Orcs of the Red Blade

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Honored brothers and sisters,

Some say we are exiles from our own home. That we are fools to abandon Orgrimmar to its present fate. That we are traitors to the Horde. However, some also say that discretion is the better part of valour. That it is better to live to fight another day. And that you should not believe everything that people say.

You choose what you wish to believe. But there is no reversing the sun or casting the die anew. The way things are now, is the hand we are dealt. I choose to believe that betrayal to one's moral codes and beliefs is far worse a crime than to betray a Warchief absent morals or dignity. Our clan's Code is ever clear on such matters; there is no misinterpreting what it says of chiefs who are found unworthy and allies who are found undeserving.

And so we have set upon the road for the time being. Come what may, we will stand with the Whiteclaw Communion as we bide our time for a better future. That future begins with our pilgrimage to Mount Hyjal for the revered Wolf God Lo'gosh. We may not end up sharing the road with the rest of the Whiteclaws forever. But for now, our paths are intertwined. Ensure to look after our allies as you would your fellow brother and sister, for unity is more important than ever before in times such as these.

For the Blood of Redblade,

Vosha'gur (February) Events
Vosha'gur, or 'the First Light', marks the end of the Long Night and the beginning of the sun's ascension in the sky. Though few orcs traditionally practice the cultivation of crops, the first signs of Spring are instead observed in the movement (and herding) of animals in preparation for birthing. It is also a traditional time for the making of new pledges and dedications for the coming year.

[Campaign] The Wolf God
Having been delayed from the previous month due to our unexpected detour to the Crimson Compass campaign, the clan shall now at long last follow Okiba Spearbreaker in his pilgrimage to Mount Hyjal to honour the wolf god Lo'Gosh. With the expedition already on its way, it is clear that the road ahead may be fraught with peril all the same as influences both within and outside of the Horde may seek to thwart our progress.

[Server-wide] Expedition to Pandaria
As the clan joins the rest of the Whiteclaw Communion in visiting potential allies within the Horde, several activities await those with an interest in Pandaren culture as we set foot upon Pandaria. Starting with the 2nd Tournament of Celestial Arts on the 15th, a Love Festival on the 16th, a Cloud Serpent Race on the 17th and the August Championship Tournament on the 18th day of Vosha'gur. Bear in mind that these events shall be open to both denizens of the Horde as well as the Alliance and shall be held on neutral grounds. As such, any hostile behavior from within the clan shall be met with severe punishment.

[Event Chain] Harpies and Quilboars
Despite the ongoing tensions, we will not forsake our duty to the homelands. With the majority of the Horde's forces pulled out of Durotar to focus on the fronts, all manner of threats have begun to arise anew, overconfident in their ability to jump upon hapless travelers on the road. Nag'Ogar Kargnar Bloodpaw aims to set the clan upon the task of culling these threats once the clan returns from Pandaria. Join him on the 12th, 19th, 22nd and 26th day of Vosha'gur!

[Tournament] Vrull'Morah
Featuring as a new tradition in the clan, Razaron Madeye has set about hosting a monthly tournament for the orcs to hone their skills in! As a tribute to the Son of Strife, Vrull, two different competitions shall be held on the night of the 8th of Vosha'gur in order to test which among the orcs ranks as the best fighter!

[IC] Whiteclaw Communion
Due to the ongoing tensions within the Horde, the Red Blade clan intends to commit its full support to the Whiteclaw Communion it helped bring into existence. Though we have several plans of our own already set in stone for the coming month, we will - whenever possible - accompany the Whiteclaw Communion on the road as they intend to gather support for their cause and help out the locals.

[OOC] Promotions and training
Due to our busy schedule this month, we may not have any available days for an official Clan Gathering. This means that anyone who is eligible for promotion or further training should ensure to report it with their respective Elders, so we may set aside an occasion upon which to deal with such matters outside of any Clan Gatherings. Don't hesitate to keep up your progression despite the busy month of events!