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Topics - Kozgugore

Event Planning / Tournament of the Blades
March 23, 2011, 08:13:11 PM

The Tournament of the Blades is the best chance an orc can get to show off his or her fighting prowess towards the rest of the tribe. Be it to fight for the right to call yourself the tribe's champion, or simply to prove that you're at least half the orc you claim to be, the Tournament is free for all orcs of the tribe to enter! Come one, come all!
Game Related / Trailer + recruitment thread!
December 29, 2010, 02:53:07 AM
I realize some of you have discovered it before I wrapped it all up on youtube to begin with, but for those still curious, here's the link to the new trailer. Thanks goes to all of you who helped in the creation of it!

Also, make sure to pay a visit to our newest recruitment topic, and keep it bumped with some banter every now and then!
Game Related / Poll time: Multi-racial guilds!
December 26, 2010, 05:24:32 PM
Yet another poll for you orcs to set your teeth into! This time, I'm curious whether it matters a lot to you folk as to whether you're a part of a guild that focuses on a specific race, or whether it all doesn't really matter in the end. All on behalf of science and pure interest, of course. ;)

If your option doesn't occur in the poll, please state otherwise in a response!
Event Planning / Filming Day
December 22, 2010, 07:35:45 PM
Sunday the 26th, we'll be continuing our project to make a worthy trailer of the tribe! Make sure you're there at 20:00 if you're interested in helping us! We can use as many orcs for this as possible!

(Keep in mind we'll be travelling around OOCly, so you won't have to worry about not being in a position to come ICly.)
The Campfire / Grim resolve
December 05, 2010, 03:20:46 AM
The ground shook in a rhythmic beat as if the earth itself was drumming. It unsettled the orc as he shifted his weight from one foot to another. Looking up, he awakened from his line of thought. He muttered to himself as he realized he must have drifted off again. Who knows how many had tried to speak to him during all this? He lifted a hand, dragging it over his tired features underneath the wolf mask that thankfully hid his worried and exhausted eyes. Coming back to his senses, he realized where he was again. It was not another one of those earthquakes that had so frequently plagued the world, but the very shaking in itself was due to the many tauren that had gathered up for a great dance in front of him. The last few rays of sun shone over the mountains, casting a faint shadow on the many dancing figures as they celebrated around the great bonfire.

The entire evening, the tauren and their many guests here had feasted and celebrated on behalf of what they called the Earthmother. The orc has always been largely unfamiliar with this supposed deity â€" and little did he truly care either â€" but he respected what others believed. On top of that, he simply had to be here, in the interest of keeping a good image with the tauren. After all, many of them had gotten the wrong impression of the orcish race with the recent death of their leader Cairne Bloodhoof at the hand of Garrosh Hellscream. He shared little of young Hellscream’s convictions, but born and bred a Warsong, he nevertheless had to remain loyal to that which he’s bound to. As such, it was as a Warsong that he was willing to accept the newfound leadership of the Horde. However, it was as a Chieftain that he came here, with the interest of Thrall’s New Horde at heart, still keeping open arms to the tauren as their honourable ally.

In retrospect however, it would seem he would have been better off sending an envoy for this kind of thing. He simply couldn’t get his mind around the celebrations properly. For the past several days, the only thing on his mind was the fate of his lost mate and first-born son, and sleep had been an increasingly difficult thing to grasp. He had tried his best to listen to the tauren’s explanation of what they called the Earthmother and the teachings of the tauren and their belief, but his mind simply had no more will to cling to any such things.

He made a final effort to look around and see whether there were any festivities that caught his eye, but despite the wholesome fruits, the dancing tauren and orcs and the mystic songs that were played, his mind drifted off, and his gaze soon became unfocused. He could hear someone talk close to him, but he cared little whether the voice was directed at him or whoever stood next to him. He lifted his head, nodding at the vague figure that stood in the corner of his eyes, and muttering an excuse as he slowly turned away from the celebrations.

Guiding his riding worg by the reins, he walked down the path leading up to the Great Wall that had been erected to safekeep Mulgore from the Alliance invaders.  There was nothing more for the orc here. Any innkeeper, any brave, any tauren that might have possibly been able to spot an orc mother with a child with her, he had questioned. It soon became clear to him that this is in fact not the direction in which she ventured. The chieftain mulled his options as he slowly approached the wall with an unsteady stride, wafting up the dust underneath his feet in a long trail of smoke. She didn’t venture to the north of Taurajo either, because none of the refugees there had even seen her coming that way. It must have been to the south, but that direction trails off into several paths as well.

The wall had been beyond anything he had imagined the tauren were capable of. Thunder Bluff was a marvel in itself, but its foundations were made purely by nature, or their beloved Earthmother, instead of sheer craftsmanship. This gate, however, was erected by hard-working hands. He set foot on the stairs leading up to the ramparts above, and as he stood on top of them, breathing in the fresh air at such a high vantage point, the orc looked over what is now a barren battlefield, the humans for now having given up on their advance into what he considered to be his land still. They have no place here, and they will surely be dealt with when this is all over. That is to say, after he has at long last found her. For all this time, he had refused to believe to think the she-orc dead, but the longer he pondered this, the more doubtful he became. With every passing day, his chances at finding her back alive diminish. It slowly started to daunt upon the orc that he may well just be fooling himself for thinking her alive. Lowering his gaze to his hand, he lifted a small bone-necklace that rests in his palm, its worn bones hanging down from his outstretched hand. Brushing a thumb over the center bone, which was carved with blood-red runes, he quietly mused to himself, his voice grim and bitter.

“Grom-damn it, snarler… where are you? This ain’t how it ends.”

Game Related / Poll time: Village RP!
November 28, 2010, 05:28:17 PM
Yet another poll to probe you eager orcses' minds!

With the coming of Cataclysm, we'd of course very much like to keep the tribe alive and running. One of the ideas that jump to mind is to create more of a community feeling to the entire tribe. This means that we might consider putting RP focuses into place, only a little more permanently. We've done RP focuses on certain locations before, but perhaps if we are to centralize our RP somewhere, like a village (because Horde DB is, in all honesty, in need of some more casual and village-oriented RP) , then it might open up even more opportunities for good quality RP.

Do you think village RP would be a good addition to the tribe as a whole? Or should we stick to being nomadic as we have been in the past, and nevermind where everyone passes by? If you think it would be a good idea, perhaps you have an interesting place in mind for this "Red Blade village" as well? Bring your suggestions and thoughts right here!
Event Planning / War Training
November 16, 2010, 01:45:28 PM

War is something many orcs know and breathe. But it is not something that can be won by letting your orcs run rampant across the land. In this pack of Red Blades, one needs to know our trade in order to know how to survive out in the field! Hunting in a pack, every wolf is required to know the rules of the game. On a War Training, these rules will be explained to every orc by the letter. An important lesson, should you wish to live longer than just the next battle!
Game Related / Poll time!
November 15, 2010, 01:39:29 PM
Pop quiz time! Please answer above question, for interest's sake!
Event Planning / Battle Ball
November 14, 2010, 01:43:37 PM

The orcs' favourite sport is back for an ass-kicking! Join in the game or observe the spectacle as orcs clash in a heated game of Battle Ball! The rules can be found in Buckshot's Battle Ball Compendium, and while you're at it, bring some drinks to complete the celebrations for the winning team afterwards!
Event Planning / Wednesday Wind-Down
November 12, 2010, 01:00:09 PM

A chance for all orcs and whatever ally or friend to meet up in a friendly environment! Key words here? Drink, be merry, and make sure you take the brawls outside! Ratchet's tavern, formerly known as Guldujenu's tavern, typically makes for a suitable location for any orc to come and get his fill, so be there and grab some mead, share your heroic tales, and fill your stomach with some wholesome food!
Event Planning / Tribe Meeting
November 12, 2010, 12:56:23 PM

A time for the orcs of the tribe to meet up and discuss the latest activity surrounding the tribe, bring forth announcements and pose any general questions. Promotions from New Blood to Oathbound are handled here as well, and tutors appointed to those who still lack one. Any guests are welcome to attend as well, should they be a friend of the tribe. All in all a good chance for any orc to meet his or her fellow tribe-members!
Off Topic / Home page news
November 01, 2010, 03:43:55 PM
For those of you yet unaware (shame on you!), the home page is no longer an empty welcoming page that shows the latest forum topics. As of late, we've started adding articles to keep everyone up to date as to what goes on with the tribe. Make sure to check it out now and then!

Any updates will be reported in this thread. Additionally, you will be able to respond on any articles here, should you please. Do keep in mind that the formatting here isn't the same as it is on the front page due to the lack of html in forum messages, so if you want the read deal, check out the home page and leave a message here!
Event Planning / Kosh'harg Festival (26/9)
September 15, 2010, 12:56:06 PM
The Lich King has been defeated, and the Alliance have been kept at bay. The borders are safe - for now - and so it's time for us orcs to see to what's just as important in life as keeping your homes safe: Honouring the ancestors.

The time of the Kosh'harg is upon us once again, and so it's time we start making our way to the ancestral lands to pay homage to our heritage! The coming 26th day of the ninth month, we set out to our sacred mountain, Oshu'gun, for celebrations to be held in its fields! Bring drinks and food alike! For this ain't the kind of celebration you will want to miss!

All orcs as well as loyal friends to us orcs will be welcome to come and sit, feast, and perhaps even tell a tale or two of glorious times passed! So come, you orcs! And bring any who be willing to share in the feast! And leave your ill intentions at your cave! There will be no room for hostilities or fights here, unless they're plain duels! No blood is to be shed on our sacred ground on such an occasion!

For the Blood of the Tribe!
Kozgugore Feraleye

(( Garadar, Nagrand
Sunday, September 26, 20:00
Game Related / Wiki help topic
September 07, 2010, 05:24:51 PM
I always thought it was a bit of a shame that our old OotRB Wiki got lost. We used to have a lot of precious, little bits of info on it. Now that I see Defias Brotherhood's own wiki (, I can't help but notice a low amount of activity, particularly of orcses, on it.

Nevertheless, I was wondering how much interest there would actually be if people would get the chance to post their characters and such in the tribe's own wiki. Will it be used, or now that you've been made aware of wikis in general, will you might as well use the DB one? Drop by your votes for massive damage!

All in all, you could simply say that this is an attempt of mine to probe just how many people are actually interested in these wiki-thingies as is.
Event Planning / Anniversary War - Fifth Edition!
August 28, 2010, 04:14:59 PM
14 September, 2005: This is when it all started. The Mean Machine (cause we all know Vinnie Jones plays on something as awesome as DB as well) known as Defias Brotherhood was unleashed upon the then still innocent RPers of Argent Dawn and Earthen Ring. As one of the two first servers marked as RP-PvP, it was founded to make for a retreat for all RPers longing for a real sense of PvP in the World of Warcraft. And by Thrall's legendary underwear, did it deliver!

Now, on 14 September 2010, it's still alive and running, and ready to honour the days of old in ye good ole Anniversary War! No-nonsense, all-out fun for the kids and family!

The breeze wafted soothingly over the bloodied grass of the forest. Amongst the many, long-buried bones and fresh carcasses here, many wars had been waged. Yet despite all this, the landscape was still very much like it was five years ago, when just another bloodied chapter of this landscape began. All of this, however, was soon to change.

