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The Meeting

Started by Therak, February 03, 2013, 08:04:32 PM

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The back room of the cave was lit only by a small lantern, casting a faint light, leaving nothing but outlines of the orcs and the sparse furniture.
Therak took a deep breath, before wrapping the dark cloak around him, pulling the hood down to conceal his face, before nodding to the other two. It was time.
Therak lead the way back into the main area, all of them walking silently in the dark. There were torches in there, but they were few and far between, giving enough light to allow you to not walk into anything, or anyone. But not much more then that. In the center of the cave was a hearth, burnt out, but from above a beam of light shone down, illuminating it.
The three orcs walked to their assigned places in the circle, there were perhaps fifty other shapes in the darkness, all wearing the same colored cloaks, hoods pulled down far enough to hide their faces. They came in all shapes and sizes, some short, like a dwarf, and some obviously tauren.

”Again we have gathered, again we stand by the Hearth.” Theraks voice broke through the silence, fixing everyone’s attention on him.
”The Hearth may have gone cold...” He began the phrase, letting those gathered finish it.
”But the memories of the fire, the laughter and camaraderie remains.”
Therak walked up to the pillar of light, all eyes on him as he began speaking.
”We have gathered here to discuss events around us, but there are matters we must attend to first.” He looked out across those gathered nodding slowly.
”There are some among us who have paid the highest price for their duty. But before we speak the words of remembrance, we have a new voice this evening.” Extending his hand to one of those who arrived with him, he spoke again.
”The Novice has come to add her voice to our own, she remembers warmth, laughter and camaraderie. She knows the value of secrets. Her hand heals that which ails. Her tongue knows when to be still”
As he pointed to her, she moved to join him in the middle, her steps hesitant at first, but her pose as she stood in the light, betrayed little of the sort.
”Speak Novice, so we may know your voice, speak and add your voice to ours.” The choir of voices echoed through the cave.
”I am the Novice, I join my voice to yours. When the Hearth again holds a fire, I shall sit as one of you, and celebrate our victory.”
”We know your voice, as you now know ours. We keep your secrets, as you keep ours. When you need aid, we shall be there, just as you will stand by us. When the fire again burns, we will raise our mugs for you, as you'll raise yours for ours.”
The introductions complete, The Novice walked back, leaving Therak alone in the center.
“The Merchant, The Guardian, The Beggar and The Archer have all been taken from us, killed by the Kor’kron after discovery. The Broken and The Singer both were discovered among the cults they had infiltrated. Six of the Inner circle dead, in less than six months. We remember their names, and will sing songs of them when the Hearth warms us all…”
Those gathered lowered their heads, answering.
“As we do with all who fall, we honor them and remember their sacrifice.”
“And this is why we have gathered, the Kor’kron are getting more and more aggressive, the Warchief commands them to be more ruthless than ever. Any who does not stand with him, are considered an enemy. As you have heard, Martial Law holds the Echo Isles. The Red Blades are exiled. The Banner of Bloodhoof have almost all gone into hiding.”
The orc looked over those gathered, pausing to let what he’s said sink in.
“And not only that. There’s the Plague Bombing in Eversong, and an attempted one in Arathi. The Alliance prince is rumored to be gravely injured. Dalaran have thrown in with the Alliance, or near enough. Things have gone so far, gotten so out of hand that we must act. If the war between the Horde and the Alliance goes so far, it’s less a war, and more a struggle to fully annihilate the other side. All we have built is at risk. A war is good for business. But if it escalates the risks will be too high.”
Having said his piece, Therak nodded, walking back to his place. Watching as another member walked up to the center. Addressing the crowd with a hissing, wheezing voice.
“I have been looking into thiss ssecond plague bomb… It iss NOT by the same group that are ressponssible for Eversssong…”
His yellow glowing eyes moved over those in the assembly, daring anyone to contradict him.
“It isss… wrong, I have accounted for none of them moving into Arathi. Certainly not with barrels of plague… I sssay guilt for that… liesss elsssewere…”
Nodding, the Forsaken returned to his place, leaving the center open to anyone else wishing to speak.
“The Snake speaks true, the method feels wrong. There range of the plague wouldn’t have gotten much further then Hammerfall. There were better places for it, that could have done more damage, without making it easier to find. It does not add up.” A speaker next to Therak didn’t even bother walking to the center to speak, shouting out his message.
“The Tactician hasss a point… It doesss not add up. I will look into fffurther”

“And the Heinous acts of the Horde, the enslaved elementals. The Demons running amok? What is being done about that? The Alliance prepares paladins, priests and shamans for handling the threat, but many of us saw the Horde that gave in to the bloodlust. What will be done!?”
The Drunkard used his best battlefield shout to make himself heard through the silence. Another one not bothered to take the speakers place in the center.
“You know we do not act directly. We watch, we whisper. At most, we suggest. As an individual, you are free to act. But the Hearthsworn will not act as one. Not unless things go much too far. I can reassure you though. I have it from a good source that the Blademasters intend to act, he won’t give me details, and I did not press for them. But they will act.”
The Drunkard nodded, not too pleased, but accepting the answer given by Therak.

The meeting went on like this for another three hours, arguing back and forth. A few decisions made, but mostly just discussing, trying to find a pattern or at least try to find out what was going on across Azeroth.

The meeting finally over, the three orcs hung their capes in the back room, speaking quietly among each other. It was soon time to head back to the cabin, and then finally. Back to the Tribe.
Think, assess, act.


Very interesting! and well written! so many questions!
Okiba Spearbreaker - Nag'Ogar and Warrior Monk of the Horde
"Strength, Discipline, Mastery."



I like it! <3 But you already knew that. Haha.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."