Orcs of the Red Blade

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Home page news

Started by Kozgugore, November 01, 2010, 03:43:55 PM

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Tribe on the Run!
Imprisonment. Tension. Courage. Treason. Exile. Honor.

Imprisonment. Despised for his principles and maligned for his tribe’s autonomy - Kozgugore Feraleye would soon fall foul of the increasingly-brutal Kor’kron. After refusing an order to raze a neutral pandaren settlement to the ground, the Chieftain of the Red Blade tribe would be jailed beneath Orgrimmar, awaiting execution as an example to all who could not obey Hellscream’s ruthless iron rule.

To read more about what you may or may not have been missing out on in the tribe's recent history, clicky here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Introducing: The Tuition to Orcish Gentlemanry

Civilized orcs, young and old alike, of the Horde: A dying breed. Between the oppression of Garrosh Hellscream's rule and the increasing animosity within the Horde's very own ranks, it becomes increasingly difficult to find civilization in this world of barbarians, brutes, simpletons and ingrates. We, the Splendiferous Gentlemen Society of the Orc, strive to combat this growing problem.

To find out more about our splendiferous, new campaign, look here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


SISTAs are taking down the Patriarchy!

Thanks to the oppression of the patriarchy, the Horde has once again found itself in a valley of poverty and despair. Ever since the judgemental, cisgendered male orcs have usurped civilization since the rise of the Horde, nothing but loss and dishonour has followed in its wake. From Ner’zhul and Blackhand to Thrall and Garrosh: For too long has the female orc had to stand by in the shadows while the male heterosexual orc stood dominant over an ever-structuring society.

To read more about our plans for a friendlier and more feminine tribe, direct your attention here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Journies of Draenor

What started out as a distress call turned out to be so much more. A violent attack on Garadar left threads in an image of otherwise simple tranquility. Threads that the tribe picked away at. Their hunt on the Mag'har orcs who had been taken away led them across the wilds of Draenor, first to their hunt into the Blades Edge Mountains, where they dethroned the ogre Warlock king Garht'Nug, pursued him back to Nagrand and there stole from him an enchanted Eradar skull.

To find out more about the tribe's most recent exploit, look no further than here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


It All Begins... Again

The Red Blade tribe have searched high and low since news of Garrosh’s escape from his trail in Pandaria. For some, it was their sworn duty to bring the Horde’s traitor-Warchief to justice. For others, who had suffered directly at the Kor’kron’s hands or seen loved ones perished, it had become personal.

To read about the Iron Horde's invasion of Azeroth, and how it affects the Red Blade tribe, look here!


Beyond the Dark Portal

The Red Blade tribe made war upon the Iron Horde within days of their emergence from the Dark Portal. Alongside their Horde allies, they proved instrumental in the attempt to hold back the seemingly unstoppable Iron Tide threatening to wash over Azeroth.

The tribe’s victories were both few and pyrrhic, and its defeats both humbling and costly. An initial foothold in Okril'lon Hold was quickly retaken by the relentless Ironmarch elite, leaving the tribe to lick its wounds while formulating a desperate all-or-nothing suicide mission. Only with the combined efforts of the Banners, the Ironbreaker Council and the ground-forces of both Horde and Alliance, was a route hewn through the Blasted Lands and through the Dark Portal.

To read about the exciting introduction to Warlords of Draenor and what it means for you, click here!


A Song of Frost and Fire

Somewhere off the jagged, snowy shores of Frostfire Ridge, commandeered Iron Horde warships ran aground. From their grim decks came ragged refugees from the Battle of Tanaan â€" native Frostwolves, enslaved by the Iron Horde; and the remnants of the Azerothian Horde vanguard, including the proud Red Blade tribe.

To read about the tribe's savage first months upon Draenor, click here!


Rise of the Wolfking

After weeks in search of their heritage upon Draenor, the Red Blade tribe began to uncover clues about the whereabouts of the historic Clan Redblade, their ancestors.

They encountered the spirit of a slain Nag’Ogar during a Spirit Walk, and avenged him by slaying the ogre who killed him and desecrated his remains. They charted out the Shamanstones of the Frostfire tundra, believing early cultures developed around these powerful monoliths. And finally, with the garn-packs of the western ridges growing bolder and causing havoc, the tribe looked to its storied past for answers.

To read about how the past of the Red Blades shaped its future, click here!


No Laughing Matter

The Red Blade tribe barely weathered the inhospitable wastes of Frostfire, and were all too keen to escape its frigid, frozen tundras. They would find little solace however, in the tropical jungles and arid buttes of Gorgrond.

Yet their cunning and ferocity would be tested before they even reached the jungles â€" an ingenious stratagem was hatched to safely blaze a trail through the Thunder Pass and out of Frostfire Ridge.

To read about the tribe's savage sojourn in the jungle, click here!


And because of the recent deluge of front-page posts as of late, I've fixed the hyperlinks for the last few so they actually link to the specific articles in question rather than just the front-page of the site. Enjoy!


At Last, Avast!

For ten years, Orcs of the Red Blade have provided an authentic orcish tribal roleplay experience. But even time-tested concepts must evolve, and after weeks of consultation and brainstorming amongst the officer-team, I am proud to reveal a bold shift in our long-term direction. So ahoy, strike yer colors and fire at will, ye scurvy swabs, for the Red Sail crew are ready to set sail!

To hear about the new and exciting direction of the guild, click here!


Between A Rock And A Kosh'harg Place

In past years, the Red Blades came to see their biannual Kosh’harg celebrations in Nagrand as something of a reprieve. A safe haven amongst Outland’s more dangerous and corrupt regions, the Land of Winds was a home away from home. Orcs would tell tales around the Garadar campfire, spar at the Ring of Trials, hunt the majestic talbuk and mighty clefthoof of the land...

To read about how the tribe weathered the dangers of Draenor's Nagrand, click here!


A New Dawn

On Tuesday the 9th of June 2015, Orcs of the Red Blade are moving to the Argent Dawn RP realm after just under ten years on Defias Brotherhood RP-PvP. We have enjoyed our many years on Defias, and are proud to have been a strong and stable cornerstone of its RP community for months shy of a decade.

To hear about our exciting move to Argent Dawn, click here!


Trailer Throwback Tuesday

As a little look back on the many years we've been active, we invite you all to take a look back at the rich history the guild has to offer! While not a piece of in-game lore per say, we've had our fair share of video material over the years. Some of which are, of course, the tribe's famed trailers! The one to officially kick it off (not including some other video footage that was not originally meant to be as trailers), was this very one back in 2010! Low youtube quality? Check! Shoddy editing? Check! No cheesy voice-overs? Check! Lots of orcs and awesomeness? Check! See how many old faces you recognize!

To have a look at the awful nostalgia, click here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Member Spotlight: Rhonya

We've had some amazing members in our guild over the past few years and every now and then, they deserve a little extra time in the spotlights! Who the most obviously choice to deserve some special recognition might be, you ask? Rhonya Steelheart, AKA Kyrazha Throatrender, of course! Not only is she one of our most active and longest members, she's someone virtually everyone in the tribe knows! How well do you think you know her? Read on and perhaps you'll find out a few things you didn't know just yet!

To read the entire interview with Rhonya, click right here!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade