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The website has never looked better!
2023 Dec 29 21:06:51
I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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2023 Jul 22 22:17:06
Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Ice cream for all
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Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
2020 Sep 24 12:39:42
Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
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Rotterdam WOTLK launch.

Started by Mhokdor Spinesnapper, November 08, 2008, 03:45:00 PM

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Mhokdor Spinesnapper

I'm goin' 'ter the launch in Rotterdam! WHEEEEH! Wednesday night at 22:30 'til 0:00ish!

And I'll go in Red Blade orc style *Nodnod*

*dances* can't wait!


Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Whutlawl? Let this orc be a silly man...

*Counts on his fingers* Four days a year? :P

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Hmmm got me new bracers made, pauldron patched, shirt fixed, logo redone, sexy bandoleers fitted, kilt repaired, this orc is ready to rawk.

I wish I had the time to make pauldron of me own >:(


Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Yar, yar, I'll make screenies <_<

Want the gear itself, loony me, or whut?


You, of course. Preferably one also at the release party :)

*shakes head and takes his pill*
Me not does that... me gud kid.
"If it ain't broke, I can fix it!
... Oh wait."

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

*Roar* Let the inner orc out *Cackles*

I'll see what I can do, pro'lem is, the sales start at 00:01, and I need to bugger off at 00:10 to catch the last train back home, so I hope I can get a collector's edition, signed and all that sort o' crap, and if I phail, then I can get one the other day.

*Rubs his pwetty bwacers*

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

There, ye should have a picture of the outfit itself now, I'll get some pictures of green me later, just to explain what you see.

*Grabs an old beamer and sits back*

Nuuw what yer see here be an outfit, aye, big outfit, yarr, good, 'ey?

'S got a kilt, shaman level 1 orc style *Flex*

Old leather belt with a small pouch and a big pouch, goin' 'ter make a quick copper-beads... Bead thing with it b'fore I go.

Shirt with our logo, with some paint, this camera is too blurry, there's loads more holes in the paint itself, making it look better

Two cross-bandoleer, shame it's cloth, but heck, got cross-stiching over the bandoleers for fancy-looks.

Plate segmented (I believe it's called) shoulderpiece, stretches from my neck to halfway my upper arm, has a belt to strap it to my body and one to strap it to my arm (Or the darn thing would drop off)

Soft, cuddly, warm, not to mention sexy! Sleeve, goes under the shoulder for mainly comfort and preventing my green skin to infect the plate, but it also looks darn cool if yer ask me.

Pair of bracers, black leather-like fabric, molted the Horde logo into it, there's red stitching over the front and back and some red laces-things to attach it to my wrists and all of that.

At the top you see a red hairband, barely visable, it's so I can put my hair like some orc hairdo crap.

There's a necklace besides the large pouch, copper with brown beads together and an old-style nail, crafted by a smith under a darn hot forge with a hammer and anvil, that'll go 'round the neck.

I'll show you the essential bit later, green sexy-ness of Mhokdor and of my pride-and-joy, the bracers, I'll give a closer look later.

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Eh, bit big-size, heheh... If anyone can be arsed to download and resize it for me without losing the entire picture of... Eh, the picture, please do, this PC can't do crap, nor can I do crap, nor do I have the time for any crap (THis is not crap.)



woohoo! *thumbs up for creativity*
I slap those lazy orcs with my big stick!


Niceness! love the shoulder armour!
''I can smell your fear''

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Ah, thank ye lads! ^^

I love my shoulder armour myself ^^ it's a shame I can't claim it to be my own creation, a mastersmith sold four of them at a fair I was at (Elf Fantasy Fair, which is a fantasy fair for mainly medieval)

I'll also add a picture of my axe and my stave sometime, I'll have to use the stave tonight, the axe is still illegal as it requires "Three steps to arm", it being a level-whatever weapon, so it needs a sheathe, a lock for the sheathe and something to get it on me belt.

I can't wait *Shaky shaky* :P


Quote from: Mhokdor Spinesnapper on November 12, 2008, 07:48:11 PM
the axe is still illegal as it requires "Three steps to arm", it being a level-whatever weapon,

A catagory 1 weapon =) Display weapons that need a license
''I can smell your fear''

Mhokdor Spinesnapper

Messed up lads, or at least, partially messed up, costume thing was 'aight.

I'll update t'morrow when I'm more awake, I'm going to write a complaint on WoW-europe though.