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Ten Years Strong: Memories

Started by Sadok, September 08, 2015, 04:31:02 PM

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Grogona! :( Come back. I miss you. It cannot have been 2 years already! No way!
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


And the day is today! Happy tenth anniversary, Orcs of the Red Blade! 8/10/05-8/10/15.


Happy 10th Birthday Red Blades! Have a great night and best of luck with the years to come. Missing you all a lot, remember to post screenies from tonights event and others for us inactive/long gone folks! we like a nosey. Perhaps even some IC story's from orcs reflecting on the last ten years? ;o What!? have a great night.

Spoiler: show

Spoiler: show
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Congratulations!  ;D






Just spent a solid half an hour reading through these replies. In light of the recent poll and potential guilds hiatus/closure, figured i'd give this a necro bump for anyone else who wants to look back with fond, nostalgic memories.


Thought I'd write something up, now it's official... I've not known what to write for a long time, hence my silence around this subject since it was brought up.

First of all, I'm really heartbroken about this. I know things always come to an end, but that doesn't take any of the sting away for me. I've been in this guild for a long time now and it's the guild I've been in the longest by far, with my two most active characters by far. Over 70+ stories have been written about Rhonya and Kyrazha and everyone involved, a lot of drawings I've made that were inspired by characters and this guild. In the years I've been here, I've almost never took a break from the game, so I can safely say this guild and it's orcs have been a big part of my life the past decade.

I'll miss the stories we created, the characters, the good times and the bad, the people. I'll still be on wow, but now my two major characters have no where to go anymore, I'm not entirely sure yet what to do or where to continue.

So.. Yeah. I'm still a bit lost for words, but I suppose I'll sum it up with a big thank you all. You've made my life a lot more interesting. And I'll miss it, very very much.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Quote from: Rhonya on March 01, 2017, 07:28:32 PM
Thought I'd write something up, now it's official... I've not known what to write for a long time, hence my silence around this subject since it was brought up.

First of all, I'm really heartbroken about this. I know things always come to an end, but that doesn't take any of the sting away for me. I've been in this guild for a long time now and it's the guild I've been in the longest by far, with my two most active characters by far. Over 70+ stories have been written about Rhonya and Kyrazha and everyone involved, a lot of drawings I've made that were inspired by characters and this guild. In the years I've been here, I've almost never took a break from the game, so I can safely say this guild and it's orcs have been a big part of my life the past decade.

I'll miss the stories we created, the characters, the good times and the bad, the people. I'll still be on wow, but now my two major characters have no where to go anymore, I'm not entirely sure yet what to do or where to continue.

So.. Yeah. I'm still a bit lost for words, but I suppose I'll sum it up with a big thank you all. You've made my life a lot more interesting. And I'll miss it, very very much.
Second what you have said I can not write more at this time
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


Thx for everything you guys  *wave*    :'(


Holy shit, just read the news. Hope everyone's okay, hope everyone's most importantly, still having fun.

It has been some great years, wauw.. actually, some really great years, and i am sad to say, i don't talk to the friends i made, even nearly enough. I sincerly hope everyone, that i remotely made friends with, is okay, and is generally happy with their lives. And of course everyone else as well. All good to you all, and the very best of luck to you all.

As a last note, Thank you to the leaders, that made my time in the guild an experience I will remember.

Kind regards:
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


Might as well post something here I suppose!

Three years and four months I've been with this guild and I've had some of the most fun memories in my life here. I had always wanted to try roleplaying, and I remember the day I decided to join the Red Blades, I was choosing between here and the Shatterskull Marauders back in November of 2013. I'm confident when I say I made the right choice joining here.