New, ambitious leaders arise on the horizon, ready to lead their people into glory and darkness and beyond, and may what gods have mercy on what may be standing in their way. These are the lands that are marked for disaster, and whether it be due to old hatreds, burning fires or mere grudges, shields and spears are bound to collide here as they have once before.

This is the time for heroes, both young and old, to travel forth and defend their lands again. For King and Country, or perhaps on behalf of his or her commanding chief... or what sinister forces might be operating behind that.

Tl;dr? Fear not! For we can be very brief in all this! The Anniversary War is upon us again! On the coming 14 September, our beloved server will be up in the air for another splendid five years already! To celebrate, we will once again, of course, be hosting PvP events on specific locations - this time focused on the vanilla world of Azeroth for one last time before the Cataclysm is upon us!

Naturally, anyone else is able and even very much encouraged to organize their own events to celebrate the occasion as well! In fact, make sure you either stay tuned to this thread for any updates on any additional events or, alternative, keep an eye on the thread on the server's unofficial RP forums for any closed events!

Carnage in Ashenvale
Monday, 13 September, 20:00

Players from the first hour may well remember the troll-led assault on the town of Astranaar on the very first existing day of the server. All the fresh lowbies of the Horde were led to Astranaar to try and take down those pesky sentinels. Unfortunately, the Horde combatants weren't quite as well-trained as they are these days. A chance for payback, perhaps? Or a chance for the Alliance to take the fight all the way back to the Warsong Lumber Mill, a classical battlefield as well? Either way, a last chance for the entire server to experience Ashenvale in its old shape!

Battle of the Shimmering Flats 2.0
Tuesday, 14 September, 20:00

Another classical battlefield for many players of the Defias Brotherhood. When battlegrounds weren't quite as simple as they are now and when only the most dedicated would get all the purples, a historical battle was waged on the Shimmering Flats, in the Thousand Needles. This place will forever hold a special meaning to many who were lucky enough to witness this carnage (and ultimate lagfest). Sadly, this place will be forgotten in Cataclysm, but before that, all heroes will have one last chance to wage war on this legendary field of battle, which the Alliance will approach from Gadgetzan, and the Horde from Freewind Post!

Posted on
Game Related / Resilient Victory (AB achievement)
August 17, 2010, 01:21:52 PM
Hullo there orcses o/

As part of my Battlemaster achievement, one of the last achievements I need and have been having trouble with so far, is the Resilient Victory achievement in Arathi Basin (overcome a disadvantage of 500 points). Since I don't see this happening in any random groups, I was wondering if anyone else here would be interested in trying to fetch that achievement in a little premade. I won't be too picky on the requirements, but a little know-how in PvP is of course encouraged.

Post here if you're interested! Hopefully we can put together a group on a certain date!
Contact Us / Officers of the Red Blade
August 15, 2010, 08:41:04 PM

  ¤  Orcish Lore  ¤  Orcish Timeline  ¤  Red Blade History  ¤  Red Blade Culture  ¤  Great Spirits  ¤  Red Blade Ranks  ¤  FAQ  ¤ 

Got any questions? Want to set up an event or do you have any problems to report regarding our members or anything that might involve contacting someone responsible for Orcs of the Red Blade? Here's a list of all the currently active officers.

OOC Officers:

IC Officers:

Chieftain Kozgugore
Thur'ruk Kogrà
Thur'ruk Trakmar
Rrosh-tul Noshmarak
Varog'Gor Razaron
Varog'Gor Vraxxar
Varog'Gor Kaigron
Varog'Gor Kyrazha

If an officer is unavailable, certain senior members of the guild may be able to assist you with general enquiries, guild information and in-character interviews. They cannot speak or act officially on behalf of the guild without officer support, however. Any Nag'Ogar and Gosh'kar ranks fall under this category.
Applications / Orcish Lore
August 15, 2010, 07:17:13 PM

  ¤  Orcish Timeline  ¤  Red Blade History  ¤  Red Blade Culture  ¤  Great Spirits  ¤  Red Blade Ranks  ¤  FAQ  ¤ 

Orcs are generally considered to be one of the more difficult races to RP. This isn’t only due to their very different cultures compared to most other races in the world of Warcraft, but because they have a very rich history in the world of Warcraft as well. If you’re interested in taking a closer look at the orcish history in the timeline of Warcraft, make sure to check out our orcish timeline topic. In this topic, a general overview will be given of the orcish race and its culture.


Orcs once cultivated a shamanistic society upon the dying world of Draenor. Then the dark magics of the Burning Legion corrupted them, transforming the orc people into a voracious, unstoppable Horde. Lured to the world of Azeroth through a dimensional gateway, the Horde was manipulated into waging war against the human nations of Stormwind and Lordaeron. These struggles went on for generations.

Under the visionary leadership of Thrall, the orcs stripped themselves of demonic influence. They now strive to recover their lost heritage and return to their ancient, shamanistic ways. Even as they rebuild their culture, the orcs do not forget recent events. They will stop at nothing to ensure that they are never used as pawns again.


Though they often appear to outsiders as a barbaric and brutal people, orcs are very proud and noble in their own way. They prize honour and skill above material wealth. Though brutal in combat, orcs fight with surprising grace and style. They do not throw their lives away recklessly, but neither do they avoid danger, trusting their honour and skill to carry them through most encounters.

They value honour above all and go to great lengths to prove themselves to those whom they respect. The easiest way to pick a fight with an orc is to insult his honour. Orcs distrust outsiders, but make strong friendships quickly when trust has been proven.

