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Sitting in the Darkness.

Started by Gorr'ulk Grimwolf, February 18, 2010, 05:02:34 PM

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Gorr'ulk Grimwolf

The orc sits up in bed, and looks around. The tavern is dark, and aside from the goblin sleeping by the entrance, empty. Shuffling around, he leans back against the wall. Despite what the troll Barkeep had said, the beds were anything but excellent and comftable. Atleast it was warmer than the outpost.
For three nights sleep had eluded him - instead of dreams of glory, his head was filled with thoughts of the past few weeks. Even the drink refuses to grant him the darkness he desires, instead just seeming to make each thought and memory hurt like an arrow through flesh.

"He talks like a knight, he acts like a knight. Almost like a paladin."

He blinks, starring into the darkness. His mouth forms a slight snarl, though he stays silent.

"They speak not of your grimness, but of your song. You are an orc of old, part of something that died out of the hands of those careless, those led into darkness. We miss you, brother, and would wish that you leave your shame behind, and join us once more."

"His song."

The orc laughs, the sound echoing into the night. His song was one of cowardice, dishonor and lies. He carries his shame, displays it for all to know, if they took the time to care.

"You have a family, your tribe. Why not ask for help, rather than running off alone? Would you leave me fatherless again?"

No, he would not. He would stay around, even if it meant standing in shadows, and watching from the darkness. He had told the pup he needed to find his own path, but he can see it already. And he will take his first steps on this path, even if it means sacrificing he believes in. But first, he will have to get help, sort out the mess he has found himself in. Help, but not from his family, his tribe. They could not help him now. He needs to look elsewhere, and he knows just where to start.

Reaching into the darkness, the orc takes hold of a bottle, left by one of his tribe, one of the few who mattered, and pops the cork.


He will.

OOC: Just a quick IC reasoning behind Grim not being around for many events, and not staying from start -> finish on others for the next couple of days, possibly weeks. Got some new late shifts, so Im not sure how much time I'll be able to spend on WoW after about 6pm. Sorry for my poor story writing skills, meant this to be more of an Explanation then a "Omg, Storeee!"


OMG, storeee- Wat! Still, I thought it was a nice read! Been wondering for a while what his gloomy mood has been about. Didn't expect Ulah's sage advice could have driven him sad. *Snicker*
Kozgugore Feraleye - Chieftain of the Red Blade

Gorr'ulk Grimwolf

That, and many other things. S'why he's run off to the cult to cry like a baby. They have hats there.


Aww, Gorr thinks others see him as a paladin and he thinks he's nothing but shame and honourless? aww :<

Anyhoo, nice to read! ^,^
Because orcs are green..Doesn't mean they can do photosynthesis..Or can they?

Gorr'ulk Grimwolf

He wishes  :P That wus about someone else, which ticked Grim offa little. He's simple when he's drinking, makes him moody. And the moodiness leads to drinking. Its a cheerful circle.