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Regorns Voice on the Winds

Started by Regorn, October 08, 2010, 04:23:46 PM

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Left foot, right foot, staff
left foot, right foot, staff
left foot, right foot, staff

How long have it been sence I last saw them now? at lest a moon cycel now I suppose. I can't keep track of time now, just walking at the days and pretending like I am sleeping at the nights. Wonder if I see them once more? It's been long now, funny that during the last season of my life that I have need of time. All I remmber is that soon, it will be a new time, a important time is coming, a... my memory is not what it was... it's... Kosh'harg... yes....

I am at the land of the winds now, I should be moving to Oshu'gun, I suppose you will be angry if I don't?

What use is it speaking to myself if I know the spirit does not even lissen now? I suppose old track leaves marks over my scared face

I better not go were they normaly are, I move to the shade of Oshu'gun, there I can be alone and so can they. Wonder if someone will hear this? at lest, if they do, I will lissen to what they will answer but now....

Left foot, right foot, staff
left foot right foot staff......

((More entries will follow in time))
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


finnaly here....

Oshu'gun... I presume I wait...

I remain here, in the sun of Oshu'gun, I know I should be in the shadows of the sacret land but you can't get everything now can you? I not like to dishonor those others of the red blade after all, I just hope they stay in the shadows of the mountain so we don't meet
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


So long now, I have wanderd back from Outland to Azeroth
Something is happening, something I can't tell yet
Someone is returning, who? what? I can't tell
Someone dark
burning legion? a Eredar lord?
Some undead rise to power?
Our own brothers maybe?

The elemments are raging were ever I go, I try to calm them down but they won't lissen
One of them attacked me only for walking pass him

One thing I am most afraid of, is not seeing what happening, I normaly see glimps of what is happening, but not now
I see nothing, nothing at all, could the nothing be a vison itself? could the spririts be showing me nothing or show me nothing at all?
could I have angred them so they won't show me? or do they show me as normaly and the vison is nothing?
I hope some shaman of the red blade hear this, anyone infact
during my time alone, this have been the hardest, no one to help and to tell things I know to others

well, anyone expect the mate of the chiftain, sorry about that "Koz"
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Been walking now untill I hit the Swamp of Sorrow
I could swear the elements are going cracy here as well

On other news, I came in contact with a human Warlock, he did only laugth at me considerin how Old I looked, I did not really understood what he said
I waited untill he was close and pointed at my face, then I smaked him with my staff, I keep smaking him untill he was dead

It feelt good

Will probly stay short in Stonard, hoping not to meet anyone in the tribe there
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


I had a really nice chat with my Father today
He told me to go to the north, all the way up to Blackrock
seems I don't have much of a choice have I now?

choice... such a funny word to me, considering I never had any choice in my life
do this, do that, go there, kill him
allways the same
no choice
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


*Regorns falls down on his knees, holding his hands to his head*

Pain... Pain... screams... stop... make it stop!
The very earth itself
it crumbels
I hear suffering, I hear maddness, I hear it all...

the end... feels so close...
I can't... keep walking... I need... time...

*Regorns falls down unconscious just outside Stonard*
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


*Regorn awakes on a bed in Stonard*

were.... were? everything was... black....
I hate it... when the Spirits are... correct....
*falls in deep sleep*
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Regorn was getting ready to leave Stonard, all he knew now that the spirits had told him before all whent dark to travel north, pass the swamp and forest to the burning lands. He could feel the land had been shifted, things were not were they use to be, but the trip were going to remain a hard one none the less, first travel pass the swamp, then going on the edge of Human lands.

Could the land have changed act as his favour? the Element of Earth whould be avalibel to tell him more so it was time to try conntact the earth. Regorn walked outside Stonard and took up one of his many pouches, this one containing a special form of Dust, made from pure elemental rock. Slowly, he put some of it on the ground, prepering to see if the earth heed his call, and it did. The Earth was clearly in rage but he controlled himself, much damage had been happening of latly.

Right before Regorn did an Earth element apper, the earth said in Kalimag the earth had been torn appart north of here, opening up a new path for mortals. Regorn bowed with respect to the earth, such path whould take a lot of travel off his old body, the earth left whitout speaking, he had a lot to do. Regorn still knew he had to past the human lands of Redridge. What he could remmber from the time the old Horde were killing there, there was a large lake in the middel of the land, you could take the bridge, but it was next to the human town so it was out of the question, so you must walk around it, it whould take days at current speed. Seems it must be solved later.

So begun the longest journey of his life, the one to change him, forever in a way he might just like
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Regorn arrived at the Redridge Mountens, watching over the new formed path.
"I understand why the earth is in such torment, very soil, dust and rock have been twisted"
He watched over Redridge and notice most of the land was uneffected but the new path lead straigt to the burning lands, the domain were Fire and Earth meets. Soon he had come halfway before he notice the shadows falling, it was soon night and he had not power to walk all night so it was time to prepair the ground he whould spend his few sleeping hours on.
After preparing the ground and setting up a small fire he begun to sleep and the nightmeres return...
Killing, burning slaying all of them, First Dranei, then other Orcs, then Humans, after that, Dwarfs and at last, Humans again... but it did not end there Now hourse men, pigs men then the burning shadow returned.
That marked the time he awoken, still time left before the sun whould rise over the mountains but he could not sleep, the horrors whould return once more if he did.

Regorn whould willingly insult tribes men if they used the cursed fel, he whould not lose his sanity when hordes of Undead come charging at him yet... in the dream after the burning shadow there is something he dares not to see...

He got on his feet and started walking after putting out the fire, the land of flame and earth awaited
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Regorn Arrived at the Burning land, truly a feat of the fire lord that was once summoned, you can't say the shattering made it any better here. As Regorn arrived he looked over the land, much of it was changed, the old marks that he oriented himself with is now gone, to make it even better, he had enter this place at a new entry point, so old memmories won't be much of an help now. He stood and looked over the land, utterly confused then a vison apperd infront his eyes

The vison was very clear, yet hiden in a mist of shadows. He saw Thunder coming down, and an old altar, altar of storm and the altar being corrupted by Warlocks.

The vison ended as fast as it begun, Regorn knew now the Spirit wanted him to go to this, Altar of storms, he knew one was in the burning lands but, were? he can no longer reconise the land from his previus travel here, nor does he have any maps. If he could find a path to reach it he might be avalibel to look for it. Was it... East? or have he enterd from the South? and were whould you walk from there in that case? not to speak of all the dangers in thise lands. Staying away from them won't be easy if he can't find them. Regorn then desided to see if he could get some help, just a littel bit of help whould be good.

Regorn sat down and asked the Wind for a littel aid, a message to be sent to those that can send one back
"I, a lost Shaman seek your aid, Even if I am not worthy to be seen now, I ask, I beg of you. If you can point me in a direction that you know will lead me to the Altar of Storm in the burning land"
Then he send his Voice on the Winds and hopes someone will answer back

** This will become a little interactive for other Shamans, if your charecter is strong enougth you can answer back a short message to me IC using the wind to carry your voice, feel free to say anything at all to me, as long it's IC (and only when I have sended out the wind), you can even speak about it to other tribe memmbers before sending a message back to me, I will wait for 3 days(the 27;th) before I will answer and act as you help me. (to send an message back to me, just reply, but don't spam the thread :P), I will minimise the amount of OOC I communicate with in here, btw, short OOC Q: were are you now IC? **

Now Regorn prepaird a camp, it whould take a while for the Wind to travel to anyone and then back again, Regorn only hoped his honor whould be high enought, after all... His last action in the tribe before leaving for this journey was after all to insult the Chiftain's mate...
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


And so the wind did not return, Regorn sat beside his campfire and did not even feel a small breeze of words, the air was silenct. Regorn did however, knowing that he had gained no answer smiled a bit, he now knew his honor was not enougth now but he did wonder what the others were thinking off him? And Old crazy man? Traitor for leaving so suddently? or simply forgotten him? Deep inside him he was hopping for the last one, it whould not save him from dishonor but from the full effect.

Maybe it's time to change my ways? first I cared for honor only, so much it allmost got me killed, then I stopped caring about honor so much. Maybe I should seek out my old friend and mentor, Tag'rash Thunderfury? he did give me life again, only fitting that I return to him as still a student, something never changes.

Regorn put out his campfire and started to think how he whould reach his destination, he had no marks and there were no roads here. Best hope was to find the Blackrock mountens to organize were he is, so then he started walking, he knew from memories that if you see the Ogre mound, the mounten is northwest of you. Might be hard tho... considering he does not know were Northwest is... it's like looking for a talbuk in Shadowmoon vally.

Regorn stoped to lissen one last time on the winds to hear if anything could be heard... and nothing could be heard. At lest he knew how high his honor was. Then he started walking, it whould take a long time to find something that he does not know how to find, If even the Ogre mound is still there

Maybe I should not have insulted the chiftains mate?
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Quote from: Regorn on December 27, 2010, 09:01:41 PM
Maybe I should not have insulted the chiftains mate?

