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Paying the Price.

Started by Therak, May 02, 2013, 11:30:57 PM

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((Right, slightly creepy, and very short story. But I'm letting you get an idea just what selling Rhonya to a random forsaken gentleman entails...))

Martur Von Hickory leaned back in the chair, smoke trailing up from his pipe. The female orc was fast asleep in the bed. His eyes followed the dancing shapes of the smoke, his mind busy reflecting over the evening.
It had been a slow start, Rhonya had been anything but cooperative at first. Her answers short, verging of hostile. She'd almost made him lose his temper... But after a short exchange, she'd at least made an effort. The conversation had been pleasant after a while. And when she'd been tired, he'd helped her to bed... Such a sweet little thing...
He quietly got up from the chair, walking over to the sleeping she-orc, careful to not disturb the neatly folded clothes on the floor by the bed.
”You're such a pleasant little thing...” Hicks reached out, stroking her hair tenderly. She didn't even stir. Nothing short of physical violence would wake her for hours still.
”Sweet, almost innocent... But...” He leaned down, almost buried his face in her hair and inhaled deeply.
”With just a slight hint of fel... A rose with thorns and all... Quite delightful...”
With a content sigh he pulled the cover back over an escaped leg, and moved back to his chair.
”I did promise I'd keep you safe, and I do keep my promises...”
A faint smile played on his lips, unblinking stare focused on the sleeping orc as he poured himself a cup of wine from a nearby bottle.
”Women are so lovely when they sleep, peaceful... natural... Quite refreshing... The way their hair move across their skin as they turn... The way their chest heave with each breath... Their sweet sweet dreams...”
Martur closed his eyes, letting the sensations wash over him. Feeling the pride and joy as she played with her children. Chasing them around endless plains. Skorm up to mischief with his bone club, and the twins constantly swapping places.
It was still dark when he opened his eyes again. He smiled as he got from the chair with a creak, stopping dead when Rhonya groaned and stirred slightly. Once she had settled down again, he snuck out the door, returning with a tray ladened with breakfast, placing it on the bedside table.
”Rest well my dear. The food will help with the hangover...”
With a smile he walked out the door, to meet the new day.
Think, assess, act.


((Ahhh, Good old hicks!))
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


Light shone through her eyelids as she opened them slightly, before closing them again with a loud groan. It was still slightly dark in the room, though for her sensations it felt like someone was shining a bright lamp directly in her face. Rhonya stirred, one hand moving to her head as she now realised the almost booming pain in there, a pounding feeling in her skull which made her almost unable to think. Where was she?
Slightly she opened her eyes again, blinking against the pain, looking around the room she was in. It looked like the inn..How had she gotten in here, was the next question. And, why was she not wearing any clothes... She sat up quickly when she realised this, before yelping in pain again, both hands grabbing her head as the pain increased.
Her memory of the night before was completely blurry, she only remembered talking to that Forsaken, drinking some ale, and after that it was all black. She couldn't even remember what exactly they had spoken about. Even her sleeping had been vague, she knew she had some kind of dream, but she couldn't remember...
The fabric of her blanket moved against her bare skin as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed slowly, only now discovering the tray of food on the nightstand and the neatly folded bundle of clothes next to her bed.
"What in ancestors name..." She mumbled to herself, before quickly but clumsily putting on her clothes, the pounding pain still in her head, her throat dry and her stomach feeling very empty. She eyed the food wearily for a moment before snorting and just eating most of it, also drinking the glass of water that was next to it.
Rhonya would have to go talk to him. She wanted to know what happened, why she had been undressed. She could even still smell the smoke of his pipe in the room, meaning he'd been sitting here probably. She eyed the chair and growled softly, standing up.
He'd promised not to harm her. Well, this enormous headache hadn't really been in the package either, normally she was wise enough not to drink too much, and she was sure she hadn't even drank so much to be granted with a hangover as large as this.
Narrowing her eyes greatly against the light that appeared when she opened the door of the room, she staggered outside, looking completely awful, going in search of the damned Forsaken. She'd demand answers!

((Just a short reaction! :3 Poor, poor Rhonya.. what did she do to deserve this?! Love your story, Therak :P ))
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."


(( *pulls his legs up and rocks back and forth* ))
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.