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A Meeting At Midnight

Started by Gridish, April 16, 2018, 12:50:22 AM

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This story took place two years ago.

“Gridish, are we there yet? Can I say hi to him yet?!” the muffled voice of the Orc’s familiar asks the, what seems to be, the hundredth time in the past ten minutes. “Shut yer hole, Lofty.. We’ll be there when we’re there” the Orc responded in a rather agitated manner while he makes his way to Stonetalon Peak by wolf. The mage and his familiar were traveling to meet the one that took Gridish in at a young age to teach him the arcane arts. “Why did he ask us to meet him at this time of night?” his familiar asked, a question that Gridish found himself unable to answer. It was usually the Orc that reached out to his mentor. Lofty took the silence as his queue to pop another question: “Where does Kogra think you’re going?” . Gridish grumbled before responding “We’ll only be gone for a couple of hours at most. I’ll think of somethin’ when we return. For now, let’s find out what the old man needs” The wolf picks up the pace as Gridish tugs at the reigns twice lightly.

“Where is he?! Are we lost, Gridish?” Lofty shouts as he floats around, looking for a familiar face. “This is the location that was in the letter, Lofty. He’ll be here.” Gridish said as he sat himself on the trunk of a tree that had once been chopped down. It was a quiet night out in Stonetalon, except for the armies of chirping crickets. The sky was clear and the moon illuminated the secluded patch surrounded by trees where the meeting should and would take place. As time passed, Lofty got bored and returned to his trusty bookpouch that hangs from Gridish' belt. “Gridish.” A soft yet warming voice that came from the shadows of the surrounding tree line half an hour later. Three silhouettes appeared from the tree line. As they moved closer the silhouettes took form. One was Gridish’ mentor. The other two were a young Orc and a young Goblin, both wielding robes and training staves. Gridish looked at the two unfamiliar young companions of his mentor before seeking contact with his mentor. “Mok’ra, my ol’ friend, it’s been a while…. But if ye don’t mind me askin’…. Who are these two?” Gridish gestured to the two younger companions and his mentor gave the Rrosh’tul a warm smile. “These are the reasons why I requested you to meet me” his mentor said and paused shortly, giving his young companions to greet Gridish in their own way. “It is dangerous for both them and me to be seen with one and other. They are aspiring arcanists. I couldn’t think of a better person than you to teach them some of the basics” his mentor continued. “Me.. having pupils of my own?” Gridish thought to himself, confused as to why his mentor wasn’t training the two pupils himself. “As I can tell by the look on your face, you hunger for an explanation regarding this request” his mentor said with the warming smile he always seems to emanate. “It is a peculiar requ-“ the snap of a twig and Gridish reaching for his sword interrupts the elder’s words. Gridish and his mentor turn their backs to each other, the younger companions between the two in an attempt to shield them from what’s to come. Twelve Orcs and goblins armed to the bone with swords, shield and bows and a Goblin appear from the tree line. “What do ye want?!” Gridish shouted as he bared his teeth while taking a defensive stance. “You are traitors to the Horde…” the Goblin said. “I could have you locked up you know... you being seen with... that.” The Goblin continued and pointed towards Gridish' mentor before he paused “Or I can sell you for a few coins… and those young ones as well actually…. Capture them, alive preferably.” The Goblin grinned as he commanded his squad.

The four individuals were surrounded by a group of mercenaries that were closing in slowly, weapons raised. “Stay behind us boys” Gridish’ mentor shouted to his young companions before he started chanting a spell under his breath. Gridish was also chanting a spell under his breath, imbuing his blade with arcane energy. Two of the apposing Orcs tensioned their bows, aiming at Gridish as he continued to imbue his blade with arcane energy. The two Orcs shot an arrow each at Gridish which got blocked by a swiftly conjured frost barrier.  Gridish turned to the offense by shattering his own frost barrier with a swiftly casted frostbolt, the shards cutting into the two bow-wielding Orcs, slowing their approach. Four of the assaulting mercenaries rushed in towards Gridish’ mentor. Two of the four rushing mercenaries fell to the ground during their approach by two well placed frost blasts by Gridish’ mentor, but the remaining two mercenaries closed in on the elder swiftly. One mercenary tried to strike the elder down with his blade, but the tactical placement of the elder’s staff blocked the blow. The second mercenary kneed the elder’s stomach before sucker punching him out cold. Gridish was too occupied with the mercenaries in front of him to realize that his mentor had fallen and that his back was vulnerable. Gridish stepped forward, releasing the arcane energy stored in his blade towards the two bow wielding Orcs, cutting them down where they stood. Two more mercenaries took their place. This is where Gridish realized his ally had fallen and he was the only capable person of holding off the remaining mercenaries. Gridish’ vision went dark as the remaining mercenaries rushed the Orc and the younglings. All he could sense was the cutting sound of the Goblin’s voice. “The Orcs and the Goblin could go for a decent price on the market. Make sure you ward the spell flinging Orc or he’ll become a problem when he regains his senses. As for the old human. Kill him. He’s worth nothing.”
Gridish Rimeweaver


It has been a.. long time since I've written one of these. If you have any feedback please do let me know. This is part one of a three part story.
Gridish Rimeweaver


That was great!

...and where are you Gridish? We miss you...

Come back to us  :o
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


I'd have to kill you if I told you, Krogon. Do I have to kill you? *Slowly reaches for a pillow.*

Glad to hear you liked it :)
Gridish Rimeweaver


Yay, Griddy stories! But boo, potentially lethal Griddy stories! D: Very much looking forward to seeing how this concludes! Still reads as smoothly as your stories ever did. ^^
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Glad to see you enjoyed it Kozzle! I hope to have part two done some time next weekend, maybe a little earlier, so keep an eye out :)
Gridish Rimeweaver


*Incohorent squeeing in the background*
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Quote from: Rashka on April 18, 2018, 07:37:51 PM
*Incohorent squeeing in the background*


<*incoherent crying and rattling of chains in background*>
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Quote from: Okiba / Krogon on April 18, 2018, 08:33:22 PM
Quote from: Rashka on April 18, 2018, 07:37:51 PM
*Incohorent squeeing in the background*


<*incoherent crying and rattling of chains in background*>
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar