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Messages - Claws

Off Topic / Re: Last spam wins 9!
March 23, 2017, 05:37:47 PM
I will be the one to turn of the lights and close the door.  ;D
My personal favourites are anything from the Forgotten Realms.
R A Salvatore being my main stay.
His Dark Elf Trilogy and spin offs from that 8/10.
The Dragonlance books to me was what feed my need for Fantasy reading.
From Weis and Hickman 10/10
Contact Us / Re: Ten Years Strong: Memories
March 02, 2017, 08:23:22 PM
Quote from: Rhonya on March 01, 2017, 07:28:32 PM
Thought I'd write something up, now it's official... I've not known what to write for a long time, hence my silence around this subject since it was brought up.

First of all, I'm really heartbroken about this. I know things always come to an end, but that doesn't take any of the sting away for me. I've been in this guild for a long time now and it's the guild I've been in the longest by far, with my two most active characters by far. Over 70+ stories have been written about Rhonya and Kyrazha and everyone involved, a lot of drawings I've made that were inspired by characters and this guild. In the years I've been here, I've almost never took a break from the game, so I can safely say this guild and it's orcs have been a big part of my life the past decade.

I'll miss the stories we created, the characters, the good times and the bad, the people. I'll still be on wow, but now my two major characters have no where to go anymore, I'm not entirely sure yet what to do or where to continue.

So.. Yeah. I'm still a bit lost for words, but I suppose I'll sum it up with a big thank you all. You've made my life a lot more interesting. And I'll miss it, very very much.
Second what you have said I can not write more at this time
Game Related / Re: !Poll: The future of the guild!
March 02, 2017, 08:20:08 PM
Me Too.  :'( :'( :'(

Where on earth did Sadok get all the names from.
Game Related / Re: !Poll: The future of the guild!
February 28, 2017, 06:56:19 PM
A sad day but not the end of days for the Blades.
I thank all the people I have engaged with in good times and bad.
If one thing is for certain we have all put our mark on the realms.
Thanks to all the leaders and offices and all the unsung heroes of the Blades.

I personal will not drop the mantle of Blade and will carry it as I have always done with pride.
I will not leave the Blades it is part of me.
Even though many of you people now do not even know me or care to get to know me I have been in the shadows day after day for the last 11 years or so, there has always been Claws.
Good luck to all and any who decided to move on to other groups to carry on their journey in Azeroth.
Event Planning / Re: Upcoming event chain notes
December 08, 2016, 08:35:34 PM
Lost me :-[
The Campfire / Re: The Next Step
December 08, 2016, 08:32:58 PM
And home is where the heart is.
Good stuff
The Campfire / Re: The Next Step
December 01, 2016, 10:01:20 PM
Nice as always.
Off Topic / Re: Behold, Scripture!... OOC stories
November 21, 2016, 12:38:46 AM
Good Good Good
Off Topic / Re: Art Section and creations!
October 03, 2016, 04:34:13 PM
First one looks like Elton John in his dressing gown  :-\

Good work
The Campfire / Re: The Legion Comes
August 31, 2016, 04:08:19 PM
wow koz
Nice work! :o :-*
Off Topic / Re: Behold, Scripture!... OOC stories
August 29, 2016, 01:50:52 AM
Got a talent there Drak
Off Topic / Re: Now playing and a bottle of pills...
August 02, 2016, 12:23:38 AM
Quote from: Rakmal on July 29, 2016, 05:17:04 PM
Our Lord and Saviour that is Mongolian throat singing rap has blessed us with this golden track.

Not heard this type of music before apart from film.
I like this a lot.
Game Related / Re: WoW: Legion - Discussion
June 22, 2016, 10:55:37 PM
I still cannot get my head around the new leather crafting skills in game so long winded to get 1 Patten and when you do get it, it is in no way any sort of upgrade except in the looks department.
The whole game play to me is very constructed and will quickly become an add on worse than WOD and Pandora put together.  ??? :o :'( :'(

I have stopped playing the beta for now because to be honest I think it is spoiling what we already have.

Just my own Opinion.
The Campfire / Re: Makaroth's Musings
June 19, 2016, 07:48:06 PM
It's a bloody novel.  :o
Great stuff Makaroth when does the book come out.  :-*