on his head. The old orc would advocate for going back to the tradition of drowning the unwanted at birth, but he is convinced that Zul'garr would be too dense to even die from that.

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Tahara is an orc that Trakmar has found himself quite fond of. While he finds her a tad timid he appreciates her love for the hunt and her respect for the spirits. He sees her as eager, curious and adventerous, which reminds him of himself when he was young.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
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A respectable orc, Trakmar thinks. While they have butted heads in the past he has grown to appreciate the orc's presence over the years and respect him as Rrosh-tul.
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"



   Self view:

Atar'ka's opinion of herself has gone from inflated heights to a self-reproaching low.
After leading a life as a big fish in a small pond with a correspondingly lofty ego, she had a run-in with reality when she started venturing into the bigger world outside in a series of setbacks and hard lessons.
Having met the clan through coincidence and chance she found herself strongly drawn to their unity and sheer other-ness to the life she'd known, but the realisations of her shortcomings turned to a deep distrust of her current self and resentment of the orc she had been and she soon found herself secluding herself from the other orcs to wrestle with her own mind instead.

After finally admitting her thoughts out loud and seeking the aid of other orcs around her, she is now set on a path of self-improvement to find out who she is and what her place in the world and the clan might actually be.

Atar'ka finds herself leading a life that is linked to, but not spent as a part of, the Red Blades. She is aware that she is considered a part of them, though the exact nature of how she fits in and what manner of part she plays remain far from clear to her.

She sees herself as a person that has enough to do with her own worries and dealings most of the time, but who is happy to help those who need a hand or two. Or in some cases, where she decides that they need help without perhaps knowing it themselves.

   Views on others:

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Feraleye has impressed Atar'ka firmly as a chieftain through his ability to lead his clan instead of ruling it, which in her mind is one of the most significant virtues you can come across.

Kyrazha Throatrender
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As the clan has grown and her own feelings of estrangedness has grown with it, Kyrazha remains one of the few orcs Atar'ka feels that she can speak with and even trust, despite them sharing little in the ways of common ground.

That said, their very different manners has a tendency to wrong-foot Atar'ka and get in the way of conversation.


Kyrazha Throatrender

Self view:
Kyrazha sees herself in a way better light than a few years ago. Her time in the clan has been a chaotic one, but she's grown a lot along the way. Not much remains of her first mainly Trollish nature aside from a few odd quirks and a light accent that she can easily hide by now, though she never really does so.
Kyrazha is proud of herself now that she made it to Varog'gor. To have the trust of the Chieftain in her and her ways like that made her really humble. Yet she also fears the future a bit. Though she acts confident in herself and her abilities, there is this constant state of alertness now she has to be in. She also isn't used to stepping up and telling orcs off or ordering them around, which she already had to do a few times since her promotion. It makes her uncomfortable still, but perhaps she'll learn.

Beneath that laughing face always lurks her serious side though. While she is easy to get along with, it's sometimes also a mask for her to hide behind, so others don't pay that much attention to her and her simple ways. She'll step forward in her serious and ruthless and outright harsh behaviour if she really has to, a side not many see often, a side that only started to lurk even closer to the surface after becoming Varog'gor. She's trying to control herself, at least.

Views of others:

Trakmar Beastbane
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How things have gone up and down with this male. A few years ago she would've killed him without even thinking twice about it after he mauled her face open and hurt her mate back then. But the last few years actually showed her he was right all along and she'd just been a total fool, lead astray by feelings she shouldn't have entirely trusted. The scars will always be there between the two of them, mentally and physically in her case, but Kyrazha is thankful that he granted her a second chance. Somehow the hurt between them also brought them to a closer understanding of one another, made them able to be completely at ease together but also be fine during longer times apart. Kyrazha loves him dearly, though she'd probably not say that quickly out loud. She's sure he knows it, though. She's gotten a little scared recently though with his talk about getting old, weaker. When he came back to her covered in new scars and wounds and spoke about his feelings, a deep black rock of worry buried itself in her stomach. Normally she wouldn't mind him being away longer times, but now every time she doesn't see him a few days, she's afraid something happened. She's not ready to let him go anytime soon.
Her new rank also complicates things a little, though Trakmar knows very well what she promised to the Chieftain and he agreed with it, it doesn't make it easier.

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Her Chieftain, her friend in her eyes, her example and her tutor. She feels incredibly honored by the trust he's putting in her, though it also scares her a little, not entirely sure she's worth this trust. Even now, after the ritual, she's afraid to disappoint him, but keeps her chin high. Kozgugore for her means stability, someone worth following and giving her life for, should it be asked of her.

Kogra Windwatcher
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A usually happy and present she-orc. Knows a lot of mumbo jumbo about spirits and uses difficult words and long sentences, something that often goes straight over Kyra's head, but she respects Kogra all the same. Being blind doesn't seem to affect her much in daily life as it doesn't show as a weakness, which Kyrazha can approve of.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw
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He's fun! A good leader when needed, but he doesn't let this come in the way of more lighthearted banter. Kyrazha feels she can trust him to not lead them astray in the field and she'll gladly follow him. He moved his attention from Lian to Timur now, though every time Kyra sees him interact with the young wolf, she's reminded of how he used to play with Lian. The memory stings. But seeing that's not Nosh'maraks fault at all, she's happy at least he's still feeling comfortable enough with her and her companions to come seek them out, even after Lians death.

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Crazy. Which keeps things very interesting, whenever Razaron is around. Now they share the same rank, the same burden, her respect for him went up a few notches! Some things can only be shared with those you have similar experiences with and she feels closer now to Razaron than before, more connected in a way.

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This she-orc needs to be more loose at times. Kyrazha wants to know more about her! What drives her. Who is that person lurking under the surface? There is so much unsaid yet, but Kyra isn't sure how to try and get Atarka to open up to her more without pushing her away. Willing to make an effort, at least!

Karnna Blackfeather
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Hmm. This one needs to be watched, very very closely. Already a danger once, Kyrazha feels Karnna does not see the danger she is in. Or perhaps refuses to see it, not only a danger to herself but also to the clan if she keeps going the way she's taking now. Kyrazha will not hesitate to take her out, if needed. Enough warnings have been given.

Rhonya Steelheart
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Not much to say about this one. Kyrazha and Rhonya have had a weird past together, and not a very positive one mainly. She might be close to Trakmar, but this doesn't change Kyrazha's feelings for this she-orc. Maybe it's old grudges standing in the way between them, but Kyrazha doesn't see much reason to get rid of said grudges. She'll avoid Rhonya, as much as she can.

Vraxxar Wildmark
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 Another sort of 'brother in rank' now to her. She's actually somewhat proud of him! Together with her they faced the tasks and kept on going even while time went on. They never lost sight of their goals. They actually make a pretty good team together, Kyrazha is hoping she'll get to work more with him in the field too. Maybe bond a little more.

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Useful. That's all there is about him, in Kyrazha's eyes. Usually serious, someone she doesn't really mind talking to, but the things he's done recently and made Kogra and Rhonya do, rubbed her the wrong way. She'll go to him if needed and more treat him as she used to do, a fellow Gul'thauk of old more so than a friend.

Nar'thak Strongarm
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Oh so much fun Kyra has with this one! Trained by the pandaren, he's very much like them. Calm, easy going and a little strange. She utterly loves pulling his strings here and there and tell him little secrets, though usually only half of them so he still has no clue what to make of it. He's a good addition to the clan though in her eyes, a well needed voice of reason at times.

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 A fun one! Not too certain about herself, but who can blame her after being in the state that Kyra found her. Memory loss, perhaps a family she left behind? Kyrazha kept her eyes and ears open, but couldn't figure out much about her past so far, besides what Urzoga herself has dreamt at times. Kyrazha has a little bit of a distance between her and the she-orc, giving her some space to figure things out. She'll be there if needed, she's grown to admire the orcs perseverance  and the will to go on despite being in an entirely unknown enviroment.

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 Outcast. Shunned. Yet, this only drew Kyrazha in more towards him, some sort of weird urge rising in her to fiercely protect him and prove he's really not as bad as all the Mag'har seem to thing. He's young, curious. And Kyra is also curious about him. While it's also her duty to keep a close eye on him and the orcs disliking him, she also sees it as something she does out of her own free will, because she's just really interested in this young orcs story and very curious what he will do in the clan.

