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Ten Years Strong: Memories

Started by Sadok, September 08, 2015, 04:31:02 PM

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Quote from: Sakareth on September 09, 2015, 12:07:30 AM
You would NOT believe how many delivery fail reports I've had. Sup guys.

Rescue me from this website and its foibles.


I respond to Sakareth and Azuril too.


I must confess, when I started this guild I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I started playing WoW a few months after its release and my first character was a human rogue on Eathen Ring. I was totally new to the concept of roleplaying via MMO (although I'd played a little D&D in my teenage years) but I found nice little guild of about ten players, all rogues. I think that's what made me fall in love with the idea that RP guilds should have a strong theme.

That guild never really developed much and I started to hear talk from other players that the best RP was to be found on Defias Brotherhood, Horde side. Off I went and rolled, totally on a whim, an Orc rogue named Akesha - just to try things out, never actually intending to stick with the character and certainly without a plan.

After a few days I came across an all Orc guild The Sons of Draenor iirc and begged them to let me join. Unfortunately the whole guild just fell apart within weeks, the leaders disappeared (rumour had it they'd re rolled troll) and members were leaving fast. It was then, in a fit of pique I thought, sod it, I'll make my own guild. Before long, I was camped out in the barrens begging every unguided Orc, who looked like they might be a role player from their names, to join my new guild.

As far as highlights go, I'll never forget the great meeting of all the Horde RP guilds at Gurubashi arena. I had my speech prepared and spent the who time I was waiting to speak thinking, "don't fuck this up, don't fuck this up".

I'll never forget the other great event at Gurubashi arena, when we went to war against the Second Gurubashi Empire. They turned up with an absolute army of trolls but we had managed to muster virtually every member of ootrb and actually outnumbered them.

Mostly it's the people I remember though.

I can remember being in total awe of Kad, because he was the highest level Orc I'd ever seen and being to delighted when he joined us. We'd run into him purely by chance while running around, hunting Alliance. Kad was a fantastic second in command and greatly missed when he left.

For me though, the golden age of my leadership were the years when Rehbande, Varguhka, Oznack and Claws were my team. Reh and Varguhka were very much the ideas people and the real backbone of the tribe. Oznack was the Orc who got things done and Claws could always be relied upon to keep us grounded, telling us in no uncertain terms when we were getting things wrong. They were a fabulous team and I thought at the time they were irreplaceable.

I must mention Dogar (I hope I got his name right) who lead the tribe and kept it together during a spell when I needed a break. He did a fine job.

However it's Kozgugore who deserves the greatest praise. In hindsight it often feels like my greatest achievement with this tribe was choosing exactly the right person to take it over when I finally left. I see people calling him an RP legend and it's true. He's done more for this guild than anyone else in its ten year history and I doubt it would exist today if it wasn't for his leadership.

I left because I felt burned out. It felt like the right decision at the time and I still think it was the right thing to do. I did return briefly for Wrath of the Lich King and Kozgugore actually offered to step down and let me take over the tribe. I told him then, "this is your tribe now, not mine. It belongs to each and every Orc who makes it up." This guild has been blessed with great officers, but it has also been blessed with great members and you all should be proud of what it still is - the finest RP guild I have ever had the pleasure of being a part of.

I've returned now knowing that things will have changed and there are far more new faces than old ones, but I'm looking forward to being a part of this great adventure again, in my own small way. Expect me to take a back seat and just enjoy the ride.

Akesha Redblade.


I'm totally not really stealing Sadok's formatting. Absolutely not.

What does Orcs of the Red Blade mean to me?
Well, it's just a great group of people. Friendly and welcoming. Active. A great online home for anyone not a complete moron. (We always accepted 95% morons!)
Was a home for two of my characters. First Marogg after his illfated attempt at showing what living in a city did to orcs even old ones (made them turn to crime). Gave me tons of good fun and memories. Friendly rivalries, drinking companions, "old man" companions of "Kids these days" (About the 60 year old orcs even!). A chance of redemption of what he did as "Skipper".
A great character I wish I hadn't killed. But keeping him alive felt to much as powergaiming to fit myself isntead of the story.

