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THE SHOUTBOX. Omg. This was like proto-Discord.
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End of the Factions

Started by Akesha, January 28, 2008, 12:34:06 AM

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Sometimes it falls on the person in charge to admit when they have made a mistake. Sometimes what seemed like a good idea turns out to have unexpected consequences. This is the case with the faction system.

While many people in the tribe are of the opinion that the three factions have been good at promoting roleplaying within the guild, there are others who are not happy with the way that that roleplaying has turned out. The faction system, which was intended to give people a sructure within which to roleplay, has in fact led to an increase in IC rivalry and even hatred. Ultimately this is not good for the tribe.

There have been a series of events in which the factions have lead to IC disputes and this has spilled out into OOC consequences. I have taken the decision that the factions are not good for the future of the tribe. So, I have decided to disband the factions. There will be no more Darkwolves, Seers and Sythegore. No more encouragement of IC rivalry and disputes. it is time for us to recognise that the best interests of the guild are served by all of us uniting rather than splitting into seperate groups.

I am calling an IC meeting of the tribe, at which the factions will be outlawed. The three ranks associated with the factions will be replaced with three new ranks which will hopefully promote just as much rp, but without creating the rivalry and bad feeling that the factions have. What form these ranks will take, I will work out in the coming weeks, but I welcome your suggestions.

I do not blame anyone other than myself for the way things have turned out. People have played their parts the way they saw fit. It is the system itself which was at fault, not the individuals. for that I take full blame and full responsiblity for sorting out this problem now.




Bah, I though and still thinks it was a good idea, but you're the boss.
So, what is the idea of the new 3 ranks then?

I guess it's back to the normal totem-hugger, demon-kisser, sneak, bucket**** and can't remember what used to call hunters, more then huntards. :-\

The Hat-Lord


Quote from: Moggrash on January 28, 2008, 12:39:14 AM
Bah, I though and still thinks it was a good idea, but you're the boss.
So, what is the idea of the new 3 ranks then?

I guess it's back to the normal totem-hugger, demon-kisser, sneak, bucket**** and can't remember what used to call hunters, more then huntards. :-\

As I said Moggy, I don't yet know what form the three ranks will take. However, you can be assured that they will not be lame class-ranks.


As I mentioned with the officers already: Imo, the faction system is fine in theory. People just need to get used to how it works and play it along, however. I'm fine with some IC rivalry as long as it doesn't spread OOC (if you're at least an avid enough roleplayer, you should know that IC doesn't reflect on OOC). We thought up a means to 'punish' misbehaving factions by making sure their voice isn't listened to as often as the other factions would by the officers. This may not be enough, however. If an individual shows inappopriate orcish behaviour, they should live with the consequences. Some simply rivalry is fine, but it should, imo, remain at a level that would make sense IC.

I'm all in for the faction system, but what we might just need is a clear way to show orcs how it shouldn't be done by setting examples. I'll be honest with you and tell you my share of thoughts on today's event.

Originally, Koz was supposed to come back at the beginning of the tournament and state he'd be willing to come back if Vlog were to accept his 'punishment' by not participating in the tournament and only leaving two Sythegores to fight against three of the other factions. He turned out to have other priorities however, and the plan was changed. Leaving me blank with a clear way on how to have Koz return.

I don't know what happened in the meantime, but I take it everything still went somewhat well. When I arrived to have a peek however, Griesh attacked the Sythegore team without warning since Akesha didn't give the signal to fight yet. Some orcs including Koz found it dishonourable and started attacking Griesh, who in turn got defended by the Darkwolves, resulting in some orcs getting killed and turning very grumpy. Arguements followed and both the Sythegore and Darkwolves were disqualified. IC, this made sense. However, Griesh and the Darkwolves who protected her could've at least accepted their loss. Instead, they decided to keep on behaving disrespectful to not only Koz (who got used to it anyway, even though it doesn't make his plans to return any better) but Akesha as well.

What we learned out of that is that orcs should know where the boundaries are imo. And if they don't, suffer the consequences IC and accept it as a good sport OOC.

