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2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
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Character Self View and View of Others, Part 2!

Started by Rhonya, May 12, 2018, 05:25:10 PM

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Farseer Gaar'thok Fireye

The old orc has seen much and done much. He carries with him the haunted past of being a warlock and as such always try to be an open minded and kind orc that try to act with wisdom and understanding. Although he himself finds he has many flaws, he isn't always that good at holding back from acting on them, often making him a bit of an hypocritical orc, like speaking of patience and then losing patience himself. But he always does his best to teach others how to be better and in return... He learns how to better himself.

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The son he never had, literally. The blademaster seems hesitant to let the shaman get to know him but each day the old orc wishes to learn more about him, his likes, dislikes and how he works. He may not been the father he knew but... He wishes to be there for the orc as one now.

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First met her when her wolf was ill, she shows great love for life, not only that of her wolfs but in general while still being a fierce huntress formerly of the Frostwolves. He is happy to having had the chance to help her and hopes to be able to be there for her many more times in the future. An honorable orc worth respecting.

Kargnar Bloodpaw:
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An orc with a lot of self-doubt at one moment and overly confident another. Its hard to read him and he doesn't always think clearly, but he always does his best.

Kozgurgore Feraleye:
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The chieftain, honorable and strong warrior but most of all... A father figure for the whole clan. Something that Gaar'thok greatly admire about the orc.

Kulgha Wolfheart:
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Kind, gentle and often misguided. She wants to help but sometimes doesn't know the right way to do it. She needs to learn more what it means to be an orc rather than a gentle flower.

Nar'thak Strongarm:
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Admirable orc who is one of the few older orcs than himself. Possess great wisdom, knowledge and courage. He respects him greatly.

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An orc of unfortunate circumstance. The shaman grieves for what he has been through and happily wants to help him find his new path in life among the orcs he is so unfamiliar with while having grown up with draenei. He admires the orc for his faith despite them being different than his own.

Sorkrun Wintergaze:
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Headstrong, stubborn and overprotective. If anything or anyone threaten his close and dearest, he doesn't think, he simply acts and it leads him to be rude and disrespectful against his own rather than figure a way to work things out. Reminds him of himself when young... He doesn't like it.

Kor'kosh Ironaxe:
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An honorable and loyal orc. A fierce orc warrior with skill and talent and huge quantity of love for his family and loved ones. He does not believe there is nothing this certain orc would not do for his family.

Rokamo Goreye:
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One of the most dedicated mothers he has had the pleasure to get to know. A fierce huntress and a proud bleeding hollow orc who values her heritage.

Kran Twinaxe:
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An orc who is eager to prove himself time and time again. He jumps before thinking and has much more to learn. But he has the potential to grow to become a better warrior and leader among the clan. Lately he has become less silly and taken up more responsibilities.

Karnna Blackfeather:
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This she-orc is very dedicated to her position within the clan, taking most things very seriously to the point you wonder if she ever takes a time to relax.

Razaron Madeye:
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Often acting strange, crazy or just outright insane but the old orc has had a chance to seen him when he is more serious and understanding. A decent orc with a lot more to him than he lets on... Gaar'thok is curious and wishes to know more about him.

Rhonya Steelheart:
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One of the more respectable shamans in the clan in his eyes. She may not be as old as him, or even seen everything he has, but even then she is someone he could probably learn from. She is wise, intelligent and kind.

Kyrazha Throatrender:
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An impressive orc that is headstrong, brave and stubborn. She is quite vocal on her opinions and despite her uprising, she has proven to be a good orc.

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An orc with who has proven to be eager to learn and shows great respect. He is a orc with quite some potential and Gaar'thok look forward seeing where his future may lay.

Drakora Steeltalon:
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An orc smith who is eager to prove herself and show her talent for the clan as a warsmith. She is a good orc but she could benefit from listening more to others.



Self view:
Nakobu believes himself to be morally just. Unlike many whom doubt themselves and what they have done, Nakobu strictly follows the ethics shown to him by his grandfather. Humanity, tolerance, kindness, generosity, honesty, forgiveness, redemption. To him, these are the pillars of his life, and all he has done is in accordance with these values. Despite his wish to learn more of the orcish side of himself and the orcs in general, he knows that no matter what he learns, these pillar will forever stay strong. For they are what make him, him.

Views of others:

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Throatrender is the one whom Nakobu holds the highest degree of respect for in the clan. While he does not know the full extent of her past, such as why she speaks similar to the trolls of this world, he does not need to know it to understand that she is a good person with a strong sense of morals that align with his own in many ways.

Throatrender was one of the first to put her trust in him despite his own past, helping him through much of the difficulties that occurred when he first joined the clan. If there was ever a problem that Nakobu needed one of the clan's leaders for, Throatrender would be his first port of call every time.

Rhonya Steelheart
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Steelheart is Nakobu's tutor, the one whom is guiding him to become a fully-fledged member of the clan. She was also one of the first few to put her trust into him, even so much as to tell him her own personal struggles upon joining the clan; struggles that Nakobu can relate to greatly. He knows that should he ever need someone to talk to about issues, Steelheart would be there for him.

Gaar'thok Fireye
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Fireye was the first orc to learn of Nakobu's past and skill in the Light. While Fireye at first attempted to dissuade him to turn to a new path in life, upon learning of it's importance he has since supported Nakobu in gaining the rest of the clan's trust. Nakobu knows that if he is ever in need of wisdom, Fireye is the one to turn to.

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”When one has been angry for a very long time, one gets used to it. It becomes comfortable, like old leather. And finally, it becomes so familiar that one cannot remember feeling any other way.” A quote passed onto Nakobu from his grandfather on the topic of hatred. One that Nakobu feels applies to Grarshak very well. It is clear as the moon rising and the sun setting in the evening that Grarshak has a deep seated hatred for him and what he represents.

While he understands his pain upon seeing his draenic ways and his weaving of the Light, Nakobu wishes that Grarshak would be able to move past these things and to see him for who he really is. He fears that if Grarshak's hatred is left for too long, it will soon be too late to do anything about it.

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Nakobu feels that Urzoga is a strong orc, and a good friend. She may not be the most physically strong or healthy of the clan, but she has a will to carry on that Nakobu greatly admires. Having lost her memories, she pushes on as best she can, proving that even despite not knowing her past, she is a worthy member of the clan.

Nakobu does wonder what may happen when Urzoga recovers her memories, however. Will the 'current her' disappear? Will she stay with the clan? Will she leave? He does not know. But whatever the case, he'll be there if she needs him.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
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”There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute. Even life itself is an exercise in exceptions.” A quote passed on from his grandfather that fittingly comes to mind when Nakobu thinks of Bloodpaw and his views. Originally, Bloodpaw was the one to welcome him into the clan. To explain to him that he is welcome despite his different views and experiences.

However, after a dispute over the Code, it is clear that in reality, this is not the case. Bloodpaw holds a position of power. A position that he, in Nakobu's mind, is not fit for. He attempted to force his view of the Code onto Nakobu in what became essentially became a drumhead against Nakobu's own views, as well as attempting to assassinate Throatrender's moral character before a group to try and win his argument. Because of this event and its consequences, Nakobu views the orc in a poor light, avoiding coming to him with issues whenever possible. While he does feel like this concerning Bloodpaw at present, Nakobu does hope that one day the orc will change for the better. For the better of himself and those he leads.

Karnna Blackfeather
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Nakobu can't help but have a sense of unease concerning Blackfeather. While she seems to care greatly about the clan and its orcs, he can no longer completely ignore the warning given by Iseal about the darkness that surrounds her. While his anxieties and tiredness called him to publicly exclaim these worries, something he regrets doing, he can't help but feel something bad will happen surrounding the orc sooner or later. Whether that is because of her recklessness, the darkness that surrounds her, or otherwise. Despite all of this however, Nakobu wishes that he could believe in the orc fully. Perhaps he will be able to, in time.

Razaron Madeye
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A Varog'Gor like Throatrender. At times, Madeye comes across as insane as some as the ones whom escaped from the anchorites of Shattrath's mental institutes. However at others, he can seem as wise as the most veteran of leaders. Nakobu has a feeling that there is something still to learn concerning this orc.

Naroga Wolfstride
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In a similar vein to Grarshak, it is quite clear at a mere glance that Wolfstride isn't Nakobu's greatest fan. However, this feeling of dislike is not mutual. In time, he is sure that they will come to an understanding.

Kran Twinaxe
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An orc with a strong sense of honour, and one that has defended Nakobu from various ill directed his way since he joined the clan. Though he may not always think things through, he has become notably more controlled as of late, clearly wishing to prove his worth. And proving it is he is, inspiring Nakobu to further believe that it will be possible to prove his own self in due time.

Friends outside the Clan:

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A small tauren child and one of the druids of the Cenarion Circle. While she may seem to be quite young, she clearly has a great mind, often being one of the only ones speaking any common sense. While her druidic ways seem strange and different to him, it is obvious that it is a valid path for one to follow. Even if the transformations are a bit unsettling at times.

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A blood elven demon hunter. Due to the tale passed on the by the night elves that once fought on Draenor, Nakobu was afraid of Vin'scadrial when she first appeared. However, she proved that not all tales tell the full truth from every angle. While she is certainly fearsome with the power she wields, it is clear that she is a good person at heart.