Then Muzjhath. Who first had a different name that got accusations of being to "Elf" like so I changed it. Bloody peer-pressure. That little psycopath was a different story. Engaging and rewarding to play, if often not fun. Having to thing in her mindset was hard and unpleasant. I still imagine I was fun for the guild. In a "interesting", if not "Haha" way.
Kozgugores rabid dog is how I thought of her towards the end. Fiercy loyal creature (for her own benefit) whom others wonder why it's tollerated. Who thought killing children was a mercy due to growing up in the internment camps.

My second regrett would be having been an officer on Muzjhath, not Marogg. Since the younger orc only fit very narrow roles of the responsibility. Having to partly leave character for interviews and stuff like that. The older orc would have been better for every part of the things aside from the "Protecting the Cheiftain" of being a Varog'Gor. For that he was to old.

But yes, over the years it's been a home on the internet. An over-all friendly place where you can always come to relax and laugh.

Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them!

Morgeth, will have to start there. Wonderfully damaged character that I played with for years. She grew, she got lost a bit, she came back. She was a bit insane. But in the end, very human for what she handled. ... if an Orc.
Also played by an amazing person. That I should interact with more than I do really. ... Even if she is the reason my original orc died. If on another character. Maybe not the best thing, but made for some great roleplaying. You were also a great community organizer over several guilds and the wider server.

Kozgugure will have to be next. The character is a wonderful (fat) grumpy orc. Traditional with a slight progressive bend. Solemn, stoic.
And as a person, you're great. Even if, as above. Not enough interaction the past few years. But know that you're the best guild leader I've had over the years. Knowing that the most important thing in the core of a guild is silent stability.

Sadok. Here I'll just circle jerk with the rest of us. I have, on my laptop hard-drive, a fantastic chatlog filled with innoendos all done IC. ... Mostly between you and Morgeth. You're a firesoul and dedicate far to much of yourself to this community.

Therak, ok. I'll be fair. Most of the RP I've done with that character of yours have been when he wasn't in guild. Or when my characters weren't in guild. But it's a "lovely" little thing. Crude and Skipper will always have a beat-bag in common. We need to find a weekend to go to laserdome before christmas. (Everyone else will ofcourse be welcome if they can get there).

Krogon and Rargnasha. I'll pull this as a double here. Since both of your characters served in similar ways. To both of mine. First, when Marogg joined it was around the same time as those orcs. I remember all three (along with Mazguul) became Nag'Ogar at the same time. Trying to be patient with the younger generations.
For Muzjhath they were motivators and mentors, and at one point a skinner. Made me take her places in RP I otherwise wouldn't have. And gave more depth to a character in giving some obvious ways of "what would an orc do to fit in".
As well as arrangers of RP-PvP.

Gnash, the elder. While far from an agreeable orc. You did tons of fun stuff with the guild. And that vien had to pop one day. Sorry for cutting your throat as you were abusing Gruthikk in Ratchet. Everything worked out in the end!
Also a fire soul here. If not always the best of team players.

Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!

The wetlands event chain I have fond memories off. ... Even if I don't remember why we were there. And that the battle of Thandol Span was a horrid affair of drama.
I also enjoyed the Cataclysm Patch play. Hunting for the tribe, finding everyone. Was a well executed event.

Enjoyed most campfire story nights. Lots of bullshit, drunk shenanigans, and just enjoyable people. Even if Muz was the wrong character for them really. She was not a social creature.
Muzjhaths blade-master training was also a blast. Same as the Varog'Gor training. Even if her fellow trainees almost killed her during her test of them. And Kaigron blushing when the practical thing to carry a wolfs heart in was Muz's clothing and she stripped topless.

When Marogg shares his Sulfur Slammers. And made everyone but Mazguul run to the river and cool down.

The Plague-lands campagin where Marogg died. While I was only there for half of it or something. I still enjoyed it. The Undead acted like they should. The elves were stuck up. And the orcs didn't put up with it and went "After tonight we GTFO!" of here.
Then Marogg died somewhat spontaneously. I had resigned that he should die and felt that evening it was fitting. The orcs get pissed of and go ORC SMASH! (in the end being the deciding factor in winning the campagin for the horde). And Morgeth, along with Regorn and another orc I can't remember, go to Garadar to burn a corpse. With Morgeth crying crocodile tears.

I also enjoyed stalking Morgeth as spirit Marogg. And playing a spirit in Howling Fjord for the tribe at an event.

