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Srelok Grimtide

Started by Srelok, April 23, 2015, 09:37:43 PM

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Name: Srelok Grimtide
Alias: Martyr-wolf
Rank: True blood Gosh'kar

Age: 39
Gender: male
Race: orc
Clan: Warsong (father, mother was recently discovered to be Shattered Hand)
Class: Shaman
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Family: Azguh (mate, deceased), Rhonya Steelheart, Vraxxar Wildmark (bloodbrother), Kargnar Bloodpaw (bloodbrother, Deceased), Threkna Slitskin (bloodsister, MIA)
Known Friends: Kogra Windwatcher, Sinami Swifthowl, Nosh'marak Ironclaw, Eliff Watersong, Magrahra Emberheart
Known Enemies: None, really

Srelok Grimtide has the look of a veteran, and walks with a stiff limp in his left leg.

His skin is covered in thin straight scarifications. His eyes seem haunted by something. On his belt are many pouches and a ritual knife.
Around his neck hangs a necklace made from shark's teeth, a set of prayer beads and a purple raw crystal hanging on a leather string.

When smiling, someone might see a resemblance to Rhonya Steelheart, if one were to look.
His left arm shows an array of stitched up scars where he was mauled by a shark, and three steel spikes are embedded in his left bicep.

If seen without shoes it's revealed that his left foot is missing, his leg amputated about halfway down from his knee, the limb replaced by a wooden prosthetic adorned with druidic runes.

He's honest to a fault, fiercely loyal to his friends. He can appear distant because of his empathic abilities (which he sees as a curse).  May be cold to those he doesn't know. Has low self esteem due to childhood traumas. He can be described as of above average intelligence, but he can be cynical at times.

Born 39 years ago Srelok was raised by only his father until he was 8 years old and left the care of said father, Skar'lok Bloodaxe, who was trying to raise him in the ways of the Legion, being a devoted follower and Shadow Council flunky himself. Srelok never wanted this and even tried to escape the internment camp no matter the consequences. He had to abandon his infant cousin, a little girl that had just been orphaned even though it broke his heart. He was born an empath, which only ever complicated things.
Eventually he managed to get away from his father and lived hidden for a while until he managed his escape though that was more luck then anything. He lived in the wilds until word reached him of the liberation of the orcs by Thrall. He joined the nascent new Horde on their journey to Kalimdor. There, he heard the call of the elements. It took him a while but he managed to find a teacher to show him his path, the path of the mender. The spirits he allied with on Azeroth demanded a payment of blood, hence his heavy scarrifications.
When he was about 25 he returned to Orgrimmar. He never participated in the war against the Lich King, which was by then raging, but he chose to lend aid when the Cataclysm struck. This aid was in the form of healing the injured and caring for the sick and dying.
He watched in growing resentment as Garrosh perverted the noble goals of the Horde, and when people started disappearing he decided to leave the city and find a way to fight against the Warchief.
This is how he joined the tribe. It took a long time of fence-sitting and his occasional disappearances before he found acceptance within the tribe though, only truly becoming part of it after Thur'ruk Sharptongue was assaulted by his bloodbrother and needed surgery to recontruct his teeth.
Like this he slowly became part of the tribe, saving the lives of any orc he could. He still took leaves of absence since his headaches kept plagueing him though, but still he's slowly climbed up on the ladder of the tribe to the position of Alpha Gosh'kar, then Thur'ruk.
During a ritual to purge a tribe member of fel-taint, his body was ravaged by ritual backwash, weakening him physically and turning his hair snowwhite. Ever since, he's slowly been recovering.
Recently he's been more reclusive then usual, plagued by nightmares of Krogon Devilstep's death and other traumatising experiences during his stay on Draenor. His physical recovery is going well, but his mind will need work.

After ascending to the rank of Thur'ruk he's been hard at work building up physical strength and combat knowledge, the better to aid his tribe when needed. He still has a strong affinity with water and air, and is quick to jump to the aid of others with healing poultices and potions, though he seems more focussed on harnessing the elements in weaponised form.
Recently, during a ritual to cleanse Makaroth of fel-corruption, the fel reacted violently, ending in a crushed foot, requiring his left foot to be amputated.
A few months after becoming Thur'ruk he resigned again, the spirits called on him to walk a different path in the wake of the Legion invasion.

During the absence
After resigning as thur'ruk Srelok took his mate Azguh with him on a travel across the globe, fighting the Legion where they could on behalf of the spirits. Srelok himself acts as a champion of the elements in this regard, Azguh as his protector.
Even after 8 months they still haven't produced an heir, a fact which is beginning to trouble him.
His elemental bond has strengthened considerably though.
Maybe, after the better part of a year in the wild he's ready to become 'civilised' again...

After the reform to Clan
Since the Tribe returned to be a Clan, Srelok has kept his distance. He's close at all times, watching those he calls friends from a distance. But he has no real interest in being a real part of things again. Especially not politically.

When the sword fell
After Sargeras attacked the world Srelok ended up in a coma for weeks after a heart attack. For a while it looked like he wouldn't recover but eventually he woke. He's been wearing an amulet that blocks his empathy as well as the spirits. He's now just a powerless orc but at least he lives, if on the edge of Clan life.

The new war
Now the war has begun again, Srelok seems to have come out of hiding. He no longer uses the amulet and his abilities seem to have changed...
More to come...

Things you may know about this character:
-Has an intense hatred to demons and those who consort with them.
-Feels responsible for the tribe as a whole.
-Is emotionally troubled. This has left deep psychological scars.

Things you may not know about this character:
-Has migraines a lot because he tries to block out other peoples' feelings.
-Is afraid of spiders.
-Is incapable of reproducing.

Memorable Quotes:
None really, he's an orc of few words.

Other Information:

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


Updated a few points of recent history.

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl