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Other game/system IDs

Started by Rudash, August 11, 2012, 11:04:25 PM

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Skype: Theis01
steam: Dk2770
Battlenet: Dk2770#2556
Origin: Dk2770
I also thinking my Playstation is dk2770 and i think my xbox is either dk2770 or Theis Moeller....xD
ESO: Dk2770


Just in-case anyone needs to get a hold of me during busy periods of where I've not been able to get on.. or if people simply want to chitter-chatter!

Battletag: DavidVL#2945
Skype: xlittlebigbearx
Gridish Rimeweaver


Btag: Mimerss2343
Skype: mimerss.wowfriends
League: Emouni or Mimerss
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Btag: CptCokecan#2689
Skype: Rahm


Battlenet tag: Groshnok#2307
Skype: dazzamc97
Steam: The Famous Los Angeles Dinosaur

Wornag (Kronnor)

I just found this thread so I guess I'll just go ahead and "revive" it.

Steam: W0lffe (I have a photo with a dog with glasses and a pipe, so you will find me easy)
League of Legends (EUNE): W0lffe
Skype: Sebastian "W0lffe" Blaga (sk8_boy09 I was 15 and into skateboarding, so DON'T JUDGE ME)
Battletag: W0lffe#2277
Star Wars the Old Republic: you can find me on The Progenitor EU server on either Brycus/Kuz'ek (Republic) or Vraxxus (Imperial)


Skype: pascalvanzijtveld
Steam: Donpasquale
Origin: haha just kidding. Nobody uses origin


If any of you have a 3DS I'd love to get more 3DS buddies.


From the Poll, it seems the most likely result will be a hiatus for the guild, for an undefined amount of time. And since I have gotten to know alot of you over the years and consider you friends, I would love to keep in contact one way or the other, beside the chitterchatter that might stay on the website. So I thought I wanted it breath some fresh air into this thread, for people that want to share contact info for other games, gaming services or what ever. Mine are

Skype: theis01
steam: Kargnar
Battlenet: Dk2770#2556
Origin: Dk2770
ESO: Dk2770

"I also thinking my Playstation is dk2770 and i think my xbox is either dk2770 or Theis Moeller....xD"

I don't really use my playstain or xbox all that much though which is why it have been moved away from the others. If you decide to contact me on any of these, just say your orc name and I will add you.


Btag: Ragethunder#2719
Steam: Admiral Allah Ackbar
Skype: danny.m.foster

Mostly Dota2, Heroes of the Storm and Total War: Warhammer, currently.