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Member Spotlight: Trakmar

Made by Angevere

Though he's been in the running for a Member Spotlight for well over a year, it took a little while for Trakmar to be featured due to the guild's hiatus last year. Now that we're back though, it's time for Trakmar to finally be given the attention he deserves! Having been promoted to the clan's Thur'ruk following the return of the guild half a year ago, he's been knee deep in training Gosh'kar and giving warlocks the evil eye. Read all about his rise to fame here!

So what's the earliest memory you have of the guild? And was there any specific reason that you chose to eventually join this guild at the time?
The earliest memory is when I took a day with a level 1 alt and was summoned to Grizzly Hills just to try out RP with you guys. What eventually led me to join was the fact that it is an orc-clan guild with its own rites, culture and such which gives it a more unique touch than Generic Warband #38946. Furthermore, it’s a guild that I have consistently enjoyed, which has resulted in my most fleshed-out character.

You've been with the guild for quite a few years now. What's the reason that you chose to stick with it for all this time? And throughout all that time, do you have any fondest memories?
The guild being unique is what made me stick around, as well as the people with some of whom I have been friends with for six years now since I joined. And my fondest memory... would be when we broke ol’ Papa Koz out of prison around the time the rebellion started, thus leaving the guild on its own as pretty much traitors to the Horde. Exciting stories were had!

As one of the spiritual leaders of the clan, is there anything that you feel is important for you and others to keep in mind when dealing with the orcs' spiritual side?
Given Orcs of the Red Blade is a clan guild, I feel it is important that the clan’s ways are shown IC, in our rituals and such. We stick to our thing, and those that want to not stick to our thing have to do their things away from us. For influences to how Trakmar does things, ritual-wise I have looked into real life tribal societies for inspiration, mainly in regard to blood-oaths and blood offerings. Other than that, I also sometimes make up something and turn that into something my character does regularly, such as sacrificing an animal before our gatherings.

With Battle for Azeroth just around the corner, what is your view on the developments that seem to be taking place in the Horde storyline? Or your stance on the faction war?
OOC, I’m very excited to see how things are developing. And I am very much looking forward to how AD on Horde side is going to take Sylvanas’ shenanigans in the future. I have a feeling that there will be  some guilds (especially the undead ones) that will stay very loyal to the Horde, while others who are more honour-bound or traditional might make some distance from Sylvanas’ Horde if not outright leaving. Hopefully this will create more inter-guild RP, with some juicy conflict.

Are there anything particular things that you would still like to try out for your orc at any point? Is there anything you feel that he might still be lacking, or has he already achieved everything that you could possibly hope for him?
Nothing, really. In fact, with his development over the years, I have at times felt Trakmar’s story have come to an end, or at least a standstill. He has had some great development in the guild, going from New Blood to Gosh’kar, then exile, and now he advises the Chieftain and finds himself in a position of leadership. What I’ve stopped doing the past few months is to actually stop thinking ahead where I’d like Trak to go and just go with the flow instead, really.