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Gridish' Resignation

Started by Gridish, April 29, 2016, 10:36:36 AM

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Dear friends,

With a heavy heart I must inform you guys that as of today I am officially stepping down from the officer team. I’ve considered my options the past couple of weeks and even reconsidered them as time went on, but I feel it is time to take a step back. During the Storm Peaks plot I found a fine balance between fulfilling my duties as an officer, university and work. However, due to unforeseen circumstances that balance had been tarnished. After a taking a break for two weeks I was able to pick up the reins again, albeit slightly less efficiently. Sadly, fate struck again which lead to that balance being tarnished beyond repairs. What I mean to say is that I am unable to balance out university, work and fulfilling my duties as an officer and content creator for the Tribe, even though I still feel obliged to do so as long as I am part of the officer team. Therefor the best option for my own good is to step down from the officer team.

I would like to take this moment to thank everyone for the enjoyable and memorable times that I’ve had in OotRB. It’s been a fun, enjoyable and educative experience. Being part of the officer team for two (maybe more) years now, I’ve been able to polish a few personal skills that will certainly help me out as time goes on. Organizing, planning, and sitting through boring officer meetings (in which I swear Koz has fallen asleep a few times) are just a few examples that I can name. It has been an unforgettable experience and it wouldn’t have been the same if it wasn’t for everyone that I’ve ‘met’ along the way. So once again thank you all for my time with OotRB in general.

I hope that my departure doesn’t kick up any hard feelings. I’ll let you know that while typing this, I can’t help but notice a few tears escape those silly round things in my eyesockets (Ha, pussy!), so I hope you all understand that this isn’t a decision I’ve taken lightly. Ever since I’ve joined the officer team I’ve enjoyed creating content for people to RP with. The thought of helping to maintain a place where people come together after a long tough day at work, or school, or just in general a bad day and have fun.. Being able to forget the stressful lives that they leave at the door, even if it’s just for an hour. To me that’s just the best feeling there is. As of now I can’t promise that I will be around in WoW much in the (near) future, though I will be on R-ID as hearthstone is a nice occupation while traveling to and from university. So shoot me up with a message there if you are bored or if you have any questions (as I realise that I have been rather cryptic in this post for reasons). My battletag is DavidVL#2945.

You’re in great hands. I’ve seen parts of the plot that is being set up and I know for a fact that you lot will have a lot of fun. OotRB will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you all for your kindness.

Yours sincerely,

David A.K.A. Gridish Rimeweaver.
Gridish Rimeweaver



I don't have a long history in this guild. Joined at the end of January, so I'm a cub compared to you and many others here. There are some things I remember and some I have forgotten, but among the fond memories in this tribe I can't get out of my head, you are in a good deal of them!

I remember when Rak was still a rookie and met Gridish for the first time. Gridish's character was like a scary grampa, cursing and spitting commands like some retired sergeant. I remember how Rak was asked to give Grid a new worg saddle because the old one was broken. Trivial memory, I know, but meeting Grid's character really gave me a sense of what the tribe was about. He's a mage, but not so much the sagey-orc type - he's an orc, an impolite, green-skinned, grumpy clump of muscle and magic! And I loved that!

Thank you for the great times. I'll miss you and your top-notch DMing, Grid. I wish you all the best in the realm of real life and hope that you'll be able to return at some point!

Rak'mal Ironskull/Drokum Cod
Skull with the hardiness of the mountain; limbs with the nimbleness of the sea.


See you on the other side Grid, youve done well!


Ah man, really sad to see you to. Still have good memories of you myslelf and Garona chatting on that OotRB Teamspeak server that ended up never getting used. Good luck with what you're doing man!


:( My friend noooeh! I will miss you! I understand your decision though. Atleast I have my memories of old times, and watching Blizzcon with silly nuts that no longer are with us here anymore either.. I wish you luck on your journey
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar

Wornag (Kronnor)

As much as Kronnor enjoys not having to see Gridish's face around ICly, it saddens me that you're stepping down. But I understand your reasons and I hope everything gets sort out in the end. :)


We'll stay in touch. Don't you worry about that. I've already said my piece so i'll keep this brief.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.


Grid, we had a brief conversation the other day and even after that, I didn't see this coming. Sad to see you go, and if you ever decide the migrate to the UK and need to finance a fake car, hit me up.

Hope to see you around!
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


Thank you for all the time you invested into the guild and content that you helped creating for us. Its a shame to see you go but it is for the right reasons and I wish you all the best with it. I am sure we will all hope to see you back in the future!


Thanks for all the events gridish, lost count of all of them over the years. From all those near death infamous red blade sailing trips to simple combat drills. See you back in game soon I am sure


I'll be keeping this brief too as we've been talking enough the last few days and you know you have my support.

Thanks for everything you've done for the guild bro. We'll be seeing eachother. (Castlefest, hinthint)

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


Thank you for all the great times. Thanks for saving my ass when I became Nag'ogar, and most of all; thanks for being a god damn amazing officer and event creator.

Thanks for everything, Gridish.

"Dogs obey and whimper, wolves carve their own path with a roar! Let the Alliance hear your cries for battle! Rrosh'ka Valokh! For the Blood!"


Got me sad to read this, Griddy. But who knows, maybe there will be time for it again in the future? ^^

I hope there will be more of you and I'm sure you'll be able to pull through everything!
I will keep poking you on B-net when I see you there!


Thanks for everything, Griddy-poo. <3 I know how you feel, guilt wise. xD We'll stay in contact! And perhaps you'll come along to another fantasy fair with us? :D
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."