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June 29, 2024, 09:37:28 AM



2024 May 14 17:54:07
The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
2023 Dec 28 20:49:43
2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
2023 Jul 20 01:42:16
Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
2023 Jul 08 17:30:53
Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
2022 Jan 24 23:27:52
Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
2021 Dec 18 15:37:28
2021 Nov 10 12:24:52
Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
2021 Mar 25 03:38:20
2020 Nov 20 00:14:09
Ice cream for all
2020 Oct 09 09:49:55
Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
2020 Aug 22 16:24:43
*prods shoutbox*
2020 Jun 16 10:34:12
2020 Jun 05 13:32:27
Swedish Pagans?
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Red Iron Continued

Started by Osan the Orc, March 26, 2009, 11:18:07 PM

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Osan the Orc

A strand of grass shuddered in a slight gentle breeze quickly followed by its neighbors.
The trees brushed and hissed warding of any uninvited guests.
A slight tingling noise echoed through the dim, moist air as a pair of birds torpedoed across an old paved road, which gave signs of being under siege from the surrounding horde of nature.
Hellvern came into view he peered about, a dirt clotted but well stitched mask disguised his face and his horns dulled to prevent him being a noticeable in the sun which was now slowly beginning to retreat down the long steep drop of far away mountains.
The place gave the Tauren a sense of serenity but at the same time awareness that unfriendly beings could be lurking around any corner.
The forest stank of Night Elves.
"Prissy pointy ears no get Osan" came a voice from behind.
Hellvern crouched down and patting his head slowly motioned for Osan to come up close.
"Quiet Blackhand" The Tauren whispered in harsh tones.
"It be Strongtusk now Hellie, chiefy give me new shiny name".
Hellvern peered at the Orc for a moment before turning to stare up the road.
"We set our ambush here."
"Yes, the Elves and their special Cargo will be coming this way. Remember what i told you."
The Orc nodded, he had tried his hardest to listen to the Tauren before they entered the forest. Kozgugores wild and long speeches would appear short compared to the overgrown Bulls lectures.
At least the Chief wasn't prone to giving a sharp backhander should he lose focus.
Hellvern tilted his head, his mask casting shadows over his eyes occasionally turning the small slit into a dark void.
"What is it Hellie?"
"The Elves are coming, I can smell Muppet, he is on his way here."
"When did Hellie get such good smell?"
Hellvern turned to his orc companion and stepped out of the oncoming breeze.
Osan's nose wrinkled up.
"Smells worse den Kodo poop."
Blacktotem nodded.
"He isn't hard to smell downwind, damn raptor is filthy."
Soon the Raptor came into view it stopped and eyed the heavily armored orc.
Osan frowned.
"Mr Chicken not here right now nasty scaly!"
"Keep your voices down!" snapped Hellvern.
Voices could be heard rolling down the narrow road.
Hellvern knelt down and began planting a small keg on the side of the road before covering it with a handful of moss.
Osan rushed over to his hiding spot, quickly lying down on his chest trying to be as flat as he could. His blades were at the ready beside him slightly covered so no one would notice in the sharp sunset.
Hellvern reappeared pulling a strange wire with him. Ducking beside Osan in a deep ditch  oozing mud ensuring the wire stayed dry by placing it inside a pouch. The Orc noticed the dark wire lead of in the direction of the keg but decided to keep his curiosity restrained given the situation.
Hellvern readied his rifle. A huge thing to the orc who watched on with even more interest, having very little dealings with firearms he often used Bows or Crossbows often being suspicious of loud explosive things. Loud, explosive, bangy things the Orc thought were used by short irritating creatures, 'Mana moochers' or 'hairy faces'.
The Tauren on the other hand was not short, nor did he appear to enjoy flinging fireballs at things. However he was indeed hairy, a moocher and irritating.
Hellvern suddenly pulled out a pair of smaller flintlock looking weapons.
He handed one to Osan obviously intending that the Orc should use it.
Hellvern kept the other and placed it upon the edge of the ditch overlooking the road.
Huddled between two trees in a naturally made trench they waited.
Osan could see Muppet on the opposite side of the road, the raptors colourful crest could only just be made out through a shield wall of greenery.

