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The Dreadwolf Warband Roster

Started by Karnna, September 16, 2018, 03:34:13 PM

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A warband once part of the Mag’har Horde, it took part in many battles against rebellious ogres, primal encroachments and the restless armies of the Lightbound. Now forced to Azeroth this warband has begun to regain it’s bearings. Ready to forge a place for themselves in this new Horde. This roster documents the active members of warbands who made the journey to Azeroth.

(Creating this to get a finalized idea on how many Mag’har were part of the Warband and what sort of relationship each mag’har might have with each other.)

Name: Azramuzha
Clan: Burning Blade/Warsong
Age: 30
Profession: Blademaster
Warband role: Leader
Short bio: Born to the Blademaster Kyramuzha and the Warsong wolfrider Morgatha Steelfang, Azra was raised in the settlement of his father, Hallvalor, were he would train to become a blademaster like his father. However his warsong blood called him to wander and explore rather than remain with the regimented system of the Burning Blade clan. When call for orcish children to be part of an exchange project with the Draenei, Azra ask to be sent, reluctantly, his parents agreed and Azra would spent many years in the draenei city of Shattrath. Here Azra befriended several orcs whom would join the warband and even many draenei whom he would later face in battle. Years later now a man, Azra eagerly sort out battles and fights across Draenor to prove himself more so when the war with the Lightbound began. During one fateful encounter Azra attempted to slay an exarch on his own, resulting in not only defeat and the near loss of his life, but the breaking of his ancestral blade, ashamed, Azra still carry the hilt of the broken blade, until the day his honor is restored and he can reforged it anew.


Name: Har'kuna Kinslayer

Clan: Blackrock

Age: 27

Profession: Shaman

Warband Role: Brawler / Reluctant Medic


Her parents met whilst clearing out a Fel Horde outpost after the Legion had been defeated, and bonded after they each saved the others life from the beasts. Her mother was a Blackrock warrior, whilst her father was a Draenei paladin.

And so within a year Har'kuna was born, looking every inch the Blackrock orc her mother was, save for her eyes which took after her fathers, as well as some faint cranial ridging.

The years passed and Har'kuna grew up, her father trying to convert his family to the Light, and her mother trying to do the same to him but to the Spirits. It almost became something of a game between the two, with their daughter stuck in the middle. She was even sent to Shattrath to learn of her Draenei heritage and attend school. Then the Lightbound troubles began to rise up.

When twelve years had passed since her birth, her father tried once again to convince his mate and daughter to convert to the Light, this time with force.

A fierce fight broke out, and by the end of it Har'kuna was left standing there, covered in the blood of both her parents pooling at her feet, with a dagger in her hand covered in her father's blood. Thus she earned the name of Kinslayer when she was found by the Mag'hari who'd awoken to the sounds of the fight.

So she bent her life to the opposite of the Light, working with the Elements of Draenor as best as she could to try and wrest control of their world away from the Light whilst also trying to be as Orc-ish as she possibly could.

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


Name: Nag'ral

Clan: Shadowmoon

Age: Elderly

Profession: Voidseer (Shadow Priest)

Warband Role: Seer/Prophet


While exact details of Nag'ral's background are somewhat hard to pin down by his own design, a few things are certain. First, he was a shaman of the Shadowmoon Clan who turned away from the elements and towards the powers of the Dark Star along with Ner'zhul. Second, Nag'ral isn't the name he was born with but rather one he adopted later in life. And third, despite his success in bending Shadow Magic to his will in combat, he is bloody awful at using at to predict the future.

He has spent much of his time prior to coming to Azeroth fighting against the forces of the light. Indeed before even the Draenei began their attempt at forcibly converting the Orcish population Nag'ral had been something of a doomsayer, claiming that the Light would be the death of them all and attempting to convince his fellow Orcs to mistrust and even hate the Draenei as it's agents. He was, suffice it to say, rather smug when the Draenei DID eventually turn on the Orcs and thus proved his 'prophecy' correct.

Despite that one success however, these days he's more likely than not to blurt out some sight or prophecy that is inaccurate, misunderstood, or entirely incorrect. While most of the time there is some nugget of truth to what he says, it almost never turns out the way he expects or predicts. He will tell you that an ambush awaits somewhere ahead and likely be correct, he'll just tell you to poke the wrong bush and you'll end up getting ambushed anyway.