Guilds and individuals outside of OotRB with a fond place in your heart!
The Sixty Thieves... back before I didn't. People/characters leaving can do lots of a guild. But had a ton of fun times with this guild, even if the IRL meet-up for new years turned into more of a former guild members thing istead.

Meave/Shabs/Ganra/etc Lovely person, even if things were up and down occasionally. In the end far more good than bad. Even if she did ruin doing raids for RP gear with scrubs for me. NEVER go do it with dedicated raiders if you want to keep your patience with stupidity. The interactions between Skipper and Cherry was also the development that made him have IC reasons to leave the sixty (or, personal reasons if not ideological). Then that it was that relationship that lead to his death by hand of Morgeth Alt. Well, that's a different story!

The Second Gurubashi Empire. I'll just say feeding time, to cover this. And the letter exchanges on the realm forum.

Some elves from Sin Belore. Who were good elves and not just pretty humans. Always fun to interact with. Both as an elf and not.

Pest, whom it was never boring around. If often infuriating.
Shade, Fool, Fingers, Blade, Rat, and some other lovely people in the sixty. Who kept sane when the guild went insane.

What OotRB meant to you over the years, and if you're no longer with us, what you're up to now!
It was a fantastic community. Still is, to the degree I'm still part of it. If I didn't find the core game so extremly boring I'd still be an active part of it. However, WoW just isn't worth the money anymore. Paying for a crap game is the definition of stupid.

Today I attempt to study physics at Lund university. To either get a job somewhere, or continue on and become a teacher of. I play to much DOTA2 when it comes to games. I don't RP enough (trying to remidy that). And just keep my mind afloat.
Met some great people. Still have contact with some great people. And generally doing better than I was.

Physics is awesome, if at times very silly.
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


Well.. Okay. Seeing everyone is making such walls of text, I'm just going to keep this short! You've all made such wonderful post and also things about me (Thanks guys <3 ), if I'd had to respond in person to all of that I'd still be writing tomorrow.

I joined this guild about four years ago, on an accident actually, seeing I happened to run into some of you while I was in Silvermoon, of all places. Grek'thar managed to convince Rhonya to come to the Kosh'harg, and well.. I just never left again.

- Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them:
I'll just pull a Gridish here and not go into too much detail. The people who I really appriciate know this very well about themselves I hope, and also why I appriciate them so much. If I really need to call a few names: Koz, Sadok, Therak, Grid.. You've all helped me along in my RP and made me feel at home in this guild, also meant a lot to my character in the past and right now. Same goes for Keishara and Gashuk, Sinami and Krogon and many more that I RPed with over the years. Thank you all. <3
And a very special mention to my own lovely husband, Srelok, who got me to play WoW in the first place and dragged me into RP, and helped me along the way with his ideas and support.

- Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!
Don't even know what to name here. Too much has happened... Though I look back fondly on the 'in between event' time of the Rebellion, just the camp in RP and everything surrounding that. Also the very long storyarc Rhon and Sadok have been having together, really surprises me for how long that's been going and how it's progressing!
Rhonya's demon plot, even though it was mainly done behind the scenes with only a few people, I loved it. It was supposed to be a bit of a 'secret' thing, and that's exactly what it became and I'm so pleased with how that ended and how things went. <3
Personal plots that I've had the priviledge of being a part of. Sinami's plot, Gashuks changes, all those things. Thank you guys for pulling me along in it!

- Guilds and individuals outside of OotRB with a fond place in your heart!
I was a part of SGE for a long time, that was always fun when the two guild did run into one another.
The Cult of Shadow... My first encounter on DB RP wise, and well... It was both terrifying and wonderful. I've not yet encountered any other guild that has the deepness and fanatic thing that they had going. ICly, you had to be able to handle it.. OOCly, they were a great bunch. They got me into RP, and we've had some wonderful moments.

- What OotRB meant to you over the years.

The last few years have been pretty hard for me. I've been mainly jobless and looking for a job, and basically WoW was, and still is, an escape for me. I probably wouldn't be playing this game if it wasn't for all you guys. Some of you really helped me at times OOCly, and others have been there for me ingame as well.
I'll just echo what others said before me. This guild is such a strong and bonded group of people, I would've never expected to find that in a video game. But I'm really, really happy that I've been such a part of it, and hope to be still for the next coming time.
Honestly guys, you're all wonderful. <3

There, was that short enough?
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


I have only been in OotRB for about a year now, but I don't think I've ever felt more at home in a guild during all my years in WoW. I joined the guild mostly because of Rarg. He convinced me to make an orc and helped me level it up and then introduced me to OotRB. And while he was the one who introduced me to the guild it was a few others who actually made me want to stay and make Sinami my main character from then on.

- Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them!
As I mentioned above there are a few characters that have made my time with OotRB extra special and memorable, people that have made me want to stay in the guild and make it my new "online home" and those are as follows:

Rhonya: You were one of the first to approach Sinami and find out about her blindness. You also took care to include Sin right from the start, both ICly and OOCly, for which I will be forever grateful. You also helped me with Sin's personal plot and created this wonderful event for me that was so incredibly touching. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you. <3

Kogra: The first real friend Sinami made in the tribe. I really like Kogra as a character, her naivitë and craziness... and her fierce protectiveness too. Fits well together with Sinami. Over the past year they've had a few interesting adventures for sure, and I hope there'll be more of them now that you've moved with us to AD! ^^

Therak: You also made me feel welcome right from the start, both ICly and OOCly. It has been fun and interesting to see the friendship between Sin and Therak bloom and become more solid and reliable. They've got each other's backs now for sure. Therak is also a wonderfully complex character, which makes the RP with you so much more fun! There are always new things to prod for and figure out.

Kozgugore: Funny how some things just end up completely different from how you imagined them to be, right? At first Koz seemed so distant and unapproachable... and so very very grumpy. But when you scratch a bit on the surface there are so many interesting things just waiting to be uncovered. And that is the thing, just like Therak Koz is wonderfully complex... yet straightforward at the same time. RPing with Koz is never boring, whether it is deep discussions, sappy fluff or heated arguments that ends with death threats, so I encourage everyone to poke and prod a bit at our dear chieftain to see what lies behind the mask of grumpy old orc. It will enrich your RP, trust me. ^^

Srelok: What would I do without the heartbreakingly sweet and tragic RP with Srelok? What would Sin do without one of her absolute best and dearest friends? As with Therak it has been so much fun watching Sin's and Srelok's relationship grow until it has become very confusing and heartbreaking for everyone involved. I love it. And as with all of the above Srelok is an amazing character to RP with. It never grows stale, there is always something new every single time which is awesome.

I could name a few others as well, but you guys are the reason why I decided to stay in OotRB and make it my new home. So thank you, for making me feel welcome and for approaching me and my socially awkward orc and dragging me into your world of craziness, dramatics (in a good way) and lots and lots of fun. You're awesome people, both IC and OOC, all of you! <3 And the guild and the people in it are absolutely amazing as well!

- Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!
Most of the events that I remember the best are the small, personal plots I have been involved in. But to name a few:
- My first Kosh'harg, when Sin actually met the tribe for the first time and Frostfang ended up babysitting Rhonya and Therak's kids.
- When Sin was granted temporary sight by Mayabi (Nadine's troll) and Kogra took her to see the ocean.
- When Kogra and Sinami became bloodsisters.
- When Sin had recieved her first kiss ever and was completely panicked and ended up in a hilarious, but extremely awkward, conversation with Rhonya and Kogra.
- Sin's solution to her second newblood task to duel five orcs. We were in Frostfire. Snowball fights. Sadok was -furious-. Need I say more?
- Frostfang's sacrifice. Such a beautiful and moving event. One of my best RP experiences ever, since it touched me so deeply.
- The craziness that followed the loss of Frostfang. The arguments with Therak, Srelok and Koz... that ended with Sin almost killing Koz and the realization that he might very well have let her do it, had she not stopped herself in time.

- Guilds and individuals outside of OotRB with a fond place in your heart!
My original main is a night elf hunter named Lomenár. I have played her since vanilla and I have RPed her for... 8 years or so now. For the past 5 years I have been a part of Nature's Grasp, my first real "online home". I love all the people in it and while I don't play Lomenár very often anymore I still keep in touch with the guild. Some of my favourite people from Nature's Grasp are Aariam, Salirien, Elysar, Lianna, Shak, Nelani, Kaldur and Arkil.

