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Application on behalf of Orrag Sweet Water.

Started by Claws, April 22, 2013, 01:03:24 AM

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Greetings Kozgugore and fellow brothers and sisters of the tribe I trust this letter finds you all well.
The reason for this letter is as follows.
I would like to bring to your attention a Young Orc it has become my privilege to be friend.
She goes by the name of Orrag Sweet Water.
Sweet water is the name she has taken from her adopted father.
She hales from the southern island which we have come to be known as Pandaria.
Her parents were explorers of some renown whom she knew very little of. 
They sadly meet there deaths in a great storm off our southernmost coast line were upon she found herself washed up and alone on the beaches of Pandaria.
She herself was taken in at a very young age by a Shado-pan monk whom trained her in the ways of fighting which is strange to say the least but very effective.
Her life was peaceful and serene until it was shattered by the appearance of the Alliance scum, and shortly after by Hellscream’s minions to whom she has no regard, seeing him as a blood thirsty tyrant bent on his own whims.
I know I take great risk in putting this down on parchment for me and her but needs must.

I would ask of you Koz and the tribe to take her under your wing so to speak and show her the ways of the Orc to which she has little knowledge.
I seek no favouritism not that I’m sure she would receive any “wink”
She is by her very nature a soft and well-mannered Orc and I hope that not too much of myself has rubbed off on her.
Do not take that softness to be her weakness if any think it is her greatest strength she is a quick and able theorist she can take a look at most situations and dissect them.

She knows nothing of this letter and I wish to keep it that way.
My reasons are I have become very fond of the young Orc and to be honest I see her as the daughter I never had, and do not wish to be seen as meddling in her life.
I ask you as a personal favour to approach the young Orc and invite her into your ranks I realise more than most that is not the normal way but I do this as I wish her to have a good and steady upbringing something I cannot offer her myself.
I wish her to understanding right from wrong and to fight with all her heart and soul when it is called for.
And well to be frank about it I do not wish her to go to any other tribe but the one I know and trust with my life.

Best regards.
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.



It be good to hear from you. And even more so, it be good to hear you have found new purpose in life with your find of this lost cub. Last night, I have had the pleasure to meet this Orrag of yours in the Ratchet tavern. She left a favourable impression upon myself and what others were nearby. As such, I have little reason to believe she would not be welcome among the tribe. Be aware however that we be in enemy territory now. The Horde will not let up in hunting us down. Should she choose to call herself one of us, she may be subjected to these risks as well. You have my word we will do what we can to keep her out of harm's way just like any other orc, but the risk be always there.

Nonetheless, I be willing to take her under wing if this be what the orc would please herself. The next time we cross paths with one another, I shall offer her a place into the tribe on your behalf. I have a feeling she will prove herself to be not in need of any favours, however. She appears as able as any orc.

Just make sure you come and seek us out once she be with us. If you have but left an impression upon the orc, there be a risk she be just as stubborn as you be. I can only handle so many headstrong hounds, so your... calming presence on her will surely keep her in rein if so.

And stay safe out there, you orc. You be not breeding an army of little Claws' out there, be you? I shiver at the very thought.

For the Blood of the Tribe,
Kozgugore Feraleye
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade