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A voice on the storm winds

Started by Regorn, September 05, 2012, 09:27:26 PM

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((Following events takes place tonight! (the fifth of the ninth season)))

The storm was gathering even when the sun had not yet settled, this was to be a uneasy night for people to sleep. When the wind started to act up, a small leaf from a tiny tree got loose, it swirled around in the winds for a very good while. All things comes to an end however, a hand snatched the leaf right out of the wind, the hand took hold of the leaf and a face, a orc one, took a look on it. The orc smelled it, touched it and then smiled to it. He then let it go out of his hand and whispers to himself, "That will do just fine, for now at lest".

Inside a inn a couple of orc sleeps, even with the storm raging outside the orc have fallen asleep. Being tired makes that to you. A window, to small and even to far up to grant you a view of the inn's outside did let in quite a sound from the storm. The window gave little more then ventilation, granting you some fresh air at lest in the normal shut down in, but very little did find its way through the small window. A orc, sleeping loosely on the night hears something.

The orc open his half hazed eyes, see a small image in his skull, the window is letting water in slowly, surly that can't ruin a orc's sleep? Closing his eyes again and determine that won't stop him to sleep.
The orc, now a bit annoyed but the dripping got up and looked for a rag, finding one he used to clean himself off and put it down next to the window, he finds himself very satisfied, no more dripping sound on the floor. He looked out the window and saw the storm rage on, it was not to stop anytime soon. As expected, he saw a thunder strike, For a orc, that was hardly something to be scared off. But now the wind changed direction and hit him in his face, chilling his skin. Next to that, a leaf hit him in his face, the leaf, wet from the rain was stuck to his skin, he took his efforts to pull it loose. The orc now wondered if he would ever get his sleep this night, but, the leaf was dry in his hands. The orc lifted a eyebrow and wonders if he was just so tired he was imagining things.

A voice sounded from inside his room, "Took you long enough to get up"

The Orc quickly turned around and saw a figure sitting on a chair next to the table, being so dark he could not see who it was.
"Who are you? Friend or Foe?"

"You spend the last time I had with me, I told you about my clan, a bit of myself and we knew each other a bit before that even, I say friend then?"

The orc grabbed a candle but saw there was nothing he could light it with and then it bursted into a very small, but very light giving light and the orc saw who his guest was.

"Throm'ka Storm of the Earth, how does this night fairs you?" The guest said with a small smile on his face

"Thunderheart? you? but you are dead?.... oh"

Grek'thar pulled a chair to himself and sat down on the other side of the table, looking over Thunderheart, he let out a small grin and asked "For someone who's dead, you're looking awfully lively. How's the afterlife treating you?"
Thunderheart grabbed a cup, and started to chug it before looking back at Grek'thar and answerd back, "For someone who is alive, you're looking awfully tired. How's is your partner treating you?"
Grek'thar let out a small laugh, remembering that there is people sleeping still and tries to keep himself quiet. he gave a eye to the cup, asking Thunderheart why he was chugging it, as it was empty even sense Grek'thar emptied it during his supper. Thunderheart looked to the cup and said only "ops" and let it go, old habits dies hard sometimes. Grek'thar realised it was a reason Thunderheart had come back, Spirits rarely do something "just because they feel like it", So he decided to just let it out and ask him about it, he needed to sleep after all!

"Right then, let's talk one of our old favorite subjects, Politics. You might have seen some posters the Warchief have put up, there is a change coming to the Horde. Bigger one then a change of Warchief. The horde is going back."

Grek'thar being a bit puzzled by the last statement interrupts and asks on "what? going back were? Draenor?"

Thunderheart continues however "The horde is going back to it's old state, war seeking, placing honor on war, and victory to be gained by any means at all. He might pay a high price for such a thing. Publicly, it would be best not to be a shaman soon"

Grek'thar blinks a bit over such a saying, demanding to know what being a shaman have to do with it, surly a shaman in your ranks would boost morale and aid you in and out of combat, not to talk about the spiritual and elemental heritage they have been granted back after so many years.

A nod came from Thunderheart, he agreed with those things. "It's history a bit, the first horde, named now Fel Horde, the second self proclaimed horde, or called by us, the Dark Horde, and who are we? Some call us the New Horde, others, The Shaman Horde thanks to one orc, one single orc, Go'el, Garrosh does not care much for the Shaman's probably, but he cares about Go'el, who would not in his position? So basically, think before you do something in public Ogrimmar now on sometime ahead. I got a gut feeling Go'el will not be so popular sometime ahead now."

Grek'thar snarled at Thunderheart. "I am to expected to not say a word? am I to be silence?"

Thunerheart moved closer, almost burning his beard on the candle. "No, I expect you not to get yourself beaten up." He then moves back and reach for one of his many pouches, grabbing up a old smelly Yolk and ask, "Is yolk good for you?" with a very large smile on his face.

A memory of those Yolks strikes Grek'thar with pure fear, he remembers the taste and the smell very clearly, he responds with a very faked friendly tone, "No, Yolks is not good for me"

Thunderheart simply shrugs and put's the Yolk in the cup, "well, give it to the sharp tongue then? I am sure he will have happy memories from that one, now then, should you not be sleeping? After all, it is day time now"

Grek'thar was confused, he turned to the window and saw it was full light, reaching up to see out he suddenly slip on the wet leaf and...
...awaken by falling out of his bed. He feels on his back, a direct impact on the cold floor, he get's up and looks over the table, the cup is exactly were he left it, not Thunderheart. He grabs it to see if there was anything left in it, maybe a sip of ale, but he was greeted by a foul smelling artifact inside it, he quickly clench his mouth and nose not to smell or taste it. He looks out of the window and see a leaf sitting on it, eyeing the Yolk in the cup and whispers "Yolk Shaman..."

((A special thanks to Grek'thar for allowing me to mutilate including him in this story
now keep RP'ing, that's and order from the Yolk Shaman))
"Names does not matter, only who you are" - An old Friend from past, Thar'grash Thunderfury


QuoteHow's is your partner treating you?"

I am treating him just fine, thank you! :P Nicely written, curious if I get to hear anything about this.. ;)
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.