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When Nakobu witnessed the brutal killing of a prisoner at the hands of the clan and the zandalari, Zapdrill was the one to talk him down and explain things from the perspective of this world. By showing her view on things, Nakobu was able to focus on the more important realisations of the incident than just the shock of the killing. To him, Zapdrill has proved that 'goblin' meaning 'parasite' in Draenei is a mere coincidence and nothing more.

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Nakobu views Dhak as an unsure orc whom has been through a very harrowing experience. While he cannot completely understand what it is Dhak is going through or what he can do to aid the orc, Nakobu is willing to lend a hand in whatever way he can so that Dhak may start to move on and look to the future, rather than the past.


Okiba Spearbreaker

Okiba knows two things about himself. Firstly, that the time he spent in the Kor'kron built him, and second that its end broke him. He views himself as lucky, having survived ten years of army life and coming out relatively unscathed. Though this has left him feeling guilty because those around him suffered while he survived. Though morally he feels honourable and just, he often plunges into doing what he thinks is honourable rather than what truelly is, trusting in military docrines and habits instilled in him often at axe point. All of these factors have forced him to recognize that he wasn't truelly born, or having a personality of his own until after his departure from the army. Okiba wants to teach, to help, to assist and build up others to be better than the worst he has seen, or has seen in himself. Ultimately, Okiba wants to be better spiritually, and morally, but see's himself falling short at every turn.

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An excellent student and a potently skilled warrior. He's proud to call Grarshak friend, having witnessed first hand how the Orc can be a supreme mediator and diplomat. Though he does worry sometimes he try's to run before he can walk, plunging head first into tasks and studies, though he does admire his enthusiasm.

Kargnar Bloodpaw:
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A veteran warrior of the clan. Okiba views Kargnar as the ideal by which all members of the path of strength should strive toward. Patient, open minded, loyal and above all else diligent in the execution of his orders. He suspects Bloodpaw wants to prove himself as a leader, and hopefully one day he will once again.

Kozgurgore Feraleye:
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The Chieftain and wolfking, wise and patient, but also firm and even handed. He rules the clan with an experienced hand.He's come to admire his surprisingly deft wording, the way he dispenses justice and honours both spirits and traditions. He's also heard of his many accolades as a war leader, leaving him in awe. If only he was around more...

Nar'thak Strongarm:
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Wise and patient, open and warm. Willing to guide, teach and learn in even measures. Strongarm is the only other Monk Okiba knows in the clan, and respects not only his skill in the martial arts, but his deeply resilient and kind spirit.

Kor'kosh Ironaxe:
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A deeply honourable Orc whom values personal honour highly. Okiba has yet to really get to know Kor'krosh, and while he is weary of his willingness to make a challenge, he views him also as a quick learner, patient and above all else an orc that doesn't make rash decisions or swear oaths lightly. His word is his bond, and Okiba believes he's bound for the heady heights of Rrosh'tul one day, a role and position he views would fit him well.

Rokamo Goreye:
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A traditionalist and fierce mother. He made the mistake of viewing her as nothing more than a tent miad once, but quickly learnt to respect her battle tenacity and honour during the battle with the elves at Hellscreams shrine. An orc to be respected, valued and listened to.

Kran Twinaxe:
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A fierce warrior, always eager to pull his weight, do his part and shed blood in the name of the clan, be it the enemy or his own. Possibly a little over-eager sometimes, but he's a supreme drinking companion and even better friend.

Karnna Blackfeather:
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So very serious. Okiba respects Karnna for her dedication and ferocity in carrying out her tasks and orders, Vrulls deadly left claw in the shadows, dispatching the dishonorable and cowardly. He does worry that she dabbles in arts and circles unsuitable for her though, but trusts she is wise enough not to bring troubles from such areas to the clans door.

Razaron Madeye:
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Absolutely bonkers and Okiba's left buttock still stings when he sits down after Madeye struck him with a lightning enfused weapon, ouch. He is however the clan Champion, and an enormously skilled shaman dedicated not only to the spirits, lost traditions and new, but also to the clan and its orcs. He'd hate to say it, but he'd trust Madeye with his life.

Rhonya Steelheart:
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Respect, and annoyance. He knows Steelheart to be one of the clans truest veterans and loyal to it and its orcs to a fault, but her stubborn actions (at least how he viewed them initially) angered him, but that was his fault for relying on his more militant insticts. He regrets the words he spoke to her last, and is eager to make up for them.

Kyrazha Throatrender:
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A strange Orc, but an undeniably skilled archer, huntress and tracker. He was a little baffled by her accent at first, but has come to respect her genuine, if hidden, warmth and almost mother like protection over the clan. Ever in the thick of it when it matters and eager to show other Orcs a way forward, she'll make a fine Varog'gor (one day).

Nosh'marak Ironclaw:
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His first Rrosh'tul and an Orc he'd follow into battle. He remains something of a mystery, but values common sense and abiding by the rules and hierarchy. Though Okiba often wonders if he's annoyed Ironclaw one too many times with his own over eagerness in his dutys.

Gashuk Bloodmoon:
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He distrusted Gashuk at first, having heard story's of his dabbling in dark, blood based magics. However, he's come to rely on and value his wisdom as well as craftiness. The Old Orc has walked a dogged path of redemption, spurred on by some unseen guilt or guidance that Okiba can't quite fathom or guess. What he does know is, this Orc is to be valued and respected for his loyalty and dedication.

Vraxxar Wildmark:
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Just, kind, tempered and very, very sneaky. Okiba can't quite work out what Vraxxar is trying to achieve sometimes but he's come to respect the Orc for his ability to bring Orcs together and tutor newbloods. Hopefully he'll get to know the Orc better in future.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."



Self View:

Skint is uncertain about most things still. Having gone from a clan that didn't accept her to the Lightbound that only used her, to getting captured by Blood Trolls and getting freed again by the Red Blade... It has made her really confused, so far. The acceptance of the clan despite her weakness. So many willing to help her.
Yet, she was so uncertain about her use of the Light and an unexpected alternative almost literally came falling from the sky for her.
The power wasn't even gradually given, no. She was granted with a full spectrum of energy she doesn't know yet how to handle well. Luck was with her though the few times she reluctantly helped a few clan orcs with her newfound power, after one of the Elders asked her for help.
The one thing she is certain about right now is her fast growing bond with Nakobu, seeing him a bit as the anchor keeping her grounded now in this world and with her powers.
She doesn't trust herself truly, nor the power she wields now entirely, but she's willing to learn.

Views of others:

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 A very unexpected but welcome bond is growing between them. Skint is so happy that he was there since she was freed. One of the first who tried to make her comfortable, to talk with her and calm her down. Things only grew closer from there. She knows they only just met a few weeks ago and they agreed to get to know each other better coming time before taking any further steps. For now she's just really happy he's there and helps her adjust to a clan life she's never known before.

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 Her nameless cagemate for a week or more. Not being able to speak to each other during that time and never having met before, but only having each other for warmth and company in that horrid place. It forged a bond Skint cannot deny. They got out together and finally have some time to talk, to hopefully get over and accept what happened to them both. She cares about Irkha, deeply, even though they're almost polar opposites.

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 The first to earn her trust entirely. Zi'tani almost jumped to the task right away to get the two former prisoners some furs, food, water and clothes, even giving them her own tent to sleep in. Skint does not enjoy people touching her, but Zi'tani convinced her from the start it was alright, helping her clean and braid her unruly hair. She was the first Skint entrusted her feelings for Nakobu for (even though many others were teasing her with it already.)

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 Still somewhat scary. Skint knows he keeps saying he's not, but she cannot shake the feeling of a deep anger and hurt lurking deep within him, which might bubble to the surface with the slightest provocation. She might be entirely wrong and actually hopes she is, but she's just extra nervous around him.

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 Kroat scares her. Utterly. She avoids him as much as she can, his current mental state making her extremely uncomfortable. She fears he'll snap soon and hurt others.

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 Skint didn't talk to Srelok much, but so far she's of opinion there is somehing more to him than she can see.

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 Motherly, nice and clearly cares a lot about the clan, but Skint hasn't really spoken to her much alone, because usually Kargnar is nearby her!

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 Intimidating. Very much so. Yet, one of the leaders of the clan, so she'll treat him with respect. His wasn't even particularly mean to her, but she sees the same reasoning and opinion in him that her old clan used to stick to regarding her physique and looks. She told him she'll prove him otherwise. Now to actually do that, though... 

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 Wise. Old. But full of knowledge. And her tutor, which came as an absolute surprise. He was the first to tell her outright he wished to tutor her and offer her to become a part of the clan at the same time. She's curious about him, very much so, but also wary. Shadowmoon though... He knows a lot probably that she wants to know too!

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 Helpful! And kind. He didn't ask any odd questions when she asked him for his help to get her something special, he just did it and even brought her more without her asking for it. She helped him with some problems while not even really knowing her powers yet and is really glad that it ended well and that she didn't screw that up.

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 Can't be reasoned with, entirely stuck in his own beliefs even when the different truth is being dangled right in front of his face. Avoid when possible.

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 One of the first to accept her trying to mend him and trusting her not to harm him while doing so. She's thankful for that. They have some things in common, even though they're also quite opposite, physically. Maybe one day she'll take up on his offer of teaching her how to handle a weapon properly.