As for why anyone would keep him around? He is still a potent practitioner of shadow magics in combat and, well, even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Name: Zaheeri of the Last Veil
Clan: Clanless
Age: ??
Profession: Shadowseer
Warband role: Scout/Stealth/Healer


Zaheeri's background is a mystery, but what has been gathered from her cawing ramblings is that she was a friend to the Arakkoa before their disappearance. Though the Arakkoa are believed to be extinct she seems confident her kin still persist in what few shadowy places remain on Draenor, and that if she could escape the doom of their world so can the Arakkoa. She is an aloof and canny old crone, with many secrets and a clear mind for self-preservation, and with it the preservation of the culture, knowledge, and magics of the Arakkoa.

Physically she is very slim, almost skeletal in appearance, and her features are gaunt and pale. Her right eye is missing, replaced with a glass one that seems to peer around eerily at it's own whims when it isn't lazing just off-centre. Her fingers are long and boney and her voice is sharp and crowish.

Zaheeri didn't so much join the warband as tag along, arriving one day and starting to contribute until she was accepted, all the while keeping mostly to herself. Whilst she seems to understand Orcish she herself either cannot speak it, or chooses not to. Nobody is quite sure which.

Zaheeri's skills revolve around a mastery of both the shadows and the natural world. Whilst physically frail she seems to get about the place fairly quickly and her pockets seem never to run dry of spiders, nor her sleeves of snakes. She routinely shares vision with her avian pets for scouting and on occasion has been known to invade the minds of enemies to drive them mad, or turn them upon her foes.

Beyond her magics she is also an expert scribe, rarely seen without an ink-stained bag of scrolls, and though her cooking is legendarily ugly to look at... it's... okay-ish. If the sight of it doesn't turn one's stomach, the taste certainly won't.


Name: Murokk Vileblade

Clan: Shattered Hand

Age: Mid 30's

Profession: Rogue

Warband Role: Scout, Assassin, Interrogator


Shattered Hand, born and raised. Much like the rest of his clan, Murokk is an orc that values personal freedom more than anything, leading to him being somewhat of a wildcard - If orders are given room for interpretation, he will not hesitate with interpreting an order and carry it out his own way, for better or worse.  And things can argueably get worse if he is placed on the frontline in a battlefield as that is a situation where he may well simply give in to the bloodlust, with him considering that just natural with his clan's views embedded in him.

In the eyes of orcs from more "honorable" clans, Murokk might just also be viewed poorly. While he is efficient in what he does, he is efficient by unconventional methods, using poisons, tricks and dirty fighting to get things done.
"We do not kill - We Hunt
We do not enslave - We tame
There is no good and evil - Only instinct"


Name: Sigrak Lightcrusher.
Clan: Warsong.
Age: 28.
Profession: Warrior.
Warband Role: Fronline warrior.

Sigrak born in Nagrand, pure warsong through and through. Spent his early days chasing wolves and wrestling anything that moved. Known in the village as one to get into trouble.
When the time came for orc children to travel to the draenei cities, Sigrak eagerly went, with his parents happy permission. There, he started off as a troublemaker, always getting into fight with the others, both orc and draenei. But as time went, he turned to learn much of the draenei, their history, language and combat training.
In later years, he was known to still be one getting into trouble. But also a cheery, always smiling orc who loves to drink and fight. Always seeking the biggest challange.

However when the converting started and the war came, Sigrak was first on the front. Proving to be a resilient fighter and somewhat blood thirsty. To the point he even broke down doors and walls to gain access to the draenei and their allies.

Having a strong bond and loyalty to his warband, he followed them everywhere and making sure each was safe. Today seeing them as his family.


Name: Barbaryk Barefang
Clan: Laughing skull
Age: 25
Profession: Predator/Hunter
Warband role: Shock trooper

Bio: Born in Broken Horn village, Barbaryk is the second son of Ghata Grimsong and Ahila Poisontongue who met during the war against Iron horde, fell in love and became lifelong mates. He is commonly called as Ryk the grinner for is unusual grin.

On his omriggor, he fought and killed a giant wasp in the deep jungle of everbloom to prove his worth. It is said he ripped it apart with nothing but his teeth; which earned him the title "Barefang".

He was sent to study with the Draenei. He learned the language and history of them pretty quickly, even learned a few tricks and spells too. This came in handy during the war against the primals and ogres.

But soon the friends became foes and he joined the warband to fend of the fanatics. He acted as a Shock trooper for his unique choice of mount and fast moving companions; he rode a giant ravager which can both fly and run effectively. He also tamed a number of fast flying venomous bugs and serpents to use in battle. From his ancestors' long battle against the Botani, he also knows few tricks to sustain himself where there is no food or hunt readily available.

He does not care much about who the opponent is; the thing that bothers him is why is there an opponent to begin with.