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Honored brothers and sisters,

A new year awaits us. With the celebrations of the end of previous year behind us, it is time we look to what lies ahead once more. I know I need not mince words with the rest of you. The Horde has had a troublesome year behind it, and it will not look up anytime soon with the war in full swing just yet. As we gird ourselves for threats from both in and out, we must take this chance to steel ourselves for the hardships that are to come. This means that we should be ever vigilant for the threats that loom upon the horizon of the new year.

Even in the safety and solitude of Durotar, we must prepare for war and be vigilant of what happens in neighboring lands. Continue to harden yourselves and to honour the spirits. For one day soon, we shall be in need of their guidance and assistance.

For the Blood of Redblade,

Kor'batar (January) Events
Water's Tide, or Kor'batar, marks the beginning of a new year. Traditionally known as the time of shifting tides of Draenor's seas, it is also a time of new beginnings, endings and transitions. Guided by the element of Water, Kor'batar is known for particularly strong currents and an ideal time to commune with the elements of water. It also offers a fresh start to those orcs who seek one, often accompanied by sober eating habits and meditation.

[Campaign] The Wolf God
Okiba Spearbreaker intends to use the month of Kor'batar to pay tribute to who many orcs consider the greatest wolf deity of all: Lo'Gosh. From the 20th day of Kor'batar onward, he shall lead an expedition from Razor Hill through Felwood and to Hyjal in order to honour the great spirit. Be you a spiritually minded orc or not, this shall be a fine opportunity to join the clan on a venture that takes us out of the confines of Durotar.

[Server-wide] Uldum Nights
The streets of Mar'at are once more home to the neutral-aligned festival of the Dunedwellers, hosted by Siavash. Pay the town a visit and join in on the festivities! View the Uldum Nights information board for more information. As always, bear in mind that any aggression here will not be tolerated.

[Allied guild] Call of the Wolf
For those who do not desire to share a moment of peace with the Alliance in Mar'at, the 26th day of Kor'batar also offers the monthly tournament of the Iron Wolf Clan. Honour and a feast will be given to whoever possesses the strength to be named champion. Do you have what it takes to compete?

[IC] Clan Gathering
With a new year upon us, new times await us as well. The Wolfking calls upon all orcs of the clan to gather in Razor Hill on the 13th day of Kor'batar. Come and find out what the new month - and year - has in store for us!