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Home again

Started by Bamm, April 28, 2022, 10:26:53 PM

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Home again

A storm raged though booty bay almost typhoon level of wind and rain battered the small coastal port, lightning cracked the sky illuminating a small hut high in the scaffolded dwellings a hastily repaired roof, machinery parts strewn about the roof and leaning against walls.


A crash of a door, one repaired one too many times flung open and off its hinges, flat into a wall opposite, it creaked and slid down till it clattered against the floor, A mechanical blurr burst though, its metal claws struggling to find purchase upon the ground, it slammed into the same wall that door had just done and howled a happy mechanical wail, spinning on the spot off into a burnt, chewed and heavily damaged corner of the hut and curled up to chew on some rebar, then followed by a equally eager if somewhat soaking wet young orc, nearly loosing his footing as he too barrelled in, spinning on his heel and happily yelling a loud sound of mirth and joy.

Man shitfire boss it done raining sideways! man its like dang old Teeeeeeeeeeee-rential, i tell you what!"

A low dishearted grumbled came from a small goblinoid figure sitting at it work bench, and it seemed to worked his powertools harder to emit a loud whirrling and drilling sound from them.

"GOOD TALK BOSS! That's what i likes bout ya!" The young orc said earnestly, he panted and smiled sub consioucly scratching the soft bearded fuzz growing on his cheeks.

"PA! hey PA!

Arkail! hey hey hey , you awake hey PA! its me BAMM, HEY!"  The young seemed to talking to the singular dark corner of the hut the shape of a bed with bundeled bedding upon it.

Another dishearted and almost defeated grumble came from the figure working at his bench and the keen of ear would swear the powertool's whine got louder as if to drown out any other... distratcion

A gnarled emaciatted thin clawed hand heavily tattooed reached from the bedding and from it followed the frail frame of orc, wild unkempt hair matted, near every inch of his skin now covered in runic tattoos, one eye half battle damaged close.  a rasped breath followed by a singular statement

"D---d---dala.... taught you know... ran ... i dalaran...sword, yes?"

The young orc cheered and jumped clicking his heels as he did, landing with an ungracefull thud bellowing loudly

"Yeah BLASTBLADE YEAH! i gots it right where you said .. left at the yes! past the i taught at dalaran! and then straight on past the have you seen my sword hmmm!"
the young orc produced a small collection of tomes and books of various types and subjects and placed them upon the bed. all except one which he thumbed though tilting his head left and right at it with excitement.

A tome labelled  "Demons: A bestiary grimore of the ilk of known included in the ranks of the burning legion and beyond" by Gashuk felhand

"Lookie here pa!" Bamm the young orc proclaimed. Lookie at this one here ha! looks like a dang ol dog wearing a octopus for a hat, a felhound?.... felllllll houuuuuund shitfire. Bamm showed the open tome to Arkail who only wheezed in repsonse a... yes

Bamm chuckled and plonked himself down on the bed reading the tome and examining it with great detail.

"These them thangs that ensalved us..... Hoooo'eee them thar sucubussis and incbusus?... Shitfire pa is it incubiisisss or incubussys? HA! Its incubi and sucubi! PA I dont reckon i'd mind none i tell you what" Bamm nudged and laughed loudly winking at Arkail as someone with little to know experience in such matters would. Arkail didnt in anyway respond, however the power tool noise did seem to suddenly get louder.

Arkail had been flicking though a thick iron bound tome the others he had discarded, its pages blank, untill he touched the page, a small runic tattoo inside his bicep glowy briefly, lettering would appear until his hand lifted from the page.

"Have you seeen... have you yes hmmm, in dalaran i sword... I yes taught in d...d...dalaran hmm Have you have you?" Arkail rambled, not so much looking at Bamm but though him.

Bamm chuckled and scratched his cheek again. "UH yeah sure pa you can say that again, i tell you what. But uh what if you 'sword' in 'didnt you know  yes, dalaran and taught?" Bamm's eyes flashed open and wide. for which arkail only rambled nonsense again.

Bamm smiled and briefly touched arkail's hand as he flicked though pages.

I gots ya pa. Boomer me and even Durashaft there will looks after ya! wont we

Boomer BOOFED a happy BOOF
Arkail cheered and clapped loudly.
The small goblinoid figured stoppped his work the tools falling it slient spining round in his chair...
"IT'S GEAROID DURASHAFT  you dang pup i tell you what man shiiitfire are you gonna do somethang useful i got this induction manifold to reconfigure and you got re submit your pattent for a non gryoscoptic copter to submit to the cartel by the end of month. get to work! and dang it boy how many time you gotta fix that door before you learn how to open one?"  Several goblin curses mainly involing somekind of suffering well though his curse came from the goblin before the power tools began to whine and whirr again.

"You gots it BOSS Bamm hooted" he smiled at Arkail, his head buried in a book. Bamm picked up the door and slammed it into place

The wind howled and rain battered the small scaffold hut high in Booty bay. But all was good and great in this moment