The concept of honour is seen in every level of orc society, even in their naming practices. An orc’s first name is given early in life, often derived from a family name or the name of a great hero. The clan bestows the second name after the orc reaches maturity. This name is usually either based upon some great deed or a defining trait or characteristic of the orc. Such a practice gives rise to surnames such as Doomhammer, Elfkicker, Foe-ender, Skullsplitter, Thumper and so forth. This second name may be changed if a new one seems more appropriate. Many young orcs often leave the safety of their home to seek their way in the world and bring honor to themselves and their family through great deeds. Adventuring provides a wide door to both honor and combat skills.

Because orcs value honor, challenges are commonplace. These are rarely duels; rather, they take the forms of physical challenges that tasks each orc with something other than personal combat. Some are tests of skill (climbing a particular mountain and retrieving a treasure from its peak), some are tests of endurance (lasting in a desert in the height of summer) and some are tests of ferocity (forcing a beast to withdraw from a confrontation without striking a blow). When a young orc wishes to prove himself to an established warrior, it’s expected that the orc will be put through a series of gruelling tests. Sometimes orcs apply these tests to members of other races who wish to prove themselves, even humans and dwarves.

Orcs expect trials of themselves and their compatriots, and they love to boast of their accomplishments. However, one thing they also expect of each other is humility. Just as Thrall paid homage to great predecessors like Doomhammer and Grom Hellscream, every orc is expected to revere his immediate elders. Shrines and memorials to ancestors are commonplace, and many orcs make pilgrimages to the memorials of great orcs, for example to the memorial of Grom Hellscream in Ashenvale.

The most commonly found religion among orcs is the worship of nature, the elements and the orcs' ancestors. As such, shamans used to have an important place in every clan. Some even boasted a tradition of leadership by shamans. In addition, orcs venerate their elders, especially those who accomplished great deeds in their lifetime. They express this veneration through oral tradition, passing the legends of great orcs through the generations in legend and song.


After the founding of the New Horde, most orcs followed Thrall with an almost zealous dedication. Thrall led them from a bloodthirsty existence, battling the humans time and again, to a life of spiritual awakening and (relative) peace. However, the orcs certainly do not discount the roles of warriors in their society; indeed, they consider warriors as important as ever. Their new homeland is still rife with struggles with centaurs, harpies and even stray Alliance soldiers bent on stirring up trouble. Even so, most orc warriors are no longer as blinded by bloodlust or conquest. They understand what they are fighting for and why, and accept the reasons.

The orcs are the foundation of the Horde and see it as almost an extension of their race. They are very pleased with how the Horde has grown to include the tauren, jungle trolls, goblins, the Forsaken, blood elves and even some pandaren, along with the strides their people have taken. One could say that they could no more betray the Horde than betray their own race.

Not many orcs beneath Thrall are as trusting as he is towards the Alliance, however. Orcs rarely react kindly to any Alliance members they encounter. Some of the more spiritual orcs find it amusing that the Alliance views them as barbaric and uncivilized when the Horde is fashioned of races that trust and admire each other.

Warriors occupy the highest strata of orc society. All young men and woman who pass the test of strong flesh are expected to receive some training, and training among the battle masters of Orgrimmar is considered among the highest honours that a warrior can obtain. They do not fight for the pleasure of others, or even for the joy of the kill. For orcs, skilled combat is as valued as fine blacksmithing is to dwarves.

Aside from warriors, the other honored group is the shamans, who are masters of the spirit just as warriors are masters of the body. The shaman is the explorer of the elements, which are as essential to the orc religion as the Light is to humans. Shamans are both masters and slaves of the natural world. Some of the greatest orc shamans train as far seers. Those who show great aptitude train and even live among the spirits in the Valley of Spirits, the spiritual heart of Orgrimmar. As Thrall combines both martial prowess and shamanism, he exemplifies the current orc mindset.

For orcs, life is a series of trials. In Durotar, young warriors and barbarians who graduate from the pits are sent into the Valley of Trials, a hunting ground that’s expected to prepare them for battle. Here they hunt (relatively weak) prey and hone their skills. Likewise, shamans and priests are expected to travel out into the plains and commune with spirits, learning to heed the spirits’ voices. From the tauren, orcs have adopted sweat lodges and other practices designed to test the body and bring it closer to the elements.


The orcs came to Azeroth from another world entirely. What passed for a homeland in Lordaeron was lost. Yet under the guidance of Thrall, the orcs came to Kalimdor to establish a new home. In the aftermath of the vicious struggle against the Burning Legion, they have begun to do just that with the realm of Durotar. The harsh landscape is much like the orcs’ original, blasted home world of Draenor.

The capital city of Orgrimmar, nestled within a jagged mountain valley, bustles with crude industry and trade. The orcs are fond of their tauren neighbours (whose homeland Mulgore lies west, across the Barrens) and delight in trading and hunting with them. Tauren are often found milling with their orc friends around Orgrimmar’s sport arenas and taverns.

The orcs consider their current state to be the best they have experienced in a while. They are finally free of the Burning Legion’s influence; they have a new homeland and strong allies who will guide them through their spiritual journey. While prosperity (both physical and spiritual) is their key focus these days, their spiritual lives do no put them above defending themselves.

Durotar is well defended, with all roads and main thoroughfares routinely patrolled. The orcs feel the need for defense and keep their eyes on merchants, explorers and heroes. They refuse to be caught off guard again.

Though orcs hold no lingering interest in conquest or domination, they understandably remain wary of their human neighbours to the south. Orc patrols set out regularly to ensure that the agents of the Alliance keep their distance from Durotar’s borders.


Orc relations with most other races are shaky at best. The Alliance races find it difficult to forget the invasions of years past and are hesitant to trust that the orcs now follow more peaceful ways â€" especially when many orc tribes have not left the warrior lifestyle. While affairs are less than calm with humans, dwarves, and elves, the orcs get along well with tauren and the Darkspear trolls. The three races enjoy many cultural similarities, making for a strong bond despite their disparate heritage. Goblins are looked upon with tolerance, as they often have interesting things worth trading for.


In orcish society, honor matters above everything else. To orcs, however, the word “honor” has a very broad meaning. Since orcs aren’t very much a race to abide by laws, their decisions are made upon what is honorable. Though duels to the death can be a way to solve a dispute, executions are known to have taken place as well. In the Red Blade, too, does honor play a central part in life and what dictates right from wrong. To see the Red Blade's Code of Honor, see the Red Blad Culture thread.
Applications / Orcish Timeline
August 15, 2010, 07:11:28 PM

  ¤  Orcish Lore  ¤  Red Blade History  ¤  Red Blade Culture  ¤  Great Spirits  ¤  Red Blade Ranks  ¤  FAQ  ¤ 

Although Warcraft's time lines are shaky at best, here's the closest depiction of the time line exclusively concerning orcish history. Keep in mind that some of these dates are an estimation, as Blizzard hasn't given any official dates for some particular details. The primary source used for the events is the World of Warcraft: Chronicle series.


  • The orcs emerge from the subterranean caverns of Gorgrond and begin to spread across Draenor, forming various clans.
  • Orcs from the Shadowmoon clan are taught the ways of shamanism by the elements and construct a temple at a site they name the Throne of the Elements. The biannual Kosh'harg festival is established.


  • Imperator Molok of the Gorian Empire sends an ogre army to claim the Throne of the Elements and the power of the elements by force. The dissonance between the ogres' reckless arcane magic and the lingering power of Grond's remains creates an explosion that blows apart the orcish temple, leaving behind only a few standing stones and throwing the elements into disarray across Draenor.


  • At the Kosh'harg festival, the orcish clans band together to combat the ogres at the urging of Nelgarm.


  • The orcs lay siege to the ogre capital Goria. Molok and his sorcerers create the red pox, which begins to spread among the orcs, but Nelgarm and his fellow shaman convince the elements to completely destroy Goria.


  • The draenei crash-land on Draenor in the Genedar and create the Council of Exarchs.


  • The Temple of Karabor is founded. The Shadowmoon orcs begin to worship the darkened naaru K'ara as a deity, calling it the "Dark Star", but quickly outlaw the practice after discovering that wielding the Dark Star's power causes insanity.
  • The naaru K'ure begins attracting the souls of deceased orcs to the wreckage of the Genedar. Orcish shaman begin making pilgrimages to the site to commune with their ancestors, naming the crystal mountain "Oshu'gun".
  • A group of orcish exiles dwelling below Nagrand begin tapping into the Void energies bleeding from K'ure. This allows them to use shadow magic but also turns their skin a sickly white, causing the exiles to begin calling themselves "the Pale".


  • The orc clans debate over how to respond to the draenei. The Bladewind clan begin raiding draenei caravans, but the attacks gradually cease when the draenei send Vindicators to guard the caravans.


  • Grommash Hellscream is born.


  • The orc Gul'dan is exiled from his clan and seeks out the Throne of the Elements, where the elements reject him. Kil'jaeden reaches out to him and grants him the power of fel magic in exchange for agreeing to help the Burning Legion manipulate the orcs against the draenei. Gul'dan accepts, becoming the first orcish warlock.
  • Gul'dan inundates the Throne of the Elements with fel magic, throwing the elements into disarray across the world, and also uses his magic to create the worst outbreak of the red pox in orcish history. Many orcs contract the plague at the Kosh'harg festival. Under the leadership of the Frostwolf chieftain Garad, the plague bearers establish a village in Nagrand to quarantine the afflicted. The village is named Garadar in Garad's honor after he succumbs to the pox.
  • Medivh continues to study demonic lore and Azerothian history and becomes convinced that the world is inherently flawed, too divided by petty rivalries to ever unite into a single force in case of a demonic invasion. He concludes that he needs an army to change things and begins venturing out into the cosmos, eventually discovering Draenor and the orcs.


  • Gul'dan returns to his home village and burns it and everyone within it to ash to prevent anyone from learning about his past. He then ventures to the Shadowmoon clan and convinces them to let him join them, claiming that his home village was destroyed by ogres. Gul'dan wins the friendship of the Shadowmoon chieftain, the shaman Ner'zhul, allowing Kil'jaeden to begin manipulating Ner'zhul's thoughts.
  • Gul'dan manipulates the Bladewind clan into launching raids on draenei caravans, killing and kidnapping dozens of draenei. Vindicator Maraad and the draenei retaliate and storm the Bladewind village, but when Maraad sees the corpse of his sister Leran he goes into a rampage across the village. Gul'dan kills the few surviving Bladewinds as they attempt to flee. He then returns to the Shadowmoon and tells of how the draenei launched an unprovoked massacre against the Bladewinds. Meanwhile, Kil'jaeden appears to Ner'zhul in his dreams, disguised as the spirit of his deceased mate Rulkan, and tells him that the draenei are planning to destroy the orcs. Ner'zhul calls for a clan meeting at Oshu'gun, where the orc chieftains agree to band together to defeat the draenei, marking the creation of the Horde.


  • The orcs begin launching sporadic attacks against draenei hunting parties. The draenei, assuming that the orcs have simply been agitated by the elemental turmoil, begin organizing and constructing new defenses.
  • Ner'zhul's apprehension about the war with the draenei grows. Kil'jaeden appears to him in the form of Rulkan and tells him of powerful beings who could aid the orcs, and the night after Kil'jaeden appears again as a radiant elemental entity and urges him to push the Horde to victory and exterminate the draenei. Ner'zhul secretly embarks on a journey to Oshu'gun to seek the guidance of the ancestors, but Kil'jaeden is aware of his plans and tells Gul'dan to gather allies to control the Shadowmoon, since Ner'zhul can no longer be relied upon. Gul'dan recruits Teron'gor and several other shaman and begin teaching them fel magic.
  • At Oshu'gun, the real Rulkan and the other ancestors tell Ner'zhul that he was being manipulated by Kil'jaeden and condemn the shaman for having been used by the demon lord. Ner'zhul falls into despair and is captured by Gul'dan's followers, who treat him as little more than a slave.


  • Displeased by the disarray and infighting in the Horde, Kil'jaeden commands Gul'dan to find a single, true leader for the orcs â€" a warchief. Gul'dan convinces Blackhand to take up the position after training some of the Blackrock clan's shaman how to wield fel magic and magically age young orcs, including Blackhand's young sons, Dal'rend and Maim.
  • Gul'dan forms the Shadow Council to watch over the orcs and includes Blackhand in the organization, but Gul'dan's trusted Shadowmoon warlocks secretly form the inner circle of the organization. The warlock recruits new members for the council, including Cho'gall and Garona, and creates a group called the necrolytes.
  • Zagrel, Chieftain of the Whiteclaw clan, is assassinated by Garona on behalf of Gul'dan for speaking out against the Horde.


  • At a clan meeting at Oshu'gun, Gul'dan persuades many shaman into becoming warlocks and convinces the clan chieftains to unanimously vote for Blackhand as their warchief.
  • Blackhand orders the construction of the Citadel, later known as Hellfire Citadel, and organizes the various clans into specific roles within the Horde. He also forms a new clan known as the Black Tooth Grin and names Eitrigg, Orgrim Doomhammer and Varok Saurfang as his lieutenants in the Blackrock clan.
  • Blackhand sends warlocks to magically age the adolescents of other clans. The orcs' skin begins to turn a sickly green.
  • Cho'gall recruits the pale orcs into the Horde and forms the Twilight's Hammer clan.


  • The draenei's morale begins to founder as the orcs launch coordinated assaults on minor settlements and outposts across the dying world. Velen and the exarchs, knowing that their only chance of survival is to hold off the onslaught and hope that the Burning Legion does not launch a full-scale invasion, order their forces to withdraw to Shattrath and Karabor. The elemental spirits pool their power into the mighty Firelord, Cyrukh, to stop the desecration of the land.
  • The orcs gather for an assault on Karabor. Cyrukh appears in a nearby volcano to confront them, but Gul'dan and his warlocks gather on the volcano's slopes to shatter the being's physical form and infuse its power into the orcs, shattering the last connection between the orcs and the elements. The volcano becomes known as the Hand of Gul'dan.
  • The draenei hold the orcish assault at bay for a time but are defeated when the Horde uses the power of the Dark Star to kill or drive insane many of the defenders and permanently darken Karabor, turning it into the Black Temple. Velen and the survivors manage to flee via the harbor.


  • The orcs gather at a mountain near the Citadel and drink the blood of Mannoroth at Gul'dan's urging. Durotan forbids the Frostwolves from drinking after having received an anonymous message from Ner'zhul, while Orgrim refuses out of suspicion for the growing corruption of the orcs and Draenor. Those who do drink the blood are driven into a ferocious bloodlust and march against Shattrath as Gul'dan infuses the mountain with fel energy, transforming it into the Throne of Kil'jaeden.
  • The victims of the red pox quarantined in Garadar remain isolated from the fel corruption, leading them to become known as the Mag'har, "Uncorrupted".
  • Velen leads many Shattrath civilians to a refuge in Telredor. The orcs launch an assault on Shattrath, unleashing the red mist against the draenei. Before long, the city falls to the Horde.
  • Many of the survivors retreat to Auchindoun. Teron'gor and other Shadow Council agents are dispatched to the mausoleum, but when they are repelled by the draenei and Auchindoun's spirits they attempt to summon a powerful demon to aid them. Instead, they accidentally summon Murmur, whose arrival blasts Auchindoun apart and levels the surrounding forests. The warlocks bind Murmur within Auchindoun to prevent it from wreaking havoc on the Horde.


  • Blackhand turns his attention on Draenor's other inhabitants. Kilrogg Deadeye and the Bleeding Hollow clan launch a campaign against Farahlon, while Grommash Hellscream and Cho'gall topple Highmaul. Elsewhere, the Frostwolf, Whiteclaw and Thunderlord clans are charged with hunting down the ogres, ogron, gronn and magnaron, though only the Thunderlords obey.
  • Kargath Bladefist leads a force to conquer the arakkoa capital, Skyreach. The orcs ally with the Outcast arakkoa, who agree to infiltrate Skyreach and sabotage the high arakkoa's superweapon. Kargath and his forces then slaughter high and cursed arakkoa alike, casting some of the former into Sethekk Hollow. These cursed high arakkoa rally under Grizzik, who leads his people to take refuge in Auchindoun.
  • Kil'jaeden ceases to communicate with Gul'dan on Sargeras' orders. The orcs begin to flounder on Draenor as the world slowly dies. The threat of starvation causes the orcs to hunt many of Draenor's native creatures to extinction and begin fighting amongst themselves. The Dying Times were upon Draenor.


  • Medivh appears to Gul'dan and the Shadow Council and tells them of Azeroth, as well as showing a vision of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul'dan. The construction of the Dark Portal begins.


  • The Horde enter the Dark Portal and small skirmishes break out with the humans. Rumors spread of monsters in the swamp; most are dismissed as tales.
  • The Frostwolves are banished from the Horde and begin sneaking north to find a new home.
  • Blackhand orders the Horde push north and west, far into Stormwind's territories. Many villages and towns are destroyed.
  • The Bleeding Hollow clan pushes into Stranglethorn but are met with strong resistance from the Gurubashi, and eventually retreat.
  • The First War has officially begun.