Groshnok Gorewrath (or Blackrend, back then) started out as many first time roleplayers start their character. A typical honour-loving buckethead. It's the basic character type after all! I'll always remember the day he became an oathbound of the tribe, mainly because it actually fell on my 16th birthday, November 25th. Back then it was intimidating navigating the social waters of the tribe, considering there would often be over 20-25 people around. But eventually I settled into things. I remember having a running gag where he'd constantly be injured during events, which in hindsight probably got pretty annoying for healers. (sorry Rhonya  :P) I remember him becoming a Nag'Ogar the same day as Nograx in the Bloodgulch of the Twilight Highlands. A position where I stayed in until just before WoD where he got demoted, and then promoted back to a few months later. Around early-mid 2014 as I started getting better at roleplaying, I realised how boring it is playing the honourable buckethead. So I began to slowly change his character taking some inspiration from others, mainly Krogon and Trakmar, and later Kyrazha. I began to mould him into the complete opposite of the character, an ale swilling sociopath who didn't care for the concept of honour. I'm happy with how I retconned his story into him using a facade to join the tribe and letting it slip away, rather than awkwardly reset his character.

One of my fondest memories was definitely in May of 2014, with the Redridge campaign. The RP-PvP in there was one of the best times I've ever had playing a video game. It felt really brutal with the prisoner taking, torture, executions, all that. It was thrilling, and just a whole lot of good fun. In fact that whole summer was great RP. All irl bitterness aside from the two guilds, the Bolts-Blades rivalry was great to be in the middle of during that time period. Just glad I wasn't caught up in the OOC politics of stuff  ;D

Then with WoD was the whole messy drama of moving to AD and all that, but it was absolutely amazing to me to walk around Orgrimmar and RP with random people in the Valley of Honour, something that had never really happened on Defias Brotherhood aside from when the Flying Bolts would be in the tavern. It really was good. Of course, Warlords brought shit RP situations with it, and my interest soon began to wane. I remember after 2 years of constant, every day roleplaying that I just burned out in 2015. My character had become stagnant, and try as I might I didn't have the time to advance him. Though the hiatus left me with good ideas which I began in bringing back bits of Groshnok's past to flesh him out. And then as Legion approached, I think we all saw the writings on the walls. RP was dying, and people just didn't have the time anymore. I'm in my second year of university now and since Legion my activity has waned in phases. I don't have the time anymore, between assignments and just preferring to socialise with friends. But the Red Blades will always have a place in my heart. This guild was literally my life for two whole years. I never did get to become Rrosh-tul (planning events is fun, but as someone with ADHD it's hard as hell to concentrate on rolls for people, and it bores me easily) but I found that the character suited well as Nag'Ogar. Groshnok was never a leader, just someone who enjoyed battle and succumbing to bloodlust.

I'm happy with how my character ended up. I've pumped three and a half years into making him and I'm satisfied with his end result. I plan to finish the story Rabid Wolf before the site is taken offline and saving my work if I resurface the character at some point. I have wanted to kill him off at points, but was never able to find a satisfying way to do it. I never wanted a glorious death for him as it didn't suit the character. But yeah, that's about it for me. It's sad to see the guild die off but it was going to happen at some stage. Eleven and a half years is a fantastic achievement for a roleplaying guild to make. But as life goes, we all grow up, we all get responsibilities, and in the end we all have to move on. Maybe we'll see eachother again, with different characters, or in different guilds. I'm just glad I spent three and a half years in this one. It was one hell of a ride, but one I enjoyed immensely.

Highlights of my time here

Becoming Nag'Ogar at the time when the guild had none.

The Redridge Campaign which I've mentioned in detail above.

The Siege of Shadowmoon Village an event that had over 20 orcs split into different packs defending the village for over an hour from all sides. Really well co-ordinated and a satisfying conclusion to a campaign which gave a very interesting dynamic, that we could not use the spirit link to communicate due to the fel corruption.

Flying Bolts/Red Blades Rivalry which I've mentioned above. Was even more fun with Groshnok being close with members of the Bolts but remaining loyal to the tribe even though he hated Rargnasha Bloodmark.

The Mokh'tar/Lo'Gush/Shrika... Thing It was a mess, sure, but a fun mess! Brought conflict during a time of boring peace, and deepened the hatred that Groshnok had for Mokh'tar.

The Interactions Between Groshnok and Therak Duskstalker What started from Groshnok not helping Therak during him being set on fire, at one point I was sure he was actually going to be killed off by Therak  ;D. Their dislike of each other was always something I found really fun to roleplay with.