((Then again  ::) ))
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


After long wandering over the land of earth and flame, you could see Regorn, coverd with ash and sweat, the heat was not the major thing in this land but the lack of Water, any normal water whould boil away to quick on the ground and he is running out of drinking water
To get aid from the element of water in this land is hard work, not like water enjoys the company of the flames
Regorn have been lucky so far, he have not seen any large animals, Blackrock orcs, Dragons or Ogres, but the last one is a bad sign. After days he have not found the Ogre mound, his target, every small hill have so far not contained a mound, could the Shattering destoryed it?
It was rather bad now, water for only three more days and he was far away from the Altar of Storms, he could not as well resupply himself that easly, no camp in sight.
The Wind did not help Regorn on this journey, probly do to his own Honor but even if he whould die trying to complete this journey, it whould be the last one of his life, Regorn did smile a bit on the thinking that this whould be his final journey. Some rest he whould get and a new dudy whould apper for him in the next life but...

...Regorn knew his life whould not end this day, it whould end later, much later, he had a lot to repay for before he dies but that does not save him from crises if he walks in to them willingly and his water is running away in the speed of the waterfalls
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


So over the burning land, Regorn saw someone coming near, a Human. The human was walking as his hourse was caring sevral items.
Regorn was soon out of drinking water, it might last untill this day only, no more. He needs drinking water and the human might have some but who was the human? he had no tabard of the alliance. He whould hardly simply accept trade to an orc, realtion ain't the good thing at this momment.

How whould he get water? the easy way whould be to kill the human, he does not seem to be carying any armor or weapon, other whould be to follow him and wait untill night and steal if he had any water. Or some other way?

Regorn was never good at deciciding what to do, he simply followed guildlines and orders from other his entire life. Maybe he whould need some help? whould it be honorble to steal? or to kill him? or is there any honor at all?
If he want to return when his journy is done, he need honor as it seems to be a mark of life but not like Regorn cared much but now he must. Last time he send his voice on the wind he got no answer, let's try it again...

Tribesmen of the Red Blade, if you whould like to hear my call then do so, if you find me not worthy iqnore me and I won't bother you again tell me, what whould you do in this dilema? steal or kill just to loot his corps?

and so Regorn send his voice on the wind and hopes for a quick answer
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


Mazguul sat quietly in the cave in which she had made her home, high in the eye of the Wailing Caverns.

She watched a pot on the fire, it's simmering contents being the only sound within the cave aside from the soft breathing of her sleeping twin pups and the occasional 'wail' of the wind that gave the caverns its name.

Or these were the sounds another would hear if they stumbled upon her and her cherished offspring. The she-orc herself heard many things for she heard whispers in her mind of those in the spirit world. Gibberish, nonsense, it was all she could do to stay sane. Sleep came rarely to one whose head was filled with such noise and this was the reason once more for her insomnia this night.

However, tonight was different. Tonight she heard something new, or something which previously she had dismissed as the cavern's wailing wind, but had now reason to believe that she had been wrong.

A voice on the wind. A voice which she had not heard in a long time.

With a grumble Mazguul rose slowly to her feet and made her way over to the pot on the fire, using a bit of cloth to move the pot aside and expose the dying flames beneath. As she lay the cloth over the top of the pot the she-orc snorted, her nose ring flicking slightly with the force. She glared at the flames. Almost in sheer embarrassment the fire roared into life once more, larger than before as if trying to make up for its previous poor performance.

"Is it he?" she asked the fire, for too often she had been warned against accepting appearances - she required proof.

For a while she stood there staring into the fire. Her hand occasionally dipping into the flames letting them lick her hands and each time she did so the fire burned with varied intensity and pattern, lighting up the cave in a myriad of ever changing reds, oranges, yellows and shadows. Eventually a small smile of delight curled round her single tusk. She took her hand out of the flames for the final time, her flesh unharmed.

"Well I'll be.... he be alive"

Mazguul walked away from the fire, not noticing as the flames died down with every step she took further way from it for her attention was on the soundly sleeping orclings and then the mouth of the cave. It was here, standing on the ledge at the entrance to her home, that she called out

"Orc, there be no honour in stealin' or slaughterin' fer the sake o' it. As we shaman ask the Spirits so yer must ask too... but remember there be no harm in defendin' yerself if things go astray. Seek peace but prepare fer war."

Mazguul turned away from the outside world.

"Carry m' message on yer back Spirits if yer may" Mazguul whispered softly before stepping inside once more.
There be more than four elements, there be five! Folk always ferget the element o' SURPRISE!!!