Soon the Elves appeared.
Osan had never had the chance to observe them properly, normally after he was done a bloody pile of skin and bones would be left to go rotten in the sun giving no space in time to fully appreciate their repulsiveness whilst alive. This scenario gave him ample opportunity to take a peek.
It was a small Caravan.
At the front on giant tigers who's fine fur shone with unnatural beauty sat four heavily armed sentinels.
Behind them was a typically Night Elven coach. Its wooden wheels and roof were attended by pretty patterns of colourless flowers and leaves. In the centre of the coach being pulled a long by a defiant black stallion was a small opening.
Osan couldn't view what was inside despite having an excellent view from where they sat. The wood dipped in to greet the oval shape in the middle, yet a richly embroidered curtain denied any wandering eyes a look at the coaches occupants.
Around five more sentinels on foot surrounded the transport whilst three more sat atop armored Tiger mounts.
Hellvern motioned at a Night elf in between the three Sentinels who trailed behind.
Osan could make out he was identifying what appeared to be the leader.
She was a lot larger then the other Sentinels, all being female as was common.
A grand bow was slung over her side and amidst the heavy armor which gave a slight purplish glow hung two swords.
The caravan moved on slowly a sign they were not expecting any rampaging Orcs or Tauren to be lurking amongst the trees.
Soon the first group of riders were converging upon the small mossy mound concealing the keg.
Hellvern lit the fire and let watched the spark vanish amongst the grass.
Osan readied his odd looking musket as did Hellvern with his rifle.
The Tauren targeted the Sentinels leader at the end of the section his rifle slowly tracing the Elf's movements.
The riders at the front came to where just about to pass the mossy mound when a sudden crackling noise burst from the hiden keg.
The riders stopped and began peering about becoming alarmed at the unusual noise.
The Tigers growled quickly shifting their heads trying to eye out the racket.
Then the keg exploded.
The Night Elves had clearly never come across a device being used in such a devious way.
The explosion sent the four riders onto their backs, killing two tigers and maiming the others.
One of the unfortunate elves slowly began to crawl away from the blast, the others lay still not answering to the horrified cries of their comrades nor the groans of their dying mounts.
Hellvern released a shot, the kickback of the gun shoved his shoulder back, the blast sending soil up from the ground on which the rifle was rested.
The Bullet hit the Sentinel Captain sending her flying backwards.
Osan aimed his musket and fired the shot went wide landing in the brush.
By now the Night Elves had recovered from the bomb and were soon sending arrows in their direction.
One shaft slammed into the tree beside Osan whilst another narrowly missed Hellvern.
The Tauren fired another shot, its impact signaled by a muffled cry of pain.
The two then leaped from the protection of their trench and advanced upon the remainder of the defenders.
Osan charged forward his axe held high. An arrow cuts it way through the air and landed dead on into the Warriors shoulder pad.
The arrow failed to meet any or the orcs flesh being blocked by the thick armor.
He heard another shot from the Tauren which took a Tiger out from underneath its rider.
Hellvern slung the gun round his shoulder and unholstered his flintlock along with a fel axe and charged headlong into the nearest Sentinel.
Osan made contact with his first opponent.
The Orc swung sideways with a short sword the blade denting his chest armor and tearing a hole in his tabard.
Quickly he brought down the axe in an overhead action killing the Elf instantly.
A second came leaping towards him, followed by a flash of orange as Muppet came bearing down upon the attacker greeting it with a barrage of claws and fangs.
Hellvern brought his axe down on a Sentinel which hopelessly tried to fend him of whilst the remaining guards attempted to take control the panicking Stallion pulling the Coach.
The blow was blocked by the Sentinel and for a moment the two made eye contact.
Hellvern stared at the Elf whilst she stared back pure hatred registered on her face.
A sudden sizzle followed by a crack of light pulled a blank expression onto the Night elf's face and she slowly fell backward in the wake of a Flintlock pistol held sternly against he gut.
The Tauren glanced at the Night elf as she choked with an oncoming flood of blood, wheezing miserably in pain. He stepped over to find Osan and his Raptor pulling the last guard to her knees.
Osan held a knife to the final guard his axe had been planted into the stallion causing the stage coach to lean forward, cowering at the massacre.
Muppet growled and paced round the coach ensuring those inside did not escape.
Hellvern looked at Osan and then at the Night Elf whose hair was now tied around the Orcs hand. The Greenskin seemed to be in a state of thought his knife still ready to cut open the creatures neck.
Osan came out of his trance and looked at Hellvern.
"Where did the Tiger riding fool go?"
Osan looked about causing the Elf to gasp in pain.
"Me be thinkin he made a runner."
Hellvern frowned.
"I thought as much, they will gather more soon to try and hunt us down."
He looked at the last remaining Sentinel.
"What are you going to do with it?"
Osan peered back at his prisoner.
"Me not know, me think if I take her home, Chiefy or Norvis can beat her about the ears for what dey pointy ears be plannin."
Hellvern nodded.
"I doubt we have room dear friend to drag her along."
He pointed an accusing finger at the Sentinel who was now trying to figure out a way to escape.
A sharp groan came behind reminding Hellvern not all of them were completely dead.
"Gah kill her Osan, and then kill the others I shall deal with the fools inside the coach."
Osan looked at the Elf who's eyes shone expectantly awaiting the killing blow.
A thought struck him for a moment, wondering if she could understand what they were saying, but the idea was cast aside. He quickly brought the knife across the open neck and let the body hit the floor with a thud.
Hellvern ripped away the colourful curtain at the entrance of the coach revealing another Two Night Elves huddling together in a corner.
A slight squeal from the other end of the coach revealed a very smartly dressed Elf large in appearance and boasting a beard.
The Tauren spat "disgusting!" and quickly brought his flintlock to bear on the male.
The other two he quickly dragged out throwing across the floor carelessly like a child does an unwanted toy.
The two Elves appeared to be of higher ranking or wealth, rich clothing; now ruined by a splatter of blood or a mud stain.
They clung to each other glancing at the three who only moments before had wiped out their entire escort.
Muppet eyed them hungrily but stayed his claws whilst Osan busied himself putting down any injured.
Hellvern threw an arm back inside the coach and began rummaging about, the Tauren was far too large to get inside so he had to make do.
"Aha! Found it!"

OOC: Here is the second part, hoped you all enjoyed it, will continue it again another time! Sorry if there are any mistakes, I read through it a few times but my mind often goes blank if to most mistakes. Enjoy!

Me and ma chicken am goin downtown to da drag! We gunna buy mead and corn.


(( First and seconds parts were good fun to read! Liked them a lot... just one thing... what did Hellvern find?! Guess we'll never find out :P

Oh well, still nicely written and highly enjoyable ))
There be more than four elements, there be five! Folk always ferget the element o' SURPRISE!!!