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Hellbrew's transcendance

Started by Hellbrew, November 15, 2017, 07:16:50 PM

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We shall see where I go with this. Note that his thoughts isn't on on simple betrayal, his thoughts are all over the place! See previous story where he considers loyalty!
"Trueblood, Gosh'kar, Brewmaster, The Jade Orc, Transcendent"


((Hopefully I can get some things done ingame from now on, knowing me, that may prove difficult xD ))
Hellbrew watched the tiny sun set, as he stood atop the tower in Silithus. His thoughts dwelled on his murdered mate and son.

"The Legion ish gone... I wish you were here" he muttered to himshelf.
"At leasht you two have each other, wherever you are".

His gaze turned to the giant sword for a moment, and then he turned it to the keg hanging off of his staff, pondering its contents. Hellbrew grinned. He had been at unrest for some time, besides himself even, keeping himself distant from the tribe but not wanting to leave it either.  The head in the keg... he was going to unlock its secrets. It would require some fel knowledge. With the Legion dismantled that may prove difficult, but he was certain the Warlocks of the Horde would still be a good source.

What was he thinking?! Why delve into such things now, why did it matter? The Legion was defeated, why would he need to seek more power now? He smacked his lips, and they curled. His thoughts went to Deathwing, the Lich King, the... Old Gods. He nodded to himself. There is always something lurking around the corner, especially just when we thunk it was over.

His determination was renewed. Loyalty, betrayal, hate, love, power, weakness...all such things. The question was no longer whether to descend into fel knowledge or to ascend into the light. No, he would now strive to transcend it all!

All his life he had sought "inner peace". He had learned a lot from his brief time with the Pandaren, who were seemingly experts at such things, but they were wrong. Now he knew that for him, there had been only one thing could bring him peace all along; ironically, for Hellbrew there is only war.

"Lucky me then, that my feet are shet upon the World of Warcraft" Hellbrew grinned, took a swig of ale, lept off of the tower and and began his hunt.
"Trueblood, Gosh'kar, Brewmaster, The Jade Orc, Transcendent"


My fourth wall crumbles! :D Nice, little piece!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade



<Hellbrew uses jade lightning on an unsuspecting kitten>
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Hellbrew sat on the hill overlooking the Crossroads, watching his fellow clan members go about their business, much like he had done almost every day for the past few mounts. Today he realized he didn't really know anyone anymore, even Trakmar looked different now, same, but different. Hellbrew used to be a social conduit in the tribe, way back when. Bloodmark had seen it fit to make a Rrosh-tul during the rebellion because of this, and Hellbrew had been quite successful at it. He had a knack for leading not only orcs but the other members of the Horde as well. Almost everybody found the old orc easy to talk to and fair, because of his light-hearted mannerisms when drunk no doubt. But they had also respected him and his martial prowess at the time. Much had happened since then of course, he had left the tribe for a long time, lost his mate and child, and then found himself back with the tribe, which was now a clan again. Or was it? Hellbrew realized he hadn't been paying attention lately. There was something about new spiritual wolves and things like that, but Hellbrew didn't know anything about that stuff. Hellbrew let out an annoyed grunt and eyed his keg. For months his life had been slowly passing before its eyes, and the final few months just finished flashing their imagery.

Hellbrew was mostly awake at night these times, just following the Red Blades around like some vagabond. He'd spend the day brooding, and his nights fighting whatever mongrels he could find around the zone. This wasn't what he had in mind when I thought about transcending his past.

"Enough ish enough" he muttered to himself and let a sly grin appear.

""What are you going to do, boss??"" the annoying voice of his younger self echoed in his head. Hellbrew ignored it.

Hellbrew felt Grom-damned he had started hearing those voices. Perhaps he had to embrace those too, eventually, but for now he was going to try to embrace his clan once more. Perhaps he try to find someone who could help him complete his Gosh'kar training at last, if the clan still had those of course. He wasn't sure. And perhaps he could find someone amongst them who could help him figure out what to do with the thing in the keg, someone who can keep their mouth shut.

Hellbrew uncorked a bottle of ale and drank it all, something he hadn't done for a long time now. It tasted like the waters of life.
"Trueblood, Gosh'kar, Brewmaster, The Jade Orc, Transcendent"


((Just a little hint what Hellbrew is up to in his spare time, nothing major))

Hellbrew watched the stillness of Everlook, this dead winter-night. There were orcs from his clan among others moving about down there. He smirked at the thought of them finding out what he was up to, it was nothing that would harm the clan, but they wouldn't know that, they wouldn't understand. Hellbrew's face turned more serious. He didn't like being away for so long, they need him and he needs them.

His grandfather's head let out a silent scream towards him.

"There there, old man, back in the keg with you!"

With a waft of his hand, the floating head disappeared into the keg behind them with a thump, and the mists began swirling around it again.

"It hash taken far too long to deal with thish, I musht be getting old" Hellbrew muttered to himself, while pulling out and eyeing the yellow crystal he had spent the past year trying to retrieve from the Draenei "cult".

Hellbrew put the crystal pack in its pouch and observed Everlook for a long moment.

"It ish time for the next shtep." He nodded sagely to himself before changing his outfit to something more appropriate, and began the short trek to Everlook.

"Trueblood, Gosh'kar, Brewmaster, The Jade Orc, Transcendent"