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 Oh how Kyrazha likes this one! So alike herself when she just joined the clan, Kyrazha views Yena as a somewhat kindred spirit. Even though the she-orc is a bit awkward at times, Kyrazha really appriciates her. She knows many in the clan view the female as dumb, strange, perhaps even weak. Yet this only makes Kyrazha more determined to become Yena's friend. Or an even better friend, perhaps, for she already sees the female as someone coming closer to her than what others have managed over the years. A talk is needed soon...

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 Another newblood Kyrazha has gotten very fond of in a short time! Zi'tani is funny to tease, easy to pull pranks on. Which Kyrazha makes full use of, of course. There is a sort of easy going friendship starting between the two in Kyra's eyes, they can talk, Zi'tani trusts Kyrazha's advice and totally amazing bandaging skills. Clearly a female she wants to hang out with more!

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 A very, very painful memory still. Her love for him has only grown stronger now he's gone, because she realises now how much he really meant to her. She's thankful to Arhnum for giving Lian the farewel that he deserved, but feels weak and shamed that she couldn't do it herself. Lian will always be a part of her.

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 Now an adult wolf, Timur is showing his true colors. He's an absolute wimp. Curious, playful, but utterly submissive and a spine made of rubber. Yet, Kyrazha loves him dearly. He's her little runt, her wuss. He still protects her whenever needed and she does the same for him. It's an easy bond with him, yet nearly nowhere as deep as she had with Lian. Maybe in time, when Timur gets a little older.

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Nosh'marak Ironclaw

Self view:
Nosh'marak sees himself as a much better Orc than a few years ago, one who has not only attoned to the spirits for his sins, but also proven himself amongst the Red Blade Orcs he so desperately sought the respect of when he first joined. He's grown a lot in his own eyes; even rising to the rank of Rrosh-tul. While he started off nothing short of intimidated by the role, he feels he's settled in to it quite well and grown to be an even stronger and dependable leader. He's glad to see that he's gained the respect and trust of other Orcs in the clan, and hopes that he will continue inspiring his fellow Red Blades both in battle, leading them to victory, and out of battle, serving as a mentor and guide.

Despite this all he is a fragmented Orc at his core, just as he always has been. Nightmares plague his memory, as does trauma from times gone by. He often finds himself longing for a good death; one that will make him whole. But he has duties to perform, and death may not catch him until those duties are done. He remains unbroken.

Views of others:

Kozgugore Feraleye
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An Orc that started off as an intimidating figure to Nosh'marak; being the chieftain and all. With time and effort however, he feels he's gotten past the hard shell that the Wolfking has, and gained his trust - Even going as far as to consider him a friend, more than just his Chieftain and leader. He enjoys the casual banter that the two have, both in the camp and during battle. He'd give his life without a second of thought for this Orc, no questions asked. To Nosh'marak, he is a friend, mentor, and overall badass. Blessed be thy holy Wolfking!

Trakmar Beastbane
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An Orc that he immensely respects and looks out for. Despite the two having some definite rough patches of threatening eachother back and forth in the past, he's learned to appreciate the old Beastmaster and have finally gotten on good terms with him. He's definitely an Orc that Ironclaw wants beside him in battle, and one to also share an ale with back in camp. Though, he is admittedly puzzled by the giant old Orc's heritage... Who knows.

Kogra Windwatcher
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An Orc who's helped him through some very difficult times. He definitely cares for Kogra, and sees her as one of his closest friends. She's always been there to talk to him, and vice versa. He feels they get along very well and that he can trust her with anything, and to top it off, her children are simply adorable.

Gridish Rimeweaver
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Nosh'marak respects Gridish as much as the Wolfking, infinitely grateful for the help that the former Rrosh-tul gave him on his path within the then Red Blade tribe. He often looks to Gridish for advice and inspiration, seeing him as the ideal Rrosh-tul and aiming to live up to the legacy that Rimeweaver left for him. He is always glad when Gridish comes to him, both to give and ask for advice.

Makaroth Bloodaxe
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Mixed feelings, for sure. They always got along well and always had eachothers backs, and Nosh'marak in due time saw Bloodaxe as his own brother. He was infinitely disappointed when the Orc turned back to fel and the Legion, especially after he had attoned to the spirit after his previous misdeeds. He often thinks back on the fond memories the two had together, but they are often spoilt by memories of Makaroth's death. He definitely wishes to visit the site where he ended his good friend's life, as a reminder of what dabbling in powers beyond your comprehension does to Orcs.

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Not much to say about this one! He trusts her to the fullest to always have his back with her bow and arrow, and he enjoys the lighthearted spirit between the two. Sometimes he wishes she'd be more open though; he wants to know what stories lies under that mask of laughter and jokes. He definitely considers her a close friend. He misses Lian. A lot.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
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Nosh'marak is always impressed by Bloodpaw's ambition and will to progress within the Clan once more, but he has, in the past, found the Orc to have some clear difficulties in choosing what path to take in his life. He's starting to see that his fellow Rrosh-tul has finally settled in to the path he has chosen, and thus respects his colleague who commands good authority and leadership.

Rhonya Steelheart
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An Orc that he once saw as one of his closest friends, he feels they have drifted apart slightly. While he still respected her and looked to her for advice, she sunk more than just a little in his eyes after the debacle with Gashuk. However, he has put the past behind him and now looks at Rhonya as a friend once more.

Srelok Grimtide
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One of the few Orcs that's always been helpful and guiding for Nosh'marak, Srelok is well-respected in the eyes of the Rrosh-tul. Heritage always bound them together in one way or another, even if it might not always have been known or obvious. Srelok is an Orc that Ironclaw will keep close to his best abilities, both as a friend and an advisor.

Gashuk Bloodmoon
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After the debacle with Gashuk being raised from the dead, Nosh'marak has started to cool down and once more interact with Gashuk in a more friendly way. He definitely sees the Orc as a useful asset and respects him for becoming the first Gul'thauk.

Vraxxar Wildmark
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A friend, fellow Elder, and overall a witty Orc. Wildmark knows how to deal with rough situations, has an admirable head for strategy, and is always a volunteer where one is needed. Ironclaw enjoys the time he spends with Wildmark, either drinking or idly chattering. He does wish that Wildmark would be a bit more open at times, as he is still largely a mystery in the Rrosh-tuls eyes.

Zi'tani Steelstorm
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Eager and ambitious, but almost a bit too much so for her own good. Ironclaw watches Steelstorm's journey in the Clan with great interest, and looks forward to having her pull her weight. He's reminded of himself when he sees Steelstorm's joy and ambition, thus he most definitely enjoys her company and humour.

Nar'thak Strongarm
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Wise and calm. An Orc that others can lean on in times of need, but one that also inspires others to pull their own weight. Despite this, he has never gotten to hold a full conversation with the Gosh'kar, always being dragged off to other duties.

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Returned from the dead by the will of a great spirit. Nosh'marak can not do much more than approve of the Varog'gor, enjoying both his company and his smarts. He does hope Razaron will be a more inspiring figure in the future, though; a bit too much banter for his own taste.

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She reminds Ironclaw of Kyrazha. A bit dumb on the outside, but with quite the vibrant and clever mind, whether she knows it or not. He approves of the intiative she takes, hoping to see the Orc become less of an idiotic figure and more as a cunning archer in the eyes of others.

The Skywise Sisters
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He misses them, that's for sure. Witty and ambitious Orcs that always serve in the best way possible for the task at hand; he truly hopes to see them join the Nag'ogar ranks. Their synchronization kind of freaks him out, though. He is worried regarding how their training will pan out, but he has plans in store and is of the firm belief that the two are ready for their oath no matter what happens.

Magra Emberheart
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A close friend, and an old friend at that. One of the first Orcs he frequently spoke with in his early days as a Nag'ogar, and one he values highly. Her humour and wit bounces off him quite well, yet he sometimes wishes her embarassment wouldn't get the better of her as much as it does. None the less, he respects and values her, and thoroughly enjoys the conversations they have as a break from day-to-day life.

Karnna Blackfeather
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A mystery, but one he knows can be solved. Blackfeather, despite her unreliable and unpredictable nature, has proven an excellent addition among the ranks of the Nag'ogar. His ambition is for the Orc to open herself more to conversation and social circumstances, to find her place in the social hierarchy rather than just the Clan's inherent one, as he considers them both to go hand in hand.

Tagrok Valorwind
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He is proud of Tagrok, despite their previous tussles. Valorwind is a close and highly valued friend, and Ironclaw would easily catch a blade for the Orc should it be needed. He is however worried regarding the Orc's reclusiveness and his seemingly paranoid nature.

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Nakobu is a strange Orc for sure. Despite the fragile nature of the Orc, Ironclaw believes that anyone who is an Orc by blood can be forged in to one in spirit and body, should their mind be set to it. He looks forward to seeing the young priest's natural progression.

Skint - 'Meri'
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Surprisingly, Nosh'marak does not look down on Skint. She is a runt, a weakling, one that should not be alive, based on the wicked ways of the world. Yet she's still alive, somehow. He doesn't know her all that well, only having broken words and given advice at some rare points in time. After all, he too has been a runt and a weakling, and he understands her nervosity and brittle nature. He wishes that some day, he can sow some form of ambition, to make use of the will that's carried her this far.

Za'karah Sporefang
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Despite the fact that this Orc often carries a stench of hallucinogenics that he knows well from his own experiences, both good and bad, Nosh'marak finds this Orc to be fun! Lighthearted banter is often to be found with the Bleeding Hollow, something Ironclaw respects, despite not knowing her very well.

Non-Red Blades
Rrosh'gol the Worg
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The name Rrosh'gol, meaning Bloodaxe in the Red Blade dialect, was given as a homage to Makaroth Bloodaxe. In a way, the spirit of his dead friend lives on in his trusted worg; a friend that one can always trust, and lean on in times of trouble. He loves Rrosh'gol like a brother, and is even slightly surprised himself at how well the worg mirrors his own behaviour. It's almost a bit creepy.

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Thoroughly confusing, and extremely stupid. Nosh'marak can not help but wonder if there is actually something going on inside that head, but he often finds himself drawing blanks. There's no way.
"Dogs obey and whimper, wolves carve their own path with a roar! Let the Alliance hear your cries for battle! Rrosh'ka Valokh! For the Blood!"


Nar'thak Strongarm

Self view:
Selfish. Ever since the lifing of the Blood Curse, his every action has been to relieve himself of the guilt that constantly fills his mind. After years of toiling and fighting in the name of the Horde and his people's future, nothing changed.It was only his encounter in Pandaria and becoming a monk that gave him an ever so slight peace from his past. And so he continues his training, this time among the clan.

While he has come to care for his clan-orcs and their wellbeing, he knows deep down that the real reason for all his hard work is to grow that tiny sliver of inner peace, praying it might finally give him freedom.

Views of others:

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Nar'thak's very passive turtle. Originally belonging to one of the late groundskeepers of the Temple, Feng sits around the same age as the elder orc. Nothing seems to phase or bother the large shelled beast, seemingly approaching every situation the clan puts him in with complete apathy - whether that be yet another shipwreck or a full scale battle.
Nar'thak has grown very fond of the beast in the few years he has spent with it, refusing any calls his fellow orcs make to instead ride a wolf like the rest of them.

Mal'garr Firefist
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The first orcish warlock he had seen in near a decade, Nar'thak distrusted the orc when they first met. However, Nar'thak put the clan's Code into practice, forcing himself to view the warlock only on his honour - despite his possible past misdeeds. And show honour he did. While many of the clan were never to see many of his deeds, Nar'thak often personally witnessed his acts of honour, the pair forming a strange friendship. Mal'garr's corrupted body gave Nar'thak no end of issues, the fel-magic within resisting his mending whenever the warlock got injured. This ultimately lead to his death, the blight not being able to be cleansed despite his and other orcs efforts. Nar'thak feels deep regret at failing to save him from death, despite knowing full well that no mender can save everyone.

With Mal'garr's great-grandson, Zul'garr, making an appearence with his 'Lady', Nar'thak has reason to worry about the warlock once more, his spirit seeming now serving this strange being. Time will tell if this servitude is voluntary, or forced.

Zul'garr Firefist
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An orcish 'sailor' with an accent thick as kodohide, but more importantly, Mal'garr's great-grandson. While Nar'thak had his suspicions from the name, but it was the mirroring of his great-grandfather as he smiled or laughed that really clued the fact they were related. Zul'garr has caused quite a few problems since joining the clan, once more mirroring his problem prone great-grandfather; arguments, his attitude, as well as his mysterious 'Lady' all causing a stir.

Nar'thak doesn't trust the 'Lady' nor the powers she grants, even more so since seeing her with Mal'garr's spirit in tow. Despite this, as long as the being keeps it's distance and allows Zul'garr to keep using his powers to aid the clan, he is content to simply keep an eye on things. Since Steelskull dropped the orc from his tutlage, Nar'thak has taken up the role of mentor. He feels a duty to the orc, wanting to keep him from any dark paths he may tread, knowing that him joining the clan will keep him much safer than setting him back loose upon the open seas.

Lom'rak Steelskull
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An orc with a few years on Nar'thak, a fact Steelskull seems fond reminding him of. A skilled warrior, leader and blacksmith, Nar'thak holds a lot of respect for the one-armed orc. However, the thing that makes him respect the elder the most is the fact that he still lives, not having fallen to his past - something Nar'thak is sure would have happened to him without his fateful encounter in Pandaria.
Despite all this, Steelskull is clearly no super-solider. Nar'thak holds a concern for the orc being so prone to going into a blood rage, endangering himself and all those around him.

Rhonya Steelheart
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At first, he wondered why she was so overjoyed when he told her that he trained at the Temple of the Jade Serpent. He soon found out why, orcs left and right in the clan constantly getting injured. Nar'thak is thankful to the tutoring of Steelheart during his time as a New Blood, the training allowing him to fully become part of the clan. He feels a great amount of respect and trust to the she-orc because of this, knowing she's there if ever needed.

Kyrazha Throatrender
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While Nar'thak finds Throatrender to be a strange one, he rather enjoys her company, now fairly used to her trollish way of talking. With her being raised by a troll and having a Laughing Skull heritage, it's not exactly a surprise she's as how she is. Nar'thak often comes to the she-orc to complain about the so called 'fortune teller' and the various irritations he brings.

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Clearly a competent and wise leader, Nar'thak holds a good deal of respect for the orc. However, he knows next to nothing about him, having never had the chance to properly ask and find out more about the ever busy chieftain who leads them.

Okiba Spearbreaker
Spoiler: show
A fellow monk, though one that more specialises in the martial side of things. Nar'thak respects the orc, particularly in his drive to better himself and his fellows. Nar'thak trusts in the orc's leadership skills, though its clear there is a need to learn when to take a back seat and simply follow orders.

Uron Lonetusk
Spoiler: show
A kind orc, and one Nar'thak finds himself rather fond of. Nar'thak is pleased to see that Uron makes an effort in improve his literacy skills, unlike many of the other orcs in the clan who need improving in said area. Nar'thak often gives him lessons to be able to read more than just the basic grunt's orders Uron is used to, having him read the various tomes and stories he's translated from pandaren.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
Spoiler: show
A former Rrosh'tul of the clan, and one very, very unlucky orc. Nar'thak finds he's often having to mend and fix the various injures this orc sustains, from maces to the head, to blight in the lungs, to poorly mended broken arms.
Despite his poor luck, Nar'thak feels that it won't be long before Bloodpaw takes a place as one of the clan's Rrosh'tul once more, confident that he can do the role justice.

Vraxxar Wildmark
Spoiler: show
A skilled tracker, hunter and leatherworker. Nar'thak feels he gets on well with the fellow Gosh'kar, often times looking to the activites he does for some insight to what his future training in Path of Wisdom might hold.

Karnna Blackfeather
Spoiler: show
A mysterious orc, one that Nar'thak knows little about. Not long after he joined the clan, a fair bit of controversy surrounded the she-orc, her use of the shadow magics as well as potential links with a group of humans. She seems to follow a doctrine of achieving her planned end using whatever means, soemthing Nar'thak is not always very pleased about.
Despite this, she is clearly an intelligent orc, and one that cares for the welfare of the clan. Nar'thak does however find himself a bit offput when finally notices her in the background. She wasn't there a second ago...

Spoiler: show
Simply referred to as 'fortune teller', Nar'thak finds Siyahgosh irritating. He finds his way of speaking, irritating. He finds his way of acting, irritating. He finds his apparent pleasure in seeing clan-orcs sad or upset, irritating. Nar'thak often complains about the irritating fortune teller to Throatrender, grumbling about something or other to do with the orc.
Nar'thak recently drew one of the fortune teller's cards, which lead to a pot being smashed over his head and him being sent to the spiritual plane. Needless to say, Nar'thak is hardly pleased.

