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The website has never looked better!
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I think Rashka.exe has stopped working.
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Such shouty people in here, gosh.
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Remember to shout your lungs out every once in a while!!
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Shouting here to make sure everyone knows that I'm still here!
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Wow I can't believe I remembered my password!
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Remember to check both ways before crossing the plains!
2021 May 22 14:10:40
I too am testing the shoutbox for non-nefarious reasons.
2021 May 22 13:55:49
This is me testing the shoutbox, because shouting is a great stress relief and it would be a shame if it doesn't work.
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Happy Anniversary!!! It's party timeeee!
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Oh god. The warlock found the shoutbox!
2020 Sep 23 16:42:21
THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
2020 Aug 23 09:36:02
*Grabs a camera to record what happens*
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Kad says hi from WAR

Started by Kad, September 15, 2008, 12:55:14 AM

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Hallo from Drakkiland!

I must say that after playing Warhammer for a little, it does seem like a happy happy game. You can spend hours behind the computer as well if you like. :p Rvr is quite fun especially if you manage to find some people who know how to play and do it as a team (or just roll brightwizard, bribe a healer and go BOOM). There's MUCH to read on lore stuffs (even too much, I stopped reading quests for the first time ever after dinging 9) and the world seems big, at least to a lvl 10ish eyes. I personally like order and the fact that most people are destructionlols because that gets me to scenarios (aka bgs) faster.

Although I'm not really playing the game, just trying it out while passing through Netherlands. :3


00:18:13 [Y] [Carlohater]: im not a moster.... IM AN ORC!

Ghook Three Axes

Quote from: Rehbande on October 03, 2008, 10:41:56 PM
Goddamn you!

Look what you did!

You made me go and buy that damn stupid game.  :'(

KEK! Just KEK! :)
Too old to rock-n-roll, too young to die.


So.. Do you need to give them your creditcard data etc to get going?


Quote from: Oznack on October 07, 2008, 09:32:45 AM
So.. Do you need to give them your creditcard data etc to get going?

No. You don't need to give them credit card details to play the 30 free days you get when you buy the game.


See you all soon I guess


Hi there!

I still don't have my own computer (and probably won't until 2-3 months still) but I sneak a bit on Reh's WAR account. Have a small small Gobbo and like it  :)
I think it reminds me a lot of WoW but WoW is the definately the Disney version  ::) I enjoy it that my character is really rough and damaged. And the burpy, sloshy, stinky sounds , fun!  ;D
For The Blood of The Tribe!

Ghook Three Axes

Well, now all this is starting to look like a disaster to me. :) After playing WAR for a few weeks I've decided that it could be fun to try out the real thing (I mean original table-top version of Warhammer), to play together with my children in real world, blabla, etc... And... Gromdamnit, there are oodles of them figures! Frigging startset contains 60 figures of only "regular" goblin infantry! It's fun to paint, to play... But it's second day in a row I have no time to play WAR because of it... ;D
Too old to rock-n-roll, too young to die.

Ghook Three Axes

Quote from: Vargukha on October 07, 2008, 04:04:36 PM
I sneak a bit on Reh's WAR account. Have a small small Gobbo and like it  :)

Have you tried to swim yet? ;)
Too old to rock-n-roll, too young to die.


Hi there Vargie :)

and to Ghook, poor you :) I reeeeeally do feel sorry for you.... not... and it's not "regular" gobbos, it's night gobbos! even better then regular gobbos!
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback

Ghook Three Axes

Quote from: Nrakotz Deathhand on October 07, 2008, 05:07:58 PM
and it's not "regular" gobbos, it's night gobbos! even better then regular gobbos!

Aye, and they are invincible! Usually they start to flee even before it hurts. ;D ;D ;D
Too old to rock-n-roll, too young to die.

Vlog Ironblood

Ehm guys....
It seems i`m the only one from OotRB on the order side of the Allarielle server. Since i didnt make any friends yet and feel a bit alone there, perhaps some could roll a dwarf char there?

I`m planing to make a dwarf only guild there.
Something like this:

Just made a web site - http://hyrd.guildlaunch.com/

The Hyrd is a fighting unit of the Dwarfs army. Whenever it’s one clan or a mix of them.
The main idea is to unite all these people who like to play with a Dwarf character, roleplay and sees their guild as a family.

There wouldn’t be segmentation for specific classes, but there would be four main ranks:
- Thane
The leader of the Hyrd
- Longbeards
The officers (their word could be only contested by the Thane)
- Hyrd fighters
The full members of the Hyrd, proven themselves in battles and the life of the Hyrd
- Initiate
New to the Hyrd. Ye need to learn a lot, lads!

•   Special ranks:
o   Quartermasters – these who look after the supplies of the Hyrd (Here comes everything materials for crafting, gold for helping Hyrd members and maintaining the guild treasury)
o   Recruiter – Dwarf who is responsible for recruiting (performing recruiting parties to the low lvl areas)
o   Grudge keeper – the one who keeps the records of all the grudges

•   Book of Grudges.
Grudge could be against a person, guild or fellow Dwarf. Each Grudge would be investigated and appropriate decision (which will satisfy the Dwarf) would be made.

•   You could find the place which is the most appropriate for your character here.
You can spend more time in the open battle, craft great armor and weapons, buy and sell thing on the auction, as long as you are a Dwarf and follow the rules of the Hyrd.
•   Different activities RvR and RP.
This is a game of war. All of us fight, but there should be time for a small chit-chat with your brothers, before the next wave of destruction will clash in to our shield wall.

•   The Hyrd is the military unit and you must follow the orders of your superiors - in return you will have respect and help from your elder brothers.
•   Fight for the Hyrd. Respect the Hyrd and in the time of need the Hyrd will come to back you up.
•   No ooc in /s, you can always send a private message to another person.
High Blade


Must resist buy WAR! Must fight the instinct! Mus...*runs away and begs mom and dad for money*
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback


Quote from: Ghook Three Axes on October 07, 2008, 04:26:18 PM
Well, now all this is starting to look like a disaster to me. :) After playing WAR for a few weeks I've decided that it could be fun to try out the real thing (I mean original table-top version of Warhammer), to play together with my children in real world, blabla, etc... And... Gromdamnit, there are oodles of them figures! Frigging startset contains 60 figures of only "regular" goblin infantry! It's fun to paint, to play... But it's second day in a row I have no time to play WAR because of it... ;D

Sounds awesome :)
Im gonna go that way some day too. Right now I wonder if Bloodbowl is suitable for a 7 year old ..

Vlog Ironblood

So i guess, you guys are not interested?
High Blade


i got werry inmterested Vlog, seriously!  :)
but, i whon't start WAR, so thats a huge complictaion, or, i don't know, i might start WAR, in a few months... (like 4-6 months, IF i start)
I slap those lazy orcs with my big stick!