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 A Troll, but.. a sister. As she herself keeps saying. Skint is a little wary of her and her flirty ways, but she's been very honest as well about everything. There is a deep sadness behind that cheerful demeanor though. Skint hopes to see her more often, she's grown fond of the Troll!

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 Weird, very weird. But also honest and she'll heed his warnings! Or.. will try to. Just won't follow his advice of smacking people in the face with a tree. 

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 Her 'brother', as Sa'vashi so nicely pointed them out to be. Dhak seems very troubled, in a period of his life where he'll have to make some difficult choices soon. Skint really enjoys his company though, being able to talk to him without any judgement in the way. And they're somewhat in the same situation now, so she's able to openly talk to him about it, really enjoying the time spend with him and Nakobu. She hopes he comes back soon and is able o make the choices needed for himself.

((More to be added over time as Skint talks to more people and is more able to shape an opinion about them! So don't be sad if you're not in there yet ;) ))
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Gashuk Bloodmoon

Self View:

Gashuk prides himself two things; his resourceful ability to empower himself via any mystical means that he puts his mind to, and his loyalty to his family and Clan. He has always wore the mantle of being an Orc that occasionally does the wrong things, but always for the right reasons, and that still resonates to this day.

Gashuk is very sure of himself. Some may see that as cockiness better suited to a younger Orc, but the old Sorcerer has experience on his side. He doesn't often place faith in anything that he cannot control and that has proven fruitful throughout his life.

Gashuk is fully aware of his faults. He has spent the majority of his life indebted to the Fel Magicks that powered him - and that dedication has left it's mark. He has an almost palpable power vacuum inside of him, a physical and mental disorder to always be strong - an addiction.

It's thanks to the Clan's acceptance, and Rhonya's love, that he has found ways to sate that addiction without using the powers that most Orc's shun.

View of Others:

Rhonya Steelheart
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Rhonya is the love of Gashuk's life. The She-Wolf that keeps him on the straight and narrow whilst supporting him, and accepting his faults. He has always loved her, from the first moment they met in Garadar all those moons ago, and now they have a life together. Gashuk only wishes that he had more time to spend with her and will do anything within his power to ensure that he makes the most of the time has has.

Kozgugore Feraleye
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Kozgugore is a sly old Wolf and that doesn't go amiss with Gashuk. He has alot of respect for the Wolf-King and does not envy the responsibility that he has to shoulder. Yet he does wish that the Chieftain had a more active role in the day-to-day life of the Clan.

Kogra Windwatcher
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Gashuk considers Kogra to be that of a sister; a She Orc that he respects, loves and continues to support as she travels her own journey. She may be a Thur'ruk "Elder" to most, but Gashuk still sees the young, inexperienced Farseer-to-be and Gashuk intends to watch her flourish further.

Srelok Grimtide
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As the Cousin of his beloved; Gashuk has a strong friendship with Srelok born from their mutual adoration of Rhonya. He may be a grumpy old peg-leg, but Gashuk knows that Srelok has the spirit of a Wolf inside him and is capable of greatness.

Trakmar Beastbane
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Gashuk and Trakmar have a very unique relationship. Some could call them frienemies, some could call them out-right foes. Gashuk doesn't really see it either way. Whilst their paths may clash substantially, they both want what is best for the Clan and deepdown, Gashuk believes they both know that.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw
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Nosh'marak is the future of the Red Blade Clan. Gashuk sees his strength and believes that the Rrosh'tul is a firm, but fair, leader that the Clan is in desperate need of whilst the Chieftain is absent. Gashuk would follow Ironclaw's word with no hesitation.

Vraxxar Wildmark
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Gashuk is extremely fond of Wildmark. The Orc is kin to him. They have never truly disagreed or argued and continue to rely on each other's guile. As Varog'gor, Gashuk hopes that Vraxxar will remain true to himself, as ultimately, that is what got him the honour in the first place.

Kyrazha Throatrender
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Gashuk and Kyrazha are not the closest. Kyrazha is an oddity unto herself; but her dedication to the Clan is unquestioned. It's through that, that Gashuk and her rub shoulders to continue to protect those that they care about.

Karnna Blackfeather
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Blackfeather is an Orc that Gashuk does not entirely trust. He can often sense the black magic that she channels but has never had a real discussion with her about it. As a result, Gashuk wearily keeps his eye on her to this day.

Okiba Spearbreaker
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Okiba is another Orc who Gashuk believes is the future of Clan Redblade's hierarchy. The Orc may have had a background steeped in the Kor'kron, but he has since made every effort to progress forward past that. Gashuk respects Okiba's reverence of Pandaren Culture and expects great things from him.

Nar'thak Strongarm
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Gashuk enjoys Nar'thak's company; believing the Orc to have a very wise head on his shoulders. Nar'thak is reliable, honest, understanding and a credit to the Clan in Gashuk's eyes.

Razaron Madeye
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Gashuk has always appreciated Razaron's presence. As a strong Shaman who also has ties to Blood Magic from his Bleeding Hollow culture. In more recent times, Madeye has grown into a more pivotal role in Gashuk's life as the Varog'gor who discovered the Spirit Shar'guul and helped introduce Him into the Clan. Through Shar'guul and Razaron, the Path of Cunning has been brought back from the dead and Gashuk finally has his home again.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
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Gashuk views Kargnar with respect. After all, Kargnar is one of the two Rrosh'tul. Yet Gashuk does think Kargnar is a little soft - He secretly wishes that the Orc would strengthen his resolve against the Nag'ogar that question him.

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Nakobu is an oddity; Gashuk has absolutely nothing against the powers that he wields, but he does often come at odds with the Orc's ties to draenic culture. He knows that the Orc feels very fondly of Skint; and appreciates the steps that he has taken to attempt to safe-guard her, but does genuinely believe the plans that he has put into motion are utterly fruitless. What will be, will be.

Zul'garr Firefist
Spoiler: show
An echo of Mal'garr; yet entirely different. He shares his kin's sharp tongue, but has no reliance on the Fel Magic that Mal'garr was crippled by. He is yet unsure of his real intentions regarding the Clan, and that troubles him, but whilst he develops alongside the Clan, Gashuk will keep supporting him with friendly insults and banter. Oh, and he is totally a closet Shaman. Gashuk has no doubts that the "Lady" that he worships is some form of Elemental Water Spirit.

Spoiler: show
Gashuk's first student since becoming Oathbound once more. Gashuk is still on a journey to discover much about her, as the pale skinned Orc is quite the enigma, but nevertheless, Gashuk has a fondness for her. He knows of her pact with the Loa of Death and does not fear the Magic she wields as a result; but he does believe that she should honour the pact made, irregardless of the foul results. Perhaps one day, she will learn to accept that fate.

Zi'tani Steelstorm
Spoiler: show
A promising Newblood. A strong Shaman. Gashuk has no real opinion of Zi'tani, but is more than willing to develop one. Her involvement in the bloodmoon ritual has shone a bright light on her; definitely an Orcess to watch grow.

Spoiler: show
Another promising addition to the Clan; despite her difficulties, Gashuk believes Tahara has a strong character and hopes she has the perseverance to continue to develop herself with the Clan's support.

Spoiler: show
A third promising addition to the Clan. She may come across as quiet and shy; but Gashuk has seen her on the field of battle and knows that occasionally it's the quiet ones you have to look out for.

If I have missed you, feel free to poke me.
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


Tagrok Valorwind

Self view:

Tagrok sees himself as a failure. He prided himself on being a soldier who followed orders and wouldn't need to do much more than that. Following his meeting of the clan and getting a taste of a serene life surrounded by orcs who would care for his well being, he turned around and ran at the first opportunity. Ever since the campaign in Tanaris he wondered why the Red Blades tolerated his presence or would even want to interact with him.

He has been deeply scarred by losing his friend and companion to the blood trolls, his mood often turning gloomy without reason, which leads to him keeping the rest of the orcs at arms length.

Despite having been on a downward spiral for the better part of the last six months, Tagrok has found himself appreciating the family he rediscovered - along with some feelings that he had discarded long ago. Purpose has been brought to the orc through his path as a Gul’thauk and the opportunity to train under a knowledgeable pyremaster.

View of others:

Kozugore Feraleye:
Spoiler: show
Tagrok has nothing but respect for the Wolfking. While they had scarcely few opportunities to directly interact, Tagrok remains in awe of the regal and serene aura the Chieftain radiates in his opinion.

Trakmar Beastbane:
Spoiler: show
Tagrok used to have a weary sort of respect for Beastbane, as the older mok'nathal was quick to dismiss or call him out on his wrongdoings. Following some time, Tagrok has gained immense respect for Trakmar.

Kogra Windwatcher:
Spoiler: show
Kogra holds a peculiar place in Tagrok's mind as she acts goofy during times of peace. His favourite memory is dragging her through Blackwallow Marsh after she broke her back.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw:
Spoiler: show

Despite all his previous failures and shameful conduct, Nosh'marak has continued to accept Tagrok and stand next to him in a silent manner. The two orcs haven't found much time to catch up, but the Rrosh'tul still manages to make Tagrok feel welcome. Among the first Tagrok will turn to in times of need and someone he considers a close equal, even if the other orc rose through the ranks in the clan.

Kyrazha Throatrender:
Spoiler: show
From curiosity, to fear, to fealty and now respect - Kyrazha has been a formidable presence ever since Tagrok joined the clan. She still manages to tease him from time to time, especially due to his relationship to her blood sister, but Tagrok has dropped all pretense of being fearful of her and considers her family.

