Orcs of the Red Blade

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The tribe opens its doors!
taurenAn invitation to all people of the Horde,

The Horde is a unity that has been formed for a common purpose: Survival. Orcs, tauren, trolls, goblins, elves and Forsaken; we all have our own reasons for being a part of this unity. In survival however, we are united. The Red Blade tribe has been a home for any and all orcs of the Horde for the past several years now, and is still a haven that provides shelter for any survivors of the Homelands that are willing to walk among their own kin.

The purpose of the Red Blade is twofold: To preserve a safe future for the heirs of our legacy, and to uphold the morals by which we do so. The orcs have had a long history on Azeroth of being demon-bound. No longer are we bound to these creatures of deceit. We are masters of our own. As such, we have gladly allied ourselves with the trolls, tauren and goblins on Kalimdor, and the Forsaken and blood elves on the Eastern Kingdoms. We wish to share this future with our allies, and therefore seek to open our doors to not only orcs, but our allies, in particular those closest to our hearth, the noble tauren and the fierce trolls, as well.

A pack united under a single entity has always proven to be the strongest. The Horde is no exception to this. Any allies who wish to join us our efforts to maintain a strong and safe Horde are at any time free to seek us out, travel with us, and fight with us. Our cultures are very much alike, and as such, we wish to hold no secrets to those closest to us. Should you prove yourself a valuable and worthy ally, you will have an entire pack – an entire family – at your disposal. The advantages of such a natural entity requires no explanation.

Should you wish to join in our company, write a letter or be free to find any other means of contacting us. We will return an invitation with our latest location accordingly, as our pack is constantly on the move.

For the glory of the Horde, and the blood of the tribe,
Kozgugore Feraleye

Chieftain of the Red Blade tribe

OOC explanation:
As those of you familiar with Orcs of the Red Blade know, we have been an orc-only RP guild on Defias Brotherhood for nearly as long as the server has come to existence. Though we aim to keep it this way, we have now started to open up our doors to any other races, with particular interest in tauren and trolls, that are willing to join us in the RP experience all over Azeroth and Outland. Our goal with this is to provide the community with some well-needed tribal RP again, as we have found out that, sadly enough, the tauren and troll communities on Kalimdor in particular could use a bit of a boost.

An important note here is that this is by means no recruitment to the guild. Should you be interested in becoming a part of the RP experience with OotRB, you simply need to contact me or any of our officers for an IC invitation. Although you will not be invited to the guild, you will receive an invitation to all of our calendar events, and the latest information on our activities and whereabouts. This means that you could still be a part of your own guild, and still be able to come on over and RP with us whenever you would like to. If this initiative kicks off well, we might just open up for more opportunities altogether.