Spoiler: show
Nar'thak doesn't know too much about the she-orc, despite speaking with her on a number of occasions. She can sometimes seem rather aloof, though Nar'thak finds that he enjoys her company.
He's currently working with her on project to provide identification badges for the clan for their time on the battlefield, something he knows she can more than handle.

Trakmar Beastbane
Spoiler: show
One of the clan's Thur'ruk and an orc for tradition. Despite appearing similar in age, Nar'thak feels he doesn't have too much in common with the mag'har - aside from them both walking the Path of Wisdom.
Nar'thak respects the orc as a Thur'ruk, coming to him for guidance in his journey as a Gosh'kar. He hopes Beastbane will eventually come round to his way of mending, even if it is not exactly traditional - for an orc at least.

Kogra Windwatcher
Spoiler: show
Another of the clan's Thur'ruk, Nar'thak doesn't know too much about Windwatcher, due to not having much of a chance to speak with her and his progress on the Path of Wisdom often being dealt with by Beastbane.
While he may not know much about the she-orc, he respects her reaching the rank of Thur'ruk, not being an easy mountain to climb. He does wonder if the tale about her sight being lost due to her mending is true, however...

Kai'gron Ripclaw
Spoiler: show
The memory that comes to Nar'thak when thinking about Ripclaw was one of the first times he saw him in combat. No running in yelling warcries for this orc. Instead, it was up in a tree, yanking up any unlucky enough to get caught by his vine.
Nar'thak feels that he can rely on Ripclaw, seeing him as one of the more capable orcs of the clan. He's also rather fond of Ripclaw's young wolf, Koba, though he keeps a wary distance - just in case the wolf decides to try and nip at him.

Razaron Madeye
Spoiler: show
Nar'thak finds Madeye to be an... odd orc. Strange dancing, questionable potions and far too many 'jokes' about eating Feng all to come to mind when Nar'thak thinks of Madeye. He certainly lives up to his name.

Noshmarak Ironclaw
Spoiler: show
The current Rrosh'tul of the clan and one of the orcs from the 'other Draenor'. Nar'thak hasn't spoken much with the Rrosh'tul, only really having one brief conversation after staring at his severed hand. It seems he leads his orcs in the Path of Strength well enough to protect the clan, something Nar'thak can easily respect.

Friends of the Clan:

Zouyo Rainclaw
Spoiler: show
An old pandaren monk, and a welcome sight for Nar'thak. Having what must be tenfold the experience as a monk that he has, Nar'thak respects his abilities, but more than that, his skill in controlling volatile situations - something the clan's orcs get themselves into far too much.

Luciouz Dalton
Spoiler: show
About the only forsaken that Nar'thak feels he can put any trust in. Sometimes overexcitable, sometimes rather meek, Dalton is certainly a strange yet kind one. He seems to be one of the small number of his kind that appear to give much of a damn about the living, having used his skills as a surgeon to aid those in the clan on mutliple occasions.



Self-view: Broken. Fundamentally, Tahara believes herself to be undeserving of most things. She is physically weaker, suffering several long-lasting health implications due to a spinal condition and is grossly uneducated. Large memory gaps and a complete lack of a real social life has deprived her of any knowledge bar what she’s picked up herself, surviving alone, all in all putting her perhaps slightly below the average peon in terms of orcish worth and usefulness. Most frustrating and even humiliating to her is being seen as a child - an understandable judgement, given her lack of knowledge of many, very basic things - when Tahara is well into adulthood and finding it hard to be acknowledged as such. Discovering more and more of her past, Tahara stares down an unsure future, feeling herself slipping into becoming something even worse than merely useless.

In trauma, hardship and with an absence of real comforts, Tahara has grown a creature of impulse and instinct, ruled by fear, never truly shaking the feeling of being hunted - by who or what, who can say?

Flawed. With her mind mended and memories returning, there have been some harsh moments for the young hunter, but some if not most of the love of her family and companions have gotten through to her by now. She is healthier, fitter and even occasionally happy! She’s still not the sharpest axe in the armory, but has slowly begun to ask for more, even things that seemed entirely out of reach not too long ago.

Spoiler: "Chuckles" • show
A massive hyena from the Barrens and one of the few creatures in any world that she fully and undoubtedly trusts. Found abandoned as a cub, Tahara has fought hard to save her life and Chuckles in turn protects her clan member fiercely. They communicate easily through a mixture of body language, spoken word and trained commands. With no real social skills, it means Chuckles is the only one Tahara can truly talk to without feeling stupid, awkward or embarrassed. To Tahara, the hyena is as much of a person as any orc, often getting confused when others consider Chuckles her pet, and Tahara her master.

Spoiler: "Feathers" • show
A large black windroc from the steppes of Nagrand, whose cracked egg Tahara came across on the hunt for her ritual garb. The clan has exerted many an effort to preserve the struggling hatchling and with some help, the bird has emerged healthy and gifted with the sight - an obtuse blessing that is still unclear to some and only a few select people know by now what the windroc and his orcish companion are capable of. Feathers is a well natured avian, who is calm, mildly curious and… a little creepy. His white, soulless eyes and hundred yard stare don’t make him the most pleasant company out of all of Tahara’s pack.

Spoiler: "Nabbers" • show
Named for his kleptomaniac tendencies, Nabbers is one of the saurid the clan encountered in Zuldazar on their scavenger hunt to unknowingly free Lani, a daughter of the loa of thieves. While no direct relation to the divine, Nabbers is as gifted a cutpurse as an animal can be, stepping lightly and leaving almost no discernible tracks. He seems mildly insane at best, with erratic behaviour and a laugh that doesn’t instill much confidence. It seems for now that only Tahara believes in his good heart.

Spoiler: "Spots" • show
A massive, primordial panther from the titanic playground of Sholazar, she was instrumental in alerting the clan to a mining operation of loyalists to the Banshee Queen and the unfortunate fate of a dark ranger. Tagrok was even more unfortunately introduced to her claws, choosing to present himself as a prime target on top of a tree stump - Spots pushed him off, in an attempt to save him from the archer she only knew as ‘longclaw’, but tore up his back in the process. Aloof and distanced as all cats are, Spots seems to care deeply for the clan and her little pack in her own way, keeping distance and yet watching, guarding. She is also often the first to come and comfort Tahara when she is upset, keeping a comforting presence that shares more love than she often lets on.

Spoiler: "Sparks" • show
Gifted by Vraxxar, who acquired the egg from a zandalari breeder, Sparks is a gorgeous red ravasaur, now in his gangly, awkward teens. Skittish by nature, Sparks would have likely not survived long in the wild, but Tahara is determined to keep him, despite his faults. He spooks easily and often seeks refuge under Tagrok’s cloak - whether he fits, or not - whom he sees as somewhat of a father due to his constant presence in his hatchling months. Sparks has managed to learn how to hunt his own food at least, but much preferes to be spoiled by his family.

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show
One of the first to treat Tahara with real kindness, despite her awkward behaviour - and the only one so far to have gone out of his way to treat her with respect, a manner Tahara is entirely unaccustomed to.

Tahara nursed an ill-advised crush for some time, but her outlook changed quite significantly since her mind has been mended and the spell lifted. Memories from her childhood, almost 8 years worth of stolen knowledge returned have brought context to her head and heart where it was sorely needed. Tahara finally understands that there are many different kinds of love, her feelings for her sister and her now not-quite-mate Tagrok, speeding up the conclusion significantly.

Tahara understands now, that she was never in love in the first place - that she felt love, a connection - and a deep one at that - but that it does not necessitate romance.

He has, however, still made her more than happy in a unique request to Akashok, finally fulfilled after kosh’harg. To be bound, by blood, but not as mates - but as father and daughter. For one raised without parents, it is more than Tahara’s heart knows how to cope with, but it is learning.

Spoiler: "Rhonya Steelheart" • show
As her former tutor, Tahara is beyond grateful to have been given a chance. To think she may be proud of Tahara means everything to her. The two aren’t particularly close, regardless - in great parts because Tahara idolizes her too much to make an effort.

Spoiler: "Atar’ka" • show
Approaching a trusting relationship, Tahara is most comfortable of all around Atar’ka who counters all her particular odds and ends with infinite patience. She’s glad to have been given the opportunity to work with Atar’ka’s wolf, Rosha, happy for her skills to be recognized, however strange those skills might seem. One of only two people who know more about Tahara’s past as a slave, she feels less awkward and less ashamed in her presence.