Vraxxar Wildmark:
Spoiler: show
Wildmark is another one of the figures Tagrok feels relaxed around. The duo spent a night watching over the rest of the clan from the mountaintops of Stonetalon, which had Tagrok appreciate the nuances in Vraxxar's character. Like Nosh'marak, he considers Vraxxar a friend - although he does watch his words a little more due to certain blood relations being considered.

Kargnar Bloodpaw:
Spoiler: show
Bloodpaw was actually the orc that introduced Tagrok to the Red Blades during a day years ago when he visited Razor Hill. He told him about the clan and encouraged him to stick around. Kargnar is a fixture in Tagrok's mind - always there whenever the wayward orc returned.

Spoiler: show
Tagrok has been a target of Nakobu's intense questioning and the lightbound's desire to save all and everybody has had him speak out in less than favourable terms more than once. Be it that Tagrok finally learned a lesson or that he doesn't have the patience to retaliate against his advances, the two seem to find some common ground from time to time - especially when Tagrok has messed up again. Clearly a buddying friendship

Tahara Beastgrin:
Spoiler: show
Those that know Tagrok, know full well of his relationship with Tahara. They had their share of ups and downs and will likely continue to do so - but the orc has finally begun accepting his own feelings and her place in his world. Slow and perhaps a little dull to others, he sees Tahara as a wellspring of life and curiosity, an able huntress and deceptively intuitive orc. Although he won't admit it often, he's in awe at her almost mystical connection to her Pack

Spoiler: show
Tagrok has warmed up to the other orc, much more so than her companion Nakobu. Skint is the only orc that had a clear look at what has haunted him since he found the clan, a bond that strengthened over the months into something akin to friendship - although he has hurt her more than once without intending to.

Razaron Madeye:
Spoiler: show
Tagrok isn't sure what to think of Razaron or how he can learn from him - For now he just nods at the orc and follows his instructions. He also has grown terribly bored of his antics, often calling him out on it - which the older orc promptly ignores.

Kulgha Wolfheart:
Spoiler: show
While he finds it strange that Kulgha has quickly taken to calling him "Tag", he nonetheless respects her as Kargnar's mate and an able fighter. Has a motherly kind of attitude and seems to freak out quickly when her family is concerned.

Zi'tani Steeltorm:
Spoiler: show
He hasn't interacted much with her but is rather curious because of her relationship to Vraxxar.

Spoiler: show
Whatever may have happened between them, Tagrok has grown distant towards Urzoga after a fateful night in Scholazar. He is unlikely to speak up or spend time alone with her, curiously keeping a wall at his back...

Srelok Grimtide :
Spoiler: show
Srelok is an orc that Tagrok only knew from stories until he met him in Pandaria. The other orcs spoke of him in high tones, remembering him fondly. Although he found him standoffish at first, Tagrok began to quietly commiserate with the other orc after the Gul’thauk had to put down his mate. In time he took a liking to his blunt responses and sarcasm.

Gul’rok Ragehowl:
Spoiler: show
Although Tagrok wrote the other orc off as just another muscle-head, he soon came to appreciate his humour and caring nature for the rest of the clan. Buddies in the making.

Spoiler: show
He’s slowly getting used to and has even taken to joking around with the shaman ever since she shared some buns with him. That she dug out some shards of molten metal from his chest is just a bonus. Teasing her is slowly becoming a favourite pastime.

Za’karah Sporefang:
Spoiler: show
Tagrok witnessed the first night that Za’karah approached the clan, sitting with her and Kyrazha on the cliffs overviewing Razor Hill. The orc’s love for various herbs and mushrooms were strange at first, but it took until the last Kosh’harg for him to begin approaching her. He was surprised to find a headstrong and jovial individual - the little jabs only adding to that.

Bashul Starsong:
Spoiler: show
Tagrok owes Bashul a great deal and - although he finds her fear of wolves irrational - has made it his personal mission to get her used to Smoke as part of his debt to her.

Azolg Firebrand:
Spoiler: show
From the first day that Tagrok met Azolg, he found the orc’s curious friendliness weird, especially when he tried calling him by his first name. Many months later, Tagrok has likely depleted much of the goodwill and patience the other orc gave him due to his bleak outlook on his own life. Kosh’harg was a step in the right direction, with him not just ready to follow Azolg’s teachings as a pyremaster - but also mirror some of that attitude of his

Spoiler: show
The Shadowmoon and Tagrok didn't have many interactions, but the other orc's level-headedness is greatly appreciated by him. Tagrok is also secretly thankful for Draz'hul's part in deciphering the ogre tome in Blade's Edge - although his fortunes are quite lacking.

Karnna Blackfeather:
Spoiler: show
Despite her attempts to change, Tagrok is weary of Karnna. Her brash exterior and frequent disappearance to meet up with her “Informants” do not much to help in that regard. He was surprised to see her in a dress during the last Kosh’harg and more so when he found out that she took over two contests from her sister.


Spoiler: show
Chuckles doesn't seem to respect Tagrok all that much and he often seems to get dragged into her antics - yet deep down he enjoys paying attention to the hyena as it reminds him a lot of his late wolf.

Gul'Thauk Tagrok Valorwind


"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


Azolg Firebrand

Self View:

Azolg feels in a strange place currently. He is a part of the Clan, and has taken his oath - But he still does not feel entirely part of the Clan. Perhaps it's to do with his recent long absences and the fact he still is grieving for his brief, but intensely cared for mate. While he has friends, he doesn't feel extrodinarily close and despite being welcomed back; something just doesn't sit right with him within himself. At it seems whenever he attempts to be an energetic or fun-loving Orc, he doesn't get a good response; having been told several times he's an embarresment. Having taken on students to train as Pyremasters, he hopes this will bring some purpose to his life in the Clan once more.

Azolg's View On Others:

Spoiler: Kozgugore Feraleye • show
Holds immense respect for the Wolfking. Having read his deeds and tales in the annals and knowing he is a resolute and steadfast Orc even after all these years in his duties. Certainly enjoyed watching the Wolfking get drunk after Kosh'arg and just kick back and relax for a change.

Spoiler: Kyrazha Throatrender • show
Azolg considers Kyrazha one of his few true friends in the Clan, but even that is confusing for him at best. They are close perhaps and as a Varog'gor he trusts her with his life but still there feels to be something missing. He gets the impression she doesn't trust him entirely, and thus hopes one day to earn it - Because he'd die to protect her.

Spoiler: Meri Soulwalker • show
An orc whom he likes immensely, Despite her concerns being around him at the start, they quickly became firm friends. After his initial concerns with her void usage, he has come to accept and trust she will have a firm hand on her abilities. He just hopes the great friendship he feels with her is also felt in return.

Spoiler: Noshmarak Ironclaw • show
Azolg thought things were good - Until he had the stupid idea to announce his love for the Orc back when Sargeras stabbed the world. When they all didn't die it was .. Awkward to say the least. Now with recent events and, strange interactions Azolg has just come to the conclusion the Orc despises him and just gives him the respect his status as a Rrosh'tul demands.

Spoiler: Urzoga the Unbroken • show
An Orc of conflicting feelings. On the one side she has expressed desires, on the other he is somewhat curious himself. But with his heart still heavy from Gaisha's death and major concerns about the darkness harboring inside her he is rightly cautious. He hopes with the Pyremaster training she will eventually learn to conquer what rests inside.

Spoiler: Tagrok Valorwind • show
Another orc whom Azolg is unsure whether likes him or not. Being treated wit disdain and dismissal the entire time he's known him, Tagroks demeanor has changed somewhat since his healing ritual - And perhaps a little bit before with Azolgs stern but truthful words. Maybe now he will treat Azolg as a friend, rather than just an Orc who he sort of respects. Perhaps the training will change things.

Spoiler:  Tahara Beastgrin • show
Smple minded and not a deep thinker, but a heart of gold. He does enjoy her simple-minded view on things however and it's refeshing to hear a viewpoint that doesn't overthink things.

Spoiler: Nakobu • show
Azolg likes him. A lot. He just thinks Nakobu doesn't like him very much. Always seems uneasy around Azolg no matter what he does.

Spoiler: Zitani Steelstorm • show
He likes her. Shes energetic, bubbly and quite frankly sociable like him. Bit concered she's going to kick his ass when they eventually have their rematch.

Spoiler: Srelok Grimtide • show
Knows that beanth the grumpiness is an orc who feels too much and just doesnt know how to handle it. Feels sorry for his empath abilities - As it must be such a draining thing to experience. Hopes to help ease his pain of losing Azguh as he knows how it feels to lose a mate.

Spoiler: Gashuk Bloodmoon • show
Likes the Orc, but sure as heck wishes he wasnt alive. Still holds deep reservations on Gashuks ressurection. If it were up to him, he'd have thrown him on a pyre right there and then.

Spoiler: Verzan and Rykana Skywise • show
Enjoyes the sisters sharp minds and curious nature. Wishes he was the one to tutor them to the end, but is just glad to see they've still stuck around after all this time.

Spoiler: Zakarah Sporefang • show
Hot-headed and quick to a temper. Doesnt trust her and certainly thinks she can't control her emotions. But gets the feeling she's loyal. Does far too many drugs though.

