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Behold, Scripture!... OOC stories

Started by Drakada, August 22, 2016, 03:37:42 AM

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So, I did a search (A small one, it's currently like 2am or some shit) and didn't see a place specifically for OOC related writings. SO IN MY TIRED STATE OF PERPETUAL IDIOCY I WROTE SOMETHING

*Clears throat*

War calls.
As it often does in these lands, with our people. But this time the drums of war beat not to sate our infallible hunger for battle, and glory, but due to pull back our people, all people, from the very brink of extinction.

The skies grow ever darker as the storms roll in fuelled by the chaotic powers of that on innumerable winged beasts that taint the very sky they disgrace with their presence and the souls of the damned and the lost ascend into the gaping maw of the void for them to feast upon eternally.

We march, we ride. This is no foreign custom to us. Columns of steel, blood and bone line the dirt paths that litter the barren landscapes that were carved by our very hands. The metallic tinge of spilt blood clung heavily on the nostrils of men, and the minds of dogs.

We were no stranger to what these foul abominations could unleash. Their barrage of magic’s twisting the very form of those misfortunate enough for it to be called upon. Teeth bladed like the serrated edge of intimidating and torturous weapons carved by those with a hunger for the suffering of others.

But this did not phase us, we were born of blood and molded by steel . Our lives, our very being, is shaped by the endless flow of battle. The bodies of the fallen littering the ground like fallen wheat, buried and forgotten beneath the footprints of an every waging war.

But this time it differs. The enemy is not the pale skin of a man but the blackened scales and hides of a far more foul being. They seek to end us and all those who grace this very land and we stand together. Former enemies in the face of our very destruction, defiantly.

Time changes many things, enemies now allies, living now dead, but there is one thing no time nor action could ever change…

War calls.

I prefer to write in small chunks because setting a small scene is what I like to do.

This was obviously inspired somewhat by Legion Invasions.


kthxbai <3


Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."

Wornag (Kronnor)

"But this did not phase us, we were born of blood and molded by steel."

I'm not too sure about the phasing.. we need a group everytime we RP, sooo...

Jokes aside, nicely done :)


Very nice indeed. very creative more please


Maggrak of the Bleeding Hollow
New Blood


More rambling nonsense. Didn't feel as nice to write as the first one but it was barfed out nonetheless

The world is at peace

The forests and woodland vales, filled to the brim with all manner of fey creature that frolic from tree to tree, spreading the continually growing seeds that thicken the canopy. Free they are now to expand outward for by the creators hand the lands have been cleansed of those that would defile them.

Small hamlets, on the far reaching borders of our kingdom. Quiet they live as they peacefully make their way through their lives. But under threat they were from those that wish to take them from their homes and seed their minds with the teachings of the unworthy and the corrupt. Those who would actively go against the will of our creator.

Often it falls to us to defend the land. Large beasts and warlike nations constantly threaten to shake the balance of the land and bring about an era of darkness but those days are over for the faith in our creator has bested the efforts of the faithless and insidious among our species.

The fields lined with soft grass and vibrant flowers, now stained with the blood that was let from our enemies and littered with their corpses so that their once wasted life can now be put to use feeding the worms and insects that call the fields their home.

These kingdoms would call us corrupt, mad or even insane. They do not know the plan of the creator for they are not in it and the creator demands that they be removed but they never come quietly. That’s how the wars started, the lesser ones sought to topple us from our golden throne but what the creator wills comes to pass.

They sought to “liberate” those who acted in the creators name. Saw them as slaves to a tyrannical ideology that seeded their minds with tendrils of corruption. But no! they work tirelessly to the death to further the cause of our creator, in the afterlife they will be smiled upon and taken in as those willing to sacrifice for their betters.

Their war ended poorly for it was not in the plan. Those who stood defiantly even when a cold death came for them now lay face down in the dirt, unburied and forgotten to the winds, for they were to be carved out. The ones that begged, pleaded for their lives are working their way back into the light from the darkness as they work tirelessly to amend their past transgressions against us.

Those that change their minds, try to insight a rebellion and strike out again into the lands not blessed by the light of our creator were quashed. But their minds were tainted by past ideals and must be purified. The screams heard from the deepest depths is merely the light of the maker burning out those impure thoughts, sometimes this comes at a cost.

