Sorry I missed this post and not sure if I should add it on to the end but here goes.
15 years now I do feel old.
Been here for 14 years and 8 months and still here.
Had my best internet gaming times with this game and the motley crew old and (some) new.
(I would hate to work out how much time and money in total).
I have rubbed a lot of different people up the wrong way in my time at the top of the Guild and the bottom and would if I could take a lot of it back but insight is a wonderful thing.
Because I’m really an Orc! a grumpy old git and after all the time I spend in the shadows of this group, I would find it imposable to just walk away.
So, I keep myself to myself and listen in and mix in when nobody sees or hears me much to the relief of Koz and co.

I cannot even start to name names there have been literary hundreds of different people here who just popped in for a look and stayed so the group must have been doing something right.
Much of it owed to the founders of the group Akesha, Kad, Oznack, Rehbande, Vargukha, to name but a few.
I like so many am not sure how this game will finally die out but I think I will still be here holding the door.
Love to you allClaws .....Carol.
15 years now I do feel old.
Been here for 14 years and 8 months and still here.
Had my best internet gaming times with this game and the motley crew old and (some) new.
(I would hate to work out how much time and money in total).
I have rubbed a lot of different people up the wrong way in my time at the top of the Guild and the bottom and would if I could take a lot of it back but insight is a wonderful thing.
Because I’m really an Orc! a grumpy old git and after all the time I spend in the shadows of this group, I would find it imposable to just walk away.
So, I keep myself to myself and listen in and mix in when nobody sees or hears me much to the relief of Koz and co.

I cannot even start to name names there have been literary hundreds of different people here who just popped in for a look and stayed so the group must have been doing something right.
Much of it owed to the founders of the group Akesha, Kad, Oznack, Rehbande, Vargukha, to name but a few.
I like so many am not sure how this game will finally die out but I think I will still be here holding the door.
Love to you all