Spoiler: Gulrok Ragehowl • show
Needs to stop trying to fuck anything that moves.



Self View: Zi'tani has come some way since she first joined the clan, but still views herself in a less than kind manner. She hates how cut off she feels from the very clan she has sworn herself to, and she hates that she cannot seem to rectify it no matter how hard she tries. She is attempting to find her path, but she would be lying if she claimed to know where that path leads.

Views of others:

Kyrazha Throatrender

Spoiler: show
Whilst once Zi'tani felt like Kyrazha could be her sister or a close friend, now there seems to be a gap between them she finds hard to bridge. Though some remnants of their initial friendship still remains, it is but a shadow of before. She mourns this, but wishes nothing but happiness for Kyrazha in her coming life as a mother.

Vraxxar Wildmark

Spoiler: show
Once, she viewed him as someone to value as a friend, guiding her gently. It was not until he had been taken that she felt a rage so strongly that it drove her to try a rescue attempt. Since then, her feelings have been made clearer to her. As his duty is to protect the Chieftain and lay down his life for him if necessary, she has taken it upon herself to protect him in turn. Now that they are officially mates, she feels this more than ever - and yet it is clear he hides a great deal from her, and does not always keep his word.

Kozgugore Feraleye

Spoiler: show
Zi'tani views the Chieftain of the Red Blade as someone she owes a lot to. Whether he intended to or not, he had helped her finally become an adult through her om'riggor, and gave her her name. It is an honour she would never forget. And prays that one day she too might be picked as a Varog'gor so that she may repay the debt.

Kargnar Bloodpaw

Spoiler: show
He exists.

Razaron Madeye

Spoiler: show
Zi'tani admires Razaron, having seen his prowess in battle. She has a healthy respect for anyone who would happily burst into dance around a fire. He is a good dance partner. She admittedly has avoided telling him the name of her wolf so far, feeling somewhat embarrassed about the fact that the wolf is named after him. Bit awkward now he's come back to life, the awkward bastard.


Spoiler: show
From the moment she met this little pale orc, Zi'tani has wished to protect her. She has grown to view the young woman as a sister, or perhaps an adopted daughter. Whilst she wishes she could keep Skint safe from everything, the hardest thing she has had to do is accept that she cannot. That Skint is living her own life, and is further out of her reach than she'd like to admit.

Nosh'marak Ironclaw

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Since being taken under his tutelage, Zi'tani has looked up to the older shaman. Despite his role as her mentor having come to an end when she made her oath, she cannot help but continue to see him as her mentor, or perhaps some form of a father figure. Even his gruff attitude gives her a sense of security.


Spoiler: show
A challenging one. Zi'tani is constantly torn over Nakobu. On the one hand, she is glad to see that he can make Skint happy, and he is striving to look after his comrades. And yet the darker part of her resents him. She understands she is being petty, but part of her still views him as the person who tore Skint out of her reach. And it is impossible to speak to anyone who could possibly understand and guide her through this.

Srelok Grimtide


Spoiler: show
A friend Zi'tani values greatly. His skill with scarification is something she admires, but she also feels a burning need to be there for him as he returns to being a greater part of the clan. She respects and values his input, and is grateful that he is willing to impart his own knowledge and guidance as she sets out on her new path despite their previous fallout.


Spoiler: show
"You will not be her mother."

The words that echo in Zi'tani's mind every time she looks at Tahara. She is keenly aware that the she-orc is Vraxxar's adopted daughter, but is just as aware that she had no say in this, no presence. Nothing to suggest she could be involved in any way. And it breaks her heart to have to keep her distance all because she feels forbidden from even trying to be a motherly figure to Tahara, knowing how important she is to Vraxxar.


Spoiler: show
A strange one, and one Zi'tani finds hard to get to know. She appears and disappears at random, never giving her a chance to get to know her.

Gul'rok Ragehowl

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A man Zi'tani has managed to rekindle a friendship with after his absence. A simple orc that does not complicate things, and this alone is cause for her to appreciate his presence and his enthusiasm. Somehow things do not seem so bad when you have a Gul'rok to be an idiot with.

Rhonya Steelheart

Spoiler: show
It is thanks to Rhonya that she has returned to the roots of her shamanism â€" reminding her that there is so much more to a shaman than being able to call on the spirits for aid. A lesson most may have forgotten. A woman Zi'tani wishes she could speak with more often, for she has offered more spiritual guidance to the young she-orc than any other.

Gashuk Bloodmoon

Spoiler: show
Though she has not actually spoken to him much, Zi'tani feels a mixture of wariness and curiosity towards Gashuk. The blood ritual they performed together with Rhonya and Srelok makes her question some aspects of the older orc, and yet he does not seem out of place with the rest of the clan. Perhaps some bonding time is in order.

Azolg Firebeard

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Though she is still getting to know him, Zi'tani feels a strong friendship could yet be on the cards. He may not be strong physically, but he certainly knows how to distract her from her depressing thoughts, and has a certain wisdom and idiocy about him that she can appreciate.

Karnna Blackfeather

Spoiler: show
Zi'tani would be lying if she said she trusted Karnna. She feels letting Karnna be in any position of authority is a mistake. While Vraxxar may have made his peace with her to the point that he has neglected his mate's fears, Zi'tani has not.

Tagrok Valorwind

Spoiler: show
Zi'tani is not sure what to make of Tagrok anymore. He seemed alright to her at first, but now he keeps his distance, choosing to hide away. She finds it hard to know him. He seems mostly lost in her opinion.

Kogra Windwatcher

Spoiler: show
A good orc. Zi'tani likes this orc. She more or less understands where she stands with this orc. She hopes Kogra will teach her more of Akala soon!

Trakmar Beastbane

Spoiler: show
He comes off as gruff and annoyed to a lot of orcs, but Zi'tani has witnessed his more...Playful side, if one could call it that. He has a sense of humour, she has observed. He just chooses not to wield it most of the time.


Spoiler: show
Zi'tani appreciates his existence. She hopes to see him become a true part of the clan.

Rollerskating at right angles to reality.


Self view: WIP

Views of others:

Spoiler: show
Considered Friend / Valued ally
Looks up to her
The one who got me into the clan. I like the way she thinks, and appreciate her fighting style. She’s an honest orc, like I am. I trust her with my life.

Update: She put her trust in me to speak about her past, and I asked her for advice in return. I appreciate her as a friend and respect her as my Elder. I’ll do my best to do her proud.

Spoiler: show
Considered Friend / Trusted ally
Feels the need to protect her
One of the runts of the clan. Young, naïve and a bit nervous looking. She looks funny, but has a golden heart. I would go the distance to protect her and keep her out of harms way.

Spoiler: show
Trusted ally
Talented healer, questionable background
I haven’t spoken much to him, but he seems trustworthy. He seems to be a bit of a softy and he helps the clan with his mending talents. He cares alot for Skint, and looks like a good friend and lover to her. I’m keeping an eye on him to make sure Skint is safe, however.
I wish to get to know him better. He does talk a bit weird.

Spoiler: show
Considered possible friend /Trusted ally
Warming up to him
While at first I thought he was a grumpy asshole, he seems to be better than I thought. His humour is something I share, and even though he might not agree with my ways, he seems to respect them to a certain extend.

Update: Shared an interesting conversation at the bonfire. He’s more funny than I thought, and I like his sober look on things. Perhaps we could be friends in the future.

Spoiler: show
Neutral grounds / Trusted ally
Earth shaman with admirable strength
I don’t know her well, and I have barely talked to her. I do respect her, but I don’t feel the need to get to know her better just yet.

Spoiler: show
Considered friend / Respected ally
Former tutor, now a valued friend
A troubled woman with a worrisome past that she can’t remember herself.

Update: Urzoga became my tutor. I gained more respect for her, and got to know her better. She seems to have a.. Different side. One that she’s afraid of. I’m interested to find out more about her.

Update: Did the Oath, and now consider her equal. She might go further in life if she dares to open up more. She’s a friend I’m more than willing to protect.

Spoiler: show
Has piqued interest / Respected ally
A bit strange, but nice to look at
A fellow bleeding hollow! He’s higher in rank, and thus I respect him greatly. I wonder what stories he might want to share.

Spoiler: show
[strike] Love interest / Trusted ally  [/strike] Neutral grounds
We fought side by side in battle, and his strength astounds me. For me he’s an axebrother that has given me great respect.
Update: This male has shown me mutual interest. I’m interested in getting to know him better, and perhaps open my heart to him.

Update: He hurt me, and I’m not sure if I can trust him. He’ll have to try his best if he wants to rebuild this, but for now I’m on neutral terms.

Spoiler: show
Considered valued friend / Considered equal / Respected ally
Well-respected and valued, even when troubled.
Behind his grumpy facade hides a caring orc. He has shown me great kindness so far, and his humour matches with mine. I’m curious to see how our bond will grow.

Update: He saved me from a terrible fate in the Swamps. I owe my life to him and I will do everything in my power to return the favour.

Update: We sparred together, and I gained more respect for him. He knows how to fight, and seems to stand his ground more than I thought. I will gladly stand by his side in battle.

Spoiler: show
Respected ally
Someone who respects the dead and the rites coming with it.
I don’t know him very well, yet. But any man that offers to drink with me is considered a respected ally. I wonder what brings him to the clan.