  • The Frostwolves arrive in Alterac Valley, having almost entirely avoided Azeroth's other races thanks to the elements.
  • Thrall is born.
  • Shocked at their child's green skin, Durotan sends messages through the elements to meet with Orgrim near Loch Modan. The two meet to discuss this revelation and go their separate ways. Orgrim sends his most trusted friends with Durotan and his wife, Draka, for protection, but they turn out to be loyal to Gul'dan. They murder Durotan and Draka and leave Thrall for dead, but the infant is soon found by Aedelas Blackmoore.


  • Redridge falls to the Horde.
  • The Shadow Council moves their operations to Blackrock Mountain.
  • The Horde begins their first siege of Stormwind. It's met as a stalemate and the Horde retreat.
  • Garona is allowed entrance to Stormwind by the word of Khadgar, who warns King Llane about Medivh's fall to the Legion.
  • Seeing the Shadow Council's weakness after Gul'dan's coma, Orgrim challenges Blackhand to a mak'gora. The duel ends in Orgrim crushing Blackhand's skull with his family heirloom, the Doomhammer.
  • Garona and Khadgar return to Stormwind to inform Llane of the Guardian's death. In the battle, however, Gul'dan had implanted thoughts of killing allies into Garona's mind. These messages flared bright in her head once more, and she assassinates Llane.
  • Stormwind comes under siege from the Horde and the front gates fall. The city falls to fire, and Lothar is forced to gather what refugees he can and flee north.


  • The Demon Soul is found by orcish warlocks. Alexstrasza senses this and comes to investigate.
  • Gul'dan creates the first death knights.
  • The Horde pushes north, conquering Khaz Modan and trapping the dwarves and gnomes within Ironforge and Gnomeregan.
  • Orgrim builds the orcish fleet in present-day Menethil Harbor, planning to sail around the Thandol Span and into Hillsbrad.
  • The Dragonmaw clan bind Alexstrasza in Grim Batol with the Demon Soul, forcing the red dragonflight to the Horde's will.
  • The Horde sail north but are outmatched by the Kul Tiras fleet. Red dragons chase off the Alliance and the Horde make landfall.


  • The Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills ensues, leaving much of the landscape in ruin. The Horde's death knights prove triumphant over the Alliance's paladins.
  • The Horde frees Zul'jin from human captivity, who in turn pledges his tribe, the Amani, to the Horde's cause.
  • Garona escapes capture from her handler, Eitrigg.
  • Horde forces move through the Hinterlands, suffering attacks from the Wildhammer clan of dwarves.
  • The Horde moves to Quel'Thalas and Gul'dan assists in dismantling the elven runestones, which he later utilizes to create two-headed ogres.
  • With the assistance of the Horde, the Amani finally begin retaking parts of Eversong. The high elves are pushed back to the walls of Silvermoon, but fail to breach them. Orgrim realizes his resources should be pooled elsewhere and moves his forces southwest towards Alterac, leaving the Amani. Zul'jin would never forgive the Horde for this.
  • Realizing the might of the Horde, Aiden Perenolde strikes a deal with the orcs. They will be allowed passage through Alterac if they spare his city. Orgrim readily accepts and moves on to Capital City.
  • The Horde begins their siege of Capital City but is met with a strong opposition. Gul'dan, having finally learned the location of the Tomb of Sargeras, abandons the Horde with the Twilight's Hammer and Stormreaver clans, causing the Horde's loss in the Second War.
  • Gul'dan raises the Broken Shore and makes his way through the Tomb. Defying Kil'jaeden's plan of turning the Tomb into a portal for the Legion, however, the warlock attempts to take all its power for himself. He and his followers are torn apart by monstrous demons while the rest of his clan is defeated by the Dragonmaw.
  • Cho'Gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan flee west to Kalimdor.
  • The Horde flees south but is quickly followed by the Alliance, the Kul Tiras fleet and the Wildhammer clan.
  • Khaz Modan is liberated and the dwarves and gnomes readily join the Alliance.
  • Siege of Blackrock Spire - the Alliance lays siege to Blackrock Mountain.
  • Orgrim slays Lothar in combat but is swiftly defeated by Turalyon and captured.
  • Khadgar destroys the Dark Portal.


  • Dal'rend and Maim Blackhand bolster Horde remnants at Blackrock, forming their "True Horde".
  • Most orcs fled into the wilderness, travelling in small packs or alone.
  • The Alliance begins the Orcish Internment.
  • Aedelas Blackmoore is named lord of Durnholde and secretly raises Thrall as his slave.
  • Nethergarde Keep is established to keep watch over the rift that still exists in the Blasted Lands.


  • Ner'zhul reforms what little Horde is left on Draenor.
  • In search of new worlds to conquer, Ner'zhul tasks Teron Gorefiend and the remaining death knights with acquiring artifacts of power; the Scepter of Sargeras, the Eye of Dalaran and the Book of Medivh.
  • Ner'zhul re-opens the Dark Portal with the Skull of Gul'dan.
  • Deathwing pledges his flight to the Horde if they'll take a large number of his eggs with them back to Draenor. Ner'zhul agrees.
  • Teron Gorefiend and the death knights retrieve all three artifacts and return them to Ner'zhul.
  • The Warsong are tasked with preventing the Alliance from entering the portal, but are beaten back by Turalyon's forces, the Sons of Lothar.
  • The Sons of Lothar invade Draenor, beating back the Horde to Hellfire Citadel. Ner'zhul flees south with the three artifacts to Karabor, now called the Black Temple.
  • While searching for nesting areas, Deathwing and his flight come under assault from the gronn. The most ruthless, Gruul, becomes known as the Dragonkiller after nearly killing Deathwing himself.
  • Ner'zhul uses the power from all three artifacts to call open innumerable dimensional portals. The influx of power tears apart Draenor into what it is today; Outland.
  • Many orcs fled Draenor to Azeroth and most were captured. Khadgar, still on Draenor, closes the Dark Portal from his side, trapping the Sons of Lothar on a dying world.


