Orcs of the Red Blade

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SISTAs are taking down the Patriarchy!


Thanks to the oppression of the patriarchy, the Horde has once again found itself in a valley of poverty and despair. Ever since the judgemental, cisgendered male orcs have usurped civilization since the rise of the Horde, nothing but loss and dishonour has followed in its wake. From Ner’zhul and Blackhand to Thrall and Garrosh: For too long has the female orc had to stand by in the shadows while the male heterosexual orc stood dominant over an ever-structuring society.

The Orcs of the Red Blade have always been at the forefront of equal orcish rights and a matriarchal society. As such, as of today, the movement now officially known as the Superiority of the Ideal Sex in Tenacious Ardour (or SISTA) has taken full control of every other structure in tribal society. This will include several dire changes in both daily as well as long-term life:

  • The rank of Matriarch will be reinstated as the tribe’s leader. Until a suitable female has been found, Rargnasha Bloodmark will henceforth be addressed with the proper feminine nouns;
  • Every rank is required to have at least one female orc in charge;
  • Any orcs currently in a relationship are required to have a written statement of the she-orc’s consent of said relationship. If any children have come forth from this bonding, it is now the male’s responsibility to tend to them (as per Kozgugore Feraleye’s example, who has scarcely been seen leaving his daycare hut) as the she-orcs tend to their daily responsibilities of hunting and killing any living beings at random and discovering the world in their sexual liberation;
  • Only she-orcs will be allowed communication with the spirits and elements. Between the Burning Legion and the more recent Dark Shaman, the males have clearly had their chance;
  • Every Friday night will henceforth be She-orc Night. All feminine needs will be tended to, including chocolate-topping ice cream and gigolo dances around the fire. For male dress codes, refer to Krogon Devilstep and Trakmar Bloodmaw’s bare chests.

Expect more changes to follow as the demolition and abortion of the patriarchal society continues. We of SISTA will continue to do so until this omnipresent overlord can no longer contribute to a harrowing loss of self-esteem to she-orcs who refuse to conform to a society’s restricting norms of femininity.

Let this day be a testament of the brave endeavours of so many strong and independent she-orcs, from the heydays of reigning Matriarchs like Grugna Longhand and Akesha Redblade to the fearless women of the fat acceptance movement of the present day like Rhonya Steelheart. Expect SISTA at a camp fire near your location soon!