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October 28, 2024, 07:29:49 AM



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I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Ice cream for all
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Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
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Application: Dharra

Started by phantomfruit, May 22, 2021, 02:21:44 AM

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I'm aware that it is not officially required to post an application here anymore, but since I'm new to in-game RP and generally shy, I would like to get some feedback on my character before taking this further. I wouldn't like to mess up anyone's experience nor waste the guild's time with a bad or undesirable concept.

Name: Dharra (Dharrah on AD)
Level: 53 (Still struggling to find the motivation to reach max lvl, but getting there.)

Tell us something about your (role)playing experience:
I have been playing for a couple of years, in various fandoms and platforms BUT I'm new to ingame RP. My friends gave me a bit of an addon and socializing tutorial and I have participated in a couple of events, that's all.

Known issues: It's a bit difficult to follow things when there are a lot of people around (even with Listener) and I'm generally slow, as I'm used to being able to take my time and just type away long, long paragraphs... Another thing is that my ideas usually come faster than my free time to read lore, which got me in trouble A LOT. I'm working on this now though! I read the most important orcish history and cultural notes both on wowpedia and the clan specific things here as well, so now I'm definitely more confident than during my previous trials.

And finally, please write a short story and/or (IC) introduction about your character:

"We are leaving" grunted the hunter and placed his enormous hand on his little sister's shoulder, who was still staring at the marching orcs in the distance. So few left against the overwhelming threat... they had no chance. "It is Hellscream's order." Her reply was just a harsh movement that tore her shoulder away from his hand. "I said we are leaving. They won't be able to keep the gate up for long."

"Go if you want to. I'm staying" she said in an uncharacteristically somber tone. Her cheerful and optimistic demeanor was gone for good, and this made the hunter even more desperate. Not turning her gaze away from her adored Warchief, she fixed her gear, called her wolf Frostbite, and began to walk in the opposite direction of the gate that led the Mag'har to their survival.

"I said WE ARE GOING!" The hunter stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder once more. Dharra responded quickly: she spun and launched her fist at Draghar's jaw.

A brawl of despair began between the siblings, while the small pack of wolves they called their family started to circle around. Draghar tried to grapple his sister, attempting to immobilise her, but she fought with teeth and claw against him, so it wasn't an easy task. She empowered her attacks with fire and ice, wounding her brother at multiple places, who was still trying not to cause any harm.

"You coward!"

"It's an order! We have to leave!"

"Mother and father would stay!"

"They are dead! They would want you to live!"

"You have no right to tell me what to do!"

"I won't watch you die for a lost cause! I made a promise...!"

"I don't care!"

Eventually, as a last resort, the hunter grabbed the orcess and headbutted her hard enough for her to lose consciousness. Frostbite was ready to jump at the man, but his wolves, among them the alpha of their little pack, disciplined the animal.

"I'm sorry, Pup" he muttered to his sister as he took the girl's belongings from the ground. With his sister and their entire life on his shoulders, the hunter saluted to the orcs in the distance, then turned to join the rest of the refugees through the portal.


She was born and brought up on AU Draenor after Gul'dan's defeat. She is one of that last generation that reached adulthood (by human standards), and one of those last shamans who went through the entire training and every traditional ritual.

When the orcs had to leave Draenor, the siblings were enlisted to the army in the war against the Alliance, but the chaotic nature of the elements on Azeroth proved difficult to control for the inexperienced shaman, posing a threat to both factions in combat, and so, by her brother's will and through connections, she left the army and joined the Earthen Ring for further training.

...but one can only learn so much by staying isolated. The wounds she received in her homeland are still fresh, she cannot stand the smell of the Draenei. While staying losely affiliated with them, she left their areas of operation to seek a sense of belonging and an environment that allows her to practice and cultivate traditions. She left without informing her brother.

(Important note: I'm not sure about the Earthen Ring bit, since wowpedia says it's a group of the most powerful shamans, but I don't know where else she would be directed when facing this particular problem with the elements, so I thought, given the Mag'har orcs situation, this might work. I accept if you disagree and I'm open for suggestions!)

My vision:
An intense, inexperienced, but deeply spiritual wisewoman-in-training who always has a smile to offer to allies while her blood is being boiled by the hatred against those who ruined her homeland. At the moment she can only perform tasks that allow a longer time to attune to the elements, such as healing and cleansing, which is becoming her specialty, while she needs to be re-trained for combat.

Thank you for reading! :)


Hello there, Dharra!
First of all, thank you for applying for the guild! I am Vraxxar, one of the officers in the guild. I've read through everything and I'll try to reply to everything you wrote. So I hope you'll be satisfy with my answer.

We have had other members who have been new to RP, and we're happy to help you to grow and answer any question!
You don't need to worry about being slow with typing or struggling with keeping up when there are a lot of people around. Several among us, me being one, have the same or similar struggles. I'm a slow reader, which makes slow in replying during RP.  :P

As for your ideas and knowing lore, you don't need to worry about that either. We welcome and encourage people to come with ideas! Lore, do's and don'ts are things we can handle afterwards, but in the end we'd still try and make that idea work. One way or another.

Now, your character.

I can't see anything that would be bad, wrong or cause any problems. I will just point out a couple of things that might help you.

Your character can definitely been a part of the Earthen Ring. So no worries there!
I saw you wrote that she has reached adulthood by human standards. I just want to make it clear that humans are adults around 18 years old, while orcs are considered adults around 12 years old. Orcs mature faster.

Other than all this, I can't think of anything else that needs to be said. So consider your application approved! ^^
Next step is to contact a member in-game for an invite to the Guild, the OOC Community chat, and Discord! Most guild members can do this so just poke anyone!
I look forward to see on discord! :)


Thank you for the swift and exhaustive reply! :O

Yeah, this age thing is something I understand, but it's very difficult to wrap my head around it, hence the weird description. Sorry for the confusion!

This is very exciting! I'll try to get a hold of someone soon. Thank you once again!


Hi guys! A bit of a follow up to our correspondance.

I tried to contact you in the game right away. I whispered each member I found on the AA list 9-10pm server time, but the system threw back my messages with "No player named XY is playing at the moment". A day later I wrote you an in-game mail but no response so far. I even scanned the map and cruised around in Kalimdor and Outland (haha), with no success.

Please let me know what to do, or if I did anything wrong. Thank you.


Hi there Dharra,

Apologies for the late reply to you on here - not too many check the site that often! You've not done anything wrong at all, please do try again to get in contact with one of us in-game if you are still interested in joining. A /who Orcs of the Red Blade should hopefully help you in getting hold of someone. Alternatively, feel free to add me on Discord (seki#3082) and I can help you from there.

Hopefully we get to hear from / see you soon!