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Arena - find team mates here

Started by Okiba, August 23, 2014, 05:42:04 PM

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So! Everyone occasionally needs to boost an alt, find a partner or is willing to help boost a friend through Arena for conquest points.

Using this thread you can post up which alts you want to get boosted, or geared characters your willing to use to boost people. Keep in mind you may want to get a combo/team that compliments your class/spec.

like thus...


Arhnum - Balance druid (Grievous, parts prideful)

Suultar - Unholy DK (Grievous, parts prideful)

Krogon - Combat Rogue (full prideful)

Jasignha - Arms warrior (full prideful)

chars needing boosts:

Arhnum - Balance druid (Grievous, parts prideful)

Suultar - Unholy DK (Grievous, parts prideful)
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."


Rargnasha - Arms warrior (Full prideful)

Depends -heavily- on schedule.
Appendix means... What?!


Booster- Gashuk - Destruction Warlock for boosts. (Full Prideful)

To be boosted - Gashúk - Elemental Shaman (Some Grievous, mostly Timeless.)
-Gashuk, Son of Garrak-
"When the ashes fall and the green winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives."


Chars needing boosts:

Groshnok - Arms warrior (Grievous, parts prideful)


Booster/not so much!:
Due to school, its very much when i want too and have energy too, go ahead and ask, but you might very well get a no, unless it's a weekend!

I can heal on a resto druid, Aharnu and reck some nubs with my full prideful sub(mainly)/combat rogue.
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.

Kogra Windwatcher

Kogra - Enhancement/Restoration shammy, both full pridefull.

Depends on my weekly schedule for college but should be around most of the times.
"Never leave an enemy to die alone in the cold. Warriors should die with hot blood on their hands, not with ice in their veins"