Spoiler: "Morgkha" • show
An unlikely relationship, Tahara feels drawn to the strange shadowmoon, despite not always being treated with the most kindness. But perhaps it is especially that, the occasional good-natured mocking or insult, that speaks of a lack of pity. If Morgkha is unkind to Tahara, she still treats her as an equal and an adult. Tahara is more comfortable with that than the kindness of people who see her as little more than an oddity or a child.

Spoiler: "Kyrazha Throatrender" • show
Strangely, of all the orcs, Tahara looks up to Kyra. An odd one out like herself, Kyra is everything she wants to be - confident, strong, loved and respected. She likes approaching her for advice, knowing she will not get the kind of answers one might find in a book to her questions, but an honest opinion. Becoming her sister in blood has only enamored her more. One of the few people who consistently manages to cheer her up and the only one she always wants to see, even when she’s at her lowest point. And for Tahara, that’s a very low low indeed.

Spoiler: "Nar’thak Strongarm" • show
Somewhat uncomfortable around the old orc, but only because she feels like she’s a constant disappointment to him. She tries very hard to learn from him, appreciating his patience, but shrinks a size smaller at every sigh aimed in her direction, only serving to make her feel worse about herself, which in turn causes her focus to drop and her learning process to slow. Regardless, she keeps trying to win his approval, in some form.

Spoiler: "Zi’tani Steelstorm" • show
Since her mind is mended, some if not all of Tahara’s guilt has lifted from her heart and Zi’tani has simply become just another member of the clan. Tahara respects her, but still prefers to keep herself quiet and away, still feeling like she is taking too much time away from the now happy couple. Afterall, they will someday have children of their own and a lingering anxiety that she might get in the way, remains ever present.

Spoiler: "Skint" • show
Another delightful oddball that makes Tahara feel less odd just by being around! Chuckles adores her and really, if Chuckles likes someone, that’s a good enough sign in Tahara’s book that they must be a good person. Tahara feels slightly uncomfortable by how happy the young orc is to labour for others, her own background as a slave giving her none-too-pleasing associations with the matter and trying desperately to get Skint to accept at least a little coin for her troubles. At least once, you know?

Spoiler: "Nakobu" • show
Being entirely disconnected from the events of alternate Draenor, Tahara has a hard time understanding what everyone’s problem seems to be with Nakobu. As far as she’s concerned, he’s about the nicest person she’s ever met. Not the most… fun or interesting perhaps, but nice. He’s only ever been there to heal and help others… why is that a bad thing to so many? Well… aside from trying to lecture Tahara on manners, on occasion. She really doesn’t understand what she keeps doing wrong. Afterall, she is being honest and friendly! What could possibly be wrong with that?

Unfortunately for Nakobu, his face bears resemblance to a figure Tahara would prefer to be part of her lost memories, but decidedly is not.

Spoiler: "Tagrok Valorwind" • show
This story has taken many a strange turn, from simple curiosity to an almost prophetic connection found on an off chance night under a waterfall in sunrock. Never would Tahara have thought of anyone she might want, certainly not someone as cranky and hostile as Tagrok has been in the past.

And yet, on that very first night, Tahara saw a kind and patient man hiding under a guise of hatred, trying to cope with his own trauma. From day one, Tahara has believed in his heart and soul as capable of a great deal of kindness and nobility - and, by proxy, gotten more than a little frustrated with him when he chose to act in anger. Their fights will stay in her memory as clearly as the moments they made up. She’s more than a little grateful on the help from Kyrazha and Vraxxar, to make sure both parties kept trying.

Now, Tahara can’t think of a life without him. A shadow at her back, quiet and cooling and constant, she struggles every day with the intensity of her own feelings. Many of them remain tangled with memories from her time as a slave, twisting love and desire into jealousy and fear. Nightmares and dreams in equal measure, Tahara clings to hope that one day, she can be his mate, in all that entails. A sense of normality and stability that has been absent from her life entirely.

There are a few more things to settle, before she can find peace with her own heart.

Spoiler: "Trakmar Beastbane" • show
Intimidated by him at first, it seems Trakmar has taken a liking to her, from the very first day on the ship back to Durotar. Not at all confused or bothered by Tahara’s relationship to her beasts, Trakmar has been a valuable tutor, but unlike Kogra, not just on the path to becoming a gosh’kar, but in everything else. Tahara models herself after him a great deal… except being of a somewhat gentler nature. Somewhat. For now.

Spoiler: "Kogra Windwatcher" • show
Having taken over most of Tahara’s spiritual training ever since she has become a gosh’kar, Kogra has been a kind, guiding hand from the very beginning, recognizing Tahara’s potential to communicate with the spirits of the wild very early on. Since she has become a proud disciple of Mo’lak, Tahara could not be more grateful to her ever present support, in all matter spiritual and… private.

Spoiler: "Nosh’marak Ironclaw" • show
Tahara struggles a great deal with the ideal of military obedience that Nosh’marak represents as Rrosh-tul. Afterall, in her brief involvement in the war of thorns, Tahara has learned quickly that she is no warrior, for she abhors few things more in life than war. As such, it is strange that she thinks of the man so highly, but Nosh’marak seems not unlike Tagrok in that regard - a tough shell with an oh so soft heart underneath. He’s also the only one in the clan with a decent taste in spirits. Alcohol, that is. Not ghosts.

Spoiler: "Urzoga the Unbroken" • show
Something of a distant figure and a shadow, Tahara doesn’t know much of Urzoga, but recognizes her as someone who struggles, much the same as herself. The few gifts she has received, she treasures.


Self-view: HUNGRY.

View of others:

Spoiler: "Tahara" • show

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show

Spoiler: "Atar’ka" • show

Spoiler: "Rosha" • show

Spoiler: "TIMUR" • show

Spoiler: "Kran" • show

Spoiler: "Luciouz" • show

Spoiler: "Buurb" • show

Spoiler: "Skint" • show

Spoiler: "Tagrok" • show


Srelok Grimtide

Self view
Srelok has been alone since a young age, after having fled his abusive father and growing up in the wilds of Azeroth. He has a pretty low self-esteem, mostly because how his father treated him. He's an empath, which means he senses the emotions of those around him, which can make him seem haunted and which on occasion causes him to withdraw entirely due to fierce headaches. He sometimes fears he will still be rejected by those around him purely because they might think him different.
Recently he's gone into hiding more than usual. The wars he's seen in his time in the clan have scarred him deeply and he fears orcs will see him as weak because of this.

His view on a few of the others (In no particular order):

Spoiler: "Rhonya Steelheart" • show

His cousin. He respects her for her accomplishments, but keeps his distance because he feels responsible for her rough childhood. When he escaped his father, he left her behind in his less-then-tender care. In his mind she's a babbling brook that slowly moves toward a waterfall.

Spoiler: "Kozgugore Feraleye" • show

Srelok has the world of respect for the chieftain because he still stands after suffering so much and losing so many, But he's intimidated by the silent orc. He also does his best to suppress his empathic ability around him because he doesn't want to insult or otherwise discomfort the Old Oak.

Spoiler: "Noshmarak Ironclaw" • show

Srelok has seen Nosh grow from captive to Rrosh-tul. Surprisingly he's very fond of the Shattered Hand.

Spoiler: "Trakmar Beastbane" • show

Srelok is always a bit careful of the tough old bastard. He respects the Thur'ruk but he always sees him as a little unpredictable. Very much an orc of the Wild.

Spoiler: "Kargnar Bloodpaw" • show

An orc he actually calls friend. Recently he's taken more of a backseat to Kargnar's ambition. Wouldn't want to get in the way of the newly reinstated Rrosh-tul.

Spoiler: "Vraxxar Wildmark" • show

Another orc he calls friend. He trusts Vraxxar with his life and would give his own to save Vraxxar in return. Vraxxar has a way of getting Srelok to talk about things he'd rather not say, to a degree. Approves greatly of Vraxxar's chosen path.

Spoiler: "Kogra Windwatcher" • show

a female he has mixed feelings about. He nearly killed himself trying to save her, but when se confessed her feelings for him he found himself unable to answer in kind. They are very alike, and that's one of the reasons he'd rather protect her like an older brother protects his kid sister.

Spoiler: "Kyrazha Throatrender" • show

The Hurricane. Srelok likes her for her honesty and simple logic. He trusts her judgment completely though. He's proud of her recent achievments and elevation.

Spoiler: "Zitani Steelstorm" • show

Srelok is... unsure. On one hand she's a welcome figure in his little camp, but on the other she has abit of a tendency to rub him the wrong way. She means well though, he senses no malice in her.

