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The Watching Eye's

Started by Klarous, December 19, 2017, 09:03:34 PM

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After his first Clan Gathering Klarous thought to himself that he needed some time to himself to think about all that's happened in the past month as he hasn't really been alone. To do this Klarous Thought that he would go out and do what he has been brought up to do; go into the wild and hunt.

As he walked away from the camp his mind kept drifting to his brother, how he has been having bad nights and sleepless sleeps with hearing voice. Klarous knew that his brother, Kintka, was getting a hold of these but remembers that it all started with dreams from his Mother, Who Klarous has been dreaming about a lot the past week. The last of which his mother said:

"My son, I know i haven't been around as you have grown up to be a fine young Orc but now i am here for you, and now that you can hear me i can tell you the things i wish i had the opportunity to do many years ago"

Klarous knew his mother has been dead for over 15 years after their village was attacked by humans during the second great war, but why was she appearing to him now? What was she wanting to say?

"Although i am gone i am always with you and Kintka, where ever you may go, no matter how far. There is a part of you somewhere else, something you will need to find." A wolf Pup appears next to Her. " This is Kiana, she will watch over you when i can't, and will be with you as you grow even more"

Klarous Wondered what this dream meant, and after talking to a few at the camp before leaving the scenerio's kept running through his head. Was is to look after his brother? But who was Kiana? Was is the new clan who he was bonding with as thier spirits are wolfs? The questions was never ending with no answer. For the Past 2 weeks ever since the cave in which he first saw the wolf Spirit that gave him power, Klarous always felt there was eyes over him, always watching. Trying to get this Thoughts out of his head he decided it was time to go to sleep and call it a day.

In the early hours of the morning Klarous awoke suddenly, with 4 quilboars aiming there weapons directly at Klarous. He didn't know what to do, his bow was out of reach and he had never been any good at close quarter combat. As the leader stepped forth, about to attack, there was a large Growl in the distance.

Klarous did not know how but to him it sounded like his mother, but this was a Wolfs growls and from out of the shadow came a large white wolf, biting the leaders neck, killing him in an instant. The other Quilboars turning and started to attack the Wolf, Klarous couldn't let this happen and grabbed his bow in the confusion to help, firing an arrow into a back of another. It was now 2 vs 2. One against each.

the last 2 was dispatched with ease, Klarous only talking a glancing blow to his face, running from his eyebrow to his check. This cut was bleeding but was simple enough to cover to stop the bleeding. As Klarous turned round to face the Wolf, he saw it was lying on the floor, barely breathing, with a spear in it's belly. The moment he saw this, he remembered the attack on his village, and remembers that this is how he saw that his mother died. Klarous Knelt beside the Bleeding wolf, knowing that there isnt much he could do, that he knew this Wolf was going to Die soon.

Klarous looked into the Wolves, It was the eyes of his mother. He instantly knew that these eyes were the ones watching over him all the time, and Klarous felt safe but upset. Klarous sat beside the wolf as she slowly faded from this world, stroking her pelt. With The wolf's dying breath she looked into the distance, along came running a small Wolf cub, black in colour. Both the wolf and Klarous's eyes meant, and he understood what was needed to be done. this Cub wasn't going to survive in this world on its own so Klarous decide he will care for it until it was old enough to venture the world. As the wolf breathed he last the body started to float, as if becoming one with the spirits

Klarous Picked up the cub and remembered what his mother told him, and this wolf was to be...



That was surprisingly emotional! Well done! :o Very nicely done for a first one on these forums. ^^
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar