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OOC question regarding IC name!

Started by Nimmosh, April 15, 2012, 01:11:39 PM

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Hey guys! It's great to finally be a part of the Red Blades! (I joined a few days ago). I just have a question about my characters name...

My real name is Nim, and because it's quite unusual, I often like to incorporate it into my WoW character names. I don't have a big ego or anything or am narcissistic! I just think it often works well.

In light of this, do you think my character's name of Nimmosh is acceptable or pushing the boundaries a little, in light that it's quite similar to Garrosh.

I just wondered if you guys could give me your opinions because if it is a seemingly 'loller' name or anything that makes me seem like a less serious rp-er. I will gladly change it.

Thanks again, and thanks for letting me test my mettle with you and your guild! :-). I'm looking forward to many IC and OOC years to come with you all!
What's the similarity between rogues and new WoW players? They both pick locks! hehehe


Imo, Nimmosh is a perfectly suitable name.
It didn't make me think of Garrosh until you brought it up!
So keep the name!


It's completely fine in my opinion.
I respond to Sakareth and Azuril too.


Thanks for your opinions guys! I will definitely keep it :-D.
What's the similarity between rogues and new WoW players? They both pick locks! hehehe


Sure, its fine. Alot of names today are similar to famouse npcs anyway.. Its okay to be inspired.. :)
Nothing comes easy, and besides nothing easy is worth having.


My first orc actually had the name of a NPC in orgrimmar. That I didn't know of until mid Wrath.
Also, to some degree I disagree with the whole "DO NOT NAME YOUR CHARACTER CLOSE TO THAT OF LORE CHARACTERS/NPCS!"...

Since names go in waves and if a person is popular people are bound to name their children after him.
If you check at history I'm quite sure there are more "Karls" in Sweden born during years we've had kings with that name.
Muzjhath got Iced by Sadok, after Marogg got Stabbed.

-The orc formerly known as Muzjhath formerly known as Marogg


That's an interesting point. It's like girls in England being called Elizabeth and names from the bible.
What's the similarity between rogues and new WoW players? They both pick locks! hehehe