Spoiler: "Azguh" • show

He will miss her presence, and most likely will need some time to get over her.

Spoiler: "Narthak" • show

One he needs to learn to trust, who might even be able to help him.

Spoiler: "Urzoga" • show

He feels for this one. So lost, so confused. He wants to help her find herself but he fears the damage has gone too deep.

Spoiler: "Ruby" • show

His other life mate. They've bonded deeply and trust eachother blindly. He's developing a certain way of communication with the big ravasaur that he's never managed with anyone else.

Spoiler: "Magra" • show

A female he knows of old, and has fond memories of back in the day. Recently she's been keeping him on track after all the things that happened to him, and he's starting to view her as a close friend.

Spoiler: "Nakobu" • show

An annoyance at first, but he tries hard and has no ill intent as far as Srelok can see. He will continue watching the newblood develop with interest.

Spoiler: "Gulrok" • show

He likes the warrior's wit and humor at least!

Spoiler: "Drakora" • show

Needs to relax. Her smithing skills are good, but Srelok can't help but wonder what she hides beneath the armor of her spirit as well as her body.

Spoiler: "Zakarah" • show

A female he's mildly conflicted about, seeing her clan heritage and the misadventures he's had with them on Draenor. However, he mostly feels she could grow into a good friend given time. He enjoys her presence and humor at least.

Spoiler: "Tagrok" • show

One who needs to heal before he can help others. Sre feels for him, but again, he can't help. Valorwind will have to find his own way first. If he can, he'll be a great asset to the clan.

Spoiler: "Tahara" • show

Shows a great deal of promise, if she can overcome her own insecurities..

Spoiler: "Skint" • show

An... intriguing one. She's had it rough but she seems to be overcoming things. He wonders about her path though, same as Nakobu.

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl

Naroga Worgstride

Naroga Worgstride

Self-view: Strenght and Pack before anything else. She is proud of her prowess, strenght and overcoming of all the hardships of the war against the Lightbound that turned her own against her. She is a true friend, to any Orc who finds their way past the barrier she created around herself after loosing the familiarity of Home and her Birthclan. You could assume, her loud mouth makes up for that insecurity, but she has always been this way! Not everyone will ever appreciate her wit, nor her taunts to challenge them to do better. She does it all, in good spirit. She would only see those around herself thrive to better themselves,as she does..or tries to. Flames flare quickly from her eyes as the temper lashes out quickly and is difficult to soothe down if she feels insulted. Another quirk to her being, is her quick opinions she voices out loudly. When she feels she needs to be heard, she will make sure you do.

Views of others:

Spoiler: "Sorkrun Wintergaze" • show
A friend from the day they learned to walk, a brother in arms in War and someone she trusts without question. He has kept the long bond between them with his wit, playful rivalries and the neverending bickering that keeps the Orc on her toes. Like herself, Sorkrun is quick to speak his mind and she doesnt often find him to be in the wrong. Quick to anger sometimes, Naroga finds herself pulling him by the hair out of trouble.

Spoiler: "Gaarthok Fireye" • show
Early upon their meeting, the old Shaman was already saving the life of her most precious Worg and two pups from the beasts litter. It played its part on the trust she feels for him, but also his wisdom and strenght of the Elements places him on high regard. The Old orc might have his moments of being difficult and stubborn, placing the uppity younglings to their place!- She feels he has earned the right be so.

Spoiler: "Grarshak" • show
Despite what happened between the two and how the previously proud Blademaster had fallen into tough times with himself, she thinks no less of him. Knowing what he is capable of and seeing the inner strenght of this Orc, she is refusing to give up on him. While he struggles with his demons of self doubt and pain, she is determined to help him stand strong once more. Time will tell what comes of it..

Spoiler: "Gronkaz" • show
An Orc she at first found to be nothing,but a nuisance! She was seeking to give this uppity Hollow a lesson in pain, but instead she listened. Finding reason within his actions, she begun to respect the Orcs different ways and views, leaving him to do as he would. She appreciates the Orc for his viewpoints, as they foten aling with her own. The good head on his shoulders, spirituality and wit have sparked a friendship between the two.

Spoiler: "Kran Twinaxe" • show
After some very odd first impressions with his tales of poop and army-life, Kran quickly shifted her view. He had more strenght he let out to have at first and more experience she would have tought, despite this she feels the Orc isnt ready to take on the role of a leader. Often leading to Naroga voicing her differing opinions and challenging his leadersp. While she often banters on his expense, he finds a friend in him and wishes to only challenge him to keep bettering himself with what he considers, mockery.

Spoiler: "Kargnar Bloodpaw" • show
Being the first Orc she befriended and someone she was very close to, until her decision to call off their Hunt. While he is someone she could find to respect, his overwhelming self loathing and doubt hindered him in her eyes. Despite the feeling Kargnar has much to work on with his own self, she respects him as the new Rrosh'thul. Now, if only he wouldnt get himself bedbound so often..

Spoiler: "Kulgha Wolfheart" • show
Very conflicted on her opinion, the caring Kulgha is still one of her closest friends. Showing extraordinary care for her fellow Orcs and their Beasts, keeping her word without being shy to go out of her way to do it and showing no fear in to face danger despite the weakness Naroga sees in her are all traits have earned a fair amount of trust for her. However, being reckless and toughtless at times, despite being for a good cause- have ired Naroga to push Kulgha to better herself, she must learn to consider her actions more.

Spoiler: "Brusa" • show
Never has she met such a weak runt in her life, every viber of her being questions why she is seeking to become part of a Clan, when it is clear she belongs somewhere else with her ways of the Light. She doesnt even know how to fight! How to defend herself, Naroga is mostly displeased with her presence, but as the Clan wishes..she is to be given a chance,

Spoiler: "Nakobu" • show
From the first realization what this Orc was, Naroga cant feel,but distrust towards the well meaning Light wielder. She can however admit, he has only shown to truly care for the Clan and work towards its well being. She cant however shake the sickly feeling she has around him, for she knows what the Light is capable of. As the Clan wishes;she has no choice,but to give the Orc his chance to proof himself for them and herself.

Spoiler: "Kroat Ironwill" • show
Definately the most puzzling personality, or..personalities to ever come across. At times, she could take him seriously, but even more times she was left in a state of laughter and confusion. There was no doubt, this Orc had seen more than his fair share of difficulties, some that had left him..damaged. Despite all the wierdness, he is slowly beginning to grow on her. Atleast he speaks his mind, one thing she can atleast respect.



SELF-VIEW: Ambitious, devoted. Kran is trying his best in leadership, using every and each chance given to him to practice it, even though he already had some experience, before joining the clan, he knows it was not enough. Goresong devotes himself to the clan as much as he can, putting only one thing above the clan, which is family. He also thinks he's the most funny Orc on Azeroth. He's Krannin'. Goresong is not as silly and prideful as he was when he joined the clan. It was a difficult goal to achieve, after spending so much time with other races than Orcs, in Orgrimmar. He believes it will only help him with progressing even further.
VIEWS OF OTHERS:       (no particular order)

Kargnar Bloodpaw
Spoiler: show
Kran sees Kargnar as his mentor. As an Orc he wishes to follow and learn from. Bloodpaw is authority for Goresong. He also thinks he's a good friend

Drakora Steeltalon
Spoiler: show
Obviously, as Drakora is Kran's mate, she's the closest Orc to Goresong. He wants to spend rest of his life with her and raise their pups together with her. Although Kran thinks that Drakora is terrible in matters talking. He never has as many topics to speak about with her as with others. Either somethings wrong or they understand each other without words.

Kulgha Wolfheart
Spoiler: show
Kran considers Kulgha as one of his best friends in the clan. Although sometimes he wonders if Kulgha is normal, when you look at how she speaks. Well, anyway, Kran would jump into the fire after her!

Kor'kosh Ironaxe
Spoiler: show
Recently opening his maw way too much in some matters and trying to show his view on certain things, while the said view is shared among the rest of Orcs in the clan. Besides that, Kran thinks that Kor'kosh is a great warrior. He trust fellow Warsong, as he is blood-brother of Goresong's mate.

Rokamo Goreye
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Kran believes that Rokamo, most of the time, has different view in some matters than Kran and it would be useful, if she only started to share it openly. Goresong trusts her and never worries when he or Drakora leaves the pups to her.