Spoiler: show
Respected ally, Considered Equal
Looks after others, but forgets herself.
She is a very friendly figure and is talented with her gifts of the elements. I wonder what brought her to the clan. I’ve yet to discover more about her.

Spoiler: show
Considered friend / Trusted ally / Respected clansister
My fellow Hollow sister, and newblood.
One of my kin! She’s young and enthusiastic, but uncertain about herself.

Update: I’m considered to be her tutor now to teach her the ways of the clan. I’m sure this will strengthen our bond as we fight side by side.

Update: We hunted together. She has proven herself to be a skilled tracker and stalker, and I am going to do my best to guide her onto her own path within the Clan.

Spoiler: show
Considered valued ally / Respected ally
Blackrock with no limits
This blackrock confuses me. She’s powerful and wise, yet her ways are sometimes questionable. She doesn’t appreciate my humour but doesn’t try to bring me down, and I respect that. I’m curious how our paths will cross again within the clan.

(Concept, to be updated soon)



Has lost his way so many times in his life, he’s not sure what path he is on anymore. He tries to act in a way he thinks he should and fails. He’s concentrating on just being himself now.

Kozugore -
Spoiler: show
There is a reason he is the chieftain - he commands respect from those that follow him and love from those that know him. Can’t hold his drink though.

Kargnar -
Spoiler: show
Has nothing but respect and love for this orc, Gul’rok wishes he could be more like him. He always enjoys their conversations and banter. He’s not sure how Bloodpaw has the patience to put up with him and his sister.

Kulgha -
Spoiler: show
His blood sister. She means everything to him, even when she is making fun of him. He always enjoys talking to her, playing pranks on each other or just annoying Bloodpaw. Gul tells her everything, which is why she regularly hits him.

Za’karah -
Spoiler: show
No other orc frustrates, annoys, or confuses him as much as this one. He is drawn to her, yet all he seems to do is hurt her.

Kyrazha -
Spoiler: show
She frightens him, he knows that beneath her smiles and friendly taunts that she’d kill him if she needed to without a second thought.

Meri -
Spoiler: show
He has a lot of time and respect for her. She may not be a physically powerful orc, but she has power, He has glimpsed it.

Noshmarak -
Spoiler: show
A towering force to Gul’rok. Certain in himself and his purpose. Recently that tower seems to have cracked, and Gul’rok is not sure how he feels about that.

Magra -
Spoiler: show
She seems to delight in his pain, he will avoid her and her staff for now.

Urzoga -
Spoiler: show
A troubled orc, conflicted in many ways. He has seen savagery from her in battle and gentleness from his with her companions.

Tagrok -
Spoiler: show
Enjoys his company, Tagrok has a sharp sense of humour and a cutting tongue. Like most orcs he had more going on underneath the surface. Gul’rok hopes that they can get closer.

Tahara -
Spoiler: show
She is an uncomplicated orc. Not half as stupid as many think. She acts on instinct, She reminds him of Throatrender.

Nakobu -
Spoiler: show
The light worshipping orc that Gul’rok never thought he would care for, but he does. Nakobu has a gentle strength to him. Though he does like to talk too much.

Zitani -
Spoiler: show
Always enjoys their conversations. She enjoys a good laugh, and a good spar. Gul’rok has yet to beat her, something that irks him, just a little.

Srelok -
Spoiler: show
If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelock.

Verzan and Rykana -
Spoiler: show
Has the utmost respect for them, their abilities as scouts and windriders. Their story telling is always something he looks forward to.

Bashul -
Spoiler: show
An interesting shadowmoon orc. She seems kind, and has helped him with matters of the spirit before. Reminds him of Meri.

Azolg -
Spoiler: show
Has a good sense of humour, and Gul’rok looks forward to finishing that conversation they started.

Tahi -
Spoiler: show
He respects her abilities and her strength of will. She has a hunger for power that he does not understand. He enjoys tutoring her and looks forward to her finding her place in the Clan.

Spoiler: show
Her abilities in the forge are unmatched in his eyes. She is a fierce protector of her family. More than a little sure of herself, though recent conversations have shown the orc under all that armour.

"Nothing worth having is ever easy"


Draz'hul scroll was scribbled full of notes on various clanmembers. At the top of the parchment the word 'Observations' was written.

Self Observation

Spoiler: Draz`hul Dusklight • show
Myself. I will try to keep this objective. A smart and clever Orc, though not quite sure how to present himself to others. Probably comes across as unsociable, distant and a bit of a know-it-all. Possible that the use of void magic keeps others from interacting with him too much, can't blame them. Very closed off, doesn't tell much about himself.

Clan members:

Spoiler: Kozgugore Feraleye • show
Chieftain of the clan, often referred to as Wolfking. Seems to be held in high regard by the clan. Have not interacted with him directly. Had to rescue him from goblins though I got knocked out in the process.

Spoiler: Kargnar Bloodpaw • show
First Orc to welcome him into the clan. Seemed like a good Orc. Mated with Wolfheart. Haven't seen him too much since returning to the clan. Regardless considered a friend.

This is already my last entry about Bloodpaw, though I had not seem him much as of late. It saddened me to learn that he has joined the ancestors.

Spoiler: Kulgha Wolfheart • show
Mate to Kargnar. Seems to be caring for a kid, animals and a dozen new bloods at every time. Found out she's Ragehowl's sister? Didn't see the resemblence, both physically as personality wise. A nice woman nonetheless.

Note: Got kidnapped by Ogres. (Side note: Is this a bi-annual Kosh'harg thing?) Was in bad shape. Starsong and other menders kept her stable after the rescue. Should recover as far as I've understood.

Left her an ivory talisman, may it provide some comfort for her. It's said that they strengthen the connection to the dead, hopefully it will do so.

Spoiler: Tagrok Valrowind • show
One of the Gul'thauk. Can be a little odd sometimes, gets yelled at a lot by Beastgrin and Throatrender. He's quite sociable atleast. Despite others jokingly picking on him

Returned me to the crossroads after an injury whilst trying to get the Wolfking free from a steamroom. It still feels stupid to write down. Regardless, ought to thank Valorwind next I see him.

Spoiler: Gul`rok Ragehowl • show
Never interacted much with him. Mostly seen him chase after the Mushroom Orc... Zaka'rah? Unsure of her name. Should write it down next time. Comes across as a bit of a meathead.

Does make a good stew.

Spoiler: Kyrazha Throatrender • show
One of the Varog'gor. Haven't spoken to her often but she seems devoted to her tasks. Her accent is tough to understand sometimes. Took the Ogre tome I looted from the Magi previous Kosh'harg, said I'd get it back. Never seen it again. Doubt it's still in her possesion. Should've asked for it.

Spoiler: Tahara Beastgrin • show
Assumed from day one that she and Valorwind were an item. As time passes by it seems the assumption was correct. Does seem to get annoyed with him a lot. Par for the course? Was mind-controlled and kidnapped last Kosh'harg, almost accidentally killed her because of the magical shield being linked to the Ogre magi. Though I helped save her so I consider it even.

Spoiler: Tahi Darkember • show
Suprised me, she seems a capable spellweaver. Never knew Blackrock and competence mixed together. Has some sort of obsession  with Ogres. Not particulary interested in analyzing that. Seemed to enjoy picking up Bashul a lot, literally, she enjoyed carrying her it seems. Perhaps she's slightly infatuated by Starsong?

Spoiler: Bashul Starsong • show
Good friend. Also came from the Shadowmoon but is one of the exiles. Though she isn't from ''my'' time. Have things in common. Seems to be a polar opposite of me when it comes to our gifts. Asked me how I ended up on my path. Told her about it. Probably definitely knows me better than the rest of the clan.. combined.

Note: Reminds me a bit of home. Speaking to her makes me slightly nostalgic.  She reminds me of my old friends, perhaps I knew her parents? Probably best to not explore that further. Might weird her out and I'm not exactly swarmed with friends.

Note: Accidentally made her fall on her face and set her cloak on fire. Made amends, will help restore the cloak. She forgave me. Am grateful for that.

Father possesed her whilst in Outland, tried to kill me. She feels really bad about it, was barely able to console her. Also didn't take it well when she found out the spirit who possesed her was her father. Want to hunt the spirit down and trap it into a soulcage. Best not tell her that.

Got drunk whilst saving the Rrosh'tul from a goblin resort. Seems she can't hold her liquor, should keep an eye out so nobody gets her hammered again. She seemed quite embarassed and hung up about it.

Is afraid she comes across as frail or fragile, I feel she's quite strong actually. Though I do have an overwhelming desire, or perhaps need to protect her from harm. Odd.

Note: Let me ride her Talbuk, Veshir'a. Turns out the beast likes me. Now Bashul wants to accompany me to Outlands when I go tame my own Talbuk. It is nice to have someone who wants to keep you company. Never realized I missed it this much in the years before I joined the clan.

Note: Saw her reading something in a tome. Who are ''Kraag'' and ''Akesh''? Will inquire further.

Entered a romantic relationship with myself after confessing her feelings to me. I care greatly for her.

Spoiler: Nakobu • show
Orc who worships the Light, an odd choice in my eyes but it matters little. Seems to be a good mender, is well liked. Often more reserved, has been quite welcoming to me despite our... differences. Recently tied himself to Skint. Was overdue, they were practically fused at the hip.

