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Started by Thiama, April 06, 2021, 05:27:43 PM

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Name: Thiama
Alias: Lady Woodchuck/Stormeye
Rank: New blood

Age: Exact unknown â€" between 19-24
Gender: Female
Race: Orc
Clan: Unknown/none
Class: Hunter
Alignment: Lawful neutral

Family: Hrigna Stormclaw â€" Grimtotem mercenary (adoptive mother) - deceased
Known Friends: Sootskin, Ratha, Verzan
Known Enemies: Chancer Goret â€" vulpera mage/merchant caravan owner

A tall orc with pale green skin: Thiama is a striking figure.  Long, dark aqua hair; badly cut and braided; scruffily frames her broad features and dusky red eyes. Her tusks are large and ears sharply pointed, adorned with numerous fang based piercings. Dark red, almost war paint like tattoos cover her face and flow down over her right shoulder, accenting the curves of her muscular form. Around her right bicep is the crushed and twisted barrel of a rifle; while encasing the lower part of her left arm is a mechanical frame that ends in a half metallic gauntlet.

Her clothing and armour are both well-worn and maintained; mainly of Horde military issue, with a handful of more unusual parts. Each emblem upon the Horde gear has been removed and the red colouration shifted to blue tones.
Distinct parts of her attire include: a wide horned helm, the faceplate of which is etched into the stylized image of a talbuk; a tauren necklace that serves as her belt and a large, roughly braided leather strap that hangs around her neck.

Weaponry - A large bow, adorned with bones and feathers and wears a quiver upon her hip when carrying it. Strapped to her thigh is an axe that seems to be made from the stock of a rifle.

Thia comes across as quiet, watchful; a bit of a towering wallflower at times. She is proud, slow to trust and blunt but always willing to lend a hand. Her loyalty, once earned is unbreakable.

The circumstances of her birth and bloodline are a mystery to her. Raised by a tauren mercenary/courier; she quickly learnt how to be self-sufficient, bartering and learning more skills to make herself more ‘worthy’ and how to distrust.
Before even reaching maturity, Thiama, alongside her adoptive mother was part of the logistics bringing supplies into Northrend for the Horde. Tragedy struck and the young orc was left to fend for herself; leaving her to survive from only the kindness of whomever would take her in. She eventually ended up in the care of another tauren; a windrider master. Remaining by his side, she grew up training the beasts and heading out with the Horde to Pandaria. She stayed there for a few years; deciding to take on her own path after her experiences there. She was accompanied by her tiger companion, Sen and now lacking part of her left arm.
With some contacts in the Horde, Thiama managed to make a living as a courier and supply caravan escort. One such caravan was travelling through Tanaris, toward Cenarion Hold when the great sword destroyed Silithus. Sen was lost in the chaos and Thiama gained a bond with a nightsaber she would later call Zhargara.
She remained within the Horde forces until after Sylvanus’ betrayal; where, disillusioned, she decided to become fully mercenary.
Thiama joined the Red Blades on a whim after her employment with a vulpera went sour. What destiny follows is yet to be decided.

Things you may know about this character:
She is clueless about orc culture and speaks Orkish without the knowledge or inflections of a native speaker.
She has more of a bond with animals than people.
Her demeanour is clearly tauren influenced, as are her choice of tattoos.
She dislikes spirits and elementals.