The Guild Working Together to get the Garn Nighthowls A really fun few weeks of co-operation which culminated with a great event in which the tribe was unified after regrouping with their new half-garns.

Getting Tortured by the Warlock What a fun bonding experience for Kogra and Groshnok, and also what a fun time for the tribe as the pair tried to murder the tribe while mind controlled. Groshnok still hasn't forgiven Shrewd for biting off his toes...

Sadok's Northrend Campaign during Warlords Very different from the norm, but in a good way! Some really creative events such as the time we all dressed in cult robes and were mind controlled into three things based on a 1-3 roll, swapping personalities, becoming suicidal or falling madly in love with the nearest person. It to this day remains one of my favourite Red Blades campaigns.


The Death of Krogon Devilstep An event which Groshnok used to gloat his philosophy that he would always preach. "Honour... honour gets ye' killed."

Groshnok Becoming More Loyal to the Tribe for a lot of the time spent roleplaying Groshnok held disdain for many of the elders such as Rhonya and Rargnasha, and really only stayed due to having security for himself, his mate Rashka and their cub. However as Kozgugore became chieftain again Groshnok began to start gaining more loyalty to the tribe, eventually culminating in...

The Legion Pre Event Though small, Groshnok did his best to make sure the remnants of the tribe in Ashenvale stuck together, as many Oathbounds talked of leaving to go help the Horde forces. It was fun to roleplay as an Iron Shield in the sense of making sure the tribe didn't break apart.

People I'd like to thank

First and foremost I'd like to thank everyorc for the RP. It was so much fun. I'd also like to thank you guys for providing a bit of support during my ma's death last summer. All of you are really wonderful people.

Gridish and Grogona - Used to have a hell of a fun time talking to you two back when the tribe had a teamspeak server for a few months. I also really enjoyed roleplaying the friendship between Gridish and Groshnok, one of the few friendships he held with another tribesorc.

Gashuk - Always seemed to have interesting conversations with Groshnok during RP, usually about the state of the tribe. Has been fun from the start, especially during the Flying Bolts saga with the whole thing with Nograx.

Trakmar - Though the pair would never truly get on, I feel in the end they started to respect each other a bit more. Always had fun roleplaying with the character.

Rhonya - Kyrazha gave me a lot of inspiration to delve deeper into the Stranglethorn roots I'd set for the character. If it wasn't for her I doubt Groshnok's past would be as fleshed out as it is. I also really enjoyed the late night campfire chats that Rhonya and Groshnok would have.

Kogra - Goddamn did you do a hell of a job trying to keep things alive. I also really enjoyed the time they had together during the recovery from being mind controlled by the warlock in Gorgrond.

Krogon - Really had fun with the clashing of beliefs that the pair would have constantly, yet in the end they still held a mutual respect for each other as fighters. Groshnok still carries the blade he gave him in his will.

Sadok - For having a great ability to get even the most timid of RPers in the tribe to socialise, and also for having a great ability for event making. You carrying the tribe during the Northrend campaign was a hell of a lot of fun. The finale of killing the Lich was great, and it remains one of my favourite campaigns. One of my favourite people to RP with just from the way a conversation would not get dull. His covering up of insecurities with humour resonated with Groshnok a lot.

Kozgugore - For being a great chieftain and someone who I had fun with Groshnok finally respecting authority from. Shrewd does not get a thank you until Groshnok's two smallest toes from his right foot are returned.

And finally Rashka - The person who I spent the most time roleplaying with during my time in the guild. The pair always had a great relationship, albeit fucked up at times, but they always had eachothers backs. You have become one of my best friends in real life.

I'm sure there's plenty who I've missed up there, please don't bomb my house. My brains a bit fried and tired atm so if I remember some more I'll stick em up. But to all of you, thank you so much for the past three years and four months. It's been a wonderful time that I'll never forget. I hope someday some of us will meet again on the fields of roleplay. Until then, Gug'ye.

Groshnok Gorewrath drains his last mug of ale.


I want to be just like you. I figure all I need, is a lobotomy and some tights.