  • Thrall, the son of Frostwolf Clan’s chieftain Durotan, who was taken by the humans as an infant, escapes from Blackmoore’s control and begins to search for his lost heritage. He learns of the existence of the Warsong clan â€" the only clan remaining that is undefeated by humans â€" and of its ferocious leader, Grom Hellscream. He reunites a number of renegade orc clans and leads them in revolt against the Alliance. After joining with Orgrim Doomhammer and Hellscream, Thrall frees the captive orcs and reforms the Horde. Doomhammer is slain in battle and Thrall becomes Warchief of the Horde. He reintroduces his people to the abandoned shamanistic culture of their ancestors.


  • As the Third War begins, the Horde captures Alliance ships and makes a dangerous journey past the Maelstrom to the unexplored lands of Kalimdor. The Horde unwittingly offends the night elves by gathering lumber, and the following battles push Grom Hellscream to drink demon blood for greater power. Horde and Alliance forces unite against the Burning Legion, destroying the demon Archimonde and defeat the Burning Legion. The surviving mortal forces establish new colonies on Kalimdor. Thrall and the Horde found a homeland in the desert of Kalimdor, naming it Durotar.


  • Admiral Proudmoore, Jaina's father, arrives on Theramore with the remainder of the Kul Tiras navy. He lands on Kalimdor and engages the Horde in a series of battles. The Horde pushes the battle back to Theramore, killing Admiral Proudmoore but leaving Jaina and those loyal to her alive.


  • World of Warcraft begins.
  • King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind is kidnapped, and his son, Anduin Wrynn, is temporarily crowned. The black dragon Onyxia is discovered in Stormwind City. An assault is launched on Blackwing Lair, home of the black dragon Nefarian. In the deserts of Silithus, the qiraji launch an invasion at the behest of the Old God C'Thun. Kel'Thuzad launches an attack on Azeroth from the dread citadel Naxxramas in the Eastern Kingdoms.


  • World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade begins.
  • The blood elves of Quel'Thalas join the Horde. In Kalimdor, the draenei crash-land off the northern coast, and ally with the Alliance. The Dark Portal is rebuilt and re-opened by Lord Kazzak, and both Horde and Alliance forces travel to Outland. There, the orc Garrosh Hellscream is discovered by Warchief Thrall, and taken back to Azeroth to act as an advisor. Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider of the blood elves allies with the Burning Legion, attempting to summon the demon lord Kil'jaeden to Azeroth. The Sunwell is restored with the heart of the naaru M'uru.


  • World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King begins.
  • The Lich King launches a new assault on Azeroth, attacking Stormwind City and Orgrimmar. Alliance and Horde forces both travel to Northrend to combat the Lich King. The Argent Crusade is established. Death knight defectors from the Lich King's armies form the Knights of the Ebon Blade, allying with both Alliance and Horde. Garrosh Hellscream is sent to lead the Horde forces in Northrend. The Lich King is defeated.


  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm begins.
  • Thrall steps down from his position as warchief and appoints Garrosh Hellscream as the new leader of the Horde. The former Dragon Aspect Deathwing bursts through into Azeroth from the Elemental Plane, shattering the surface of the world as tensions between the Alliance and Horde continue to build. The worgen of Gilneas join the Alliance, and the goblins of the Bilgewater Cartel join the Horde. The elemental lords Ragnaros and Al'Akir are slain. as well as Cho'gall, leader of the Twilight's Hammer cult. The Dragon Aspects expend their titan-given power to kill Deathwing, and the Age of Mortals begins.


  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria begins.
  • All-out war erupts between the Alliance and Horde when Warchief Garrosh Hellscream destroys the city of Theramore with a mana bomb. Archmage Rhonin dies, and Lady Jaina Proudmoore takes his place as leader of the Kirin Tor, a council of some of Azeroth's most powerful magi. Pandaren residents of the Wandering Isle ally with both the Alliance and Horde as the continent of Pandaria is discovered. The sha are released on Pandaria, and the Thunder King, Lei Shen, is resurrected. Garrosh orders the assassination of the Darkspear leader, Vol'jin. Jaina forcibly removes the Horde from Dalaran, throwing the magocratic city-state's support behind the Alliance. Vol'jin begins the Darkspear Rebellion, pitting Horde against Horde. The Alliance covertly assists the Darkspear rebels, and Garrosh's reign as warchief is ended.
  • Most of the Kor'kron are wiped out.
  • Garrosh is dethroned and captured, then moved to Pandaria for trial.
  • Vol'jin replaces Garrosh as Warchief of the Horde.


  • World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor begins.
  • Garrosh Hellscream is taken to the Temple of the White Tiger in Pandaria to stand trial for his crimes. During the trial, Garrosh escapes justice. In the Blasted Lands, the Dark Portal's energies shift from green to red, and new orc invaders emerge from the portal, calling themselves the Iron Horde. Both Alliance and Horde forces launch a defense to combat the new threat, eventually leading an assault on the Dark Portal itself. Azeroth's defenders charge through the portal, determined to dismantle it from the other side and defeat the Iron Horde.


  • World of Warcraft: Legion begins.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner becomes Warchief of the Horde.
  • The Burning Legion openly launches full-scale invasions on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
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