None stand against us, Those that would dare oppose the holiness of the creator have been put to the sword or put to task. In the end we will always find a way to keep the world at peace.

I'll post more as I type them up, feel free to post your own


True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


Inspiration for this one was my Monday DND group and Darkest Dungeon

Down in the bowels of the earth, things stir that would threaten the balance of all living things. Many delve deep into the heart of the abyss to seek wealth, power, redemption. The thoughts and allure of such promises burrows deep into the minds of the weak and the worthy alike taunting and beckoning them to dare to attempt to grasp that which darkness incarnate holds close.

Many go in, few return, and those that do leave a piece of them behind whether it be body, mind or soul. Now four more see themselves worthy to uncover the secrets of this buried and forgotten realm of power and madness.

A holy man, pious to the end, holding aloft the sword of his one true god striking fourth into the darkness to purge it from this world for beings as foul as thee have no place in the realm of the living! Or so he says. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, masquerading as a bringer of light but, perhaps, the releaser of darkness?

A family man. Father, husband, thief. Worming his way around the city streets, swiping coins and pilfering exotics as he peddles off miracle elixirs. It’ll cure you to good health! Restore limbs! Make true your wildest desires! Lies after lies, selling nothing more than crushed berries and dirty water, all for the glint of gold. This one seeks unimaginable wealth, but perhaps the whispers or dark powers will sway?

Lost from a long forgotten land, falling deep into territory never before seen by the eyes of her kin. Thrust from a society so dependent on the use of magic into a world of mundane, general people. The transition with this one may never come but it does not fret. It seeks out the wonders of this new world and is willing to plunge the depths to sate its desire. Perhaps the allure of potent magic would sway its thoughts?

A man of the sea, plundering those unfortunate enough to cross his path. While taking what he can for personal gain he too seeks the guidance and power from a being much greater than he. Offering blessings and comfort to those who live among the waves of the seas. Now stuck on dry land the desire for riches ever sweeter he too walks headstrong into the darkness in seek of glory. Perhaps the riches he desires and the power he craves will come at a price of its own?

Darkness awaits, beings of pure chaotic powers linger in these befouled halls and with nowhere to go are a living trap ready to be sprung by unsuspecting fools that meander off the path in pursuit of power that is beyond their control. Maybe they will find what they seek, the wealth, power and fame they so crave, but nothing in life is free.

More is coming, eventually when I get the spike of interest. Might continue the original one next.


Bored so poem, After my DND Paladin and his troope slaughtered follower of his old god

Stood fast against tides or flame
Until the dragon he did go maim
Upon the corpse, proud and tall
This visage did have fool them all
A noble man born of light
But shadow twas not his fight
For this burning light was lured astray
Until the sun set upon his day
Now an agent of evil stands
Age of dark brought about these lands
Rage, anger, hatred and more
These emotions were all in store
Cutting down his fellow kin
A battle of which he’d surely win
Human, elf, dwarf and all
The age of light is sure to fall
Kill the strong and slave the weak
The future of man started to look bleak
Sought no riches, no lands and nor fame
They’ll remember this as the day when “He” came


True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


Got bored, wrote thing while tired.

Not all are equal. We are the wretched, the defiled, cast out in the pursuit of image and purity. A fate that only the worst mankind has to offer will even endure. But we embrace it, for the shackles of normalcy are cast off into the dark as we embrace our fate that is destined for the abyss. Now that darkness looms over all and the light of day is threatened to be snuffed out by an encroaching darkness that one could not even fathom without madness, but not us, for it is thrust upon us the day we were banished to our deep, squalid homes for the rest of our miserable days. Now they approach us, pleading, begging, hoping against all hope that those that they once flung to the far reaches shall willfully accepted their hurried pleas under false promises of stature and normalcy.

Their pleas were not falling upon deaf ears, for the damned listen to all that sounds for the ears of the wretches are placed everywhere. The consensus was to leave them, abandon them to the thick, twisting dark of encroaching madness and let them suffer as we have., but no. What we have is no curse, it is a blessing in disguise. We have waded the waters of madness and submerged only to find that the waters are crisp, and refreshing. Those that shunned us into this hell shall see us emerge from it, our ascendance from the deep dark fissures begins and all shall see that those molded by insanity, do not fall prey to it.