But that's just me. Not that it matters being a non-Blade anyway.
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Quote from: Kozgugore on January 28, 2008, 01:02:58 AM
I'm all in for the faction system, but what we might just need is a clear way to show orcs how it shouldn't be done by setting examples.

I spent a long time when setting up the faction system, writing posts on the (old) forum about the way it was supposed to work and the way that the three factions should be played. It was never supposed to be about IC rivalry. I made that clear at the time. However, that is precisely what people have turned it into and that is a major reason why I am ending it.

Quote from: Kozgugore on January 28, 2008, 01:02:58 AM
What we learned out of that is that orcs should know where the boundaries are imo. And if they don't, suffer the consequences IC and accept it as a good sport OOC.

Here you are right Koz, but this is another unintended result of the system. The factions are supposed to be about political or philosophical viewpoints. In theory, I cannot ban somebody from holding views, so in theory I cannot stop anyone from affiliating with a faction. The consequence of this is that it than becomes OOC for me to demote anyone, once they have joined a faction.


I can't say I agree with this course of action at all, but you seem to have made up your mind, so I respect that, and hope things'll turn out well in the future. Personally, I think the factions have highlighted the best of each of the areas of orcish roleplay. I've seen some great displays of 'new' orcish shamanism in the Seers events we saw earlier on, and the Sythegores did everything expected of them as proud, pig-headed slabs of meat wrapped in tin cans.  ;)

Also, I'm very proud of what the Darkwolves have accomplished, our events were full of great flavour, we had an active base and everyone got involved, whether it was just another Darkwolf meeting, a spot of PvP, or a great spot of RP like the one in the Burning Steppe the other week (and thanks to Koz for that, of course).  So thanks to you all for all the effort you've put into making the faction system as interesting as it was. It's been great to be a part of that, and a pretty crushing disappointment to see that others don't see things in the same light.

Still, let's look to the future, eh? As disappointed as I am, I think things can still change for the better if we push for things to go that way, and don't just give up now. Thanks to everyone that made this faction system work- Akesha, Koz, the rest of the High Blades, and most of all every orc that attended and crafted the events over the last few months. Cheers!


Orcs are savages though. Savages with brains, as of WCIII. If humans in RL want to defend their point of view, be it some political party, religion or other cause, orcs certainly will want to as well. Considering there're humans behind the orcs eventually, you can expect there might be some disagreements from time to time. A good example was the draenei meeting. We were to have an alliance with draenei. While the Seers were all in for it, the Darkwolves would hear nothing of it and the Sythegore ended up being somewhat neutral to the thing. A little bit of rivalry would eventually be inevitable. Whether you planned this or not, it's bound to happen in some cases if orcs have a different view on things. (Then again, it might happen all the same if there weren't any factions. WITH factions however, the ones against it are able to make a stand as a group instead of an individual, thereby making their voice be heard)

That said, of course it makes sense you can't ban or demote orcs for having a different point of view on things. Even orcs seem to have some form of freedom of speech (sadly! ):<). However, I was more speaking about general misbehaviour. Would it be OOC for an orc to rip someone's tabard off if he/she would refuse to obey their leader? If we would really want to act like orcs, there would've already been a LOT of heads rolling over the floor!

(Oh and Kag. It's still DARKwolves after all, aye? Should Akesha choose to abolish the faction system, I doubt there's anything stopping you from carrying on in secret, to add to the RP. Though it appears you won't have a grumpy overlord to kill at least for the time being, unless something changes. ;))
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Quote from: Kozgugore on January 28, 2008, 01:23:31 AM
(Oh and Kag. It's still DARKwolves after all, aye? Should Akesha choose to abolish the faction system, I doubt there's anything stopping you from carrying on in secret, to add to the RP. Though it appears you won't have a grumpy overlord to kill at least for the time being, unless something changes. ;))

