Orcs of the Red Blade


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Messages - Kozgugore

Applications / Re: Application: Morgkha
February 17, 2019, 01:41:17 PM
Hey there Thornsong/Morgkha! Glad to see you giving the red side of the fence a chance after all those years in the blue field! :D I'm sorry to hear what happened to your guild, as I've been kept in the loop regarding its progress when I heard about what happened to the Bladecrests as well. Such a shame! But at least it might offer you a chance to give a different aspect of WoW RP a chance as well, yes? ^^

Having said that, your character concept looks great! It's not often that we get to welcome Shadowmoon orcs into our ranks, let alone seers or any kind of spiritualists that aren't shamans for that matter. So your concept would definitely be a welcome addition to our already colourful crew! :D Lorewise, everything appears to be in perfect order as well, so nothing more remains to be said but to tell you to go on ahead and contact any of our representatives in-game (any above New Blood rank can interview you) to set up an IC interview and get yourself introduced to the clan! Good luck, and hopefully I'll see you around soon!
Off Topic / Re: Home page news
February 01, 2019, 03:14:29 PM

Honored brothers and sisters,

Some say we are exiles from our own home. That we are fools to abandon Orgrimmar to its present fate. That we are traitors to the Horde. However, some also say that discretion is the better part of valour. That it is better to live to fight another day. And that you should not believe everything that people say.

You choose what you wish to believe. But there is no reversing the sun or casting the die anew. The way things are now, is the hand we are dealt. I choose to believe that betrayal to one's moral codes and beliefs is far worse a crime than to betray a Warchief absent morals or dignity. Our clan's Code is ever clear on such matters; there is no misinterpreting what it says of chiefs who are found unworthy and allies who are found undeserving.

And so we have set upon the road for the time being. Come what may, we will stand with the Whiteclaw Communion as we bide our time for a better future. That future begins with our pilgrimage to Mount Hyjal for the revered Wolf God Lo'gosh. We may not end up sharing the road with the rest of the Whiteclaws forever. But for now, our paths are intertwined. Ensure to look after our allies as you would your fellow brother and sister, for unity is more important than ever before in times such as these.

For the Blood of Redblade,
Kozgugore Feraleye

A busy month lies ahead! Click here to find out what awaits the clan!
Applications / Re: Application: Zolordon
January 30, 2019, 11:11:55 PM
Hey there Zolordon! Thanks for showing interest in our merry band of orcs! Hopefully you will enjoy your time here, should you be accepted into our ranks!

It's not often that we have a warlock seeking to join us! We're certainly open to them, but it may be worth bearing in mind that they don't tend to get a very friendly treatment IC upon first contact due to the clan's shamanistic nature. So do keep in mind that it may be a little challenge in order for your orc to prove he has what it takes to be found worthy to stand with the rest of us, given his fel inclinations. :) Having said that, your background information is a little bit on the short side, but I'm sure those blanks can be filled in over time if need be (literally and figuratively in this case).

So, if you're not afraid for a little challenge playing a warlock within a clan of traditional-minded orcs, feel free to go ahead and contact any of us in-game for an IC interview! Perhaps I'll see you running underneath our guild tag soon!
Applications / Re: Application: Grakh Bloodmaw!
January 27, 2019, 10:31:25 AM
Hello there, Grakh! Thanks for showing interest in our guild! I hope you will enjoy your time here throughout the duration of your stay! Your application is a tad on the short side, but the bare essentials are there for a character concept that I feel could fit in quite nicely with the rest of the guild, given our own 'nature' (pun intended). Feel free to seek out any of our representatives in-game and see if you can set up an IC interview with any of them! Good luck and see you around!

Sweet looking art, by the way! :D
Applications / Re: Application: Thranog Proudfang
January 23, 2019, 12:59:37 PM
Hey there Thranorg! Thanks for showing interest in our merry, little guild! I hope you'll be able to find a place for yourself among us and enjoy your time here! As far as your application goes, it looks to be in fine order. It's a little on the short side when it comes to your orc's personality and what has transpired to him over the course of those decades spent on Azeroth, but those are blanks that can be filled in over the course of time, of course. :)

Having said all that, feel free to contact any representative of the guild (any rank above New Blood) in-game to set up an IC interview to get yourself acquainted with the clan! Good luck, and hopefully we'll see each other in-game!
Applications / Re: Application: Gorr Grimwolf
January 14, 2019, 06:35:01 PM
Why hello there Grimwolf! It's certainly been some time since we last saw you around near and in the guild! But despite that, I'm very glad to see you showing interest in the guild once more, of course! You'd be more than welcome to give us a visit and let us have a look at you, as I'm sure there will be nothing standing in the way of getting reacquainted with the rest of the clan once more! Feel free to poke any of our representatives at any time to see if you can set up a little IC interview. :) See you in-game!
Off Topic / Re: Home page news
January 01, 2019, 02:19:35 PM

Water's Tide, or Kor'batar, marks the beginning of a new year. Traditionally known as the time of shifting tides of Draenor's seas, it is also a time of new beginnings, endings and transitions. Guided by the element of Water, Kor'batar is known for particularly strong currents and an ideal time to commune with the elements of water. It also offers a fresh start to those orcs who seek one, often accompanied by sober eating habits and meditation.

Happy new year, everyone! See what awaits the clan in 2019 here!
Applications / Re: Application: Sky Feralbane
December 30, 2018, 11:21:43 AM
Wow, that's actually a pretty gripping story you shared with us! I'm impressed! :D You certainly seem to have figured your character out quite a bit, and I love the concept at that! It's not often that we see a sky-rider (be it wyvern or rylak) around, so they're always good to have around! Though I'm sure it should be interesting to see how Feralbane does compare to what other few wyvern riders we have, given the difference in culture and that.

Having said that, I look forward to meeting you in-game! We already spoke briefly OOC regarding the details, but I'll once more confirm and approve of your application! Whenever it suits you most and we have people available for it, feel free to contact any of our representatives in-game to set up your IC interview! With the holidays behind us, we should hopefully have some more people starting to be active again in the evenings moving forward. :) Good luck!
Off Topic / Re: Home page news
December 01, 2018, 03:21:18 PM

Nath'lok, the Long Night in the traditional orcish tongue, marks the end of the year and the centre of the winter season. A great emphasis lies upon the reflection of the past year and the preparation for the next, as orcs are ritually cleansed of their deeds from the previous months and make offerings to the spirits for a prosperous year to come. Among some clans, it was once the month when some of the most ancient (and sometimes most taboo) rites and traditions would be practiced, such as the worship of the Pale Lady in the sky.

Another fresh newsletter awaits! Read all about it here!
Applications / Re: Application: Arionak Vilefang
November 22, 2018, 12:43:17 PM
Hey there Arionak! Thanks for showing interest in our guild! I'm certainly glad to see such enthusiasm being shared for the orcs and the position they're being put in, despite the dire straits they and the Horde are in at present! Hopefully you'll be able to enjoy your time here accordingly! :D

Despite this being your first foray into orc RP, you certainly seem to have done an impressive bit of research to figure out your character! It's certainly a great basis to start off with (and one not commonly seen for that matter as well!), so I definitely approve of your application! In fact, I look forward to seeing you carry out your character concept in practice, so without any further ado, do feel free to contact any of our orcs above New Blood rank who may give you an IC interview at your earliest convenience to get yourself introduced to the clan! See you in-game!
Applications / Re: Application: Kroxxigar
November 16, 2018, 02:59:31 PM
Hey there Kroxxigar! Thanks for showing interest in our little guild! Hopefully you will end up enjoying your stay here, and for a long time to come! We spoke briefly in-game yesterday, but just to make things official here, your application is looking perfectly fine! Without any further ado, feel free to contact any of our orcs above New Blood rank in-game to set up an IC interview whenever it's convenient! Hopefully we'll meet soon in-game!
Applications / Re: Application:Gashgarh
November 12, 2018, 10:43:57 AM
Hello there Gashgarh! Thanks for showing interest in our guild! Glad to see another lover for all things orc out there!

I must admit your application is a little on the short side, but you seem to have given a decent bit of thought to your character concept to start with nonetheless. So with that, I'm sure any details can be filled in as time passes by in actual RP. I'm willing enough to give it a shot in-game in any case, so without any further ado, do feel free to contact any of our representatives in-game and see if they have time to accommodate you for an IC interview one of these days whenever you're ready! See you around!
Applications / Re: Application: Nalkra Scaleshatter
November 07, 2018, 03:22:32 PM
Hello there Nalkra! Thanks for showing interest in our snazzy, little guild! :D I hope you will enjoy your stay here, should you choose to stick around for the long run. ^^ Because as it is right now, your application looks to be in perfect order! You seem to have done an impressive bit of background research to form your character, which is always a very promising sign! A character that would surely fit right in with us too, by the looks of it. So without any further ado, go on right ahead and poke any of our representatives in-game for an IC interview! I look forward to meeting you in-game! :D
Off Topic / Re: Home page news
November 01, 2018, 10:42:43 AM

Ankathar, the Ancestor's Tide, is the first month of the dark months of winter. As an opposite to the time of light and fertility in the first half of the year, death and darkness play a key role in Ankathar. The ancestors are remembered and honoured, and preparations for the coming winter are made.

The new month's newsletter is out with a couple of relevant announcements! Read all about it here!
Off Topic / Re: Home page news
October 17, 2018, 11:12:39 AM
From the Annals: A (Crude) Orcish Drinking Song

Kosh'harg is nearly upon us again, which is a great time for tall tales and songs! One thing that has always struck me, however, is how few in-universe songs we actually have. Both from Blizzard as well as player-made, particularly orcish songs are quite scarce. Luckily, we did have the creative spirit or two join us every now and then, and Mazguul was certainly one of the most creatives ones you would find out there! During her time as Thur'ruk in the distant past, she wrote a fair few songs that may or may not have been inspired by other game songs. Granted, the following may be a little bit on the lewd side for some, but it's definitely her magnum opus among the ones she shared with us. I present to you, the Quillboar Song!

Click here to read the entire front page post!