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!Poll: The future of the guild!

Started by Kozgugore, February 18, 2017, 01:59:40 PM

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What shall we do with Orcs of the Red Blade as a guild, knowing its end may be near?

Hiatus, but still playing
Hiatus, but no longer playing
Reformation, but won't be active


Hello orcses! It sure has been a while!

As many of you have no doubt noticed, the guild has, in recent weeks (or dare I say months), sadly been at an all-time low. This has become so bad that we barely even have anyone attending events any more at all, let alone have any events organized that are exclusively our own. Bearing this in mind, it seems very safe to say that the need for this topic is very well-warranted, as things clearly need to be shaken up if we are to have any hope of multiple people being online at an event or for random RP once again.

To this end, instead of announcing a hiatus for the guild right away (an option that's been in the cards for some time), I figured I would at least offer those that would still potentially want to be invested in the guild a choice. There is, after all, still a chance that there are people out there who would still want to be active in RPing in the guild, but simply do not have the opportunity right now due to the lack of activity. For these people (and to some extend those that once had a hand in the guild in the past as well), I want to offer a choice in deciding the future of the guild. The the options we have here are twofold:

1. Announce an indefinite hiatus for the guild, realizing full well that it may be the permanent end for the guild if things don't get off the ground any more in the (near) future, but at least there will be some manner of 'closure' (if one can call it that, lacking any IC farewells) and the guild's reputation as an orc-only guild throughout the past ten years will have been intact.

2. Reform the guild to accommodate for more races so that the guild, and those members that still want to be a part of this, may live on. At the price of losing the 'prestigious' orc-only tag and with the risk that it may still not save the guild in the long-term since it will by no means be a guarantee that any new people joining may be fit to keep the guild more permanently active. This would of course assume that there would be one or more officers active enough to try and kick things into gear again, knowing that the member and possible future officer count (an equally important problem) might rise well enough again to warrant the organization of proper events again. Of course, we can decide later on to what extend we would open up the guild, be it all Horde races or only certain specific tribal races. It goes without saying that we will do whatever we can to have everything make as much sense and as transition-friendly as possible.

I'm sure there are plenty of arguments to be said for both opinions, so let's at least make sure this topic remains a civil discussion. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone's opinion matters equally. However, having said that, I did decide to include an option in the poll that allows each voter to say whether or not they actually plan or want to be active in the guild regardless of its future prospect as well. I feel that this is relevant in the sense that it would at least offer a fair estimate of the amount of people who would still want to be active in case the guild lives on, but would on the other hand allow those that would not plan to be active any more but once were a part of the guild to still give their own opinion on the matter. It goes without saying that it's very important to be completely honest with yourself here. When voting for an option that claims you would be active in the near future still, it means that you actually will as well. It would be bad to create false expectations of the member count we might be having here, should the guild plan to live on. Having said that, healthy discussion in this topic is of course encouraged!

The future of the guild lies in your hands, orcs. Choose wisely, and make sure to spread the word to your fellow orcs to come vote!

- Koz
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade

Wornag (Kronnor)

It's a good call asking the members to see what they want Koz, unfortunately since I left the guild I won't take part in this vote. I do hope everything works out in the end and whatever happens it will all be FOR THE BLOOD OF THE TRIBE! :)


I honestly do not like either of the choices, we are a Tribe, and reforming to allow more people in will make us a warband, and thus destroying that kinda 'special' feeling the guild had over it. Hiatus, as you pointed out, will likely result in the guilds undeniable death. So.. At this moment I can't really make a choice.. In a sense both things would be killing the guild, at least in my opinion..
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


Quote from: Rashka on February 18, 2017, 10:44:23 PM
I honestly do not like either of the choices, we are a Tribe, and reforming to allow more people in will make us a warband, and thus destroying that kinda 'special' feeling the guild had over it.

While I will not argue against that special feeling that the guild has, I disagree that it would turn the guild into a warband. There are several examples of other multi-racial tribal guilds to be found out there that have appeared to be just as viable as an orc-only tribe. By no means would it have to mean a change in the kind of events that we would be running or the general atmosphere. So in that regard, that's not something one would have to be concerned about. Having said that, that special feeling will, as said before, disappear due to the uniqueness of the guild, yes.