- What OotRB meant to you over the years, and if you're no longer with us, what you're up to now!
As I mentioned above, OotRB has become my new "online home" and it has been a wonderful outlet and escape when I've gone through some rough times. It has also led me to a bunch of amazing people! Some I have already met IRL and some I really hope I will meet one day... and if you won't come to Sweden, I will have to come and invade your homes. Just so you know. *nod*
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -


Quote from: Sinami on September 09, 2015, 11:36:06 PM
Some I have already met IRL and some I really hope I will meet one day... and if you won't come to Sweden, I will have to come and invade your homes. Just so you know. *nod*

You know you're always welcome here! <3
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."

Kogra Windwatcher

Quote from: Rhonya on September 10, 2015, 01:29:22 AM
Quote from: Sinami on September 09, 2015, 11:36:06 PM
Some I have already met IRL and some I really hope I will meet one day... and if you won't come to Sweden, I will have to come and invade your homes. Just so you know. *nod*

You know you're always welcome here! <3

Indeed Sin! Know that you can always invade Rhonya's en Srelok's home :P
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"


I haven't been with the guild as long as some, but I'd like to chime in. (Even though I suck at this and am a man of few  words....)

- Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them!
Well, I can do a cop-out and go : "I like you all!!!!1" But I think some of you deserve a special mention.

Rhonya: Well, duh. Wife and all, but you're a person I can always turn to and who's always there to give me love when I need it. <3

Sadok: Also a no-brainer but yeah. Always gives a 110% to the guild and makes everything so much more fun. :)

Sinami: As you said, the RP between Sin and Sre has evolved in ways I'd never have imagined. There's never a dull moment when they're together, even though Sre always end up hurting himself. That's the fun of RP.

Kargnar: Sre's bloodbrother and eternal spammer of new Xmog sets. Great guy, always gives everything to the guild. Great addition to the officer team as well.

- Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!
This is a hard one....
-The Akesh/ Tanaan storyline, with its epic conclusion.
-The fel infusion plot with Kogra and the others, and Sre's near-death experience.
-Getting the spirit link to work on Draenor.

- Guilds and individuals outside of OotRB with a fond place in your heart!
Eh... I quite fondly remember my time in the Cult of Shadow, and people who we've now reconnected with on AD like Claudine/Belthran.

- What OotRB meant to you over the years, and if you're no longer with us, what you're up to now!
You've all basically become my family online, and I enjoy the kindness and open attitudes aof all of you whenever I just need to vent after a frustrating day at work. :)

"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


First of all I apologise to all for not mentioning your name while writing this if any decided to read my wall of words.
After all I have seen more than any other here wearing the colours and name of

                         Orcs of the Red Blade.

What the World of Warcraft means to me the person.
A place where you can go to get away from life’s reality.
A place to become that character you deep down want to be.
An outer ego.

In the past I had a personal bound with people within the tribe not in a RP sense but behind the smokescreen of WOW just as others do now.
People with the same day to day turmoil of daily life who just want to escape.
We had a talk channel of our own making then called Red Blade the OOC channel you may have heard of it.
We would talk with good humour away from the politics of the game we invited people to the channel of a like mind.
A place where we let off steam.
We took the micky out of each other and never took it to a personal level.
We were quiet selective on who we let join our ranks.
That was the Orcs of the Red Blade.
The vanilla Orcs of the Red Blade as they would call it now. 

So what changed?
Well real life did the driving force that we all forget about when we are in the world of Azeroth.
People moved on because of life’s curve balls, commitments in their own lives and dare I say it work.
Akesha or any of us then thought it would never last as long as it has.
New people joined wanting to be a part of a group of Orcs, the down trodden outcast within the game more and more came to our ranks.
We had people joining us on a whim not true Role-players, the “I’m going to be an Orc and shout and bang my chest because that what Orcs do brigade”.
We the officers lost out on our own game time spending our time instead running the group and not playing the group trying to weed out the None RP.
Big chasms opened up of conflict not only with the masses but within the leadership.
And I put my hand up to some of this as being part of that conflict I did not like what I was seeing, did not like the changes within the RP world.
But how could this be was we not a RP server with RP laws which were in the beginning policed by Blizzard to the point of if they thought your name did not fit within the realm you was made to change it.
I used to get so annoyed and still do when people resulted to open swearing it was very rare then but not so now, you risked an account ban for a few weeks from Blizzard if caught doing it, now I just have to grin and bear it because “it adds to the character”.