Hehe, well naturally I wouldn't imagine that the Darkwolves and their ideas are going to evaporate overnight. But yeah, I expect we'll be a little more toothless and shadowy for a bit after things change, which should make a nice change from shouting orcs down in the open.  :)

Echelor Doomscream

Well Akesha is the boss...
Faction system was great, when I got demoted to new blood I was looking forward every day to stand alongside Lanii,Moggy,Kagmosh...
But well.. Truth is tension between faction was big and as much as I seen much hatred to other factions was there..
Well anyhow idea of making factions was great, to bad it didnt succed as intended..
And on that tournament thing.. Again it was faction thing.. We jumped for Griesh cause she is one of us, me personally didnt know what was happening all I saw was Koz shooting at Griesh with Gruulg so I jumped for her.. All to all event was ruined, it was still some very good RP, we did blow Koz's plan but not intentionaly.
And I just got my rank back.. Something tells me I will be new blood again.. :-[

EDIT: Typo

I tried to do suicide once, I putted gun on my head and a message popped out ''Target To Close''


The factions are not working plain and simple.


Because certain people see there selves above the tribal laws.
Because certain people here think they can say and do as they wish and to hell with every body else.
Discipline, (Or just common curtsey is just not there any more).
There is no thought to any others in the game from certain people.
There is one or two that just pick verbal fights for the sake of it no RP they just have to be noticed they contribute nothing but friction.
People have made there own little groups with in the tribe, made their own little circle of friends, and think that they have the right to be disrespectful to all others.
The have formed tribes with in a tribe.
Moreover, let us face it what you can do to them except kick or remove rank. (Big deal).

In any society, there has to be law and order, or you get anarchy and chaos, which is just what we have in place now.

The factions were made to give every body a chance to run the tribe as they wanted it to be run, (Which is what we was getting complaints about) and it has turned around and bit us on the arse.
The tribe should come first then the factions in all things.

A lot of work went into this behind the scenes, along with a lot of mud throwing at the people who tried to give the tribe what it asked for.

I would just like to say thank you to all them mud throwers.

Thanks Akesha for an idea that alas did not go to plan.
Thanks Koz for trying to get it of the ground.
Thanks for all them that at least tried to run with it and give it the chance it deserved.

True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


Nehee.. This is perfect.. Now my plan is easier to accomplish.. Oh.. Ye are listenin'..

((Well.. Of course its sad, but tbh.. Oathbound sounds more.. Official than Darkwolf =)
But yes.. /blame on me.. I can take it))


Honestly, I think this decision is good, the faction system was a good idea but didn't really work as planned. I know I have guilt in it, not really doing anything apart from screaming on the forums. I had some good RP moments when I interviewed people to the Seers, but it happened all to seldom. Now I get that satisfaction from interviewing new recruits to the tribe. But I now suspect that us who were Faction Elder will be demoted to whatever rank that will be instead of the facton system. So probebly no more interviewing for me :'(
Some rivalty was bound t happen, but of the kind you describe (havn't noticed any big like that) isn't really accepteble. I will still be an active anti-warlock guy though! you will never escape that ;D
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback

Echelor Doomscream

Quote from: Lanii on January 28, 2008, 06:42:36 PM
Nehee.. This is perfect.. Now my plan is easier to accomplish.. Oh.. Ye are listenin'..

((Well.. Of course its sad, but tbh.. Oathbound sounds more.. Official than Darkwolf =)
But yes.. /blame on me.. I can take it))

Shuush  ;D
I tried to do suicide once, I putted gun on my head and a message popped out ''Target To Close''


I personally think that this promoted some great Roleplay between everyone. However creating the factions does enforce the IC differences between within the Tribe. I do not think that disbanding the factions will make too much diferrence though as it has just been labelling the pre-existing viewpoints held by tribe members.
- Ordock

Seer of the Red Blades


Quote from: Ordock on January 30, 2008, 08:47:14 AM
it has just been labelling the pre-existing viewpoints held by tribe members.

hm, can't really agree, Many people have gone different paths then I expected them to do. But some are indeed not suprising *coughs* Moggrash *coughs*
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback