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Ganful Saurrage

Started by Ganful, October 30, 2014, 01:03:22 AM

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Name: Ganful Saurrage
Class:  Shaman
Level:  90

Started Role playing halfway through Wrath, have played everything from a scarlet crusader to a dark cultist, and most things in between.
Recently, I've primarily played as a DM for events, and as a gnomette.

Ganful Saurrage is a decently young orc, and an unskilled shaman, supplementing his lacking ability with a broad understanding off the natural world preferring the relatively safe handling off herbs.
If possible, he'll pursue learning, and find someone wise, and perhaps patient enough to aid him in his development.


Hello Ganful!

First of all, welcome to the Red Blades! I've taken a look at your application, but I have some short things I would prefferably see added.
I'd like to see a little more about Ganfuls past, perhaps a clan he belonged to (or maybe he's clanless), how he grew up and what made him the orc he is today. If you need any pointers for the orc lore, it can be found here : http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php/topic,2439.0.html
And the timeline we use (loosely) can be found here: http://orcsoftheredblade.com/forum/index.php/topic,2438.0.html
Also I'd like to see a reason why he would find the Red Blades at the moment. Please take into consideration we're at war now in the Blasted lands, so perhaps that is something you can build a little on, that he wishes to join the war effort too.
You can edit the post above, or just add a little in a new post, and then we'll take another look! :D
Good luck!

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."