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Character Self view and view of others

Started by Rhonya, April 18, 2015, 06:24:31 PM

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((Updated some small things for Rhonya's post, and added a few on Kyrazha's one!))
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Umaua sees herself as confident and much more interesting than most around her. She deems herself as fearless, which is truly just high self-confidence and conviction in knowing what comes after death.  She also sees herself as the bright spot of most conversations and casual time spending, saving others from the drudgery of grumpy silence. But she also sees herself as the one taking life seriously, her duty and honor as well.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Spoiler: show
The chief. Grumpy, most of the time boring. But seems trustworthy and likable enough.

Vraxxar Wildmark
Spoiler: show
Quiet, easy to pick on. Nothing bad? Frostwolf. Good that he got a name for himself. Hate calling people just something.

Kyrazha Throatrender
Spoiler: show
Funny one. Has been nice to me since the start. Has a sense of humor that makes her interesting. Not boring at all. Good and trusted company.

Srelok Grimtide
Spoiler: show
Boring most of the time. Smart, but can't take a joke. Fun to argue though.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
Spoiler: show
Good company. Knows how to laugh. Good one to fight with, even to follow.

Spoiler: show
And they call me crazy? This one is batshit crazy. Can't understand half of what he keeps blabbering about. Still, fun on silent times, to try figure out what he is thinking.

Sadok Sharptongue
Spoiler: show
Either stupid and really lucky, or knows what he is doing. But! Not boring and is ensured to lead anyone following to traps, ambushes or other bad spots. Good challenge maker, but not sure how trustworthy to not get me killed.

Gridish Rimeweaver
Spoiler: show
Very boring....but I'd trust to get those following out of tight spots.

Krogon Devilstep
Spoiler: show
Dead, doub he is grinning. Shame.

Mokh'tar Axenheart
Spoiler: show
I like his armor. And smithing. And that worgpup.

Lo'gush Heartseeker
Spoiler: show
I think I allways mix him t o Bloodpaw. Except he's never thought dead. Can't say I dislike him, or think him particularily funny.

Groshnok Gorewrath
Spoiler: show
Good drinker, grumpy but fun when drunk. Needs to learn to control his anger.

Therak Duskstalker
Spoiler: show
Angry, grumpy and...not sure. Reminds me of a warsong.

Vanara Ashveil
Spoiler: show
Good drinker, what else do you need to know?

Vezara Wolfheart
Spoiler: show
I think I have seen her. But then..everyone wears wolfmasks here. But I'd remember she was nice to me when I first met the tribe.

Spoiler: show
As anyone who just starts to insult me at first meeting without me doing it first! Asshole, idiot or...someone who needs to stop living in the past.

Rhonya Steelheart
Spoiler: show
Troubled. Moody. But when not, good company. Trustworthy enough.

Kogra Windwatcher
Spoiler: show
Fun company. Ballcracker, poor Rimeweaver.

Spoiler: show
Traitor. Only spit his way.

Rashka Facebreaker
Spoiler: show
All I can think of her is she's been pregnant all the time I've known her.

Sinami Swifthow
Spoiler: show
Good with a bow, too serious though. Needs to look at life more brighter!

Threkna Slitskin
Spoiler: show
Braggart, no fun. Not even fun to argue. Doesn't seem to understand life at all.

Threk'nal Scaleslasher
Spoiler: show
Good drinker, fun company, good with jokes. Cares very much of Garkosh. Good mate material. Mine.

Gashuk Soulfury
Spoiler: show
Warlock or a mage? Not too bad a person but...I am weary.

Trakmar Beastbane
Spoiler: show
Silent, grumpy. Since so silent..boring.

Makaroth Bloodaxe
Spoiler: show
Troubled, but seems to be going the right way.

Akesha Redblade
Spoiler: show
Drinker, this is good.

Mozrogg Doomhowl/b]
Spoiler: show
Loud, drinker, stinks, brags....most orc of them all? Annoying at times.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


Gashuk sees himself as a loyalist, old and very traditional in his views. He has lived a long life throughout the development of Orcish culture; from the old days on Draenor's plains, to the new days with a Troll as Warchief. Those days were spent worshipping the Spirits, Elements and evoking the Fel. For all his failures as a Shaman originally, Gashuk believes he led his life at the orders of his Alpha and that will continue. On the time-warped Draenor, he has found his Clan again and believes the remains of them can be redeemed, taking their Void-Shamanism as his own in remembrance to his own youthful faith.

Kozgugore Feraleye
Spoiler: show
 Kozgugore is the Wolf-King. Gashuk has always had a habit of following his direct superiors without question and the respect is without a doubt there, however as an Orc, Gashuk views Feraleye as a tad high and mighty; his grumpiness only serves as a lack of leadership charisma and when the Orc foolishly named Gashuk a Warlock, the Shaman took offense, but on the flip-side, the Orc did lead the Tribe for many seasons before Gashuk joined, so he will reserve his final judgement for the future.

Vraxxar Wildmark
Spoiler: show
Wildmark has show-cased his talents enough for Gashuk to respect him, a fine addition to the Tribe and hopefully a long term member.

Kyrazha Throatrender
Spoiler: show
Kyrazha baffles Gashuk; he wasn't all together happy with her when the Trakmar/Sadok love triangle formed and thought she was far too inexperienced and immature to train as a Gul'thauk but so far she has proven her worth and had glimmers of excellence. I guess time will tell with this Troll-Orc.

Srelok Grimtide
Spoiler: show
Srelok is one Orc that Gashuk would like to get to know more of; when he first joined the Tribe, he was rather quiet and reserved but upon Gashuk's return, he finds Grimtide risen to the rank of Alpha Gosh'kar! That is not a thing to be sniffed at, he must have some serious shamanic ability and as another elder Shaman, Gashuk would like to work well with him in the future.

Kargnar Bloodpaw
Spoiler: show
Having recently witnessed Bloodpaw's promotion to Nag'ogar, Gashuk is looking forward to seeing how he takes this new responsibility and power. The Orc must have potential to be promoted, so his path will be interesting to watch.

Spoiler: show
A crazy illusionist and 'seer'; his affinity to felines doesn't bother Gashuk one bit but his arcanic methods of divining the 'future' troubles the Shaman, perhaps he is truly insane, perhaps he is remarkably intelligent. Thus far, Siyah'gosh has proven neither as fact.

Sadok Sharptongue
Spoiler: show
Sadok is amazing; Gashuk is always in awe of him and at the same time, frustrated by him. He has risen to remarkable heights within the Tribe and that is to be respected but the Orc still carries a history to be wary of, his leadership skills and charisma however does imply to Gashuk that he may be future Chieftain material. Ancestors help the Tribe if that is the case.

Gridish Rimeweaver
Spoiler: show
Gridish is a caster that serves as a Rrosh'tul; continuing the legacy that Gashuk promoted when he walked the Path of Strength as one of the rare non-barbaric Nag'ogar. As a Orc, Gashuk sees potential, but Gridish is definitely a few slices short of the whole cake, he has a temper, finds difficulty in acting with authority and getting respect but aside from that, he does have remarkable leadership qualities on the battlefield. A good Rrosh'tul, indeed.

Krogon Devilstep
Spoiler: show
Devilstep is someone that Gashuk could quite easily have had a different relationship with; the Blademaster could have been his ultimate nemesis but instead, they seem to have forged some sort of friendship from their experiences and differences. He is someone Gashuk would like to make a blood-bond with, but doubts it would ever be accepted.

Mokh'tar Axenheart
Spoiler: show
This Blacksmith has proven his worth to the Tribe, a strong addition, a fine Orc. Sadly Gashuk knows little else of him to make a true opinion.

Lo'gush Heartseeker
Spoiler: show
Lo'gush has proven his ferocity on multiple occasions and is a fine addition to the Tribe; as a Blademaster-in-training, Heartseeker has much to do, and Gashuk is keen to watch.

Groshnok Gorewrath
Spoiler: show
A sad drunk and emotional wreck. Groshnok had great potential like many other Orcs but has sadly seemed to thrown it all away; will he redeem himself? Gashuk hopes so.

Therak Duskstalker
Spoiler: show
Therak is odd, Gashuk appreciates he is going through a tough time presently with Rhonya, but had hoped he was the type of Orc to control himself rather than give into his emotions. Nevertheless, as the Varog'gor of the Tribe, Therak is a tutor and master to Gashuk, he would die for him if given the order.

