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Journal of a Monk

Started by Okiba, May 03, 2018, 10:41:57 AM

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The following leather bound journal contains the beginnings and scribbling of a Monks thoughts. Written in fine, almost Pandaren character like lettering, it can likely be found sitting next to the copy of the Clan Annals Okiba maintains.


Thursday, 3rd day of the fifth Month.

I hate ships. I've hated them since I was a grunt. That first journey to the blasted lands and then Hellfire, then to Northrend and Tol'barad. I hate ships.

Hate is a foolish emotion though. Rather, I feel uneasy with them. So much so I keep depositing my breakfast over the side of this hulk.

We sailed from Domination point four days ago, on a hulk in a small convoy. I'm sat in a hold full of carrots, rice and turnips. It's been a struggle to keep my sausage laden kodo from eating half of it. Our destination? Bladefist bay and home.

I do not know why I decided to start writing this Journal. Perhaps what Uncle Jihaan said at Tian Monastery stuck with me and inwardly I am finding ways to move forward.

"Don't be an Orc Monk. Or a Monk Orc" he said...

"Be Okiba first, and the rest second" finished the Wise old bear.

It's something to keep in mind.

four more days of sloshing around on the sea, and we arrive. home, and to the clan. If they are indeed on Kalimdor. Since reading the copy of the clan Annals (it's history) I have learnt a great deal of them, their past, habbits and future. They are nomads, we are nomads. I am a nomad. Hopefully I catch up with them soon.

Summer is coming, and all great occasions and events love summer.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."



Sunday, 6th day of the Fifth month.

I have stopped feeling ill due to the motion of the waves.

The crew of this ship tell me that this is normal. Apparently there are three types of sailors... Firstly, those that do not mind or notice the motion of the sea. Second, those who need a few days to get used to it with spells of illness... that is where I sit. Lastly, those who never get used to it and are normally called "land-lubbers" or "bilge-fillers".

I think I still prefer life in the saddle over life on the ocean wave. And according to the clan Annals I borrowed from Steelheart, the clan does too.

The ache in my shoulder is now all but gone. The ointments, needle treatments and exercises I was taught have all had th desired effect. Who cares if I keep a chip of my own shoulder bone in a bottle after that surgery? I am renewed. And the wise medicine teachers of the temple were truly kind to gift me a surgeons kit and those scrolls. The things to learn in that temple are staggering...

I dreamed of the war again last night. Of the fighting in Tol'barad, and Krasarang. The screaming would not stop, and all through it all I cold hear was the voice of Jihaan once more. "Be Okiba first, the rest second".

It has given me the resolve to press on and find out who I am. The clan will help me. And I shall learn by doing that which I already know of myself... I shall teach.

I am no great warlord, shaman or stalwart of virtues and character. but I enjoy gaining knowledge and wisdom, and imparting it to others. Pandaria has taught me this.

First I will start with my old weekly lessons, and take on some newbloods if I can. After that? who knows. I intend to climb the path of strength. Perhaps in time, I will be it's Siffu... rather, its instructor. The Rrosh'tul can lead and command, and bid me teach in their stead.

Who knows. This is fanciful aspiration so far. But an Orc can aspire?

An orc should aspire.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


An orc with ambition at long last! It makes a Chief's heart go pitter-patter. :'(
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Monday, 7th day of the fifth Month,

We have sighted land. It looked to be the eastern reaches of Tanaris and the thousand needles, or so the the captain told me.

We are only one day from Home, Orgrimmar. I cannot help but feel a degree of apprehension. Will they remember me? Will they still even be intact?

The defeat of the Legion likely drew a heavy toll.

No, I sense it in my bones. Even now I hear whispered voices on the wind, the spirit link is there if distant...

To pass the time and be best prepared I have mustered and accounted for all my possessions and the items I brought back with me from Pandaria.

Key among these items, is the length of Kypari wood and Living steel ingots I took possession of. It took some aggressive trading, but they will make me a superb weapon in due course. Though what shape it will take I cannot yet say.

The Kodo ate a crate of carrots in the hold while we was all scrubbing the top deck.

The captain will be glad to be rid of me and the mouth on legs.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Sunday, 13th day of the fifth month,

I arrived back to the clan in the crossroads. Turns out they spent the last weeks fighting alongside centaur in an effort to bring order to the northern barrens. Stranger things have happened!

Most elders have yet to show themselves, but apparently we are to now hunt mercenary bandits in the jungles of stranglethorn. I look forward to the hunt, and honorable battle bringing some justice. Hopefully I will be able to prove myself as a capable adition to the Iron guard, a tue Nag'ogar in the coming weeks.

Before we set out for the jungle i led a small patrol of the Northern barrens. Between killing pirates, raptors and cannibal quilboar I got to know a little about my fellow clan members, new and older. An interesting bunch, most in need of a bit of military discipline during such patrols. That, and many lack a real wolf mount, which will need remedying.

Found a wolf pup runt in the kennels before i departed. Seems the rest of the pack didn't view it as worth the milk. It's in Throatrenders hands now, hopefully she raises it well. I'd raise it myself, but this eagle chick is eating every bit of meat I get. Oh, yes, I found an eagle egg in pandaria. That's a thing now.

Hopefully the jungle is not too humid.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Monday, 21st day of the fifth month,

We were ambushed. Us and the Horde troop known as "Alligator Squad". Lured into the jungle separately, to the same spot by similar letters to our leaders. Assassins in the dark all around, if Ripclaw hadn't of gotten that flare off we'd be with the ancestors now. Not sure what became of the Alligator squad, but we've made it Hardwrench Hideaway, and more goblin madness.

I tended several wounds last night using the surgeons kit I was gifted by the healers at the temple of the Jade serpent. Dekuul in particular, seemed squeemish, he had an arrow in his cheek.

My Nag'ogar weapon is complete, hence my lack of recent entry's. I decided to go with the Polearm, in the end. It should prove suitably effective and visually deterring for any foe I come to face. Hopefully it allows me to serve the clan effectively also. The problem remains though, once the Rrosh'tul approves it, which spirit do I seek to bless it?

It's warm, the mosquitoes are out. I'd remove my leathers but the idea of being infected with some cruel disease through being bitten is less appealing than sweating.

Hopefully we will see the end of the scum in this jungle soon enough.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Tuesday, 23rd day of Ish'Magor the fifth month,

It has been some time since I last made an entry in this journal, and I feel it is long over due, especially now I have much to think on.

It was a whirlwind journey to Pandaria from the blasted lands. Jihaan has been attacked, stabbed and bludgeoned near to death by thieves in the Redstaff family home. They took his armour, and the much coveted 'Redstaff'. Family heirlooms are precious, and these are exactly that. Jihaan recovers steadily, and soon we will set out to find the thieves. By all accounts led by a Worgen, it was a Draenei, Gnome, troll and goblin that escaped on a cloud serpent after their cowardly attack. The shado-pan are at a loss, and too busy keeping the war out of Pandaria, despite the best efforts of both Huojin and Tushui to escalate the conflict.

I have found contentment in training while I wait. Meditating, and improving my serpent style techniques. Though this has not stopped my mind wandering back to the clan. I regret missing the Kosh'harg (again), and leaving them so suddenly. but I owe the Redstaff family a great debt.

I regret even more the way I left things with Grimtide and Steelheart. Our opinions differed greatly, but it in no way makes my words acceptable. I shall have to apologize when I return.

Inspector Pong will arrive later in the week, and then our search begins.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Friday, 26th day of Ish'Magor the fifth month,

Jihaan is on his feet. Pandaren medicine and medical arts are truly miraculous and I'm glad I've spent the last few days studying just such arts as he healed. And with the arrival of inspector Pong, I suspect it won't be long now before we head out to find the culprits. Apparently, according to the Inspector, there has been a string of such incidents all across the continent where thieves target heirlooms, artifacts and items of historical or magical value.

Meanwhile, during my few days studying in the temple of the Jade serpent, I came across some interesting books in the library. In particular regarding how the Shado-pan and mogu have used a similar weapon to stave off Mantid kypari and amber weapons. 'Dragon guns', and interesting tool that spews flame and sparks to ignite and incinerate messy chemical or botanical weapons. I feel this may be an extremely useful tool for the 'future'. Sadly the Shado-pan guard the recipe and designs for such closely, a pity.

I've also managed to get hold of some newspapers. It's pleasing to know the Kosh'harg went well. Though less pleasing to see the state of Orgrimmar and the way the war is unfolding. Above all else, I can only be content that the clan is thriving despite all this. With some luck, I shall return to them sooner, rather than later.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Saturday, 27th th day of Ish'Magor the fifth month,

Yesterday I observed what once I believed to be impossible, but now know to be a miracle of knowledge.

A Pandaren artisan named shuang-zei had an accident at his timber mill near the temple of the jade serpent. For one reason or another while working on his craft, shaping wood and creating lumber, his arm had been cut off in heavy machinery. Separated in the middle of his forearm, the cut was clean and he had lost a lot of blood.

His wife, very wisely, put the severed limb on ice and bound his upper elbow with two belts to prevent blood loss as his two sons dragged the wounded bear to the temple physicians upon a cart.

Upon arrival, he was taken to a 'clean room' and placed upon a flat, padded table. This is where my observations began.

First, they had him breathe in from a concoction of two mixed chemicals that smelled of varies herbs and oddly of pure alcohol. This rendered him asleep, but more importantly he felt no pain as he slept. Throughout the procedure a linen cloth doused in the mixture was placed under his snout or over his mouth for him to breathe from.

Once this was done, the physicians produced complicated surgical gear. This included knives, forceps, clamps, needles, pins, bolts, screws, potions, mixtures and text books.

After two hours of laborious work, and much avid but confused watching, they had re-attached his arm. I'm told he should make a full recovery in time. his arm now sits in a tight sling, cooled by ice while stitched together. The clamps, pins and bolts are placed through his arm in various points to bind the bone, sinew and flesh together in a firm and correct position. How they managed to re-attached blood vessels, ligaments and nerves is yet beyond my grasp. But I do know two things...

I am both impressed, and inspired.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Sunday, 5th day of the fifth month,

Jihaan, myself and the eccentric Inspector Pong have set out on our journey to find the family heirlooms and put an end to these widespread thefts. Jihaan is all but recovered, if a little slow in his movement. He has made a near full recovery, though I suspect losing his armor and weapons to those thieves has stung him deeper than any knife. Afterall, few can claim to have worked the lightning forge. He wears a set of simple chain mail and carries a war-hammer for now.

Ou first destination will be Halfhill in the valley of four winds. Apparently there has been a theft there also, Hopefully we can pick up the trail of these thieves.

Pong is unusual but an excellent companion. While camped by the bridge between the Jade forest and Valley for the night, a pair of Tushui (A Pandaren and a Human) passed us by on some alliance business. Though the war is not 'ongoing' here, they were quick and eager to make conflict with Jihaan for displaying his Huojin colors. Despite Pongs protests, they insisted on attempting to cause violence.

So the inspector whipped them senseless with his hand fan.

It's rare to see a crane style master, especially these days, but he soundly left them twitching violently, but ultimately unharmed, in the dirt.

My absence from the clan continues to make my heart weary, but an Orcs word is his bond and I must see this through. Thankfully I am in fine company, even if a little 'home' sick.

Hopefully I can get some steaks in Halfhill market.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Sunday, 5th day of the fifth month,

Jihaan, myself and the eccentric Inspector Pong have set out on our journey to find the family heirlooms and put an end to these widespread thefts. Jihaan is all but recovered, if a little slow in his movement. He has made a near full recovery, though I suspect losing his armor and weapons to those thieves has stung him deeper than any knife. Afterall, few can claim to have worked the lightning forge. He wears a set of simple chain mail and carries a war-hammer for now.

Ou first destination will be Halfhill in the valley of four winds. Apparently there has been a theft there also, Hopefully we can pick up the trail of these thieves.

Pong is unusual but an excellent companion. While camped by the bridge between the Jade forest and Valley for the night, a pair of Tushui (A Pandaren and a Human) passed us by on some alliance business. Though the war is not 'ongoing' here, they were quick and eager to make conflict with Jihaan for displaying his Huojin colors. Despite Pongs protests, they insisted on attempting to cause violence.

So the inspector whipped them senseless with his hand fan.

It's rare to see a crane style master, especially these days, but he soundly left them twitching violently, but ultimately unharmed, in the dirt. I can only pray that such occurrences don't worsen, and the war stays firmly away from these shores.

My absence from the clan continues to make my heart weary, but an Orcs word is his bond and I must see this through. Thankfully I am in fine company, even if a little 'home' sick.

Hopefully I can get some steaks in Halfhill market.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Sunday, 10th day of the fifth month,

I thought the peace and revelry of halfhill would keep me content these past days, with all the food, ale and good company I could want. But I had not counted on the nightmares again...

I was in Icecrown, my body rooted to the spot. Feet trapped in ice as clouds of green and black death erupted all around. Shadows moved in the colored mist, screaming, writhing in terror stricken agony. And I could do nothing, again.

Jihaan woke me, it was late. He asked why I was shaking, I tlod him it was the warm air. I think he doubted my answer and doubts I have moved past my time in the army. Though that is not why he woke me.

Another robbery had occurred, this time a famous bell, struck to herald the start of the farming season as well as it's harvesting end. Grand and bronze, it would also be used to herald the local tournaments and competitions. It was precious to the town, and taken from their mayors abode.

We have ridden west in pursuit of the thieves, Jihaan presses us hard now at a pace while Inspector Pong quizzes any and all for sightings of the strange multi-race group we seek.

We're catching up. And soon we will confront them.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Friday, 17th day of Akal,

The hunt has been intense, the thieves even abandoned the stolen bell in order to make haste and slow us down. While bystanders handed the item to the people of stoneplow to send back to Half-hill.

Myself, Jihaan and Inspector Pong continued the hunt, ranging far and wide across the western valley over the last week. The thief, when finally cornered in a ravine separating the valley from western Krasarang, turned out to be a Darkspear Troll. His behavior was most peculiar. Acting almost obedient to some unseen set of strings, he attacked us brutally using the monk arts, but myself and Jihaan managed to pin him down...

...Then his eyes and ears bled torrents of crimson while he screamed and soon enough he died, without a strike even touching him. A bizarre occurrence. Whomever was commanding him may have 'booby-trapped' him in some fashion, or perhaps a suicide like the human poison pills? It was unsettling, conjuring up images in y mind of the wrath-gate. I quickly had to hide my shaking hand from the others before we proceeded.

The path ahead is unclear. However, the Troll was headed for notorious smugglers path into the south and it is into the jungle wilds we now head. Perhaps at the temple of the Red crane we may find answers.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Tuesday, Fourth day of the Sixth Month.

He did something to our memories.

I don't know what, or how, but HE did something. We found the thieves, did great battle with them, lost and won, retreated and advanced. All in a long, dark cave network within the jungles of Krasarang.

Having chased them back to the trove, we confronted their leader. A dark robed Pandaren who I suspect is the famed and feared 'Black Crane'. He used his shadow magic, wiped our memories of his face, and freed the fools he had mind controlled into serving and stealing for him.

We return to Half-hill now, we have a dozen confused former thieves, carting all of the equipment. Well, not all, Jihaan is wearing his armor, and I have the honor of carrying the Redstaff back to its rightful home.

This has been a strange encounter.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Monday, 17th day of Mor'vaul,

With all of the stolen items now returned to their true owners, and the thieves handed to the shado-pan, I've had time to rest and reflect.

We returned to the Redstaff family home in the Jade forest, the family deeply grateful for the return of not only the familys vaunted stave, but also Jihaan returning no more hurt than when this adventure began, and even with his armour.

I've spent the last week practicing quietly in the hills. Using the opportunity to hone, and further my training in both the Tiger and Serpent styles... though oddly, having spent so much time with the clan now, I feel more inclined to reverting back to my own style. This has given many frowns of confusion and intrigue alike when the local instructors and masters observe my techniques, locally sourced or self made.

It should only be another four weeks before I return to Durotar. I can feel the call of the pack beckoning, and the news of the war makes a return all the more urgent. It was hard to think, when hearing all the heralds or reading edicts and papers in Kalimdor, but the public opinion here in Pandaria? It's neutral, without bias and objective.

The world, Beyond the Horde and Alliance...

...Views us, the Horde, to be losing the war.

Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."