Note: Training his mate, wonder if I should inform him of all the dangers as well. Ought to get his perspective on it sometime.

Spoiler: Skint • show
Quiet Orc with a stutter, almost always seen next to Nakobu in my experience. Shy personality it seems. Became Nakobu's life mate recently. Good for them.

Note: I've understood that Skint isn't her actual name. Don't know her name though so listed as Skint for now.

Note: Seems her name is Meri. A few days after learning this she approached me. Told me she is looking for a teacher when it comes to the void, she attempts to balance void and the Light of her mate. Ambitious. Wonder if she will succeed, seems tentative, hesitant. Not sure if she can deal with the true chaos of the Void. Will have to take things slow. 

Spoiler: Verzan Skywise • show
One of the skywise. Never met the other one. Seems to hold herself in high regard. Shot the Rrosh-tul in the back by accident. Also got taken down by an Ogre whilst on wyvern, unsure how that can happen. Maybe the night humbled her. Maybe she just had a bad day. Study inconclusive.

Spoiler: Magra Emberheart • show
Read her fortune, didn't seem to like it. Perhaps I should've toned down on all the suitors part, after all I saw a few, not a dozen. All in good fun. Does seem that she has a suitor now so I don't feel bad about joking about the dozen suitors.

Spoiler: Nosh`marak ironclaw • show
Looks perpetually grumpy but seems nice enough. He seems to be Emberheart's suitor. Sure looks like it atleast. Furthermore he's a good Orc, commands respect from the others. Knows when to be serious from what I've seen.

Spoiler: Urzoga the Unbroken • show
A frail looking Orc. Often seen with her bear. Wonder how they are as pets. Regardless, as far as I'm aware the girl is possessed. That or she has a split personality, I suspect the former.
Note: Spoke to the spirit, definitely possed. Unsure of the source. Have been researching into it.

Note: Haven't noticed anything abnormal when I returned to the clan, though does still seem to have an ominous vibe around her. Pupils also display the same darkness as they did before. Must inquire.

Spoiler: Azolg Firebrand • show
Never stops talking. When speaking to Bashul the other day Urzoga seemed to get annoyed. They might be a thing, or the interest isn't mutual and I assumed wrong, doubt it though.

Spoiler: Gashuk Bloodmoon • show
Bloodmoon was my tutor. I completed all three tasks he gave me so I can take my oath soon. He's from the Shadowmoon Clan as well, though the currently shattered Shadowmoon Valley. He's older and seems wise. I have a great deal of respect for him.


Spoiler: Vexri • show
A fellow Shadowmoon I met in the Barrens during my time away from the clan. An air of familiarity hung around her. Turned out she thought one hung around me. Had a talk, some drinks and watched the stars a little. Spoke about our pasts. We have much in common. We're both from the same Shaz'gul, and the same time too. No wonder she seemed familiar. She's the only Orc I know of currently that is from ''my'' time. Spoke to her about the clan, it made me believe she might join one day. I do hope so, I consider her a good friend.

Spoiler: Other observations • show

* The Rrosh'tul and Emberheart have been overtly flirty as of writing. Literally, this very second. Perhaps the Alterac cold spurs them to seek the warm of companionship. Perhaps they're just in heat. Either way it's slightly endearing.

* Bashul insists of calling my notes and thoughts a diary. This is a well documented, objective collection of my thoughts and interactions with others from the Clan.

* A reminder to myself to change the runes on this tome. I'd rather not let anyone else read it.


Urzoga the Unbroken

Urzoga sees her name as a bit of a joke, the Unbroken. But she feels her mind and body fracture under the weight of the burden she carries with her. Ashamed of her memory loss and the gaps still happening, she just battles on and hopes to prove herself worthy of being a clan member one day. What use is an orc without a known herritage?

Now her dark secret is slowly starting to surface, she is more scared than ever. It is known she needs help, but what if it puts others in more danger than needed? Here's to hoping they truely keep their promise, if things spiral out of control.

View of others

Kyrazha Throatrender
Spoiler: show
I am forever in her debt. If she hadn’t pulled me out, I probably wouldn't have been alive now. We haven’t spoken a lot, but she sure has my respect. On the other hand, I do have to look out for her. She knows more than she is saying.

Kozugore Feraleye
Spoiler: show
The wolfking. Good with speeches, even when he is drunk. Also highly intimidating. Making a mistake in his presence is not something I want to think about.

Srelok Grimtide
Spoiler: show
A friend, an ally, an annoyance. With a good punch. I get the rules and dicipline, but feel he could loosen up a bit more every now and then.

He is also one I feel extremely guilty towards, having Azguhs blood on my hands. I can face him, but fear he’ll never forgive me for the act.

Za’karah Sporefang
Spoiler: show
My first New Blood, and couldn’t be more proud. She still has a lot to learn, and Probably even more to conquer than she wants to admit. But I hope she knows I’m still there for her.

Has quite some impressive skills with an axe, and great knowledge about herbs. I treasure the teapot still. Who knows, maybe one day, I can learn from her.

Magra Emberheart
Spoiler: show
A big sister. One of the few I completely trust. Fun to be around with, yet a shoulder to cry on when things get rough. I can’t express how grateful I am for her guidance through it all, and hope she will still be there once the next steps are taken.

I also wonder where the amount of sweets come from. She really seems to have a thing for them.

Tagrok Valorwind
Spoiler: show
He knows, he actually knows, avoiding me ever since. And I fear him for that. He has seen more than I ever hoped one would see, and now judges me for it. The whisper still haunts me, and all I can do is sit and wait. Just hope he makes it swift when the time comes.

Azolg Firebrand
Spoiler: show
I should never have spoken up to him, and feel stupid for having done so. Never experienced so many conflicted feelings at the same time, not in this way, or that I can remember at least. Having lost his mate, I feel for him, and can only hope time can heal the wound at least a bit.

For now, I'm just glad he doesn't avoid me, or give me any more reason to avoid him, and still wants to guide me on the path of becoming a Pyremaster and healing. Can do without threat though.

Vraxxar Wildmark
Spoiler: show
Calm and quiet. Not someone I see around a lot, but always seems to appear when others or me need him. He seemed calm when I told him about her, reassuring almost nothing would happen. I am grateful, but still worried he'll come around. I do wonder what more lies in store with this orc.

Nar'thak Strongarm
Spoiler: show
One orc I miss dearly. Once my tutor, now a friend. Someone to rely on and ask for much needed guidance when times get hard. I just hope I still make him proud.

Tahara Beastgrin
Spoiler: show
 I have to admit, I kind of admire this orc. Vaguely knowing what she has been through before she met the clan, and the things being thrown at her ever since. Yet she stands up again and goes on, tackling things again. Her way of communicating with animals is curious, something I hope to learn more about one day.

Spoiler: show
I remember standing up for him when he got with the clan, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. Nakobu proved to be a friend, and one to keep close. He has given me one of the most precious things I could ever ask for, a place to store my memory and revisit it over and over again. I am forever in his debt.


This felt like a fun thought experiment, that I will write now and then see in 6 months or however long in the future these thoughts change with Verzan and post a new thread or something.

Verzan in a nut shell: Young. The Wind rider is young, not a child but youthful in both thought and body. Fly fast and high. Raised to ride wyverns she has no fear of the sky, a lack of fear that drives her forwards into conflicts without a second thought. The same lack of fear brings Verzan to speak first before thinking, you cannot hesitate in battle but perhaps she could hesitate a little in conversation… sometimes.
Like a curse. The weight of her lived history hangs heavy on Verzan’s shoulders on the nights when she is alone and things are quiet. An aging wyvern with a strange name stands guard over her, but even she knows now that he is not as quick as he once was and this will only continue to decline.
For the moment she feels like a fighter pilot without a war to fight.

Self view: I was raised to fly. I’ll fly until the day that I die. I don’t ever want to grow old and fat tied to the ground with children. I won’t let my father’s name vanish into the wind, he was one of the first to fly, I want to make sure Skywise is remembered…. And Ryk can come too.


Rykana Skywise
Spoiler: show
My sister, I was born on the same day four moments ahead of her. We’ll die the same day that is what the shaman said to us. Shes the better shot and the clever one of us. But I’ll never forgive myself for what happened to her. Never. I had one chance to make a difference and failed-
Fly fast and high Skywise, and never alone.

Nosh’Marak Ironclaw
Spoiler: show
You are not prepared. That was what I would have joked about, there aren’t many commanders who can handle both of us Skywise- In recent nights. I wonder now if you are among the number who can’t or if you are the one we have been searching for all these years.

Karg’Nar Bloodpaw
Spoiler: show
Stop trying to die old man.

Azolg Firebrand
Spoiler: show
I dont think I’ll ever agree that you became Gulth’ak. You have a talent and it’s more than pyre building. Don’t get stuck in the shadows with all the rogues, when your words have more worth deserving to be heard. Who else will be left to tell our stories when we’re gone?

Kogra Windwatcher
Spoiler: show
Nobody else ever spoke to Ryk like you did, I don’t even know what you said but your words fixed her in ways I couldn’t. I’m just hoping it wasn’t mind control because I don’t want to fight you anymore than I have to after last tournament.