Vanara Ashveil
Spoiler: show
A newly promoted Gul'thauk, Gashuk hopes she proves herself as a new Dark Knife.

Caruk Blackblade
Spoiler: show
Blackblade is Gashuk's personal project; how to bring a titan to his knees? Gashuk hopes he has developed the ultimate counter-measure to the inner beast, but if it fails, fears for the Tribe's safety. As an Orc, Gashuk has endless respect for him mostly granted by his recent acknowledgement of his risk and willingness to help Gashuk render him useless but that respect doesn't replace the wariness he has of his actions outside of the Tribe.

Rhonya Steelheart
Spoiler: show
Steelheart one of Gashuk's closest friends in the Tribe, she is a Thur'ruk that Gashuk truly respects and the pair act as students of each other's wisdom. She has so much potential and Soulfury prays she unlocks it. His shoulder is still damp from her tears.

Sinami Swifthowl
Spoiler: show
This one troubles Soulfury; she started off being a blind huntress, frost-wolf through and through and Gashuk acknowledged her struggles with respect but recently, it seems she has begun to put herself into the Wolf-King's pockets (and spirits know what else), she seems to desire the respect of a Chieftain for being his pet and walks the circle of Elders unbelonging, and whilst that is a very short-sighted view of who she is, Gashuk hopes she proves him wrong of those assumptions.

Trakmar Beastbane
Spoiler: show
Trakmar has always countered Gashuk's beliefs with his own; he fears what he would think of his Void-Shamanism, but regardless, sees the Beastmaster as a strong part of the Tribe.
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


Updated some of Theraks opinions of others
Think, assess, act.


((Gave this oldy an update! Can still use more posts, peeps! Always fun :D ))
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


Mozrogg Doomhowl

Self View
Mozrogg's self image has changed over recent years, no longer does he feel the need to intimidate others through sheer presence, in fact he takes joy in aiding others through new found wisdom in his older age, regardless if others see him as a dumb brute or not, he's happy to keep up the persona so that those who scratch a little deeper are surprised at what they might find, he does still however see himself as the biggest, baddest orc that stepped through the portal.

In his eyes, his role within the tribe is to help shape and prune the fledgling warriors, being surrounded by such a young tribe proved irritating for him at first, however he's grown into the role, happy to help when possible, regardless of how begrudgingly he may first appear, fiercely protective of those close to him, he takes it upon himself as the role of protector. Who says an old wolf cannot learn new tricks.

View on others
Kyrazha Throatrender
Spoiler: show
Upon first meeting he was intrigued by the orc, he had already been told by others that he would surely get along with her, he did not however expect to enjoy her company quite as much as he does. Her cheerful approach to life has some-what softened the once grizzled orc, simply enjoying being around her, feeling her touch and longing to be beside her as much as possible, fiercely protective and would do anything to keep her from harm. He's also interested to learn of her roots among the trolls, wanting to know her not only physically but mentally.

Gridish Rimeweaver
Spoiler: show
Mozrogg doesn't remember much of the orc during his previous times with the tribe, save for the annoying enchanted book that appears in his possessions at all time, however he's impressed by his leadership skills, his laidback approach suiting him fine due to not particularly enjoying the thought of being bossed around, enjoys his banter and wordplay and has seen how useful he is during a scrape.

Kogra Windwatcher
Spoiler: show
Mozrogg has come to respect the blind orc, surprised by her independence even without her vision, she has patched him up after a fight, knowing he has an orc to rely on when it comes to such matters feels him with comfort, he feels the future is bright with such young visionary's within the tribe. He is also immensely impressed by her combat prowess.

Srelok Grimtide
Spoiler: show
Once again an orc whom Moz' is intrigued by, he doesn't understand why the orc always appears so glum, however he assumes it has something to do with empathic ability, a reason in which Mozrogg is also weary of the orc. He respects his wisdom, despite his young years.

Sadok Sharptongue
Spoiler: show
Mozrogg has always enjoyed Sadok's company, his sharp wit providing a good sparring partner, he also shares many of the orcs' views when it comes to the direction the Horde must take, he does however now hold his reservations upon what the orc thinks of him due to his courting of his former mate.

