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The white claw.

Started by Thrash'Nak, May 11, 2013, 08:53:43 PM

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White Claw
The great tiger

The snow got pressed flat against the frozen ground as the tiger walked out of its cave after a long night's sleep, she peered around letting out a loud yawn, shaking the icicles at the cave's mouth. She stretched out her figure before walking out into the cold, cubs rolling around her feet playing free of the worry from the daily struggle to survivie. Life had gotten easier since the great white's fall, many of their kin had been taken by the crazed bear. The tiger licked her bloodied paws of blood from her last prey, however what she didn't know that prey she had eaten was about to change her entire life.

Grogona took a knee besides the corpse an felt the bloodied ravaged owl beast. The spirit had not completely left the corpse yet, warm and desperate for answers. She peered over its wounds, seing how the beast had cut through flesh and bone like paper.  She took a deep breath through her nose, letting all the scents around her in, she focused on each one, before peering over to a tree. The snow around it had melted away, an alpha had been here. She stood up leaning on her spear slightly, catching her breath, however suddenly she felt she wasn't alone.

The tiger peered down at her now white claws, now clean from the blood. She breathed satisfied before getting up again. She was large, her solid legs spread her weight on her paws almost to perfection, the yellow eyes glowing with pride scouting over the area. The tiger was a prime, a matriach, a leader. She peered over her pack, letting out a growl, soon they floked around her for another lesson from their leader, one by one they would try and defeat her, each one bowing their head in respect after their defeat.
Quickly by tieing a few strings together tied unto a branch and hidden under snow, grogona made a snare. Not a snare to cripple, not to kill. She grabbed some of the wet branches from under the marked tree, and placed them over the trap. She covered herself with snow near a hill, making sure the wind stood in her favour. Then she waited for the beast to come out from the snowy white shadows. The beast had got her intrested. The beast must have been great to have sliced an owl kin like paper.

The tiger ran through the snow, silent and quickly. Gliding through the snow. She was in her element, she was the snow, one with the land. She leaned down biting a few chunks of snow in her, but not much. She would need her energy for the hunt. She had smelled the new comers, their bloodied blades reeked from miles away, however no fear. But pride, the pride covered their tracks, she was curiouse and kept following the tracks. Though suddenly, a scent she knew far to well as the leader of her pack. Someone had moved her mark.

Grogona took a silent breath and held it as the black stripped tiger sneaked up to her trap. The tiger, white claws. She smirked to herself speaking inside herself. "in front of me, the respected white fang of winterspring" She watched it carefully, admiring its movements as it quickly digged out the trap, she wasn't dumb, she was experinced. The tiger starred around until finally setting her gaze straight at her, she knew she was there. It seemed like time stopped, endless was the stare they shared, each studying eachother with most curiousity. The tiger snorted and let a yellow steaming stream on the trap before scratching the ground, as quickly as it had come, as was it gone.

This is a little series of perhaps two-three stories of how Grogona got her current tiger. Hope it wasn't all to horrid. :)
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.