I do agree that the guild, as we know it in its present shape, would die either way. While this is a said affair, it's time to face the music that's been coming up for some time now: It's the one way, or the other. I sadly can't really think of any other way to go about this, as simply waiting things out to become more active again simply won't do at this stage.

Something not mentioned in the main post but nonetheless worth keeping into account for that matter: Should the guild indeed go on a hiatus, there is a fair chance that this very website may not be maintained either. After all, it would be somewhat folly to continue on hosting and paying for a website that would merely be used for a tiny bit of idle talk here and there. So until the guild would, if ever, decide to try and make a comeback again, any subscriptions likely would not be renewed either (unless some other generous benefactor would for whatever reason decide to step in).
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


I don't know. It is sad, and I'm not really sure how to go about it.. I saw a similar thing happen to NG and it kills me that it's now come to this here too. I however suppose we have to face the fact that we've grown older, and people no longer have the same time for folly RP and stuff like that.. it just really sucks. There's not much more to say about it. <_>
I think we all will forever harness the loveable memories we've created together, and the ways it has defined us.

- I suppose one last thing we could try is to post our situation onto AD/AA forums. See if any of the people is willing to help us raise the guild from the dead ~ as an orc only guild still. But that would require an slightly active Officer team again.. but that is also the last idea I can come up with
Rashka Facebreaker - Battlesworn of the Nag'Ogar


I voted Hiatus - But no longer playing. I've not been active the entirity of Legion really, at least in a roleplay sense. Frankly my desire has burnt out after 8 long years of it on World of Warcraft. The guild has been dying a slow, painful and rather sad death ever since the start of Legion really. The occasional burst of activity but then nothing.

The guild has had a fantastic run, and if i'm correct then we're actually the longest running consistent RP guild in all of the EU, we've never taken a hiatus before if I recall correctly. We've spanned over a decade of roleplay and it's time for the curtains to close. It's time to switch off the backstage light for good. I've never been a fan of dragging something out that shouldn't be kept alive. I suppose I wouldn't be against opening up to other races, but the idea of the legacy intact is somewhat more appealing.

The guild will never die in our hearts and memories, but I feel it's time to let it go.


I did not vote yet, because honestly I am not sure what to vote in regards to "active or not active" I plan to be somewhat active, but I don't know how often and for how long etc. My activity is always very.. on and off. Unpredictable. xD

As for Hiatus vs re-form.. Both have good and bad things about them obviously.

With a hiatus, as some people have pointed out already, we may never recover from and it may kill the guild permanently, which would be sad.  But at least we'd go down as the guild we've always been, and not some new mixed-race guild.

If we were to reform, that'd probably be cool and we'd get some activity and that'd be great, but there's no guarantee that'll last very long and we'd lose out on the name we've carried for all these years, which would be a shame tbh.

I don't really feel comfortable having to pick either one, but I guess I'm leaning more towards voting for hiatus.
Vezara Wolfheart - Shaman of the Frostwolf Clan.


I voted for Hiatus (not playing), but I'm not playing nor do I intend to play Therak for the forseeable future.
I saw the Sixty Thieves back on DB go through the same thoughts, though it was behind closed doors among the officers. They decided to just hand the guild over to someone they knew would be making changes they didn't want, since none of them would be active anymore. Having spoken to them much later, they do regret not disbanding the guild, and many of the "old guard" members from that time feel the same.
However, I also know that many people enjoyed the "new" version a lot as well, and the guild did continue to exist for years.

My thoughts in the end comes down to that it's better to let the guild go on hiatus and possibly die, as it is. Rather then possibly years from now almost being ashamed that we didn't do it that way, and the guild ends up unrecognizable and still barely active with long bouts of inactivity.
It's to me, the better of two bad choices and no good ones around. It's a shame to see the guild go down, but the orc way is Victory or Death... and I don't see Victory in the future here... People have just changed to much, gotten older, less time. Less enthusiasm for putting in a lot of work that still doesn't change things.
Think, assess, act.


Though I am no longer a member, I thought I'd add my own two cents... and I fully agree with Therak.

It's been a long, long ride and as stated previously OoTRB is arguably the most successfull RP guild EU servers history, if not the longest lived. That's something to be proud of, all guilds come to their natural end and I feel it's probably time for this one too. Most of you are likely exhausted with Orc RP, your character or even WoW in general, and there is no shame in admitting that, I personally doubt I could ever play an orc again.

BUT... that doesn't mean you, us, we... the people who played in this guild aren't all still linked by this forum and shared memories, be it in game in other RP/guilds or on this forum. So yes, let it go quietly into the night with dignity.

Maybe even have a final IC get together before hand too in some form?

This isn't something to be sad about, if anything, you should all look back with some pride and fond memories.

So yeah, I voted Hiatus inactive because I'm greedy and like to stick my oar in.
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


I agree with Krogon and Therak. 10-11 years for a guild has to be rare in its self let alone for a rp guild. I voted hiatus but still playing. Arkail as a character has come to a natural conclusion i think he has plateaued.  I will be taking a break from rp for the foreseeable future maybe inspiration will strike me again, I have taken a year or so off rp before.

Its best i think for the guild to end the way it began. If it never comes back well then we have all been part of something special if it does even if the players have changed all the better and i wish it all the best.

Here's my btag (despite my reluctance to use it) if any wish to stay in contact


There is one thing to note. If the guild does go down and dies off, Koz himself has said that there won't be much point paying for the website. I disagree, but I wouldn't want 1 person to pay for it. I come to this forum everyday and still check it regularly. Im sure there's a way we can set up a paypal account of some kind to pay for the forum? We could all chip in each month to keep it going perhaps? There's a lot of history on here to just lose you know?

Some info on how much the forum costs each month would be good! :)


Haitus, no longer playing.

Without reiterating what Makaroth, Therak and Krogon have said (all no longer playing, or active with the guild, like myself), I think the best thing would be to take a break and call it quits rather than dissolve into something the Tribe isn't. Also, there is no real benefit to opening the ranks to other races if the backbone of the guild is still missing.

I would also like to know the costing of the website, I certainly wouldn't want to see it go.

-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


I haven't been active for a very long time now, but I want to poke my nose into things anyway. I have to agree with Therak and Kogron. A hiatus seems to be the better option of them all, since the guild would change a little too much if it was opened up and lost its "orcs only" tag. The familiar feeling within the guild would vanish. Not that it would impact me directly, since my activity is spotty at best, but I am still reluctant to see it change into something unrecognizable. Better to go out with a bang and let us all cherish the wonderful memories we've created together. :)

I am playing every now and then and if people still want to meet up for small RP plots and things, or just to hang out in game, feel free to send me a PM for my btag. :)
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


Well folks, I would say that after a week's time, we have a more than conclusive enough result to make a final decision about this. I would like to thank everyone for casting in their vote and insight on this.

As you all can see, the results are fairly straightforward and one-sided enough to make this decision without much of a doubt (sad as that may sound), so an official announcement will soon follow to make the hiatus public knowledge. Perhaps one day, we'll find ourselves returning to our merry, old selves when activity allows it. Until that time however, the website will remain up for as long as it has been paid for, which should at the very least be until Summer. If it turns out that people still want to use the website by that time, there is still the possibility to try and set up some means of funding.

Safe travels in the meantime!
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade


A sad day but not the end of days for the Blades.
I thank all the people I have engaged with in good times and bad.
If one thing is for certain we have all put our mark on the realms.
Thanks to all the leaders and offices and all the unsung heroes of the Blades.

I personal will not drop the mantle of Blade and will carry it as I have always done with pride.
I will not leave the Blades it is part of me.
Even though many of you people now do not even know me or care to get to know me I have been in the shadows day after day for the last 11 years or so, there has always been Claws.
Good luck to all and any who decided to move on to other groups to carry on their journey in Azeroth.
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.