Rhonya Steelheart
Spoiler: show
At first was unsure what she would think of him upon his return, he has however come to enjoy the orc's company, realising that despite her young age and small stature she has a fiery personality, he has witnessed her in sticky situations and approves of her involvement and handling of such matters, an orc whom he respects greatly.

Makaroth Bloodaxe
Spoiler: show
An orc whom Mozrogg is immensely impressed by, being able to stave off his addiction to fel being impressive enough, not only to then challenge Mozrogg despite his emaciated form, he looks forward to seeing what the orc can do when guided under the proper training, despite their little bust-up.

Vanara Ashveil
Spoiler: show
A curious orc to Mozrogg, almost human in her mannerisms and her lack of knowledge on certain subjects, he however is happy to share in her company, enjoying a drink, although he's less than impressed by her accusations of him never bathing.

Spoiler: show
An orc' who's outlook on life Mozrogg enjoys greatly, her combat prowess impressing him to no end, he is however weary of ever taking a drink from her again, must be a laughing skull thing.

Threkna Slitskin
Spoiler: show
An orc Mozrogg does not know much about, however she seems capable in a fight, much like Redskull he's weary of ever taking a sip of her hydra venom after Undercity antics.

Trakmar Beastbane
Spoiler: show
Mozrogg has known the orc for a while now, old and wise in that regard he enjoys conversing on what life was once like upon Draenor, a kindred spirit when it comes to older members of the tribe, however he's some-what uneasy not knowing the full story of himself and Throatrender.


((I shall add more orcies to this once I am not rushing to leave for work!  :P))


Updated a few of mine as it has been ages since i have done so, will add more when i can.


"If you could pour pain into a mold of an orc and then cut off its foot to piss it off, you’d get Srelok." Gulrok Ragehowl


Round about time I did one of these.

Makaroth Bloodaxe

A difficult view on himself sometimes that varies day to day in recent weeks. Before he gave up Fel he was conflicted with his life choices yet certain he could never leave the life he's lived for over three decades. Yet the Tribe changed that view on himself, giving him subconsciously the mindset to forgo his path of Fel and start afresh in life. Recent weeks have hammered his self-view however, and while on the outside he forces himself daily to display an exuberant profile to the Orcs he is utterly exhausted mentally and would like nothing more than to curl up into a ball for a few weeks and sob onto the floor. Yet that desperation in his heart fuels his mental fortitude. While his body is struggling to keep up with the train-wreck of determination his mind gives him, he continues to push himself daily to fight through the last of his withdrawal and hone his body into a killing machine.

Thinking to the future his intentions are clear that he would aim for Varog'gor. The Tribe in his eyes is a second chance in life, and he would die to protect it.

Much has changed in such a short time. Frustration continues to eat away at him as he takes on more and more responsibilities each day. Rage boils up easily now and he's turning into a much snappier Orc. Hiding his annoyances behind his helm all the time he vents his frustrations every now and then in ways that he probably shouldn't. Frankly he wishes he never quit Fel magic at all; the addiction still strong and he struggles daily still yet has become particularly good at hiding it.

Spoiler: Vanara Ashveil • show
A rocky relationship of recent times, and Makaroth is starting to somewhat regret taking is oath to her in such dire circumstances and so quickly. Will it last? He doesn't know, but he is an Orc of his word and won't just abandon her because he doesn't really love her.

Spoiler: Rhonya Steelheart • show
Rhonya has become Makaroths closest friend within the Tribe without quarter. Originally he developed feelings for her, but in hindsight he has realized that she simply reminded him of his deceased mate - Which he pushed to one side and realized it wrong. He cares immensely for her well-being and enjoys her company. Particularly fond of her kind demeanor to the world, he often wonders how one so young can be so patient and caring. A deep respect too for her connection to the spirits he will do anything required to protect her from danger; and having finally taken his blood oath with Rhonya he can now call her Sister, which is something he's sorely missed from his life.

A small part of him wonders how her connection to the Spirits is so strong at such a young age; leading him to sometimes think she is more than just an Orc.