Gul’rok Ragehowl
Spoiler: show
My perfect night. We have just had a fight against some enemy worth splitting the skull of, we’re well fed. Tired but still awake. You are wearing clothes, I don’t want to know what silliness possessed the clan to become obsessed with your trousers….
Regardless on this night. You are there. Ryk is there and others. We tell stories until Dawn and you listen. You listen to all of them in equal measure, even the ones about the elemental bee’s and the Feraleye Eagle story, even though I’ve told it 100 times already. You listen to me.

Vraxxar Wildmark

Spoiler: show
What happened to you? Once upon a time we’d go scouting and fight the bad things. Then tell tall tales about your turnip head around the fire. I guess times change but it’d be nice to visit them again sometime.

Spoiler: show
I am not a brawler, when Spearbreaker hosted that tornament and you burnt me with the light and I lashed out back. I realised then I had more issues with the powers you wield than I thought I had. Im… sorry.

Tahi Darkember
Spoiler: show
Why are you so quiet?! Say something I know you have words in there. Bet they are winners.

Takkat Warwolf
Spoiler: show
How are you not dead yet old friend? I have missed the sound of ‘WARWOLF’ screaming through the lines of enemy fighters. Was it Lorderon when I last heard it? It feels too long ago. Peace times do not suit you well.

Bashul Starsong
Spoiler: show
Was that the first time your nose had been broken around the fire that night? I worry that it might have been and following us into battle might harm you in more ways than broken noses.

Draz’hul Darklight

Spoiler: show
Not sure I can agree with the weapons you bring to war. Shadow magic always seemed to be an Alliance weapon or worse. I wonder sometimes if this is what it looked like when our Elders first brought Warlocks into the clans?

Tagrok Valorwind
Spoiler: show
You remind me of my wyvern, he's quiet because he cannot vocalize Orcish like we can but he grumbles and growls a lot.

Spoiler: show
You might not remember the stuff, but that's ok. We do. We’ve seen what you do and won’t forget.


Bashul's views

Self view:

I'm Bashul Starsong. And I'm Bashul the Brave. I've shed my skin as the Craven when I joined the Red Blade Clan, as my confidence in myself is growing little by little. I deserve my honourname, and the name given to me by Throatrender. I've survived. I'm alive. And growing stronger.

Yet..I'm physically weak. It's not hard to miss. I'm thin, and I look fragile. I know that my fellow orcs share this opinion. It brings heavy amounts of uncertainty and a lack of self-respect. I know I'm more than physical strength. And I know my gifts could bring me a long way, but I can't help but to think I'm lesser than the other orcs. I've gotten to know many friendly orcs of the clan now that try to convince me otherwise, but I've yet to accept this as the truth.

Spoiler: show
Nickname/ Title: None yet
Considered as: Respected, Trusted, Possible friend

The first one I met of the clan. A very kind and caring individual. He seems to be gifted with the ways of the Light. He is surprisingly muscular for someone with such a soft and welcoming personality.
He has a draenei heritage, and I wonder how much he knows of the Temple of Karabor. Perhaps we could share stories someday to know each other a little better.

Spoiler: show
Nickname/ Title: Skint  / Spiritspeaker
Considered as: Respected, Trusted, Possible friend

Meri, who I first met as Skint, is someone I have a lot in common with. She seems a little fragile (just like me, in a way) but she hides a lot of talent and power. Meri has beautiful hair and an interesting complexion, even though she seems a little embarrassed about it.
We both share the visions of spirits, and both very much dislike crowds. We haven’t had much time to speak to each other just yet, but I hope the future will bring more fruitful conversations.

Meri and Nakobu had their mating ceremony, and I think they’re perfect for eachother. I wish them all the best.

Spoiler: show
Nickname/Title: None / Gul’thauk
Considered as: Valued, Respected, possible friend.

A male with a very stern look. He seems very hostile upon meeting him, but eventually when he warms up, he does seem like a nice man. Tagrok is not overly muscular, but does look like he can pack, and deliver a good punch. He is accompanied with a wolf I’m a bit weary off, but she, named Smoke, seems overall a nice beast.

I don’t know much about him yet, but I’m happy I could help him with a task. Perhaps we should converse a little more in the future. I think he and Tahara might be mates, or at least lovers

Spoiler: show
Nickname/ Title: None yet / Nag'ogar

Considered as: Valued, Respected, Trusted, Friend
A very large, towering orc blessed with a physique of muscle. While he might look intimidating at first, he’s just a friendly giant. He is skilled in the arts of battle, and has impressive tales to share about his scars and tattoos. Beyond his manly good looks houses an over-thinking, sensitive orc with an underlying layer of rage.

We’ve shared some stories together and I’ve helped him decipher things of the past. His father is a funny figure, but his suggestions were not something I would wish for.
I consider him a good friend.

Spoiler: show
Nickname/Title: Ember  / None
Considered as: Valued, Respected, Trusted, Close friend

An orc with a troubling past. Beautiful as she is deadly, she knows what power is and how to achieve it. She can be very blunt and sometimes even mean, but I know that deep within lies an orc that cares alot about the safety and wellbeing of others.

I’ve shared my past with her, and I’ve helped her with discovering some of her own. She appreciated my company since then, and has gone the distance to protect and aid me,

She’s skilled with hammer and anvil, and wherever she goes, fire follows her. Tahi is a strong orc that knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. She’s very direct, but also very protective.
She’s very intimidating at first, but when you cut through the outer layer of stone, you may find a glittering gem.

Tahi approached me with confusion lingering in her eyes. She spoke to me about feelings. And emotions. And she wasn't sure what she felt for me, demanding me to answer if I might be interested in her in more than..being friends.

She means a lot to me, but I don't know how to feel. I never looked at a woman in that way. I do feel a connection I've not felt with others before. It seems more than just..friendship. But I can't call it love. I know it isn't love.
I want to talk to her about this, but I've not seen her around much. I'm going to try and seek her out.

Spoiler: show
Nickname/Title: Packleader / Tutor
Considered as: Valued, Respected, Trusted. Possible friend.

My tutor is followed by a whole pack of animals. And out of all of them, none of them is a wolf! Which helps my state of mind, especially as she became my teacher. It’s easier to talk to her that way.

Tahara is not a physically strong woman. But she seems to find her strength in many other ways. I was curious to hear that she followed the path of the Gosh’kar as she looked like a huntress to me, but after her stories and explanations, I do think this is a path she should venture on.

She takes time to teach me about the ways of the clan, the spirits and all the other things that go with it. I just hope that our contact doesn’t get lost as soon as I’m no longer her New blood. I enjoy listening to her stories, and she’s overall a very friendly orc.

Spoiler: show
Title: Varog’gor Throatrender
Considered: Respected, Looked up to.

One of the few who welcomed me into the Clan. She seems very savage in her ways at first, but she gives off a deep sense of authority and unfiltered experience. Throatrender knows what to say to make people feel better, but she can turn it around immediately with a witty comment or a strong insult. She’s not one to mess with, but I imagine she’s a valued friend to many.

Spoiler: show
Nickname / Title: None yet / Darkcaster
Considered as: Valued, Respected, Trusted, Admired, Love interest, Close friend

A fellow Shadowmoon, and a strong individual. He might not be very broad or physically strong, but he radiates a great amount of power from his magical gift. It was strange to hear that he might have known my father from his days among the Shadowmoon clan. It brings an odd perspective to the table, realizing how timelines might intertwine.

I’ve grown to admire him. His strength, his persistence and his cunning. While he was very quiet in the beginning, he seemed to have opened up to me about him and his past rather quickly. It feels good to trust him, and I appreciate his company. Veshir’a doesn’t seem to mind him either.

He does seem to have a good sense of humour, hidden underneath the skull-facade. Something simply..draws me to him. Draz'hul is an interesting and talented orc.. I’d like to spend more time with him.

I like him.
There. I said it.
..It's not the same, writing it here, or say it out loud. But.. I do like him. Maybe I'll ever find the courage to say it to him. I've tried, but not yet succeeded. I feel so stupid.

Spoiler: show
Title: Rrosh-tul Ironclaw
Considered as: Respected, Looked up to.

A very strong, and fierce leader figure. He seems to be stoic and battle-hardened, and one that demands respect. I do not fear him, but I do look up to him. I don’t know much about him yet, but I think there might be more to him than meets the eye.

Spoiler: show
Nickname / title: Wolfheart / Wolfmother / Bloodrider
Considered: Valued, Respected.

A friendly female that seems to take a good care of others. I didn’t appreciate her presence at first, but that was only because of a pack of wolves following her. She seems more than meets the eye. A woman that may seem soft at first, but with a fierce bite. It was mentioned before that she’s Gul’rok’s sister, but they don’t look related. It might be one of the blood-bonds that was mentioned before.

She also has a rylakk companion that I saved. She had a bulletwound at her neck, and with the help of some medical surgery and magic I patched her back up. Her name was something with Frost.. I don’t fully remember it. She does gift me presents in the form of dead beasts.. It’s appreciated but, eh.. Unnecessary.

Kulgha surprised me with a wolf pup the other day! She says it might help me overcome my fear. It's a beautiful, small beast with white fur and teal eyes. I'm looking forward to take care of it.

She lost her mate a few days ago. I feel sorry for her. I tried to seek her out to talk, but I couldn't find her. I left offerings for her and her mate at the doors, and moved them to the pyre. I left the flowers for her with the crystal idol to ward off bad spirits. I hope she appreciates it. It's.. the least I could do.

(More to follow!)