(Side note)
I had to write to a GM myself and explain the thinking behind the name Claws as it was not seen as a RP name.
It took them a few weeks for them to get back to me and tell me they had been watching me and how I was playing the name before they agreed to let it stand.
Claws is and never has been my given Orc name and not many even know it is not openly used, it is something that I’m proud about, giving me an identity unique within the tribe just by that fact alone and I hope that nobody else jumped on it.
It was these things that gave the server its flavour in the early days.

Then the biggest change to the group came an Orc called Koz.
I would hide in the background trying my best to deal with the wellbeing of the tribe, the discipline, the fun part as I then saw it.
The slapping of heads a part I enjoyed because of the RP aspect and the feedback I was getting, there was nothing better than making all the Orcs strip down to their Tabards and run around Hammerfall oh the joy of all them male torsos, (Opps I go off track).
Then came my curve ball.
Slowly I started to sink more into the background taking a rest if you like within the game, leaving more and more to Koz.
I had some bad personal problems that I had to deal with my husband who was an officer in the marines (Now you know were my discipline issues come from) was in trouble that is all I can say and will.

Koz understandably started to resent my lack of commitment to making up events and running with them.
I would come up with ideas and then pass them over to others to carry out, something that I look back at now and deeply regret.
I have great trouble running events this is due to my Dyslexia I have great trouble keeping up with dialog within the game I have to type with spell checker on all the time and that is no good if you are running an event when 90% of the time it is of the cuff.
For a long, long time even to this day I have been labelled antagonist due to my disability which many if not all do not understand or appreciate it is my lack of communication skill which leads me to get totally frustrated with myself in trying explaining my meaning which digs me deeper into conflict.
At times it can get personal with whisper of “you cannot even spell properly you retard” which I still get now.
Being called a retard when you are clinically diagnosed as one is not nice believe me.
Claws went off line for a short while and returned new remade Claws.
I had promised myself to keep out of the political going on with in the tribe and keep my mouth shut.
So Claws became the recluse she is to this day, keeping out of the way trying to not get involved.
I’m still Claws more than willing to help out in any way I can but alas that has never been forth coming so I keep in the shadows away from the tribe.

I do not relate too many within the tribe now my doing I know.
So now you say “why do you stay with the group you cannot relate to any more”?
Well I guess I just like to be part of the legacy part of the name Orcs of the Red Blade.
After all there is a big part of me within the Blades and its history I’m a living history book old and torn and frayed around the edges and could anybody after 10 years of blood sweat and tears put into something that is all within your own mind just close the book and say “That it done”.
No the story goes on.

My Shouts.

Well to start where would we be without Akesha
I remember many, many nights getting her to level up I think she was still only a level 40 when all around her was 60.
Her enjoyment came from walking around and just picking up random RP
Rehbande, Varguhka, Oznack, Kad the back bone if you knew them you loved them so many good times laughing until we cried.
Koz another legend no matter what battles I get into with him to this day he will always have my respect and best wishes.
Karak as all ready stated by others I cannot get over the depth of RP he can portray I still remember him being pushed of the tower by Kad and his annoying little poems mainly aimed at me.
Sadok to me is a new breed of Orc but what a star.
Rhonya a great ambassador for the tribe and for RP in genral.
Morgeth Koz’s better half another star I remember my first encounter with her when she came over from the Forty Thieves.
I could go on and on about The Blades and its members but if you have read this far you will be bored.
I just want to say my deepest respect to all the officers past and present you have my heartfelt thanks for keeping me entertained for the last 10 Years.
And to ALL the Red Blades old and new I bow to you all.
Here is to the next 10 years.
True Blood
Once a Blade Always a Blade.

Retired Right hand of the Blades.
Lived enough to be older and wiser then many pup's

Remember a journey is not a final destination.


It's been a long while since I quit playing, but I still keep a lot of memories.

One of those was the great event where we had a war with the Second Gurubashi Empire; having the standoff in the Gurubashi arena, with a load of orcs on one side and a load of filthy trolls on the other side was the peak moment. Crushing the trolls on their home turf was truly sweet! ;D

All those wars and skirmishes with the Dwarven Rifle Squad (like Dorfskull mountain). W-PvP event that went on forever (months), concluding with a peace treaty and party.  