Spoiler: Gridish Rimeweaver • show
Gridish seems to have stepped up in Makaroths eyes. Stoic and tenacious, although with a sharp tongue and a moody disposition from time to time. He doesn't know him personally but he respects his position; and is thoroughly intrigued by Lofty. He'd like to get to know the Orc better but feels Gridish has little time for any personal relations outside of Kogra his mate.
Spoiler: Lofty • show
Lofty intrigues Makaroth in different ways. Is he a spirit bound to a book, a book that was granted intelligence .. Or is he Gridish's innermost thoughts simply speaking as a conduit through the enchanted book that the Orc simply doesn't want to say?

Spoiler: Kogra Windwatcher • show
Time has moved on now, and Makaroth has accepted what happened with the eye happened. No longer does he fear her nor feel he is unable to speak with her. And their friendship has moved on substantially, even taking an oath to become siblings with each other. A sense of longing surrounds Kogra for Makaroth; an unexplored avenue he'll never tread he fears.

Spoiler: Mozrogg Doomhowl • show
Mozrogg confuses Makaroth at the best of times. While he considers the Orc a friend, he's also somewhat unsure what goes on in the Orcs head. Occasionally he can come out with sentences of pure genius and logical thought other times the Orc comes across as your basic berserk idiot, making little to no sense at all. However he has to respect that the orc thinks and acts with his heart and gut instinct; And he likes that he cares for Kyrazha so well.

Spoiler: Srelok Grimtide • show
A certain air of guard surrounds Makaroth when he thinks of Srelok. Knowing the Orc can sense and feel emotions he's learned to mask his true feelings quite well when in a one to one situation with the Orc. While he doesn't mistrust Srelok he has to wonder if there are any ulterior motives to his sometimes insufferable willingness to help others. For Makaroth, it doesn't sit as easily as it would with other Orcs; yet hes unable to pinpoint exactly why he feels this way about Srelok. He still holds something of a grudge when Srelok warned him he'd protect Vanara at any cost from any threat, clearly indicating Makaroth; at least in his eyes. Seems he has some way to go to get past that.

Spoiler: Siyah'Gosh • show
Makaroth is going to kill Siyah'gosh one day.

Spoiler: Kozgugore Feraleye • show
The Chieftain. While Makaroth knows little about the Orc on a personal level, he has to respect the orcs position as the Chieftain of the Tribe. Sometimes elusive and hard to find, he wonders what the Orc does behind closed doors; And how an orc with such a way with words can be such a recluse sometimes.

Spoiler: Kyrazha Throatrender • show
Kyrazha's simplistic view on life is a breath of fresh air sometimes, yet he knows her well enough to not think of her as stupid. Beneath that simple exterior is an orc he knows is shrewd and cunning, luring people into a false sense of security by playing something of a fool. He appreciates her concern towards Vanara and knows that all she is doing is looking out for him as any friend would.

Spoiler: Nosh'marak Ironclaw • show
After much time Nosh'marak seems to have found his place in the Tribe, and Makaroth is glad of that. He wonders what the Orcs future plans are.

Spoiler: Kargnar Bloodpaw • show
Having patched up their differences once more they are considered friends, although perhaps not as close as other Orcs.


Spoiler: Doug • show
Doug is dead.



Updated from the top of my head. So shortly.
And they call me insane? I am the most sane person around!


Updated a few of mine as well. Will go through the list a bit more thoroughly at some point and update and add more. :P
Sinami Swifthowl
- Huntress of the Redblade Clan - Mate of Kozgugore Feraleye - Devotee of Akala and Kavara -

Karak Stormsong

I'm probably going to spell everyone's names wrong

Siyah, irksome fortune teller of no Use or comprehension

Self View:

The Siyah'Gosh knows truly what is in his Den and Heart, and is yet, perchance, forever that. Great enough for wisdom, and in that; a paradox. How can a tree grow when the axeman takes the greatest amongst its kin? A gilded cage is still a cage, and even the lightest of chains burn harsher than any fire.

Instead, I shall keep my eyes to The Star, and through providence, the leopard may well change his spots.

Spoiler: Vanara Ashveil • show
Angry Wolf, biting at heels. Great Ukraga, the largest earth-spirit in Mulgore has a density that is unmatched by this one's head.