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Kran just loves spending time with THUNK. He thinks that the Mok'nathal is the most enlightened Orc he has ever met in his life. The best drinker of the clan, telling only things you agree with. What else do you need to be sure that this Orc is just a perfect friend? Nothing else, my friends. Goresong belives that one day, he will be able to beat THUNK in drinking contest. Dreams...

Nar'thak Strongarm
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"Grumpy" is a word that comes to Kran's mind first when he thinks of Strongarm. After thinking a little bit longer words like "Wisdom", "Knowledge", "Skill", "Helpfullness" and "Strong mind" comes to Goresong's mind. He respect Nar'thak's person, as well as every word he says. He's sure that Strongarm will be one of the clan Thur'ruks in either shorter or longer future.

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Now, this Orc changed a lot! Just a few months ago, a weaker link, which Kran protected. Nakobu is no longer seen like that by Goresong. Kran started to respect and trust light wielder even more. If anything happens, Nakobu has Kran's back, for sure.

Kroat Ironwill
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A wreck of an Orc. Alcoholic. Kran really hoped that Kroat will change one day, and become a good Orc, but what happened was quite the opposite. Goresong gave up on him, as it seems that Ironwill does not want to change himself. Shame. Also, interacting with someone who has been called danger for the clan is not the best idea. He will keep distance between them now.

Zi'tani Steelstorm
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Too stubborn and with too much of self-confidence, which changes to being dumb in her decisions sometimes. He hopes that, one day, Zi'tani will get rid of those traits, as he really thinks that she's a good Orcess to fight alongside with, have a chat with and share a drink with.

Vraxxar Wildmark
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Goresong never got a chance to get know Vraxxar better. Definitely an Orc that deserves his rank within the clan. Very reasonable and always looking at both sides of certain things.

Razaron Madeye
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After some time within the clan, Kran changed his view of Razaron. Especially after what happened in Nazmir. Madeye is one of the most respected Orcs of the Red Blade by Kran, because he already showed that he is ready to do everything to protect his clan. He also proved to be a good leader, which he also showed in Nazmir. Strong outside and inside, even though that the second one may not be that obvious at first glance.

Gul'rok Ragehowl
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Goresong considers Ragehowl as one of the best friends in the clan, even though they haven't known each other for a long time. He also thinks that he would be a perfect mentor for Gul'rok, even after the tutorage within the clan. A very good fighter is a fellow Warsong in Kran's eyes.

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Recently less strange, she seems for Kran. Still a bit dumb, but there are way dumber than her, so who cares. Goresong never really had a chance to get Tahara know better, but he believes that they are completely different Orcs and it does not matter that much so far.

Karhla Bloodfang
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Friend from the childhood is who Karhla is for Kran. Now in the same clan after all those years, he still treats her the same way. Most of the time he avoids her because almost every time he sees her, she gets mad at poor Goresong and starts complaining about him being always injured. He doesn't consider Bloodfang the best friend from the clan but the best friend of all time!

Nosh'marak Ironclaw
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Goresong doesn't know much about Ironclaw. He invited him for a drink but who knows if Nosh'tul will ever have one with Kran. Besides that, only things that Kran can say about Nosh'marak is that he's a good leader and has a strange, but also interesting humour. After being led a few times by Ironclaw, Kran knows that he did not become clan's warleader without a reason

Okiba Spearbreaker
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Being one of the first Orcs Kran met in the clan, Spearbreaker earned big respect from Goresong. Not only because of that, as Kran thinks that Okiba is a very skilled fighter and would be a good leader if he got rid of his impulsivness and grumpiness. He's almost sure that Okiba is always "on something", as this Orc is super fast, if you know what Kran means

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Wolfking? Almost entirely unknown to Goresong. Although, as he's his chieftain, Kran would do anything for Kozgugore, whatever it would be, as long as it does not break the code, of course. Kran actually thinks of inviting Feraleye for a drink, if Nosh'marak forgets.

Rhonya Steelheart
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Kran hates that Rhonya is so serious all the time. He really enjoyed watching how she was bullied by Strongarm and Rainclaw when they brought cloud serpents. Even though those are just additional things. Goresong respects Steelheart. It's an Orc that got him a title of "Flowerpicker" after all.

Karnna Blackfeather
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Another Orc that's very mysterious for Kran. Goresong is not even sure if he wants to know her better than he does now. Goresong is sure of one thing. Blackfeather is one of the best clan's scouts, even though many disagree with her ways, Kran had seen way worse things.

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Another (formerly) fellow Warsong! Lightcrusher earned Kran's respect immediately, after Goresong saw Sigrak in battle. Even though most of Orcs disapprove Sigrak's shouting all the time, Kran (deep, deep inside) cheers for Lightcrusher to do his best with yelling!

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Not the wisest, not the smartest, but for sure a good fighter, as well as reasonable elder. She still seems strange to Goresong, especially after hearing more stories about her.

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Weak, but helpful and with potential to grow stronger, just like Nakobu. Speaking of Nakobu; that's Skint who took his place now. Kran, treating even new bloods as a family, will stand with Skint. She has his back. None shall be alone for no reason


Luciouz Dalton
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Loud and annoying, yet owns a place on Kran's "friends list". Goresong even doesn't care about Luciouz's smell! Now that's a signs of true friendship, no?

Borrock Hardhide
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Even though he speaks and acts like a mindless Orc, Kran still respects and likes Borrock in a way. Goresong, surely, feels what Borrock feels, while he keeps talking about smashing all the time

Dhak Skullsunder
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A mysterious, young Orc. Due to Dhak's help in Nazmir, Kran had a chance to get him know better. He believes that Skullsunder has a chance to become (in future) one of the greatest Orcs, Kran ever met. But Goresong still kind of wishes that Dhak became more open and told more about his past

Naroga Worgstride
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Left the clan, while Kran was imprisoned, so he had no time to say goodbye. Shame. Despite being mad at her, because of that, Kran wishes to see her one day in the future, and have just a friendly chat. Information about Naroga being honest while leaving the clan reached even Kran's ears now, which gives him another reason to approach her like a friend in future, if it ever happens.
"Let our enemies see what Strength and Honor in battle means to us! Let our enemies feel the burning flames on our blades! Let them feel it, when we cut through their flesh! Blood and Thunder!"



Self View: Zi'tani views herself as simply unlucky. Whilst outwardly, she depicts a happy-go-lucky she-orc who cannot be down for long, inwardly she is less confident in herself. She is still struck with grief over the loss of her beloved wolf companion, and mourns her father still. And though she hates herself for it, she also mourns her mother. She wishes desperately to be accepted into the Red Blade clan if only so she can feel some semblance of normalcy, and that she can finally belong somewhere after fighting for so long back home.

Recently, she has been undergoing some changes. Making friends, naturally. She has an interest in training to become a Varog'gor in time, though she has been delayed with an extra Newblood task. Thanks to the recent events surrounding Borrock, she has begun taking an interest in astral projection â€" hoping that perhaps one day she too can emulate the powers of the orc who had managed to reach Borrock. She is currently suffering from ongoing nightmares thanks to her past and recent events.

Views of others:

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Kyrazha is - quite frankly - hilarious to Zi'tani. She is also something of a source of comfort for the young she-orc, treating her as nothing less than a good friend or a sister. Hell, if there was anyone to ask to become a sister to Zi'tani, she would certainly choose Kyrazha. She recently misses having her around to talk over some of the things that has been going on.

Vraxxar Wildmark
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Once, she viewed him as someone to value as a friend, guiding her gently. It was not until he had been taken that she felt a rage so strongly that it drove her to try a rescue attempt. Since then, her feelings have been made clearer to her. As his duty is to protect the Chieftain and lay down his life for him if necessary, she has taken it upon herself to protect him in turn. He is important to her, and she wishes to remain by his side through bad or good.

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Zi'tani views the Chieftain of the Red Blade as someone she owes a lot to. Whether he intended to or not, he had helped her finally become an adult through her om'riggor, and gave her her name. It is an honour she would never forget. And prays that one day she too might be picked as a Varog'gor so that she may repay the debt.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
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She might've had a vague interest in him once, up until a comment had been let slip about him moving on so soon back in Nagrand, along with his new mate's bizarrely possessive behaviour when she was trying to heal him. After that, she keeps her distance, feeling her presence is not wanted anyway.

Razaron Madeye
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Zi'tani admires Razaron, having seen his prowess in battle. She has a healthy respect for anyone who would happily burst into dance around a fire. He is a good dance partner.

Kran Goresong
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Touched by his dedication to the clan, Zi'tani's only wish is that he treasure the special harness she had crafted for him. She feels she can relate to him - as the Red Blade clan is now all she has in the world, and so it too is everything to her as it is to him.

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From the moment she met this little pale orc, Zi'tani has wished to protect her. She has grown to view the young woman as a sister, or perhaps an adopted daughter. Whilst she wishes she could keep Skint safe from everything, she knows she cannot hold her back forever. All she can do is remain in the young she-orc's life and offer a constant source of comfort and guidance. And will absolutely break the face of anyone who hurts her.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw
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Since being taken under his tutelage, Zi'tani has looked up to the older shaman, grateful that he guides her through her tasks. She hopes that one day she will make him proud, whilst holding a determination to be the best she can possibly be.

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Nakobu was someone Zi'tani refused to trust â€" would not even consider it. Once, she might have considered taking his head. But recently, she has come to appreciate his presence â€" the way he makes Skint happy, and the fact that he saved Zi'tani's life despite her failure to save him and Kran. She struggles a little with him. But for now, she will accept calling him brother â€" unofficially, of course.

Srelok Grimtide
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A friend Zi'tani values greatly. His skill with scarification is something she admires, but she also feels a burning need to be there for him as he returns to being a greater part of the clan. She respects and values his input, and perhaps would not have arrived at some of the conclusions she has made had it not been for him.

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Zi'tani does not know her very well. But she thinks she seems a pretty nice orc so far! She suspects Tahara is struggling a lot under the surface, but is not sure how to go about helping her.

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Good to have a chat with, alongside Kyrazha. Zi'tani feels Urzoga could come out of her shell more â€" surely there is a lot to get to know!

Gul'rok Ragehowl
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Good to have a laugh with, even from day one when he happily watched Zi'tani beat Kargnar repeatedly.

Rokamo Goreye
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Seems nice enough, good to have a laugh with when there's drinking going on. Zi'tani secretly admires her ability to get on with things, and balancing her love life with work.

Kor'kosh Ironaxe
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Zi'tani admires his prowess in battle. Possibly not so much his attitude, but nonetheless enjoys fighting beside him.

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Zi'tani is not certain if he's ever joined the clan â€" but she considers him great to have around. He often eases the tension around him, even with his simple and usually care-free “MUST SMASH!” attitude. Recently, she has felt there is more to him than this however. There must be a reason he is being followed by a projected spirit of someone on Draenor. And she feels bound to help him.

Rhonya Steelheart
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Despite only having met Rhonya a couple of times, Zi'tani does admire her a bit. It is also thanks to Rhonya that she has returned to the roots of her shamanism â€" reminding her that there is so much more to a shaman than being able to call on the spirits for aid. A lesson most may have forgotten.

Gashuk Bloodmoon
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Though she has not actually spoken to him much, Zi'tani feels a mixture of wariness and curiosity towards Gashuk. The blood ritual they performed together with Rhonya and Srelok makes her question some aspects of the older orc, and yet he does not seem out of place with the rest of the clan. Perhaps some bonding time is in order.

Rollerskating at right angles to reality.


Blademaster Grarshak

Self-view: Honor is everything for this blademaster. It defines his very being and it has caused some doubt in his heart. Is he is honorable as he should be? Is he worthy of the name Flamecaller, of the legacy warblade his master left behind before he died? A lot clouds this blademaster's mind despite what training and guidance he may have been given from orcs and even pandaren much wiser than himself. Dark memories still haunt him from his past, from the draenei and their light which carved through his family and loved ones... Rage is ever constant in his heart now.

Views of others:

Naroga Worgstride:
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The love of his life. She is headstrong and stubborn. A mighty warrior and what a true she-orc should be like. She doesn't need his help, she can always take care of herself in any and every regard. Even so she is kind and gentle when needed and always understanding.

Gaar'thok Fireye:
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This is not the father he knew on his Draenor, but he looks and feels like him. Even acts like him from most part. Its confusing, but in the very least, it is as if the spirit of his father still endures on this world. He respects the old shaman but feels pain in his presence... Old scars.

Kozgurgore Feraleye:
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Never had the chance to get to know the orc personally but he has seen the orc to make many right and wise choices as well as being a real warrior. As a chief, he is worth following.

Kargnar Bloodpaw:
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Uncertain of himself at times... As such sees similarities of himself in the orc. Now a Rrosh-tul, he wants to help the orc to carry out his authority as a Blood Guard and military leader of the clan despite the fact the orc can at times be reckless.

Kulgha Wolfheart:
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First met at Pandaria where she tamed a great tiger, clearly she has a talent with beasts and somehow can manage to soothe them. She is a kind, gentle and sweet she-orc. But she isn't much of a warrior, she knows how to keep her distance and fire her bow but she cannot fight like a true orc and has much to learn what it means to be an actual orc.

Nar'thak Strongarm:
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One of the orcs he respects most of all within the clan. An elder and former orc of the burning blade of this timeline. He aided him along his journey to find more news on his master from the main timeline. Nar'thak's word carries a great importance for the blademaster.

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Heretic, murderer, weakling, coward... This orc has no place in a true clan. He speaks with a draenic accent and everytime the blademaster would look at him, it fills his mind with memories of pain and suffering from Draenor... This was a lightbound, a traitor to the mag'har and here he sits among the clan as an equal... Its not right.

Sorkrun Wintergaze:
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A rival... He is clever, very clever. He sees things quite similar to the blademaster but sometimes he even sees more than him. However he finds Sorkrun is more of a cynic as well and often sees more issues he dislikes. He is a great fighter, tactician and wolf rider. A rival in love and strength.

Kran Twinaxe:
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Warsong, through and through. Sometimes he doesn't think clearly and just lets his instincts guide him rather than think things through! He is a good warrior, a loyal orc and one of honor. He still has much to learn about certain aspects of rising in the ranks however, what it means to take charge and lead...

Drakora Steeltalon:
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A blacksmith. The best the clan has to the point she is referred to as a warsmith. She forged his armor and aided in any type of repairs she can. She knows her metals and techniques, she even knows how to swing her blade and protect herself in her heavy armors... But she isn't much of a leader in his eyes despite her trying. Perhaps with time though.

Kor'Kosh Ironaxe:
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A warsong orc wishing to become a blademaster. He has the honor for it alright but still the mind of a warsong. He is one of the few real warriors Grarshak would trust with his life, having seen his talent and skill first hand.

Rokamo Goreye:
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Fierce huntress and mother, she is quite the she-orc! Kor'kosh landed him quite the decent mate! She knows how to fight, how to hunt, how to take care of her pups. She is fierce, loyal and strong. Definitely one of the Bleeding Hollows he respects the most.

Karnna Blackfeather:
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Tactician, commander and assassin. She knows how to lead, she knows how to fight... She is a good she-orc but she would be even better if she remembered some honor that often eludes her.

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An orc who is still a new blood but is proving to be quite addition to the clan. He is a bit savage and honor is not always in his actions... But thus far he is proving a like minded orc for most part.

Kraagara Starmaw:
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An orc whom seems somewhat adapt to the arcane energies. She is a strange one, rapidly aged by dark magic and now wielding arcane... She might be able to help some issues with the magic but she is difficult to trust.

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Rarely around for whatever reason but he has shown to be quite the adapt wielder of magic, old orc with some experience with magic, dark and otherwise. Somewhat of an expert... But his lust for power and carnage makes it hard to trust him.

Kyrazha Throatrender:
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Varog'gor, in sense he feels he must respect her but she is an odd one. He doesn't approve of her mentoring of Nakobu and he dislikes how she babies the weakling. But she is a fierce huntress and warrior with an otherwise sound mind.

Rhonya Steelheart:
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A shaman, wise one at that. She may be a bit soft hearted to some who doesn't deserve it but she is wise and talented enough among the spirits. He admires her despite what she may think of him. As a shaman her words carry weight with the blademaster and he tries to listen.

Razaron Madeye:
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Crazy orc, almost outright insane that one. But he is a strong warrior, a varog'gor and... Maybe a shaman? Hard to tell! Despite all the crazyness, he is an orc to respect.

Okiba Spearbreaker:
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Okiba was his mentor, although he can at times act outside of his authority, he is a leader in Grarshak's eyes. He knows how to handle the orcs and how to fight, using his monk training. He is an orc Grarshak respect and thus why he asked him to be his mentor in the first place.

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Brother at arms, one of the very few Blademasters around other than himself. He sees much hardship and grief in him just as himself... But he honors and respects his fellow clanmember and hopes to fight side by side with him more in the future.