I remember that the tribe frequently sat together after some event or other just to drink ourselves to oblivion around the fire.

I certainly had a great time with the tribe and I'll always stay a Red Blade.

Favourite characters? Damn, too many, but here's just a handful:

Akesha - will always be my Matriarch! 'nuff said! Oh, and I still remember those nutty chats about gardens.

Oznack (the mad orc with the smelly socks), Vargukha, Claws, Azuril, Ghook, Moggrash, Griesh, Yorla, Kad, Rylla, Tirnak, Dogar, Kozgugore, Beldar, and many more.

For the Blood of the Tribe!


- Your favourite OotRB characters, and the people behind them!

Can I opt out and just say all of them? xD Aside from the people already mentioned by others, Sadok, Rhonya, Kozgugore etc etc... can't think of any real favourites...

All the shaman RP'rs I've encountered who've helped me in one way or another become a better shaman and all-around RP'r

And pretty much just the guild in general really... you guys showed me the ropes, and helped me grow and develop my character, both IC and OOC. I learned how to play WoW and RP in it, through this guild.

- Your favourite events, plots, storylines or even spontaneous encounters!

The one event that stands out in my mind the most, mainly because that was my first ever experience with RP-PvP, was the Southern Barrens campaign when I joined during Cataclysm... it was the final battle of the night, it was all tied up, this was the deciding battle, and for some reason I cannot recall, Koz let me give this altered LoTR speech... This newbie player, in both terms of IC and OOC, level 34 shaman... And you know what? We won that final battle. We kicked the Alliance's arse big time!

There have been other RP-PvP campaigns and battles since then, but that one will always stick with me the most.

- Guilds and individuals outside of OotRB with a fond place in your heart!

Natures Grasp on the Alliance side whom I'm still (somehow) a part of. Met them through the aforementioned event, and have stuck with them since on the Alliance side of things.

- What OotRB meant to you over the years, and if you're no longer with us, what you're up to now!

...Shit, I was supposed to say what I said earlier in here... er... See Above for details >.>

I feel like I'm the only sane one in this Tribe. And I have four elementals living in my skull!


I have some great memories... But too keep it short (writing on an iPad)

First contact, when Oznack dragged my lvl 30ish butt out to the river between the two plague lands for my interview... All the million times I died was worth it.

I'm not gonna do a shout out to people, mostly because I cannot for the life of me remember most of them, but rest assured I thank all of you that was part of the tribe in my time.

My characters interacting with OotRB:
Uglûhk, old shaman. Remembered a time before the burning legion. Hates warlocks.
Nose, sixty thieves alt. murdurer, spy, arsonist.

Some fond memories then:
my constant battle with the warlocks. They got us into the mess that was the BL, we must return to our old ways to repent!

The long winded tribe meetings (led by Rehbande and later Dogar)

Burning down the Orgrimmar orphanage (as nose), then getting chased down by claws.

Again as nose, spying on a tribe meeting and recognizing Morgeth. ICly, few if anyone knew of her past in the sixty thieves, so I think I tried to black mail her... Not sure, but I'm sure she threatened to kill me, resurrect me and then kill me again. End of the day, I ran away with orcs chasing me.

Koz will always be the 'new' chieftain for me.

And many many more...

I've tried to come back a couple of times, but I've always lost interest in the game itself... I might try again, but as someone completely different. Some parts are best left in nostalgia land...

I still look back on my time here as some of the best gaming I've had. I cannot thank the tribe enough. *bows deeply*

EDIT: oh, and Koz introducing me to ZZ Top. Thanks buddy.
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback


Quote from: Ugluhk on September 11, 2015, 02:24:30 AM

Nose, sixty thieves alt. murdurer, spy, arsonist.

I remember smashing that nose and giving him the name in the sixties! :D
Think, assess, act.


Quote from: Therak on September 11, 2015, 07:02:38 AM
Quote from: Ugluhk on September 11, 2015, 02:24:30 AM

Nose, sixty thieves alt. murdurer, spy, arsonist.

I remember smashing that nose and giving him the name in the sixties! :D

Before you went all "strength and honor" and all that crap ;)
Once a pup, always a pup :'(
Ugleh, Zhurd, Nose and now Gorback