Spoiler: Srelok • show
MArtyr Wolf, bound by Compassion. A noble totem, yet the wilds wonder whether his sacrifices are for the worthy.

Spoiler: Kyrazha • show
Queen Cat, courted by many. Too lukewarm for guile and wisdom, she should spark her fires once again.

Spoiler: Trakmar • show
Great Lynx, failing and falling. A time for the younger to take his place, perhaps?

Spoiler: Kozgugore • show
His arm brings pain, avoid his gaze.

Spoiler: Sadok • show
Maneless Lion, a hollow roar; much like all the others. Yet in get he should not be, for he swore otherwise. We wonder why the spirits have such mercy.

Spoiler: Arkail • show
The Three-eyed Archivist, who in wisdom, spoke to the right being.

Spoiler: Umaua • show
Skull-bearing wolf, or perhaps a hyena? A fine huntress and a patient speaker, though; I dislike Hyenas, so...

Spoiler: Shasroshan • show
Ironmonger, running away. See how clearly her anger goes where her heart is, see how easily her foresight does not. Just like a cat.

Spoiler: Threknal. Or Threkna. Stop having so many similar names, you lot! Trakmar's alt thing. • show
No one has failed to understand a lesson of Guile more than you. How we laughed, and even now, the Fox is still shaking in fright.

Spoiler: Therak • show
Ssssserpent. One that should watch that comes from his forked tongued, less it be all he tastes.

Spoiler: Mok'thar • show
Does the Metal's song still seem as sweet to you now?

Spoiler: Mozrogg • show
A Boar in all but shape.

Spoiler: Gridish • show
Your book is not an adequete replacement for your lack of personality

Spoiler: Lofty • show

Spoiler: Krogon • show
The Hound, barking at trees and running headlong as commanded. A shame you did not listen to my counsel longer, yours was a dark fate but not one that meant the end.

Spoiler: Makaroth • show
A devil in the dark is watching you, felmarked one; and flee as you must he still sees the sins crawling down your scalp. You think me of a friend now too, how odd! All it took is for me to kill you and to speak in meaningless verse for an evening.

There are of course, more of note, met throughout my years'-time:
So why not list in amatuer verse, in broken pace and rhyme.
So I say, no in true order or sense of beat;
Everyone I named in winter orthe summer's heat:

Spoiler: Kogra • show
The Blind Wolf, beginning to learn.

Spoiler: Rhonya • show
The Den Mother, continuing to yearn

Spoiler: Kargnar • show
The Den father, hands still dirty.

Spoiler: Caruk • show
The Scarecrow, ever so shirty.

Spoiler: Groshnokk • show
The Rabid Wolf, with no reason to care.

Spoiler: Nosh'marak' • show
A Maddened Wolf, Try it - I dare.

Spoiler: Lo'gush • show
The Sundered Wolf, missing an arm.

Spoiler: Baji • show
The innocent, fated to farm

Spoiler: Rikclar • show
The reaver, had his day

Spoiler: Arnhuum • show
The Wise, Asking Away

Spoiler: Painted Skulls Trolls • show
The Magpies, beaks-a-twitter

Spoiler: Our Forsaken Hosts • show
The dead, tasting so bitter

But this truly means little, and yes there's more,
For in truth, my heart needs stricter lore,
Of the names of those I see now as kin,
Sticking with me, in goodness and sin,
First a guide, so black and greedy,
Yet with patience and sacrifice - shelters the needy,
Second a sage, blessed with guile
Third a brother, for making me smile

Yet above all of these, in heaven and earth,
The One that gives the truest worth,
Who came to me, singing so sweetly,
Who stole my heart ever so neatly,
What manner of beast could ever it be?
To soothe a creature as dread as me?
Just a single thing, small an fey,
I'll state her form once, so listen and pray,

One small thing, truth in flat.

hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerHTML = 'Spoiler: ???show'; }" />Spoiler: ???show
Just a Cat,
My friend;
And That... is That.

Old uncle Nazgrel;felling trees,
Cut his legs off at the knees.
"I'll sew them back on!" cried his daughter,
"No!" he said, "I like them shorter"
-By Karak, shortly before being throttled by Claws


((Finally finished mine after Karak reminded me when he posted his! ))