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Arkail Blastblade

Started by Bamm, April 24, 2015, 11:04:38 PM

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Name: Arkail Blastblade
Alias: Ark, Scribe
Rank reached: Gul'thauk

Age: Early 30's
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Clan: Unknown
Alignment: True neutral

Family: None, unknown
Known Friends: Fewer
Known Enemies: Few

A scrawny Orc in his early 30's of average height. His face is a palid hue of green. Wearing the finest of robes or suits of mageweave silk, wolf fur and light leathers.
Upper right side of his face has heavy surgical scarring from cheek to forehead encircling his right eye and his face is paralysed down that side, but he has regained function in the right side of his mouth so he can speak clearly.
Normally carrying a simple steel rapier that tends to glow faintly. A practise he picked up after he chaneled Arcane magic though a blade to defeat a Bull Kodo for his Om'riggor. Earning him the name Blastblade.

A white wolf mask hangs from his belt. A kodo skin satchel on his shoulder filled to brim with books and inks and quills.  A decent sized pouch on his belt which seems to be medical supplies

Speaks with a hint of lordaeron accent as if he has spent many years around it..

Is quiet to a fault, observing and listening.
Reads a lot and is normally writing or drawing his experiences with the tribe.

Is one to watch and wait and take note. He speaks his mind when he needs to. but Will gladly correct or challenge an opinion. Not really a people person he prefers his books and learning. Can speak a vast amount of languages yet is terrible at small talk or leadership. Quite possibly insane.

A scribe, historian & linguist

*Quick version*

After the fall of the Interment camps he wandered aimlessly searching for purpose as it did not lay upon the battlefield.While visiting Undercity he re-discovered his love of history he had as a cub in the libraries of Undercity. It was there he discovered he had a knack for languages and spent near a decade there learning the history of the peoples of Azeroth, its flora & fauna with a amateur interest in the arcane for self defense purposes...naturally

While researching Orcish tribes, he decided on a whim to get first hand information on the Orcish tribe The Red Blades. After meeting & talking with them he decided to join, eventually reaching the rank of Gul'thauk His loyalty to the blades is unquestioned just don't ask him to train newbloods. Spent the last few months training in Dalaran, recently fled the city. Mind is not what it once was his self imposed exile has damaged him more than he knows. Self imposed wards on his mind keeps it together

Things you may know about this character:
Thirst for knowledge, history & lore is limitless. Even if other orcs see it as useless. Reads/Writes/sketches a lot... likes to listen to tales & grand stories. An advocate for all knowledge being open and free to study. Regardless of peoples pre-conceived perception of it. The only thing that is dangerous is that which is unknown or misunderstood

Things you may not know about this character:
Misses Undercity and world in general greatly. Has been advancing his magical training in Dalaran, but has recently fled the city. Has been tortured and experimented on various times while living in Undercity, sometimes unwillingly sometimes because he thought it might teach him something other times he doesnt remember.
